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December 10, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-12-10

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, l Alai l

V 0L. V. NO. j57.


PtRICEii --itIREE CiiEN-Is.

Have Effected a Permanent Organ-
ization.-Will Try to Have One
Oornell Game in Buffale.

Reserved Seats on Sale.
ii snichalt Im hei di ii Y c c1
c~i.cs f II(, c~tt orlitt gris l 1)ie vi.

S. C. A. Meeting.
IDr. l iiieispoe il i Neiri errr e
lvi .1iii istii e ll-liil"'. oii i isi.ill
< ii i h llsi lie l s (' i li -

Miiil. Bufflo i iuinivv i c lii ii ;;lii I i .ii t l i Sev rhoii ii '<i r tev.il Iii lby iivire vsein..ad irisiii. Mark t
11 er 'tihe - iioli -vvliii: I iwill 1ievov v ist iioi t~r v i l liv vsciiieof iijy livivivi saY lww ii lvy o
viii vivt or ttdeitv lrc(s )~ i level o(lee 5 e t wolire iili h ei iv t liv- v Iv will fl- i
H1ilflo. N . Y., oc. , '1-1.i foi:±;''). Series tiee, sv15 vI, mre e vw e Isi. lHe svid l el iii ivid it
Ediii l()I'. of dM. Daily: ilylet:: veries fouri. s :, '('lv~ i r i ck- ir tac lei iii iiiivii 'kviL aivvi stil-
lear Sir. -We iiaiiiir'niniio a t vi v l;111 eies i viii le 1t e lbor oiw iitick lldnsfol ee Lilst: 1.3 vi,;iv lakiit asti
li asivhiiiiiivv 1111 ii v evilred this 'iioi liv)r1. a-irec lviiti liiall Lili(] vi;vof :-k rl ilieli
in. o 1a t re t i i ll(,1111111 e i-v tsiv li l ve iiiiiiilig s v iov liar ias fori ts liv 4die liii iii i. "I ,1;1
oui )f fli1 it, l. X ill S in h ofthi it e ie °1I s followi:ivd.i e ili-,ix. se;1 isii- Illt wIilii I(J'11tanv(iltI vie
<1i~llos. leecarc uiakin;lies.(1,!i i( 'k(li; lee -N8. XX <Ivvv-ii - eiL - ivvk: iiivoy ol ~i bl It Iieipv1;1"
_Xliv ii(lit :11: 1 liii iv iii11d I"r1 iiid ;11ciii li.l 11;1 ilil11i Nii1c
1'e . ()11is,
ii .I.Iiil Iii iiiw. I vii '')-te Ililli111 Xoi-Xii 1'i hll I iii ti a1 wor l herei rcitir
Tito --i-iuy: i ;11;ii ll ;t il-i 1 iiioii ' silalr n s ai-eil of i ralic o -1; s ils o i vpoiis i i w i tolul a v u-aitio cisd
f(Iio ii iv- r l Tt, ~o1 .1" Iii:vDi:ri l i ili iii::iivichhu fan e laigions lielil lve "i:iuuui-ii. Xiii
I ii iiki ' l. 1- 1 id eiv; ii- i H i iiii iiin u s rp io illi iii ailis 11t-,isldii ilil' i l-i i-iis I 11 i 11 it( i l vit'1ii tl
71) iii H i(cit A I M'u iv, ?1.00 iiForhi of i ckct1 i ;111(1i 11;1;ii 1 vies - ii u1ii iiti . , i tiii ii iisee 11 :1 lii .
:1 I secr t~lr ; ('11.1 'liedll~ti, ,), R (d 200 se;Is res rN-cd Tllillsl IIdis-)(lilt fro viiwi iiiii ; i;iiiii 1114)1111i o
XuulsiL . 1liv\"°ilio.1li id ~i 15)oliiii 01 Ciii ii ictill v1)1ilitAloha i5Jue M
lire ci levi-i soil=.ilttiiis i d i h e"ti o :: Ii sin-us iltilaffairel\ -;.1y ie ii i \ 10 w sI I i4r( .
'.1 ili-lioviis -il giu::ui ii: lieril as, o n i .;> r t of (n. 1;14 f r t1 'lit tl '0 h tk il a c il-e (1-
iii 111(1.. I .ilii .- ;~1 11:s111 ii v iiiw ie. T ii 111 (,iii u-i iiiivnv i liii liii, iii'i I ii i hi i livi Jiiiiiiir ii
iv y . ~lo am ( i -l i s a v ir i-u -tv ei ii i iu l N ilgr a t i rsI l ii li - 111i v i- c lily l ii i : iii i.T o i id o i l t ilviav w t iii L i1 o h i~ a 1 ' 1 11 ~ t n . ( 1 i l t ~ l C 1
