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January 31, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…Bather onight: Mostly clear, low round 0°. omorrow: Cloudy, chance f snow, high 17'. wei t One hundredfive years of editorr alfreedom .Wednesday January 31, 1996 v x "IMS MEN A union lans to icket udldings Contract expires tomorrow; talks extended y Anupama Reddy aily Staff Reporter Even though the contract between :1 3raduate Employees Organization n the University expires tomorrow, he two sides reached an agreement this veek to extend ...…

January 30, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Cloudy, chance of flurries, low around O. Tomorrow: Chance of flurries, high around 20-. WE6 Unt One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom Tuesday January 30, 1996 Af Arbon Mchiga Lansing set to vo on inces statutes Two Michigan cas trigger new bill By Stephanie Jo Klein IDaily Staff Reporter Michigan's state House is se today to amend state sexual statutes, a move that may make cest illegal. Sponsored by state Rep. Clyde...…

January 29, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…I One hundred five years of editorialfreedom *rn Weather Tonight: Chance of snow, low around 15% Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high 250. Monday January 29, 1996 111111 1 1'0 !1 .0 6- 9 community responds enthusiastically to interim pres. By Jodi Cohen Daily Staff Reporter Interim president-designate HomerNeal, who will begin in July, may have been a strong choice for the permanent position, members of the University community say. "Neal will...…

January 26, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…One Iiundrcdflve years of editorizlfreedom I tn Weather Tonight: Enough snow to build a Frosty, mid-30s. Tomorrow: Snow, a corn- cob pipe and button nose. Friday January 26, 1996 x t , y y ,. ,. r .,...A. , . 4'k±.. 3cn w .,r ,. Nonregent Presidential Search w ffl The regents yesterday approveda mprocedure for the selection of th University's next president. Following is a summary of the st'star' p ,earch forPresident j'DIClkS I a ie c...…

January 25, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Light snow, low 200 Tomorrow: Light snow, high in the upper 20s. I'Er t tt One hundredfrve years of editonr lfreedom Thursday January 25, 1996 __ 1-0 . .. r , r ma_;. ., _ , :.. s ra. w «s N- k w; ^r'"., t £ :: 5 '.N z,,:z. § x £ " ~ 3 t :r z !TtiJ t . qt.'l° 4uti'a.. :, ''3° . -- s " .. "' SS x' '' '' SV .y a ii/'QRk s v '~Y . y( I Clinton pushes to raise debi * President: No social security checks if debt limit not r...…

January 24, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Bather onight: Snow likely, high 0-357. omorow: Mostly cloudy, ow around 15% WEv 4b *rn4& One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom Wednesday January 24, 1996 o 411 N 5 4n ,4* .. 5 ,: ' 'r' 'a ' i rf. ° .,- ' -*.a -" . i,-i I nures dOff Hospitals Budget reduction forces hospital to trim $28 million from budget this year Jodi Cohen Staff Reporter s part ofa large-scale budget reduc- ion, University Hospitals has an- ounced it will lay off...…

January 23, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…AIL. *rn1 Weather Tonight: Snow late, low around 30' Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high around 33'. Tuesday January 23, 1996 One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom k ". kn E$ x. $*Ro dict 23 f yews ter pro1c; rotest e yubo;r k N .F a The Washington Post WASHINGTON - Finding analogies for their cause in the Holocaust, slavery and Dr. Seuss, thousands of anti-abortion demonstra- tors rallied yesterday outside the home of the President they ho...…

January 22, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…leather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, snow possible, low 30' Tomorrow: Snow likely, high around 34. ' Er-11 t One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom Monday January 22, 1996 L.S. official reports Se ian war crimes <, r. J ...X ..1G _$. R GLOGOVA, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) - New evidence that Serb militias massa- cred up to 7,000 Bosnian Muslims will be handed over to the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal, a top U.S. official said yesterday. John Sh...…

