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July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 13

….,wx4 :: .... e.. e' , i .:x 1 t ' \ n \ i< x a k , y:;:. a .ay~ ;. .., x K: v ' kiZ ; ".1 sq r "y .k:, kAa , a.. r.v<, x 'wp vh: M}4:.' 'x4F:p HER. -:k; Fit: v v rv v x vx x. xf x. 'v. :. x r vxx k" Y u, x f v x. v; x4 r X; r x.;. r f v xY4' x{ 4:, k b4: . x ':. 3 x xx kk v: k Via. x p X Yi x:x s. x a t. x . ;T. v u Yx. yr x. "x. <v.x it. k i:; ua .. '4 yp W 54. N k rruYv r,. \ fn ; Tom.; i" V N ".. ....:. Supplement to The Michigan Doily A...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 14

…. I . 4 --2 WiMri . 4s" '122'981 'Mid Mlhiehfgri Daily 4 ISL HONY I' gner: Prelude n" -Smetana: ii: Dance of Bacchanale "Dukes: The -entice rehesra Sorcerer' The Conoe CICCOUiNI Invocation &, Harmonies poet Deux Legendes CLASSICAL RECORDINGS AT A CLASSIC PRICE I I EXPLORE OUR SPECIAL SELECTION OF CLASSICAL RECORD- INGS DURING THE ART FAIR AT THIS SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICE!I 3 FOR$11 OR PER L.P. FEATURING THESE SPECIAL SELECTIONS * TCHAIK...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 15

…Th1 Michbgan Daily -Wednesday, July 22,198-1Page 3 LIBERTY 4N3 Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER FOR FOUR DAYS out of the summer, Ann Arbor becomes a paradise for crowds of art collectors and curiosity-seekers. Preparation for the Art Fair begins early in the morning of the day before and in just 24 hours, the streets of the city are transformed into a kaleidescope of artistic expression. On E. University, even the tents that are set up have an ar...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 16

…,,low W Immmmjkh F CAMPUS - ALL REBATES f 2 SEE US ABOUT DISCOUNTS ON ROOMS, EFFICIEN- A9 ohce force CIES, ONE & TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS. MON-FRI 9-6 SAT 10-2 'gear up for McKINLEY PROPERTIES I 611 CHURCH ST. 769-8520 ext. 41A r C1ty tFar 4 I By ANN MARIE FAZIO Daily staff writer The Ann Arbor Police Department doesn't seem worried that the crowds swarming into the city this week might cause much damage. Captain Kenneth Klinge, head of the...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 17

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 22: 981-Page 5 Fair '81: The triumph of On a muggy July afternoon some half dozen Ann Arbor Art Fairs ago, you could turn the corner at South Univer- sity and Tappan and step straight into a fairy tale. Descending from a large Law Quad tree overhanging the sidewalk was a wondrous, confoundingly intricate mobile holding several dozen multi- colored pane glass birds. The device Coming Apart By Ch ristopher Po...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 18

…Page 6-Wednesday, July 22,1981-The Michigan Daily LOCAL BUSINESSES ANTICIPA TE USUAL CR0WDS Merchants prepare for boom I By MARK GINDIN Daily staff writer With 300,000 people converging on Ann Arbor in a four-day period, the business climate in the city is, as expected, one of anticipation and preparation. Pizza parlors are ordering more dough, T-shirt emporiums are ordering more T-shirts, and depar- tment stores plan to clean out their ware...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-Page 7 City Council restricts solicitors By LOU FINTOR Daily staff writer In an attempt to discourage the influx of unlicensed individuals and organizations soliciting the thousands of people visiting the Art Fair, the Ann Arbor City Council has implemented two resolutions which will prohibit "street peddling" and "bucket donation" solicitation - a method of collecting donations by standing on stree...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 20

…Page 8-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-The Michigan Daily NE Garden-fresh, all-you-can-eat SALAD, BAR!f We've added a nifty new Salad Bar and wait 'lt you taste it! You start with an icy-cold plate. Add cnisp lettuce ... fresh vegetables ... seasoned croutons ... homestyle salads. All you want from over two dozen choices includ- ing 5 tangy, tasty salad dressings. Ummm! Our ns's'Salad Bor is sogRood, it'sgot to be Elias Brothers! Try it today. Ann Ar...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 21

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-Page 9 Art prevails over '9 to '5 life Self-taught potter expresses initiative By PAM FICKINGER Daily staff writer One of the main goals of Georgi Tud- zarov is "to bring something to the public that they've never seen." He ac- complishes this goal through his work as a potter. Tudzarov, who came to Ann Arbor from Bulgaria 12 years ago, worked for General Motors and as a gardener for University Pres...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 22

