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August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…Arts 9 Stone finds unlikely middle ground in 'WTC' Sports 13 Starting spots on 0-Line still open as Jbe £ rbi4anlTali Monday, August 14, 2006 Summer Weekly practice starts for M One-hundred-slvteen years ofeditornalfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 130 @2006 The Michigan Daily The M-PACT impact Hieftje, Warren A comparison between last year's M-PACT guidelines and the new program for 2006-2007 take primary ex...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 PRIMARY Continued from Page 1 past August elections, with fewer than 10 percent of the city's constituents showing up at the polls, there was a decent turnout this year. In addition to focusing on their own campaigns, city politicians are encour- aging voters to participate in Novem- ber's state election. "I will be working hard for the Granholm and Stabenow campaign," Hieftje said. He said th...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 - 3 M-PACT Continued from Page 1. one-third of out-of-state students need financial assistance. One student's financial story Architecture senior Armando Lopez is an out-of-state student from Guadalupe, Arizona. His mother, who never gradu- ated from high school, works as a sales associate at JC Penney, making about $10,000 per year. Lopez's said his father was absent while he was growing up and h...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 1L. I& ft our t,.,.- tFn at(du FROM THE DAILY Connecticut blues Democrats must avoid the divisiveness trap JEREMY DAVDSON Editor in Chief IMRAN SYED Editorial Page Editor JEFFREY BLOOMER Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT nTHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890. 413 E. HURON ST. ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 Editorial Board Members: Amanda Andrade, Emily Be...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 - 5 STANDPOINT ACOLUMN FROM A MEMBER OF THE DAILY'S STAFF Give up on public schools? My SUV gets good gas mileage THERESA KENNELLY THERE'S A REASON BY ANDREW KLEIN As both a prod- uct of the District of Columbia's public school system and a believer in pub- lic schools, I must bring light to a few of the misinformed points John Stiglich made in his column (Wake up and smell the coffee, 08/07/06)...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday. Auglust 14. 2006 the rmichigan daily 1996 WINDSTAR FORD Van, 3.8 itet, fullty loaded, new starter, a/c, dvd player, good condition, $1500 obo. 734-645-568. 2000 NISSAN FRONTIER, reg cab, auto, aie, cd, 98K, $4900 aba. 734-474-0303. ! AVAIL. NOW or later. 4 blks. to cansptus. Effs. t, 2 & 3-5 bdns apEs. in chnsssing his- toric homes. $695/np, nag. Short-teen tease possibte. Catt 972-7030 for appt. & a2apatnent...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

…the michigan daily OPEN HOUSE Open Daily 11am - 5pm 5503 Gallery Park Drive, Ann Arbor (Exit 169 off I-94 to Zeeb Rd. Go South past Jackson Rd. On the right side first entrance past Meijer) Starting in the $250's. Gallery Park of Wexford Homes. Luxury Townhouse Condominiums. Call 734.213.4100 WCXORD HOMES EFFICIENCIES AND 1 Bdrm. Apts located nearMedical Campus. Call Michigan Realty at 734-662-5500 or EFFICIENCIES, ONE, T...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 - *NEWSCOLUMN With cancelled flights and long lines, the reality of terrorism hits home AP Pt Los Angeles Airport Police officer Michael Manahan guides his d Baso, to check luggage as travelers wait in line at Los Angeles Inter tional Airport on Friday. the michigan daily NEED EXTRA $$$? Trade Show Booth Sales rpneee to sel women's fat hair remover. Sept. 8 & 9 in FintMichigan. To- tal 17 hour...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 9

…Monday August 14, 2006 ARe TSdlan~ilp By Jeffrey Bloomer Managing Editor Oliver Stone's "World Trade Cen- ter" is about devastation - physi- cal and emotional, internal and external, locally and abroad. It's World Trade also about hope, Center the remnants of which are slightly At the Showcase more difficult to and Quality 16 pick out, a con- Paramount sideration the filmmaker makes a last s...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 One man shines as one woman in'Wife' By Caroline Hartmann Daily Arts Writer "You were born in the West, yes? Did the Stasi ever come to your door?" Charlotte von Mahlsdorf's deceivingly deli- cate voice begs the audience for an honest answer in Doug Wright's "I Am My Own Wife," - a one-person play profil- ing the life of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf - performed I Am My by Malcolm Tulip at the Own W...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 11

