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April 25, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-25

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New Officers Of
League, W.A.A.
To Be Installed
Wetty Aigler Is In Charge
Of Banquet To Be Held
Monday, April 30
New officers for the coming year
in both W.A.A. and the League will
be honored at the annual installation
banquet to be held at the League
Monday, April 30.
Betty Aigler, '35, president of van-
hellenic, is in charge of the banquet,
assisted by Barbara Sutherland, as
entertainment chairman, and Kath-
leen Carpenter, '35, who is in charge
of the seating arrangements. ,
It is at this annual banquet that
the new heads of the women's or-
ganizations make their first official
appearance. Maxine Maynard, '35,
newly elected League president, and
Barbara Sutherland, '35, new secre-
tary of the League, will assume their
duties, together with the three new
vice-presidents who will be elected on
Friday. The three members of Ju-
diciary Council will also be named at
this time.
Mortarboard To Elect
According to tradition the first
announcement of new members of
Mortarboard, senior honorary socie-
ty, is made at this time. The names
are kept an absolute secret until that
apeakers at the banquet will in-
clude Dean Alice Lloyd, Dr. Margaret
Bell, and both the new and the old
presidents of the League and W.A.A.
Planning to make the banquet dif-
ferent from other years, the commit-
tee has decided on a program of en-
tertainment to be offered the guests
between courses. This will consist of
several songs sung by the Freshman
Girls' Glee Club, and selections from
the Junior Girls' Play of both this
year and last.
Must Rteserve Tickets
Reservations for the banquet should
be made immediately, according to
Miss Aigler. The tickets, which are
priced at 55 cents, will be on sale at
the League Hosiery Shop until noon
Monday. After that time tickets may
be obtained by calling Miss Miller
in the League business office. All ac-
tives and pledges of sororities, and a
large representation from the dormi-
tories and other houses usually at-
tend the banquet. All reservations
that are made at this tirhe will fa-
cilitate seating arrangements, ac-
cording to Miss Carpenter.
Theta Chi announces the pledging
of Paul Iranz, '37E, Buffalo, N.Y.

Many Universities
Submit Plans Fo r
Architets' Exhibit
Utilitarianism is the key-note of
modern architecture one soon dis-
covers on viewing the plans and de-
signs submitted in the current archi-
tectural exhibit by students from the
member schools of the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
Buildings are laid out on simple plans
in the interests of ease of approach
and facility of movement.
Among the student drawings dis-
played in the third floor exhibition
room of the Architectural Building.
are plans . for a radio broadcasting
station, banks, city and country resi-
dences, monuments, a mausoleum,
and churches. A design for a Span-
ish Grill is done with a lively execu-
tion of the details and intricacies of
wrought iron. A Mayan Frontispiece
imparts, a sense of exotic orientalism
with its warm browns and dusty
greens borrowed from the deserts and
the hills. Designed in the true mod-
ern spirit is the modernistic Ferry
Wharf, planned to incorporate a
minimum of structure with a maxi-
mum of lighting.
In these modern buildings, there is
little that is ornate or complex. Fac-
ades are practically devoid of deco-
rative details, lines are long and un-
Equestrians To
Participate I
n 1
Final tryouts for the recently or-
ganized riding club, The Crop and
Saddle, will be held this afternoon at
the Fair Grounds, according to Jane
Brucker, '35, riding manager of,
W.A.A. Those students interested in'
attending will meet at 4 p.m. at the
League. Guy Mullison will drive them
to his stables.
Thirty-five women have already
participated in tryouts and the quota
for membership is only 25. Further
tryouts are being held today so as
not to exclude those persons with
equestrian skill who were unable to go
Captain Arthur B. Custis and Ada
Moyer, '35, will judge. Mounting, dis-
mounting, saddling, bridling, chang-
ing leads as well as other points in
horsemanship will be included in the,
trials. Miss Brucker urges every one-
interested in riding to try out as the
Club will be the center of riding
activities. Non-members will not be
permitted to enter the spring horse

Artists' Choice Of New York Debutantes

-Associated Press Photo
A group of artists at the second Blue and White ball in New York j
selected Betty Kip (left) as the New York debutante with the most
character, and Joan Power (right) as the city's most beautiful debutante.,
"Talkie's Thougyht To Result In
1'.InefilorLeg1itttate Sag