…Page 10-Wednesday, July 22,1981 -The Michigan Daily r - A SulnmevAr.S ZE".E.AN W¢tiAI6c______ > NEWA SU z 7 HURON ST, ~HURON ST, . - F o USL23Land I.96 and 1[945 A L ]WASHINGTON ST - A SHINGTON ST, p> A OEM XLU Stat. Strvi.E.LIBRT >- A 3 >. _5 LBET t w E.;:. W P WLLA r-Lcc-v;2 I_ AA CI 3 VJEFFESON JEFFER44DSON 3o at Pioneer High School 4I77ROE LEH IL1ST. ,4 / ^ MAIN/ MAIN/ THAYER/ SOUTH UI Ar f irC ~ l uO ( WILLIAM WASHINGTON NORTH U. S FOREST...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 23

…' The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-Page 11 HiURON ST. 1981 Street Fair Locations & Shuttle Bus Routes July 22, 23,24,25 TohFlint 14 To Plyni WASHNGTO ST.ART FAIR EXITS WASHINGTON_______ N. Main sole P14 E A To Jackson 23i P YJackson Ave.1 A ART FAIRS UN 3LIL N Washen , UN IVERS ITY Sln od \ \ ~ cDcn c State To Deti i 3 To Toledo TH E ~l UNI4VERSITY r-.I -NON-PROFIT' :-Street art Fair lINFOPMXi0N CIEPTE.R r -M q 4 .UNVRIYS, UNIVER...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 25

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-Page 13 ART FAIR HAPPENINGS EAST UNIVERSITY GRACEFUL ARCH- Ann Arbor Street Art Fair WEDNESDAY-JULY 22 11 a.m.-Aerobic Dancing 12 p.m.-Connie Huber (Folk Artist) 1 p.m.-Junior Sterling Chamber Players 2 p.m.-Young People's Theatre 3 p.m.-Bichinis Bia Congo (African Dance and Drum Troupe) 4 p.m.-Hydra Dance Theatre (Modern Dauice) 5 p.m.-Ark Hootenanny. 6 p.m.-Art Hootenanny 7 p.m.-Ann Arbor Civic B...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 26

…Page 14-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-The Michigan Daily SMOOTH SKATES NOW OPEN! A WITH THIS COUPON Skate 2 hours I for the price of 1 I $1.50first hour, second hour FREE. LIMIT ONE PER PERSON I - - - - - I- """" i .. f SUMMER HARGAIN DAVS** N2 AT The best selection of roller skates & skateboards in the Midwest. SALES * SERVICE * CATERING * RENTALS Located at 330 S. Main, Ann Arbor (across from "The Real Seafood Company") 995-8802 (Amateur a...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 27

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-Page 15 U' ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN'S GUILD A response to artists' needs By PAM FICKINGER Daily staff writer Ten years ago, in order to satisfy artists' demands to participate in an art fair, the Artists and Craf- tsmen's Guild was born. They organized a free art fair which was acclaimed as an overwhelming suc- cess. At this year's Fair, over 500 artists from the Guild will be exhibiting, according to ...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 28

…Page 16-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-The Michigan Daily 4 . t t l K A 11 r Come to Burton Tower where the University Musical Society's office staff will receive your ticket orders for the next season. Summer Fare series tickets and single tickets available now Orders for other series now being accepted; single ticket sales for other series begin September 8. Brochures with complete information available at Burton Tower, or by mail or telephone. ...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 29

…Don't go away empty handed, BARTER The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 22, 1981-Page 17 THE UAGEL FACTORY 1306 S. UNIVERSITY ... next to Village Corner FRESH BAKED BAGELS, FRAGELS, AND MORE- 8:30 AM TILL 11:00 PM FRI & SAT TILL MID. By JOHN ADAM Daily staff writer "I'll give you my Monet for your Cezanne." "How much money?" "No, no, no. I make you a trade. Come into my shop." Clearly, at the Ann Arbor Art Fair you won't be bargaining for work...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 30

…age 1--Wednesdoy, July,22, 19,81 TheM higoiqDaily UP TO 50% SAVINGS on selected MICHIGAN ITEMS, DANSKINS, SHOES, WOMEN'S SWIMSUITS, ART FAIR HOURS: WED & FRI till 8:00 TH URS & SA T till 6:00 AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... Complete Athletic Outfitters 711 N. University -668-6915 902,S. State-668-7296 Unique exhibits -. - Unique events ... Unique people... When you've trudged through the ART FAIR all day, And your appetite cries, "Lead the way!" Do ...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 31

