December 10, 1894

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December 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…ti I AIR. , l Alai l V 0L. V. NO. j57. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MOND)AY, DECEMBER 1o. 189 4. PtRICEii --itIREE CiiEN-Is. BUFFALO ALUMNI Have Effected a Permanent Organ- ization.-Will Try to Have One Oornell Game in Buffale. Reserved Seats on Sale. ii snichalt Im hei di ii Y c c1 c~i.cs f II(, c~tt orlitt gris l 1)ie vi. S. C. A. Meeting. IDr. l iiieispoe il i Neiri errr e lvi .1iii istii e ll-liil"'. oii i isi.ill < ii i h llsi lie l s...…

December 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 34111'Wade1(1ld 'atierstll. Fifty ('ouides Pres. Angell's Mother Dead. SPECIAL SACS.. _________ >2I~221fMrs. tAtle Aiigell. 1lootll('iotf t I 'iiN sFIA In' Collegelleat',ta (l (" f ie ollccss by ths the .'lhe ervisiols tfiIlIt''fllleivinogroColS-1 1Y7E S TU t: M I1D1'Dr(AS'ITOH itilt'. ett 1 . tirtI.Sgm; t 1.0 II1, i iti'l' 11IiI nRazor, needle, Yale, Opera, and OFIE:' e~nSbilding N. tfin t ., oppitote dnor' StiI. frnar...…

December 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…FrIE LU. OF M. I)AILY. . IGHIGAN T At the Grand Opera House. Time Table (Reeksed) Nov. 18, 1844. A bitey \ittt'titlil. bofot ol y with 0000 eo. r , I e 'x111at tilllosit to.. Gtvo. AV. Slit- 1x11landEx-__-__150 111xoil - X8 I det . Dill) tocl IC. liti-it1 ot i ; N4. Y. Special-_. 5 15 N. Y. Special - 7,20 !'Illies,1fit' Potoml ' ow o ti tle I') ' Pastern Es--0 25 N. S.Liteited. 19)5 A. 31. Pacifilc Ex. ----_11 ('C. 1 loei-Nty Stootkiriditt...…

December 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THEEIT. OF Al.-DI)LY. 72 F. C. STEBBINS, II L 751 D~~~l~ lALR V~iY $01 5 fist 52 d $25 F0 E 0 0/s I [TS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED tw it lices w! :III (ii itijt Wik. (u'hoeai} > Gid Oct -hoe:- it havie ( votir lt A tciii Wor fi(i.;1kI all;,uad get prices ~nd se cwork. Goalicy all on First Floor. LAGPINS -150 y c otiv nd lue Bt- tons 6r. 'Wtl J. of 111. or tle Jyear 75c. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. MRS AN IE WARD FOSTER'S' School o Dancig ad Delsar...…

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