April 25, 1934

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April 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Fair and not so cold Wednes- day. Thursday somewhat un- settled and warmer. QJ-g Akr~ga VOL. XLIV No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1934 I U Em NNIMNOWN Congressional Leaders Plan Adjournment Number Of Measures Yet To Be Considered Before Doors Can Close Senate Democrats To Discuss Tariffs 10 Bills To Come Before Senate; Only 3 To Be Considered By House WASHINGTON, April 24.-(P) - With widely varying views o...…

April 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…"'°!" THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publcation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1934 VOL. XLIV No. 146 Notices Honors Convocation: The Eleventh Annual Convocation of the Univer- sity of Michigan will be held Friday, April 27,. at 11 o'clock, in Hill Audi- torium. Classes, w...…

April 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…RIL 25, 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r' . It _ . PLAY & Normal Game BY-PLAY - By AL NEWMAN -- Wrestling.. . Paper Cups. . . ACCORDING to a dispatch from Memphis, Tenn. by the Asso-t ciated Press, "Chief Chewacki, heavy-a weight wrestler, was disqualified afterv he had wrapped a wire coat-hangerv around the head of his opponent,c Gino Garibaldi, in a wrestling matchp here. Garibaldi was declared winner. After Chewacki and Garibaldi had won one ...…

April 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ~-- fraternity man is "compensated" for the dip in his scholastic record by the other benefits which he receives from membership in the organization, it cannot be denied that the student who gets good grades gets more out of his college life in most cases than the one who does not. The fraternity men of the junior class have a slightly lower average than the independents, but they have recovered from...…

April 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

….THE MJCHIGAN DAILY New Officers Of League, W.A.A. To Be Installed Wetty Aigler Is In Charge Of Banquet To Be Held Monday, April 30 New officers for the coming year in both W.A.A. and the League will be honored at the annual installation banquet to be held at the League Monday, April 30. Betty Aigler, '35, president of van- hellenic, is in charge of the banquet, assisted by Barbara Sutherland, as entertainment chairman, and Kath- leen Carpent...…

April 25, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…TlE MICHIGAN DAILY Silver Buying Bill Likely To BeApproved President Is Reported As Ready To Compromise On Measure WASHINGTON, April 24. -()- Congressional passage and Presiden- tial approval of a bill to authorize the purchase of a billion ounces of silver for use as primary money was predicted today by a member of the Senate silver bloc. The senator, one of seven leaders, who took part in the White House conference on silver, said that wh...…

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