…° T~ir'N1c'F igfi Daclly, XWe/dfl sdtay, J +F2l9r aige 19 Eclipse sponsoring free concerts By ANN MARIE FAZIO Daily staff writer Free concerts performed by local musicians will be held in front of the Michigan Union during the Art Fair, sponsored by Eclilpse Jazz, in conjunction with the Artists and Craftsmen's Guild and the Union. These concerts are part of a larger, free summer. concert series being presented by the group at Liber- ty Plaz...…

July 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 45) • Page Image 32

…t. , THIRD WORLD ROCK THE WORLD The Redding - CHERYL LYNN Class A UAe ?/IgA/ - including: including Class Is What You Got)/ You'reThe Only One - c ShakeItUp Tonightl/InThe Nlght~i'm OnFie Seriously/Main Nervce/fYou Fee! It ShowYo How/Wth LoveeOnOurSide' TOM SCOTT MILES DAVIS NICK MASON DVDJHNE l APPLE JUICE THE MAN WOH THE HORN FI1/0U SPORTS HERE COMES THE NIGH SocWhite And SoFunky:UGoa Daot Right !icludng Not Rve/Ca'tGet My Motor To Start ...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan DalIy Vol. XCI, No. 44-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July21, 1981 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Israeli jets hammer PLO BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-Israeli. commandos raided southern Lebanon yesterday and waves of Israeli jets hammered guerrilla bases of Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization. The PLO said it retaliated by shelling northern Israeli settlements. Arafat, lashing out at Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, called h...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Tuesday, July21, 1981-The Michigan Daily Larry Layton to face trial in Jonestown case SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Larry Layton, once a true believer in Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple, goes on trial today in a murder conspiracy case which could shed new light on the mass killings and suicides which shocked the world in 1978.. With jury selection scheduled first in federal court, testimony is not expected to begin until mid-August. But the...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-Page 3 POSTAL SERVICE VERGES ON STRIKE Talks go down to wire From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-The Postal Service made a new wage offer to its two largest unions last night. The unions rejected it out of hand but remained at the bargaining table with a midnight strike deadline only hours away. President Moe Biller of the American Postal Workers Union called the latest management offer a "phony wage proposal....…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-The Michigan Daily Agca confesses; wants Vatican trial I From AP and UPI ROME - Turkish terrorist Mehmet All Agca told a jury yesterday that he shot Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square, but he refused to answer questions on grounds the court had no jurisdiction in crimes committed in Vatican City. Agca, 23, with a full beard and wearing a light green shirt and gray trousers, claimed he was tortured and subje...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-Page 5 POLL SHOWS VIEWS CHANGED IN LAST FIVE YEARS Crime a greater concern NEW YORK (AP)-Americans overwhelmingly say they are more concerned about crime now than they were five years ago, the latest Associated Press- NBC News poll says. However, the majority of the 1,599 American adults contacted by telephone July 13-14 said there was no area within a mile of their homes where they would be afraid to...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-The Michiaan Daily SUMMIT CONFERENCE LEADERS line-up for the official photo at Chateau Montabello yesterday. They are from left: Gaston Thorn, president of the European Economic Community; Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki; West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt; U.S. President Ronald Reagan; Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau; French President Francois Mitterand; British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; a...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 7

… " Wtt : b t " ..y f. s.: - . ' r-e Come to Burton Tower where the University Musical Society's office staff will receive your ticket orders for the next season. Summer Fare series tickets and single tickets available now. Orders for other series now being accepted; single ticket sales for other series begin September 8. Brochures with complete information available at Burton Tower, or by mail or telephone. Contact: University Musical Society,...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 8

…4 Opinion Page 8 Tuesday, July 21, 1981 The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 44-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Silver lining and the CIA E VERY CLOUD HAS a silver lining, the optimists will say. Just when Director William Casey and his associates had achieved frightening momen- tum in enhancing the agency's powers, a two- fold scandal has come along which may cu...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 9

