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December 10, 1894 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1894-12-10

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IGHIGAN T At the Grand Opera House.
Time Table (Reeksed) Nov. 18, 1844. A bitey \ittt'titlil. bofot ol y with
0000 eo. r , I e 'x111at tilllosit to.. Gtvo. AV. Slit-
1x11landEx-__-__150 111xoil - X8 I det . Dill) tocl IC. liti-it1 ot i ;
N4. Y. Special-_. 5 15 N. Y. Special - 7,20 !'Illies,1fit' Potoml ' ow o ti tle I') '
Pastern Es--0 25 N. S.Liteited. 19)5
A. 31. Pacifilc Ex. ----_11 ('C. 1 loei-Nty Stootkiridittt.Lifeiiof tl
letic Es.--..-'7 47 1. It esit Sostti le '
t). N. Exopress--- 5 40 Western Ex.-- 2 i2 B son M s't -Soc oAdhi~
G. 1R. Expresso_ ti 53 t1ti. Nt. 1Ey---- 10 2; Iito AttnI . tttc oitito t t llilt ,I'f
G. REx ------- t)5o~ cti:
ti . i TA-t.tti ItI. A1V.. ll At-hoe. Oliolss ittotit oosti:e ottit': Ii', tot
AOA. NNVI RiJC*ttti( itt4 11.151l lto Toi'y
G.1' T nt, hc 10. n., 'iA04 . lMois t llt till' Ill N ot tii eil kit ei.
T " biepl illiil0:0 I)11.t 01. __t"11 1.
'icotis ci t0''leave oiinn -rior C tral tcie'Stan - - 111 ll It 11031f 11:i ll o iill o.
a ilnd itime . If Ot~iillV11-i-I too 1 11 E.1 'ttco ll wthI l k 12
S IoRFRSO )01r1, Aet's 0 ' Onin ies wil1w) . t.tr c
ii :11a. m. 5 I'A *7t i tei a. iki.otttity s oiitiict 1) i 211
ANN2ARBOR.&I YPSILANTI S. Y. Gill I o tt11e111 loictl htisit. 't1is c,
11:1) p. tm.: :5 9:)5 5 00p4. 111 oit 11)0 t) )111ttil t
00:1051. Ilot 0 t oll is02 1 100 oIthii-o . ru }
Alcoandi' y.0e1) cettoi- i lalollteti h useI]w1 7ed:ldav. 1 v 1)
110. t;t 1 S .GREEN.O tliot1) Anet IIItti oo-t
cl1(,':i1) ne 1o)0ldo11011)11v Il
to-N o'A iiti & SIAN~ oi TII l T) , 111 111 11, ;wi ;vt 1i1wtl vst hsi
to: toti tip ietoos 1. too...1. ot i " oult l uti o It i ftI Itiol 1let) iti ttO
.111Iit kee s trity 151150)l'tit
Lev lsiat fom so nn ct ,70, 100
FL WES:FL WE S iopti' lI.n I.Itol c1
Lea ottAnI Aro r Ju11.,5 1Is '2 :30,9:30and.
11:30:L. & ALL;FIirtls 45,iiit30-7tet-7:I0at-tio -181:12

NOTICES. 1111 51ichitt7an tt tsill0;11_ 11 oIus tot 01)
('1110010itOto tocig solc1)- oti1itivttt'tis O NE, DA0N1)1)1 15I'. ..1
ocyit ofitOraJtorical02).soia ~l'Ction c 11000, toO li'c.I11,otot i itook ('o tt:,
5ay s ec . be at'.ol1011 i., ltroiioi 2 too to ('lo1)ok totrt.1 11)00 0)11 to' ot't i lt: 0o


plaid ill ladvancetI. 1.10110)0 50111, 11111111dtispolaytt t ' olo1100 il.1111 Ott)w
soic tolltIPay )your to'e'tot 11r. PIto 1- tt oiotO 1)are- -tll-teed 1 tot t2to 1.
days1andoThursdaoii'tys, 1). i.; 2': ines5 I LOST.- -Cit 11011 100) .ir
111150 11111Fridyi 1 t. 0in. (two11!tttttst'. It Bair1-110 1.101 1111110011 7110000
o'laseso)t;01women'l. SMoondays otId OVoit- t-'inderoo toill htot' tiIt' 1)1 y o'ttitiitt
iococtays, 11 a. 1in.; ''ttsdtayo I1Itsa11111)' loo 011)0 o
'I'lur(Ias, it or]I.a. il"110 NIINCAN.0 1 LIS.1t'I'tt.
Pers'OonslO lllt'111110tto) 11110 I otli51' 6_1 ;. Slt' c t. so-s. .Anniie' Wardt't I 00)1-
OletictotootllsemelHsteri, still tpleas'e11)1ee tclss a to -sooifoul atool oi~lto)0,0
101 10o11o ( to o ll ltiosclyt:Dec)'I. 1 t ( dan .010)0111 it':i'ol thoilig Ill(
deocidedt1101 111 01pon 1:1 1 n" to t 10101)1 Iteril Itot'101util ishoot o111015- : _1a1- ..3
class.1Bol.,toot st-te, oiditlo~t'its, (t(-.. bt
Iio'piOi'):o till btoo'eistooby 7)1 ' )'inilllii stt') 1l i'iiatgI, rlot-tton, lltiotlerich ,
)11110litt os. .0111'-re gflo s~tt to t 11111saottI't'lcise00. 0tilt ineoedsotoo ol:l'
011-11 flit o' may:) 7)11111 'st .020011 t popelyo. Stloi),t'Io 110171000 i a -I
too' the majority of tot' c1 isi lothnoes)-dances 111)01 to:- (Germlano 1110'
It. t. iN taci:tit. i-io'' o st-itws itirodcedot tsst
1'. )I'1I.i':I I ;Dsos-! tueo -11lipto'l dainceotas' clihtogIt