iis wiilt: :15k iill l::: i bli esm1151 1 sold on ivvu-uIi --: v- re it1,lili -arli111(uku: iii
zTiiliitv isn11 i 1 lways ofvs X e ye- Nwii i i-ilil ii i e 151 11.ljc-vs iii it: _____________________________ ;
nih i. iltgdale asii 1oi. eti 1)c i s'lheL. na i vuuiitii 1 m1i i i Or. S<ittee shon Ev 1ot ions11 '11
invugi:1, sae : iithYl. I u eill slililsaNu ilia.ivi.()i()v111 i .-vu-",.111,1°-,:- Xi:
liii vivi viv iifi1ry1 ii: lch ii :evs10 d; 'and ii i i- li ti111:-ru ven if roiii1f11 i-iiiii l si1iii- aed s \ r
u- v iirii yai Mot i e \1,-,11t:::: lio f r1iii to i; i - nhvin iviizeda id inc . _ iir(O (st itol
ior i:ih:iav i i-eirskediu:vii goodiiv i: ilia m lii:waysk iii Xiiisa id ( is(uhllto ii iii v-fv
111 on viil- i ei: n::: hail irae it; ul n i e li l o I li ;tilils iiiliii nleirivliui m Al i«;1silp i ilis-is ii i:
iii: hu i i: ii vs:::iailiv iivai iy 12 uiisv Xuiiviy -uI te iior(-umnuI* usw i i iusi: pcr-::
1115is15iliit ii l .lca nii liiii touiiitiy - hiiid. iiitiii iii iii iiuoiiiciii:: iii ii liii
t 11 , egalilli r°s.livu 4 (- flu1-1( lnel- gil-av-i us foruiheinii r-scietyihi iii iii::: wo- k;vc111 iiiasl to huh Chili 1(\1
t).s oiilf i hiiliiiiinsiuiins of t i lu rhhiiiiiiiiiiis diltcussed.uihehiiiuiiivv oflu- sluusivr. I-iishuuii itousaid-,iiIu-ui ill
iiiaitfuhad ra hivsom Tleis iion tSnihyi :heiiu-iuui-L, ii i-ii ~ uii, hiii tyr 1-isis:;11 thi i-u-fioii-iiuti. i11liirder
i: n lXhiiri 11 a p < s iity u iiilis N o, att iiim pit::ofi-iiisiiu-i-ui lutsoii: lil hati
iivonv eof gto sleeT-vt ill lc.I I()\ -heindiiday AdelohiS Contest.detr
fur Ll veshustilihicoony silil-1)eills _______
ever, iairshofu: olictba yls hin :s u'g-v 111) nt oer-Sta iterha 'iosioto. " iichurch vuivo vu. iuld fur I i"" is .X iruh
i55f5 ite sDerit fidieir n gzs.ehod ASian tssr ayesinfidthi r
lieriofefr busness tiin tli ey t lt ue fheirs riiii i lt o t lifIe l ilii iitini oiry ::nt." Ivl so- iiii. il
iltryelege da- i i ef-luedo'Is the iuci-ss tr iteni-nfv tb ol entvv eai ii: u t lii' h liuMethd ss iiiii i-iof::sl esiii lhi
Ty-wiheld enbl whiosi-ill Nun:- H iiiiii-li teli iba1e h r esiifdeinthiss duA lti (Jsil daept-i ahus-i i:: itoi ls
ihe es f mtter foliNestarn hill s: ertryb:2o'lc ededy
1 lDlullIlilirNry. lauhies in- u-viv--ililby
nqttost sivaiolsh lowfii giui clya It$00slsi rtheIvI siliui oii ugterwthlofr cois teininswsich i
th ea mpestbee\°l-' thn ige trhisri (onth aeli-sntsiiuiiof gisig li(ie)11l4frain ~il
P55theWtiTERY XEI(IRLLflir: llreviX(yffsthelseakelihisrvinlulis ointdoi

Soussi pople tuiiligi: Il toi lse:
iu iiiii tu iii hlu i thisi ilitt-
We Say Buy Ihisc which Hae Tone,
51 South Xaists.
If you vs alito ti: idhe box s
Cheap: Hot or Cold Lunches Ethae
Night or Day go to
R. E. JOLLY & CO., Ntl~tf St
Artistic Photos.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Latest Improved Barber Shop
in:ii eucctX ER asiigiuuuuSit, lt udoor~
IvI:t:ofliii:Sti,- AiiiAibori
e48 5. STATE ST.
Just Received
A 11:1gev stock (if
Gymnasium x Iothing
____ T-

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