…Arts The Michigan Daily Tuesday, July 21, 1981 Page 9 Yoko Ono Yoko Ono-'Season of Glass' (Gef- fen)-What can you say about a record like this? You can't exactly put it down for being melancholy. It's really much less of a musical record than it is a memorial statement; besides the cover (which bears the blood-smeared glasses of her late husband), almost every song refers to John Lennon at least indirectly. One thing you can say is that i...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-The Michigan Daily EMERGENCY CONGRESS ENDS AMID CRISES 4 C y s, o Poland enacts sweeping reforms From APand UPI moderates and took a series of un- "dramatic situation" and said "the years if they feel there have beer WARSAW, Poland-Poland's historic precedented steps, including use of the most acute sign of this is the lack of abuses of power. ommunist Party congress ended secret ballot. basic market goods and...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-Page 11 3 Hyatt officials plan to 2 9 reopen (Continued from Page 3) of a mariachi band who died just minutes after they checked into the VbaHyatt where they were to perform at a convention. Near the end of a mass for the four, a procession of children carried white and red roses and placed them on the caskets. Adults then carried a sombrero, violin case, guitar, and trumpet and laid them at the foot o...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-The Michigan Daily S A s If you fino yo r nom and a d dress in today s Michigan Daly 8!Res ults ! 's sa YOU WIN i , TWO FREE TICKETS I £ to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 C 764-0557 Midnight Movies I a L0 FOR SALE UPRIGHT STYLE Electric viano. walnut finish. bench. Sounds between harpsichord, piano. Measurements 40" x 18" x 36", $200.00. 429-9210after 5. 52B0722 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Great tickets forsale. Callt701-320...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-Page13 10 Children of holoeaust survivors being studied EAST LANSING (UPI)-A new study by a resear- cher whose own parents endured Nazi concentration camps challenges long-held assumptions about emotional problems suffered by the children of holocaust survivors. Zoli Ziotogorski, whose parents survived the camps at both Auschwitz and Dachau, takes issue with the notion that persons who experienced t...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-The Michigan Daily Wangler receives Big Ten Medal of Honor CHICAGO (AP)-Michigan graduate John; Wangler joins two other football players, three basketball stars, a golfer, and a soccer player as. those athletes honored by their respective schools' with the Big Ten Conference Medal of Honor. The award goes to, graduating senior athletes demonstrating proficiency in scholarship and athletics. THIS YEAR'S HONOR rol...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 21, 1981-page 15 MEDIA BLACKOUT No news from strike talks WASHINGTON (AP) - Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan took a, personal hand in efforts to end the major league baseball strike yester- day, meeting with the two sides for. some four hours and persuading them to continue the talks under a news blackout. Kenneth Moffett, acting director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, said the representat...…

July 21, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 44) • Page Image 16

…Ports 4 Page 16 Tuesday, July 21, 1981 The Michigan Doily Small-and-slow rap stands Ceralooked: ais bigobstacle 4 By RON POLLACK Daily sports writer Fourth in a sx-part series This is the fourth in a series of six articles examining the attempts of recently-graduated Michigan foot- ball players to make an NFL team, their thoughts about the endeavor, and their new pro coach's analysis of their abilities and future in the sport. The serie...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…e ic igan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 43-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 18, 1981 _ Ten Cents Twelve Pages Tuition to increase 18% Regents unanimously vote to approve recommendation PRESIDENT HAROLD SHAPIRO warned Regents this week of dire cir- cumstances for the University if the state appropriations are as disastrously low as last year. In an effort to head off such fiscal crisis, the Regents raised tuition yesterday, by 18 percent. Question...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…Pan 2-Saturdav. July 18, 1981-TheMichigan Daily Largest Israeli raid since '78 1 S From AP and UPI BEIRUT, Lebanon.-Israeli jets raided Yasser Arafat's command posts in Beirut and southern Lebanon yester- day in the most punishing strikes against guerrilla strongholds since Israel's 1978 invasion of Lebanon. Police reported 115 dead, and the. Palestinians claimed at least 123 were killed and 469 wounded. "It is a barbaric bloodbath, but we sh...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…The Aichigan Daily-Saturday, July 18, 1981-Page 3 BALCONY COLLAPSES AMID DANCERS Disaster at hotel ballroom From AP and UPI KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Three "sky bridges" in an enclosed courtyard at the Hyatt Regency Hotel collapsed onto a ballroom full of dancers last night, killing at least 43 and injuring about 100, police said. As the first of the bodies were pulled from a tangle of twisted girders and broken glass, officials designated one room ...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…Pd§e4-Sdfurda'y', July18; 1981--The Michigni Ddily Flood in China province leaves 3000 dead In Brief Compiled from Associated Press and United Press International reports From AP and UPI PEKING - Floods from a three-day downpour roared through China's most populous province, leaving 3,004 people dead, 50,000 injured and 400,000 homeless, officials said yesterday. - Hit severely by flooding yesterday was Chongqing, formerly called Chungkin...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday,,July,18, 1981-Page 5 OHIO CARP WORSHIPPERS; UTAH LOBSTER RANCHES Swimming creatures useful to all ARCHBOLD, Ohio (AP)-When they come hook-to-mouth with a carp, many fishermen throw it back in disgust. In Archbold, they throw a party. On the corner of the Great Basin desert, in the sunny Utah Valley, people might think the sight of live, usually ocean-going fish is a mirage. There, 800 miles from the nearest ocean,...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