…'Step Up' treads water at lowest denominator C By Imran Syed Daily Arts Writer When is a dancing movie more than just its (emphatically, determinedly, attractively) moving parts? I'll tell you when - when it saves lives and redeems souls. And if there's one thing "Take the Lead," starring Step Up Antonio Banderas, At the Showcase taught us, it was that and Quality 16 salsa music can do Touchstone just that for a group of underprivileged urban...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 Shouldnt miss - 'Little Miss' By Amanda Andrade Daily Arts Writer In "Little Miss Sunshine," an only-slightly-contrived lit- tle gem of bittersweet indie nirvana, the best moments are the quiet ones. Those are the moments when charac- L ters hewn from the deepest bedrock of the Little Miss American middle class sit with each other Sunshine in a mercurial haze of love, hate, expec- At the Show...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 13

…Monday August 14, 2006 SPORTS 13- Varsity still looking for right stuff along line By Stephanie Wright Daily Sports Editor The starters on the left side of Michigan's offen- sive line and in the middle are all but set in stone: Jake Long at tackle and Adam Kraus at guard, while Mark Bihl looks like a lock to start at center. But the starting jobs on the right-side of the line were still up ...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 14

…14 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 -SPORTS- Ashley added to staff, hopes to help bring Netters to next level By Kevin Wallace For the Daily The Michigan women's tennis team has once again added youth to its roster. But this time, it's in the coaching department. After employing first-year coach Aman- la Augustus on July 6th, the Wolverines recently announced the hiring of assistant coach Teryn Ashley. As a member of the St...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 15

…lRTS The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 - 15 .1 ' NJ L CAGERS Continued from Page 13 "We've been told (the competi- tion) will be very good," Amaker said. "Australia is a place that has provided good experiences both on and off the court." Coaches usually use the Big Ten Foreign Tour to give younger play- ers an opportunity to gain valu- able playing experience. That's why Amaker's pick of redshirt senior Abram to travel to Austra...…

August 14, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 130) • Page Image 16

…16 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 -SPORTS- He may be a wanderer, but McKay is on track for success By H. Jose Bosch Daily Sports Editor Between shots on the golf course, Bill McKay, Jr. lets his mind wander. "Probably just a song," said McKay of what he's thinking between shots. "No particular song, maybe just something I heard recently." His casual approach to golf is apparent in the way he answers questions - indifferen...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…Arts 9 Ferrell on slow track in 'Talladega Nights' Sports 13 Bass knee injury potentially career ending Monday, August 7, 2006 Summer Weekly One-hundred-sixteen years ofeditonlfreedom . _'_1_'_ _._ 1_'i _ A A t i " 1 " WT t ,IrTT TT 1T Jwn Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 129 ©2006 The Michigan Daily 'U' donor investigated in tax-evasion report Congressional report focuses on alum Sam Wyly, spurs questions about...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 'U, team wins Collegiate Bridge Championship Each team member' earns a $500 scholarship by edging out Princeton in a 12-hour final By Aditya Jain For the Daily After competing in three of the last four championships, the Collegiate Bridge title finally came into the hands of the Michi- gan Bridge Team. The final match between Michigan and Princeton lasted a grueling 12 hours before Michigan was...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 - 3 'U' student rides cross country for charity Push America's Journey of Hope cycling event raises money for individuals with disabilities By Arikia Millikan For the Daily While the idea of riding a bicycle across the country may sound like a feat only attempted in the Guiness Book of World Records, Engineering sophomore Ben Luster views the trek as "the experience of a lifetime." After biking an a...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 JEREMY DAVIDSON IMRAN SYED JEFFREY BLOOMER Editor in Chief Editorial Page Editor Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIvERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890. 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 5

…LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 - 5 Wake up and smell the coffee JOHN STIGLICH STI A SAY Luxury boxes could mark beginning of disturbing trend TO THE DAILY: I applaud the Daily's coverage of opposition to the proposed luxury boxes in Michigan Stadium. Yours is perhaps the only publication currently doing so. The boxes threaten our venerable Michigan tradition with the permanent defacement of a University ico...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday. August 7. 2006 the michigan daily 2000 ISAN FRONTIER, reg cab, auto, air, c, 98K,$4900obo. 734-474-03303. E Cogratulatios ontheofficial p Facetaok Relationship. a $100 OFF per month*~~ i 0 move-in fees ~e Wihowiree Apartments 877-815-7442 wwCoileorkwebcorm 80tiihosApl -11 t J J6 LTA"- CMUS PARKING SPACES 665-8825. !!AVAIL. NOW or later. 4 blks. to cantpus. Effs. t, 2 & 3-5 bdrm apts. it charming his- ti...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 7

