8 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 7, 2006
Dems face off in
Tuesday primary
Business senior Blake Heidenreich visits with his mother Kathy in his
room at the University Hospital Saturday. Heidenreich is recovering
from an accident, which occurred on July 3.
Continued from Page 1
therapy twice a day, as well as psy-
chological, recreational and speech
therapy several times a week.
"Some mornings you just wake up
and new things work," Heidenreich
said. "Whatever does come back,
(the therapists) work with you to
strengthen them. It's like going to
the gym, but it's a very unrewarding
Heidenreich said that dealing with
his injury is a daily battle, filled with
uplifting moments - visits from
loved ones and physical improve-
ments - as well as anger, frustration
and disbelief.
"You just hope you wake up from a
bad dream," Heidenreich said.
But Heidenreich, who said he
comes up with sensationalized and
generally false stories concerning his
accident to see the reactions he can
invoke in hospital employees, refuses
to let the effects of his injury dampen
his sense of humor or his drive to
walk again.
"I'm not beating my grandma to the
wheelchair," Heidenreich said.
Continued from Page 3
She said she never questioned her son's
safety because of his ability and judgment
on the road. After she met some of the Pi
Kappa Phi members, she was comforted
by the way they all look out for each other.
She said she hopes her son's energy from
the michigan daily
this year pushes at least two more members
to participate in JOH next year.
Aside from JOH, Pi Kappa Phi mem-
bers at the University also participate
in other fund-raising events focusing on
cycling and construction, including Build
America and Gear-Up Florida.
When asked about the philanthropic
ideals Pi Kappa Phi seems to hold, Lus-
ter smiled. "Yeah, we try and break
the stereotype"
Candidate's experience
levels main difference in
tomorrow's primary
By Sandy Liberman
Daily Staff Reporter
In tomorrow's contested primary
elections, citizens will choose candi-
dates to run for both Ann Arbor mayor
and 53rd district state representative.
In the mayoral race, incumbent
John Hieftje is running against
Wendy Woods, who has been the
Fifth Ward's council representative
since 2001.
Because the city is primarily
democratic, tomorrow's results will
likely determine the winners in
The competition for 53rd district
- which encompasses the city of
Ann Arbor and portions of Ann
Arbor and Scio townships - state
representative is between current
councilman Leigh Greden (D-Ward
3) and Rebekah Warren, who has
worked in Lansing for 13 years.
The 53rd district's current rep-
resentative, Chris Kolb, cannot run
again due to term-limit restrictions.
Woods, who is also associate
director of the University's Michi-
gan Community Scholars program,
said her five years of experience on
the council allows her to be closer to
the community and University stu-
dents than Hieftje, who served one
year on council before being elected
mayor in 2000.
"Regardless of who is elected as
mayor, there are many things the
city of Ann Arbor will keep the
same because the citizens are in
favor of them," Woods said.
Hieftje has initiated many envi-
ronment-friendly proposals, such as
the Greenbelt Plan to preserve prop-
erty from development and the may-
or's Green Energy Challenge, which
aims to reduce the city's renewable
energy by 30 percent and green-
house gas emissions by 10 percent
by 2010.
Hieftje has also been a strong
supporter of mass transit as mayor.
If re-elected, Hieftje said he hopes
to bring a rail system through Ann
Arbor to Detroit.
"Four years ago, I reformed the
way we do alternative transporta-
tion by donating 5 percent of money
for roads to clean public streets
and get rid of garbage on campus,"
Hieftje said.
As a part of the energy commission,
Woods has also been active in push-
ing through the Green Energy Chal-
lenge. Woods has supported most of
Hieftje's initiatives in council.
In addition to continuing with
the city's current plans, Woods said
if elected she plans to eliminate
groundwater contamination that is FILE PHOTO
starting on the city's west side and Leigh Greden, a candidate for
moving toward the Huron River. state repersenative in the 53rd
Although both candidates for district.
state representative are new to the
race, they each have experience with
government positions they believe
will help them in Lansing.
Warren served as a legislative
assistant to State Rep. Mary Schro-
er (D-Ann Arbor) as well as Rep.
Hubert Price (D-Pontiac). In addi-
tion, Warren has been the executive
director of Pro-Choice Michigan
since 1999.
Greden has served as a city council-
man representing Ward 3 since 2003
and said he can bring Ann Arbor's
opinions to the state legislature.
"I have lived in Ann Arbor my
whole life and have experience as an
elected official here," he said.
Though she has never served in
elected office, Warren said she is EUGENE ROBINSON/Daily
familiar with many current repre- Greden's opponent Rebekah Warren.
sentatives and has personal connec-
tions that can help her be an active
member of congress.
"I want to look at the future andrmake
the state a good place to live in five to
10 years from now," Warren said.
The candidates agree on many
issues, including education.
"I want to provide new funding
for higher education, which would
help the University of Michigan,"
Greden said.
Warren agrees that the state needs
to help students and their parents
pay for school.
"Over the past 20 years, there was
a complete reversal of the amount of
money the state and students pay for
public education," she said.
Greden wants to focus on envi-
ronmental issues, particularly the EUGENE ROBINSON/Daily
state's waste managment. Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje is
He said he wants to increase tip- running for re-election.
ping fees - the cost to dump trash
in the state - to encourage recy-
cling and to reduce the amount of
trash imported from Canada.
The candidates urge citizens to
look at their websites and campaign
platforms before voting in the pri-
mary elections.
"I want to encourage everyone
to come out and vote tomorrow,"
Woods said.