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January 18, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-01-18

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Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low
around 250.
Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy,
high around 30'.

One hundredfive years of editor nalfreedom

A& .

January 18, 1996


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Engler touts
state as model
for the nation
Dems: Money should be spent
on universities, not on prisons

".All of us ... are responsible for deciding whether our
children are raised ine a nation that doesn't just espouse family
values, but values families and children."
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, "It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us"

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By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
ANSING - In his fifth State of the
te address since he took office in
1991, Gov. John Engler last night ap-
plauded legislative initiatives in envi-
ronment, taxation, education, crime and
welfare reform, which he
said have made the state
a model for the nation.
Engler called upon in-
dividual members of the
Legislature and thanked
them for their efforts in a
gtonic shift in govern-
ment." His lavish praise
for Republican programs
started off what Rep.
Mary Schroer (D-Ann
Arbor) later called "the
most partisan State ofthe N o
State address."
The economy and taxes Michi
were foremost on
Engler's agenda. "The i dra
t Beltis history. Now,
Michigan is driving Amer
America's renaissance."
he said. "Over the past 60 renai
months, we've cut taxes
21 times... saving a typi- $alC
cal taxpayer over $300 a -
The governor empha- _
sized that the cuts would
not stop, adding a proud
*e that Michigan is doing what Wash-
igton is debating.
Engler spoke of budget turnarounds.
When he took office, the state had a
deficit of $2 billion. Since then, he said,
"we have balanced our budgets and
turned that deficit into a $1 -billion sur-
Business figured well into Engler's
proposals for the year ahead. In particu-
lar, environmentally conscious compa-

nies would be given the opportunity to
get special benefits and easier permits,
and "renaissance zone" legislation
would encourage businesses to expand
their workforces.
Engler also proposed consolidating
cabinet departments, eliminating red

tape and extraneous regu-
lations, and a dramatic
option to file income
taxes without any forms.
All were examples, he
said, of ways to "make
sure government serves
you, not burdens you."
The 1.6 million chil-
dren in Michigan's pub-
lic schools were given
brief attention. The $11
billion spent on K-12 edu-
cation must be spent in
ways to better serve the
students, Engler said, in-
cluding support for char-
ter schools. Institutions
ofhighereducation in the
state were not mentioned.
Engler said he would
work to establish 20 new
charter public schools in
Detroit, and also plans to
build four new prisons to
house the most violent

g an
o f
Gov. John

Engier criminals.
The high praise foreco-
nomic turnaround given
to state Republicans during the address
did not sit well with area Democrats, as
might be expected.
"The robust economy of our nation is
due to President Clinton," asserted Rep.
Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor). "It is unfor-
tunate that Engler takes the credit."
See ENGLER, Page 8A
Inside: University students protest
outside Engler's speech. ge &i

D e toiters:Diversity
key to next 'U' pres.

By Jodi Cohen
y Staff Reporter
DETROIT - While many people have offered construc-
tive suggestions about the presidential search, a federaljudge
instead offered stern warnings to the University Board of
Regents last night.
"You really do not understand your role in the manage-
ment of the University of Michigan," Avern L. Cohn said
during the sixth public forum designed to seek input about
the successor to President James J. Duderstadt.
"You give the impression that you are more interested in
blicizing the search than going about the business of the
rch itself," Cohn said.
But after Cohn's criticisms kicked off the forum, the
remaining speakers returned to the context that has charac-
terized the previous sessions.
The nine speakers reiterated the desire for a president with
a wide variety of characteristics,
"What you want is God on a good day," Regent Philip
Power (D-Ann Arbor) told a crowd of about 50 people.
Members of the African American Alumni Council were
more specific in their suggestions, stressing the need for a
president committed to diversity.
*'Sometimes we speak of diversity, yet at the same time, it
is just lip service that is given," said the council's president,
Glenora Collins. "We're also asking that there be a continu-
ation of the process that began with the Michigan Mandate."
Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) said the importance of
diversity was evident last night.
"I think there was an emphasis on the need for a president
who is committed to maintaining a diverse campus," she said
after the session. "And you would expect that from Detroit."
Although some of the speakers stressed diversity issues,
Bruce Thrall, a 1952 Business School graduate, said the presi-
it must be able to communicate with people from around the
See FORUM, Page 2A

Following is a
schedule of the
10 a.m.-noon,
Flint campus,,
3-5 p.m.,
campus, Room
138, Science
10 a.m.-noon,
Ann Arbor
campus, Gerald
R. Ford Library.
The regents
will conduct
business at a
short meeting
before the
public forum.
See story,
Page 3A.

