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March 26, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-26

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Rev, McColester Speaks on the
Stbjie ct.
Published lDaiy (Sunday excepted) during
the Clleon ynear, at l.ea'. I'veee Colieter ,tsltyclce i thei
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. wc<Ylld lecture cc the cous cc efurn~ish-
OFrICE: Times building N. Main st., apposite ed Ibylihi'stalelbsord ill ctsccs'c ccc.s
pest office. 'u55 y'trty stiisa
EDITORS at 4 o'clck. lis speciasl .iicc a
W. W. J;ls'caeo, 'S30W. W. Teowep, 'Pt L.
E. L Gusosei, '58 L 0.iIS, 'tic. '-iT' e iseiin cifthe Rlctis;Il to
J.2. .Wirsi, 'tO 1. Prebteics of Pisotti lerin."
EDITO)I-iNC-CIIIi 'lie esiltiect lie disiie Idilts th 1ree
G. B. IIARISONs, 'PWL. pts,th s oirissof s~l.ii(uitset, lis
31 INAGINIS EDITOR lireseeiifutettitis of d tiiug with themi
. .F. TuoMsi, '01. 'Inut cesL(ut if iso1provi jicil. 'li-
ISUSI:NEiS MXNAGER itethe first di1vistoss leti istt-o
L. C. W AKna, '9i. teslt :csi to .incglrat tisio, Eln ic sitti(
ASSOCIATE EDITORS tiiticiiwtiilitlieicct
IL A. Pratt, '9i G. M. Heath,'96 '. cf occii iilsarcicfcreignbci,iinra
S. R. Sniltis,' L. it. B. Mletheay, 'liii to ci'iriimiolsfrcotecisotitsilie tie-
F. sisisss,'to: ii1. B.Gammeon,'97iM('t'('tb tic'larceir'iiuimber -s en' ott ,
F. A. Fo1c, '98 E. OB.ERoe, '98b.
clot biorn. Ac to the precunt icethlodto
The subsciptions price aoftie Daily has
been reduced to $.2intsadvssnce far tse ret o eln il lr i o net
of thso year. Leasee subscriptioscat the criticise', aint hilier it.stti'e(tyltit a.
Dtaily aic or with P. C... Meyer, U. of Mi.
News Stand. ftur ir 1ttv to delisituclirs than to
arii'est tiiii liticlici theist far rcitule.
Editor of todtay's papser: lie lirecadiiatii'siitsriytiei'eparathoti
E. L. GI.ttSNtkll, '9S L. of poilitics frtots i tol iiiana iltt.
ti kcoed Isis adrssotilt istll eppoills
Tise lictiti10i of t1use cii lai''sco us1 re-1e l
to lit=st' cls ,to pii oiti' i'.ftriss is
gisrd.tolia.s sii'iiortatdsic.'s'sathe iseari-
their i'stsiuuiitii'c.
lo"Aco~nll(ndil ion InIt ter 'isa t'eirsTe 'nxt lecturi' (ll liii ctturse' tsill
sccggasstiiiis1i0 the 1lo\,(r 'loss es of 1ito'
liibe gieisll litt \',tetllesdayty ii. lto
giraf needth of inassarttisilitsg o ntt lii
iralissi. of Detrit.
caissius. Tils count behi' saiuetl -____-_____
hsity chbtsiie'dthrougsh the sfforts of Good Governmnt Club.
one class, hut a.su1ssit otit fiuid cotuldT h De coiiimitte'e recently asjpoiitted
lie obtained Iby 'T, fiossiait cilisO Isix titki'alrrcng'eiiclstc loiokiisg tocc-a(it
acid by ,Is vigorous appeilto thei liai1nra theli"cgasuioatiiii of a-.C('il ervice
ni of nit'iiin'ersity. At use elitse of Iheft nil('lubP iivoe calleila ii stCci
tule neixt tollege Iyeisr tuse work o~tiii bliili i'i i tiiiC iisnlya
tllieia tp by '£3S ut Is.irsiitirneed I oicltck. 'lhcy will riesort itfa'or. of
of the l'nisrtrity Wocililbetiev15eu thise.1 irslnlslit crgssiitii icistlerthe
gelet E lit oi itite lsisieice. n i:.c of liii' (ood ltrsercisscit Cfli.
It is bielievist that tlitssn~ate will gv
Tlise ressutatiaii of ai tb-s ii'iiiiti'iEI lu'ds sie iiltbtsy~r
bcy cisicisk!lass af tliiti'carsy suitlisw
niaktiig plansicfcr aggrlessivoi\vosicn
cleparci'iits ssupoin i'csrhisgliv' eeiotir
yea wil erhps roe t bea neansthe isatii stt t'.'osat, sliii' s uit cismn-
yearwil lirisaic sroi' I hese it5 istial rt'fcrin. Thse cisitswill he .tiii-
of binigig biiut a spirit of solle'-iit ttili'('lie(htSci.
thingaiconre'thics tisiffercurce to the efan ClbIot«_thacl ;i'2
1ltefiis'iis Pitch t, iiatwttliAtssuistiiig 15."

