February 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 93) • Page Image 1
…l e . of iu . mlail I. Viii.. II.-No. 'I" UNIV'ERSITY OF .MICHIGAiN, TUESI)AY, F'EBRUARY 9, i1892. PESO ' Tnuor CFNTS. THE MUSICAL OUTLOOK. Communication. IStaool. Th 'rooitos o " I O. YU S The Prospects For Good Music Editors si rrt: ;tmacagers to coasts and exenmpt Never More Encouraging. The idea of forming a wtestern hitchers from batting still receive no UR k CIE i APLGE te as forra'ts sit nttercol legiate athletic association, att e...…