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August 14, 2006 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 2006-08-14

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lRTS The Michigan Daily - Monday, August 14, 2006 - 15

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Continued from Page 13
"We've been told (the competi-
tion) will be very good," Amaker
said. "Australia is a place that has
provided good experiences both on
and off the court."
Coaches usually use the Big Ten
Foreign Tour to give younger play-
ers an opportunity to gain valu-
able playing experience. That's why
Amaker's pick of redshirt senior
Abram to travel to Australia raised
some eyebrows.
But both Amaker and Abram
agreed that he needed to get back
into playing competitive games after
missing most of the Big Ten season
last year due to a severe ankle sprain
in January. Abram, along with sev-
eral other Michigan players, came

to Amaker asking to play on the
Foreign Tour team.
"We thought he deserved it,"
Amaker said. "He's been able to prac-
tice and play pickup games all spring
and summer, but (we wanted to) get
more games under his belt and get
back in that kind of environment."
For Smith, the Foreign Tour will
give him more experience lead-
ing a team on the court at the point
guard position. With the graduation
of Daniel Horton, the Wolverines
will need Smith next season to step
up into the vacated role at starting
point guard.
Already, Smith has slimmed his
frame down from his playing weight
last season. While he said he's
dropped 20 pounds, Amaker wasn't
as enthusiastic.
"He's dropped some," Amaker

said. "He's working toward where
we want him to go. I think that's
important that he knows that's an
area where he needs to get in bet-
ter shape and realize how tough this
league is."
Smith also pointed to this trip as
a chance to get to know what Amak-
er wants out of his point guard. The
Foreign Tour allows Amaker to
spend more time with Smith both on
and off the court.
The Foreign Tour will not just
benefit the Wolverine players, but
it will also help those playing for
other Big Ten schools. For some, the
chance to see a different part of the
world is the most exciting.
"I heard the girls are good look-
ing," Doyle said. "(They have) those
funny accents. I talk pretty funny
myself so I should fit right in."

Tommy Amaker hopes to work with Jerret Smith and improve his play at thepoint. Note: The team has two remaining games, Aug. 15 and 16 against Brisbane and South District, respectively.
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