…Opinion Page 6 Saturday, July 18, 1981 The Michigan Daily l i The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 43-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Roll up your sleeves leaders LIKE THE COMMUNIST Party Congress now taking place in Poland, next week's Ottawa summit-involving the world's seven leading industrialized nations-must be short on form, and long on substance. As in Poland, flag waving...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 18, 1981-Page 7 Williams indicted on 2 counts of murder in Atlanta From AP and UPI ATLANTA - Wayne Williams, a self- styled talent scout who lured young blacks with promises of a musical career, was indicted yesterday for two of the 28 murders that terrorized Atlan- ta's black neighborhoods for two years. "The next step is assignment to a court and then arraignment," Fulton County District Attorney Lewis Sla...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Saturday, July 18, 1981-The Michigan Daily Sm allA Ifdysu..i.d your nome od d.:Lis ting of moes 3 WINNERS EVERY DAY dress in today's Michigan Daly CAGE NDY WARHOL'S for a contest No Contest To Enter S Resultsl ossfed pge LA C Gsponsored by Jstloosthroughoys Classified Ads. YOU WIN AUX FOLLES FRANKENSTEIN STATE THEATER Three U. of M. studenrs will find the TWO FREE TICKETS MIDNIGHT "hiddeitrhs c se snes'iour to ay oeof Ht 42OMynrwdSt. wi...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 9

…Arts, The Michigan Daily Saturday, July 18, 1981 Page 9 - iLinx Linx -'Intuition' (Chrysalis) - Hummmh ... What to call this stuff - funky pop-soul? Pop-ish funk-soul? soulful pop-funk? Linx do all three so well that I don't want to give any one style preeminent billing. I want a word that combines all three - funk, soul, and pop - into one handy phrase. . . how about "great"!? The wunderkinder behind Linx are David Grant and Peter "Sketch" M...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Soturday, July l8, 1981- ,The MichiganDoily Michigan 500 gears up 4 Wait her qualifies wi*th day's top speed BROOKLYN (AP) - Salt Walther led second-day qualifiers yesterday for the $500,000 Michigan International Speed- way, turning in a fast lap of 193.876 mph on the two-mile, high-banked oval. The veteran Indy car racer, best remembered for his part in the horrifying crash at the start of the 1973 Indianapolis 500 in which he was ...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 11

…Rogers takes lead in SANDWICH, England (AP)-Bill share of the mark only for a couple of Rogers had the lead, Tom Watson was hours before an obscure British club in contending position and, almost in- pro, G.J. Brand, broke the mark with a credibly, Jack Nicklaus still had an late-afternoon 65 that included a hole- outside shot at the title yesterday after in-one on the 165-yard 16th hole. He was two rounds of the 110th British Open at 143. Gol...…

July 18, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 43) • Page Image 12

…Sports 4 Page 12 Saturday, July 18, 1981 The Michigan Daily Q r t a 'S I GIVEN CHANCE BY COWBOYS QBWangler doubted again By RON POLLACK Ever since the 1979 Gator Bowl where went unchosen in the college draft. The under fire, which makes me think he Daily sports writer he sustained a knee injury, John Dallas Cowboys signed the Michigan can be an NFL quarterback." Third in asix-partseries Wangler has spent much of his time quarterback as a...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The -Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 42-S "Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 17, 1981 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Regents to vote on tuition hike today Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTR THREE GRADESCHOOL CHILDREN enjoy one of the exhibits at the University's Exhibit Museum. Though the museum's budget has been cut $41,000, its director, Robert Butsch, assures it won't severely affect services to the public. 'U' E xhibit cutby $41 By REBECCA FRELIGH Da...…

July 17, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, July 17, 1981-The Michigan Daily Reagan determined to nip nuclear weaponry WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan yesterday declared his deter- mination to nip the spread of nuclear weaponry around the world, especially in view of "ominous events in the Mid- dIe East." Reagan, who repeatedly was accused last year by President Carter as caring too little about nuclear proliferation, said the task stands as a "fundamental national se...…

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