January 19, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…£ ti Weather Tonight: Rain likely; 33- 36%. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high around 36%. One hundred fJve years of editorialfreedom Friday January 19, 1996 yfj}( y py$ K , 7..,.. ,. ,. ,.. y . < m' y t 'a . ro1 , 3 a ,- ,; +k :'.v3 .., h ' . , y XY9Y M I.RZ i n .. I. pt 4 f y. S" :iJ& 'Y 1' +d . 4 .' T1'!:..% G' 3. r ,,.. d* , a ro -k t , '-t' : ; e sor. °°+'" x, i+ '. e a a, - a , X r .' '+ , ru, '-° k . e . n a e uR __ ,. a. r ..., a. + . ...…

January 18, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…lle Airbtgan BaiLg Michael Rosenberg Roses Are Read Toto, Iaont think were 1Kawr anymore ur nation's media dubbed last week's snowstorm on the East Coast the "Blizzard of '96." Besides revealing our nation's media to be remarkably uncreative, it pre- *ts a problem: What will we do if iere is another blizzard this year? What will we call it? "The Second Blizzard of '96?" "The Blizzard of 96, The Sequel?" "Not The Blizzard of '96, But A Bliz...…

January 18, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…WE Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low around 250. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high around 30'. One hundredfive years of editor nalfreedom A& . Thursday January 18, 1996 "MAYA z. Z ' .,.gZ a ,ag .. ., * L s'>.A.v. . c¢, °2u .. _ ..., .mss . .e : ,t ate, H:FxY t.F }<? f'F Engler touts state as model for the nation Dems: Money should be spent on universities, not on prisons ".All of us ... are responsible for deciding whether our children a...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

… qmppm7 Wednesday January 17, 1996 ,;aw tv _t-;. n- sa .,. p. , , , .- s rg . . .. Any _ . a. 2 t . . ..i .. , . ussian troops continue assault; armed rebels stage new raids Eight-day-old hostage drama continues in war-tom Chechnya the Russians aboard, and threatened to kill one Russian every 10 minutes unless it set sail, reported the Turkish news agency Anatolia.,The Chechens claimed to have killed one Russian; a Russian woman who escap...…

January 16, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…opi ti t1 Weather Tonight: Cloudy, light rain likely, low 36'. Tomorrow: Cloudy, light rain, high around 420. One hundredffive years ofeditorialfreedom Tuesday January 16, 1996 aIV ON 201, *" O Vw W oo,.006 4 x 3 ... e *'3 srv u:, i u crx .a t s~ x'. 4."r, y."'. u.~f ' r!'+5. 1 ^:ax a s ' 'S W 8 rn a ° r + ild I I First lady to appear at Borders pmorrow By Heather Miller D~aily StaffReporter Supporters are excited and honored that Hill...…

January 12, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…r~run *rn Lather onight: Cloudy, chance of reezing drizzle, low 25%. romorrow: Freezing drizzle and sleet, high around 34-. One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom Friday January 1.2, 1996 jg- pr Vol. CVI, No. 62 ... Nook oliceIll eturn blood samples to 160 men y Lenny Feller DStaff Reporter e blood samples of 160 African American men, taken more than a ear ago by police in connection with he Ann Arbor serial rapist investiga- ion, were...…

January 11, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…r1v run ti Weather Tonight: Light snow, low around 200. Tomorrow: Snow flurries, high around 35% One hundredfive years of editorialfreedom Thursday January 11, 1996 II Q ply . , ' The-mirbiga Vol I wild" I Pessimism hovers over budget debate The Washington Post WASHINGTON - Republican congressional leaders y sterday offered gloomy assessments ofthe prospects for an eventual balanced-budget agreement, with Clinton adminis- tration and.c...…

January 10, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Bather onight: Partly cloudy, low f 2% omorrow: Cloudy, chance f snow, high of 27. I AI w: a r y 8=""' Wednesday January 10, ±996 One hundredfive years of editoradfreedom ailback eaves Blue or green There will be no Heisman Trophy f.Tshimanga abutuka. Yesterday, Michigan's junior tailback announced he will forgo his se- nior season to enter the NFL Draft. Biakabutuka set Michigan's senior Biakabatuka season rushing r rd last season with ...…

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