Dtoo. ilo' l-, "1)0REU EN H K MP
11)tooty ltio.Teher of PianioOrgan and Tiusil'
.Bohll.. 1ec.1. -Lad ies'il 1' 0 Comoposition;also the Act oil
Inlanditi 111110ilit:;e. -00Teachitng
SoldsO litst pubilitet1)0imA ER R
Dilemma 4 1'lllThrs., IDec. 15 . l'tlt," lltt- IAP4UMUIW, I. m
Y \." ,rtirieze SIMemor1il11.1111.
i ,'fittit., Io'ect. :. 11110 li w~i nt DIETAS & SCHANZi
ireqoentliyconsosts Fin., Dot'. 11.-1 'ottmbo rginO. OF W. 11I&ZLOFLSI.
sowhethor to at1o000La1et aSd t., iylo. o11 . Si Ii ado1i0
/ boty at highi ce wr tootool leni,, l'sil7a i.,
sr 1 tiotru tttccorto tcy togoes ibofooroe Shtodett s' Lcur 0 so epi-m"nety on
to obtainoa goodl too- elatoiton . I1Iiooo4010St,011 10~i~i ocAicr 5ti
oi sletcion amiong : ois oooeri 't'ti
____cheap goods Noow aCRli est- alA N C ~ '
, J~...-. itn regard to cthe-iit. "W 2 SCHOOL OF DANCING.
,,... Si on All el~tl)l. I retoceroi te ::ci 10) o
X01ol all '1 o w o nt , of $-0lilt' iettoti t i oto I t 5d'io 4.tosO. r n t
- - . 1 -22 Years oto the Business
__w oett lhe CT AUDY
--atime, andtio lieos tfornished tbyioptyiol
L " MotD~St: tostti5 ohtyl~. 1. SEABOTT No. 4 N. 4th avo.
cisco'. Tealie100 ttilioii looat soout to MERCHANT TAILORING
you may pay 5asomoch as y-ootplease fec anthler take l-ea ss acraiote'oiforitw ota.dto wotol0011 'toatis;, itessinr idtoRetiaiin
and yout soill set obtaito as high quaity ; or yoot nay 0 ot11''1 'ri11dt) o to h. Is ~ 'o eatty 11
search a life-ime among cheaper goods swithout fotdieg - AltO. Otheylare1cracked,111))t.)WaslolBytytby
anythitog that at all approaches thems. OWhentyou're thoe 00, ay I)') illoltcot' odttit i 'o'st l __________________________
ready to talk oe-rooninstrumsent itispect these tolgoofi too' stelts. Cllt 11ltttll I11toilook the +It +
* cent pr~ouchtins of thte largest tmtusicaol factory its the a flot too. Picel 5. R.i. I ho loot.11I N
woorld. 'Ohey' ace sold by leading dealers everywohtere. I ltts s.r
Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue containing portraits 011t10 leadig l(S0' 111 . tro lit oolt IITdA
a i s t s ,b e e , n p o no o p p i c t i o t o t hl e i o o tn u fa c t o o e s . :U* f f
FACTORY .SALESROOMS 1(1C 1 1t~'.-Itotontis tor o tl tso 10 to- 0PSI 15 NTIi St ICH.
Opposite Union Park Wabash Av'enue and tog ott 47 Et. .0100tot.
Cig.MAasStreet SUNDAY D ATNERSfAT 5 lflfnlf
Chcg..Chicago... i'so'thot' S0II1ftIltIA: I 1.1 >~ 1 t IN E S UUU.
-1(1-0 4t)( 10 Stadeats ooool tc ito s shoooul make;ttio
()oitcouttofteIell)' i ti o too A oothe teitrIheadquateros whllin toYptsilantit, atd I
ftlrv ('t olototbiaoto r ',anthe(lotiilligdoI(too ssre then thoeysolO hoodme, s eseo,
b 'iost tcortdially,
reall sill sell rtoottt trill tickets to Ann 'W'. H. LEWIS, Prop.
Sole Agents, 1 Q" 'ij Or ate Arborolec.1-,_godtoetrnec
Vi, for otto' fart' foot rountdc trip f rooms Subscribe for (toe Daily.

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