March 26, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 128) • Page Image 1
…tt* -Of UJRSDAY, MARCH 26, 1696. Fout PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. V I. No. 128. AiNN ARLIOR, MICHIGAN, THlI TILE A~iCII OF TIIA JibN eenf story aiti there are in all somse FOR THlE JAWS' lIBRIARIES Bl BICYCLjES. Il eigty 3 Larg e flgores of nw anti o%,er ____ ](tenma re oielae WILL STAND AS A MEMORIAL mitli tintreil sma.1ller ones'. Below the '96 RES GE AEWLBEAVL prps t aei b;hid far' TO THE CLASS OF '96. ins. dptict winch ailoras the' Central LIA...…