First lady
visits Mot
By Jennifer Harvey
Daily Staff Reporter
Before the crowds lined up outside
Borders Books and Music yesterday,
first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton vis-
ited the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
at University Hospitals to discuss health
care issues.
Her book, "It Takes a Village: And
Other Lessons Children Teach Us,"
focuses on the support of children,
Clinton said she visited the hospital to
"get more people talking about what it
takes to support our families."
University Regent Rebecca Mc-
Gowan (D-Ann Arbor) greeted Clinton
and accompanied her during her visit.
McGowan said she greatly appreciated
Clinton's visit because of the impor-
tance of health care.
"The University addresses (health
care issues) every day." McGowan said.
"It affects the futures of the patients and
the hospital. There are pressing ques-
tions that need to be answered."
Clinton, a major advocate of health
care reform, said children's hospitals
are of special concern to her. She previ-
ously served on the board of such a
hospital and has visited similar facili-
ties throughout the world.
Clinton was greeted by a cheering
crowd of staff and patients. She took a
brief tour of the facilities.
Clinton ended hervisit to the hospital
with a small forum on health care in the
Mott activity center, which usually
serves as a play area for the children.
"We know full well what 'It Takes a
Village' means," said Hospital Direc-
tor Patricia Warner. "Our world is re-
ally the world."
Warner said the pediatric hospital
serves a global community of patients
who rely on connections with theircom-
munities: schools, other patients, staff,
family and volunteers.
"We very much are a member ofyour
village," Warner told Clinton.
Clinton spoke with a 10-member
panel selected by Warner. She said she
chose the panel members because they
had special stories to tell about health
care issues.

line up for
book tour
stop in .A2
By Heather Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite steady rains, hundreds of
supporters filled the streets and side-
walks of Ann Arbor yesterday for a
chance to greet the first lady.
Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at
Borders Books and Music at 12:15 p.m.
as part of her il-city national book
Her book, "It Takes a Village: And
Other Lessons Children Teach Us," is a
collection ofanecdotes, experiences and
phrases about raising children, basedon
raising her daughter, Chelsea, and her
work involving women and children.
Mitchell Katz, a first-year Law stu-
dent, arrived in line outside Borders at
7:10 yesterday morning. "I'm cutting
my 10 to I11 (class) for Hillary,"he said.
Ann Arbor resident Christine Moreno
arrived at 8 a.m. "I think she's a great
role model for all of us," Moreno said.
Moreno said that she joined the
Hillary Rodham Clinton Fan Club yes-
terday morning.
The Ann Arbor club, the largest chap-
ter in the nation, stationed itself in the
lobby of the Michigan Theatre, selling
Hillary Clinton T-shirts and fan club
memberships. About 400 to 500 new
club members joined yesterday, the club
By II30a.m.,the line tomeet Clinton
traveled down East Liberty Street,
around to State Street, and ended along
East William Street.
"It seems a lot of people are really
excited (about meeting Clinton)," said
LSA sophomore Probir Mehta, com-
munication director for the College
Democrats. "It shows her popularity."
Supporters who waited in line had an
opportunity to speak briefly to the first
lady and shake her hand. Pre-signed
copies of her book were available for
Clinton greeted her fans behind a
curtain in the children's book section of
the store. As she shook hands, she said
comments such as, "Nice to meet you,"
and "Thanks for coming."
To one young girl, she bent down and
asked, "Do you have a cat'?"
Canton resident Rita Schlagheck said
Clinton took the time to listen to her
fans when they spoke with her.
"She was so calm and peaceful,"
Schlagheck said. "I believe in her
issues, especially her children's is-
sues," she added, explaining why she
chose to travel to Ann Arbor to meet
LSA senior Bill Cron said he was
deciding what he should say to Clinton
as he waited in line.
"I've never met a first lady before,"
he told her. He said she laughed at his
However, not everyone who showed
up to the event was a Clinton supporter.
About 20 members of the College
Republicans protested Clinton's arrival
in Ann Arbor, waving signs such as,
"Tell the Truth," and "Hillary Clinton
Go Home."
"We've decided to come down to
protest the slick media book tour that
diverts the attention from her lies on

Travelgate and Whitewater," said
Nicholas Kirk, an LSA sophomore and
See BOOK TOUR, Page 8A

Hundreds of fans began arriving outside Borders Books and Music at 7 a.m.
yesterday to patiently await the first lady's arrival.

Clinton said she wanted to hear their
views about what it was like for them to
be responsible caregivers and patients.
The first lady said she worries about
the future because there is not enough
money for the evolving health care sys-
tem,especiallychildren'scare. She said
pediatric care is often more expensive
and more chronic.
The members of the panel said they
wholeheartedly agreed with Clinton's
"I think everybody should have in-
surance like we do," said Megan Schopf,
whose infant son has been a patient at
Mott for the past year.

Deborah Love Austin, another panel
member whose son is a Mott patient,
said she would have been devastated
without the help of social services. She
said her status as a single mother and
the loss ofherjob nearly caused her and
her two children to be evicted from
their home.
Clinton said Austin was an example
of how the system should work - "it
was originally meant to be a safety net."
Clinton said she did not think elimi-
nating social service health care would
benefit anyone. She said a safety net
definitely needs to be in place for fami-

Former Rep. Barbara Jordan dies at 59

Budget bgaining comes to a halt

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -

that deep, booming voice, it


t,.-rRn nhnrn Irnn was as thougoh she wass'nak- U1I

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