Kohl Names
Patrons List
Of Military Ball
Final arrangements have been
made for the Military Ball to be given
April 27 in the Union ballroom and
all tickets sold, according to the an-
nouncement of Frederick S. Kohl,
'34E, general chairman.
The patrons and patronesses for the
dance are Gov. and Mrs. William A.
Comstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M.
Brucker, President Alexander G.
Ruthven, Regent and Mrs. Junius E.
Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cram, Re-
gent and Mrs. James O. Murfin, Re-
gent and Mrs. Paul H. Voelker, Re-
gent, and Mrs. Ralph Stone, Regent
and Mrs. Richard R. Smith, Regent
and Mrs. Edmund C. Shields, Regent
and Mrs. Franklin M. Cook, Regent
Charles F. Herman.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Shorts, Mr. and
Mrs. William Clements, Bay City;
Mr. and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum, Mr.
and Mrs. James D. Bruce, Dean and
Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Dean Mortimer
Cooley, Dean 'and Mrs. Samuel T.
Dana, Dean and Mrs. Wilbur H.
Humphreys, Dean and Mrs. Carl Hu-
ber, Dean and Mrs. Clare E. Griffin,
Dean and Mrs. Alfred Lovell, Dean
and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Dean and
Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean and
Mrs. Fredrick G. Novy, Dean and
Mrs. Herbert C. Sadler, Dean and
Mrs. Marcus L. Ward.
Prof. and Mrs. Emil Lorch, Prof.
and Mrs. Howard B. Lewis, Prof. and
Mrs. Charles A. Sink, Prof. and Mrs.
William H. Hobbs, Prof. and Mrs.
E. Blythe Stason, Prof. a/nd Mrs. Ar-
thur E. Boak, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick
A. Coller, Dr. and Mrs. Reuben L.
Kahn, Major and Mrs. Herbert A.
Kenyon, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A.
Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Fred B. Wahr.
Mr. Walter B. Rea, Dean Alice Lloyd,
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Forsythe.
Col. and Mrs. Alfred H. White, Col.
and Mrs. Henry W. Miller, Lt. Col.
and Mrs. Glenn Arnold, Lt. Col. and
Mrs. F. C. Rogers, Major and Mrs.
J. C. Brier, Major and Mrs. Walter
Lay, Major and Mrs. Philip C. Pack,
Major and Mrs. Frank A. Mickle,
Major and Mrs. Walter Dasler, Ma-
jor and Mrs. Clair Upthegrove, Major
Gen. and Mrs. Preston Brown, Col.
Edgar S. Sirme, Col. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Langdon.
The drama and book sections of
the Junior A.A.U.W. will hold a joint
meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. in rooms
318 and 320 at the Union. Professor
J. Raleigh Nelson will give a review
of "Anthony Adverse."
This will take the place of the usual
supper meeting and at this time
members of the major group are in-
vited to join with the juniors.

Instead of a supreme menace, the
talkies turned out to be a blessing in
disguise for the legitimate theatre
because the movie industry can now
take care of all the musical comedies
of the leg show type, leaving the more
worthwhile type of play to the true
stage, according to Russell McCrack-
en, of the Play Production faculty.,
Directing Movie Satire
Now directing a satire on the movie
industry, "Once in a Lifetime" which
will open tomorrow night, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Mr. Mc-
Cracken has been interested in the ef-I
fect of the talkies on the legitimate
stage, ever since people first leaned
forward in their seats to see if the
voices were actually synchronized
with the lip movement, way back in
At that time it was predicted that
talkies would eventually supplant the
legitimate stage, and indeed for the
past few years, the stage has not
been very successfully financially but
this corresponds to the depressions
in other industries, and therefore
cannot be regarded as the effect of
the movies. Through the fact that the
movies have taken over some of the
cheaper, less thoughtful functions of'

the stage, more attention can now be
given to plays featuring the "folk,"
and scientific attitude, and to tre-
mendous farce, instead of merely sup-
plying popular demand.
Satirizes Hollywood
"Once in a Lifetime," by George
Kaufman and Moss hart, satirizes
the attempts of the producers to
supply this popular demand, and al-
though it was written in 1929 when
the talkies first came in, it is just
as applicable today. Kaufman knew
his Hollywood, having spent some
time there under contract, after
which he himself said that he did
nothing at all and got paid for it.
Some time later he wrote the satire,
"Once In a Lifetime."
As produced by Play Production,
"Once in a Lifetime" will illustrate
one of the newer tendencies of the
legitimate theatre, in which the play
is now being stressed as the important
thing, rather than being guised mere-
ly as a vehicle to display the talents
and temperament of those in the
leading roles. This stress on plot with
a definite problem is illustrated by
the plays which have appeared re-
cently in New York, notably, "Of
Thee I Sing," also by Kaufman.

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