Proposed Amendments. 1 T. Schttili Chicag.o 64,46;i;5, listt [it
At tlaLst iiis'itiiig si thliii' AIiti °stits'tt, raookly'.ill, I;ti, St tte' ni
ih'a"isird liii' tioiug iisicisidtects to ' tt'i'itr Ilinistit's,7i 'i; 7,l'iii '.'rc4. e'
iil'lisuit. *7,t-lt;it Ses'tuerity
thsi C t''iitilitis n v~ts'c i' r'i's31iiiisi'iih' Ilih la ,4 , 7 , l
for' adtii onisi.nsut tllibepttii'ini'intedto liustp4,StiI.siis'lTu''-
its" s-isitisitshe aisisial elect:ists, ct .i'y't' i'. tills
Anisliicit o Atiit':tSi _____ tarsoii'sc Ilolgis' Insctitcite, 81(14
12. itisto t los'rticlet.riSy.titzhli.;- t
In aitiou, it ehOll bhi' liitslyof liie
reerd~lg ~ ecetay o o~a~zl ~a' kep itil W'ct', Macual rts ing ,-Schocol,.
aiesisitlug t'iretcryo tltsslisal tsisf
every is thlitis' ts'eai si11rcttc'sltictis N I.Sho.2.it 5 hlus
,ociaion;stof acit sllaiics picl e :11lPolteci'c SchsoA, 21.407i; 1I6, Ciuduigs,
Mssiitcstl 'l~riincig tihisol. I11til3'7 17,
55r'iIIMJiisili bl 'Stichiiti'.icss; ofi'theii
e'vi'it, cand ci 1cis, andi, rlstuslClor'os'ua Scicuntili' Sioti, 17,107; ei',.
sit~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Cs tit irca si'ssu'i el ~ s'School 01' Alph't i c'u'', ?1-
liii asicsscof tliss tiititiil. li;I) ircgSsresiutit,1.
T1he ic esicicrer shall iis''bontdito the si;2t tocee o-eiccS~os,
asoitslc i u cci t.t~it.slS12,i6ti,21, Univers, y 1rtsrashss;.,_(0,;
boiditoIcbe aistosied by lthi finaciscc'cost'
'icnlisits's, ssiscl dsiusiites i hl te 5,8() _; '22, 0 ltrplin Norrac chol,
tllihiiil se scre'tssry hiefoiri'tiie.fiiiis4,lI9S.
of liii'assoelsitioinsirs' trsscecieilfroiii 5.sf-A gold riug)iiis ulvorcity Stal
the outgoiis to the licmili treat-s' er the tPresidthe's door at Sti5 lnst
Frida~y nfliht. Fiuder'leste ~'leave at
ttrr, sl~n;e o <<~dl :nclto'lepai dsok in Mslin Libra~ry itnd receive re-
by thei asecocia;ioiu.

Corneil Wins the Lathe,
M1ic1itais('.iiiii' sseei i in1tc cei' ct-
isa* cinssct for liei' l"tlgc'ltvio ('iii
uiiiiitnii stie', ('orneli isit11inso liii
trio'. 'The rescltf stheii'cotsttis
soc foiiost's :
1i, Sibltey ('sll 'ire of ('isnsil S hives'-
scity, hi5,18; 2. Ctllveh<inilJIish O (r-
list Anslum,,525tia; 8, iciusussti,

'Thie anual eletioit of the tLits'er_
cily of Mlichiigsn Athletic Asscieixtion
still be hiel in thie cshiieloat 2 g. so.,
osn Satuirdaty, Aprili 4, 18116O.
Onie frouf suite, $2.50. One sire
coons 75 cents.'urnsace heal, ih.
and bath. 20 S. Ingolls nt. 136
Washburn Guiar for stile, Argos.
office. 128

liin tUnversity msay hi'ehUowniby
her grauttises ilien lty collie he
haveti.isersossal feelingh insms'bild-
lnonsithlii'camus or1'isuttyiiugl
faro risigsisoismitrt. on ti hue mas-
oiusiryoitt he University. A class
memsosil ic s 'i opoeful si""In of iindiv"
idual loasltyIaolUniversity iterests
and if is t e hiopbed t ticUthins practee
will be matde Oat estblitheii cusptotut
Reports Are False,
A report has been industriosuoy c-
culatfed. far some time ipcst luat Prof.
Mediema cd been calleoiiaChicago
and the latest geiort to be started in
thastlie heid received a cali to Han-
vuird. Thseca reports are deeced isy
Deato Hutchins, and Boere hs been
nse notice given to him or any member
of the faculty.
The Uciversluty of Pennsylvania is

uuuitocbti'sly lie out t s iurct ulessiof
liuteuest i1s tietug irocis-t.
Athletic Notes.
lT ecindlihustes t, ot'the baseball
teoiimt'ceetakeis alt ofsdooi's for Isnssc-
tice yeestensity afts'ruioaiu cacept lii."
tleri(s, st-isa ocsnt' d tlei' stork
ini the cage. Shields cn't Butler stirs'
tse onty iueussters iof last.year's lions
intishs.'escusisbuc t his' is',mitet
scene out iii full foreu.
Icn tse cage. Elnuiai, oniof itsr
new custeeis, snisoseesp ilenidisfosrms.
t-iolister and Miller wsteohaii svonl-
log hard. Bloasssiugston hascblrokseno s
toe ath. witl not be, able ho do any
twork for .soine ltite to comle.
The footbxall cuindidsitfes seire cutn
usual. Gains dEd nash of thse iuitluug,
[sutitsn inter slow in iouuttiuta ,the
Welleley College bus recently rc-

-Al LilL--
M'r. Rose -xill be pleased to show all the'
latest and nobbiest effects in Suitings,
Overcoats and Trouserings of the latest
importation. Your attention is solicited.
ohlll Ale Clotlilug Copy ,,

to establsh twsenty-seven new scholar- cohred a doncation of $150,000 to found
ships and fellowships.f a ehiat sn in nithencattics.

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