…the michigan daily APAKIMENI'S 205 S. State St. on central campus 2 & 3 bdrm Apt Homes Beautifully Furnished Outstanding views Garage parking Central air 9 foot high ceilings Premier campus location NOW SIGNING LEASES FALL/SPRING Models open daily 734-741-9300 CENTRAL CAMPUS, FURN. rms. for s dents, dry., internet, mini-kitchen, no pe Summer rents from $300. Fall rents fro $420.Call734-769-6686. CLEAN NEWLY REMODELE...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 Dems face off in Tuesday primary Business senior Blake Heidenreich visits with his mother Kathy in his room at the University Hospital Saturday. Heidenreich is recovering from an accident, which occurred on July 3. HEIDENREICH Continued from Page 1 therapy twice a day, as well as psy- chological, recreational and speech therapy several times a week. "Some mornings you just wake up and new thin...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 9

…Monday August 7, 2006 ARTS 9 'Nights'3 fufll Of stars but ut else By Imran Syed Daily Arts Writer There are many sides of America that the rest of us are hesitant to accept, and they always seem to make for good stories (remember "Broke- Talladega Nights: back Mountain?"). The Ballad of Though there is a Ricky Bobby gay character in "Talladega Nights: At the Showcase The Ballad of Ricky and ...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 Marshall's latest serves up claustrophobic terror By Mary Kate Varnau Daily Arts Writer takes its tim in the group parts wheret ally and phy little clues- Neil Marshall acquired a loyal fanbase crevices, ev with his 2002 action/horror flick, "Dog Sol- that they are diers." Werewolves vaulted his career into With abou the limelight. And now, like glimpse bloodthirsty cave-dwell- audience th in...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 11

…'Comets' bring back fire to modern rock The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 - 11 By Lloyd Cargo Daily Arts Writer MUSIC REVIEW Comedian Bill Hicks used to have a routine about mind-altering substances that went some- thing like this: "I think drugs have definitely done some good for us. If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then do me a favor. Go home tonight and take all your records, tapes and all your CDs and burn...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 Allen's odd comedic style betters 'Scoop' By Amanda Andrade Peter Lyman (Hugh Jackman, "X-Men"), the son and Imran Syed of a wealthy English lord, might be the famed Daily Arts Writers tarot card serial killer. Along the way, Sondra, in the guise of a wealthy American heiress kicking _FLM ___EV __EW___ _ k around London for a spree, falls in love with the chiseled nobleman - looking adoringly be...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 13

…Monday August 7, 2006 S Re Sidtigrotm O 13 - Walker left lasting impact on coaches CHICAGO - fuzzy image flashed onto the two giant screens in the ban- quet room. Those seated at the 190-odd tables turned their atten- tion to the man projected on the screens. There stood a smiling Randy Walker at a press confer- ence, excited about the opportunity to coach at Northwestern in 1999. Not only...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 14

…14 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 -SPORTS- Ohio State, Big Ten pr By Stephanie Wright Rules th Daily Sports Editor NCAA anno changes desi CHICAGO - For the third straight of time it ta season, Michigan, Ohio State and Iowa football gam occupy the top three spots in the Big Ten one of these r preseason poll. point of discs . The only difference this year is which Ten Media D team is No. 1. The new For the first time since 200...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 15

… -SPORT n, The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 - 15 S Ten years is a long time, even for the ormer champs heir passes weren't as sharp and harder to do the things that were, at one (Legg is a fireman; Chris Fox, a neuro- their shots weren't as precise, but time, so simple. surgeon). one thing remained crystal clear Ten years ago, the same 18 guys skat- Think about it: In 1996, you're kings 5 after 10 years: They were still champion...…

August 07, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 129) • Page Image 16

…. 16 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006 c 16-TeMcianDiy-Mna, Agutv , 00 PORT ,S Landis loses Tour sponsor Penn State coach Joe Paterno was one of the many Big Ten coaches who gave their condolences to the Walker family during Big Ten Media Day in Chicago last week. WALKER Continued from Page 13 coaches fight it out on the gridiron every Saturdayhoping tooutlasttheircounter- part on the opposing sideline. Even though these coa...…

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