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February 09, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-09

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.of?bished Daily Snadays excepted) during
the Colege tear, by
Subsecription price F2.50l per year, invariably
n avane Cinleconsie 3cecta. On tale at
cneenunnaad aPnt Offtceewsrtestand at 12
O'lcnocn. Subscriptiont may be left at
the officc at the DxAIL, Opera Hexer bloek, at
Sheehti's, at Stotlet's, or with tnof1 the
Conmunicatioca should reach the otfhce by
"oclerk r. Mn. if they are to appear the next
{lay. Addres all matter intended toe publica-
tion an the Mianaginag Editor. All baciarat
commanicatinst should be teat to the Busoi-
nets auager.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
V . Cetee , '02, ManaginEditor.
G.t.Citorcx, 'tO, Assist. MaeauiecSdiltile.
W. . 'ituEscaci,'la, Aast. Maneagng Editor.
J. C.o lits9, Buiss M hanager.
F. .losr'E'r, 'SI:. Assist.Bunessean aivaer.
C.'.RIcucETT, '01, Assiet. Business tiMa'g'r.
W'. t -aea t1. HAtKK'9. J . AtNextt..'lit.
'. tt-le. Wee, 'hI'. CAeS. 50 eteli.
F AKMuoos, 'Oi. I Ies' You-ct, '02
1\ .H e.ELFcAxCa.'i2 tI E Ileeb liec'K.'14.
F.tE.'RUi~ouHS 92. I Ut.roKF e-cE,"9.1
TeEditurs do nut thold thiemselvao responi-
tilde toethe opinionnsor statemenets ittcoere-
pondents, appearineg in the DAttY.
Wei aye cequtestedl by lPresideint
tigell to publlish the following no-
lice: Students of tile LitecacylDe-
patnietit, whoii desice excuses foc
absences, or who swislh toiciake ye-
qu~ests, oc seek coiusel concerninig
their college stork, will hereafter re-
port, not to the President, btit to
the Dlean, Parof. lD'Ooge. T171e Dean
still for the present be itn the Prei-
dlett's office froto 1 2 . to t o'clock
elaily, except on \Motiday, swhuen lhe
still be there frotn 8y to 9 o'clock
a. nt. 'rhe tresident sill be in htis
office fronu 12 to 122j o'clock.

couentry. i"The Germanestase exo
wish to slander thte chief execu-
tive,'' hut they certainly base the
habit of expressing veews in private
swith reference 1o their present
tiller that are decidedly at sariance
stithete sies thtat 'the king can tdo
too strong."''
Webster Society.
'The followssing fietprogtaimi sill
be retoiered at the \Vebste'c Society
tiext N\'ednesdlay evening, Feb. t o,
to swhichu everybody is invited:
Sont ov res Old Seweet Song'------ -
------------ -------M s M tiel Stimone
Essay ----------------2. A. Mcetrets
Orueion------------. A. Alhers
Banjo le o _ ----------- 'eliGillespie
tDebaite"Rtesolved, 'clat tiirtaetellers
anolairvtoyacts soultd te critninauliy
Affeir uetiver . ..--------- t. T. Wadiler
Negativ e ------- has. 11. Deene luecl
Soloi-Wh'lenetierDew-rsilutKiss ther Oaisie
.----_-------Mis tietel Sti seoee
H. D. Jewell tn Lncate at Grand

+ Creek, Latiee, hretel, Germate, anid Mthat~oicail
1' ext, + IBookus, Ness'andtl ttcneidlmi~itt
B oo k ' 1 Univeraity Booksllers, - - State Street.
-.' : a Theefourdereeteceelt Ceaaeeace itl So e I-tt1(C)
$50 pe ce eeehstudent sassiste to pi tins.
or catalegor, addressa P.It.1 11 Ass Pree dci
NO. 12 W. itURON ST. Spring

HI. I). Jewcell, a formee m ttber RtltieeSt(ieniiitglieflo uiti ncS,
of the I Ii I i.5 staff, has formed a law ing styles itn yetloss'andiilute bitttotis.
partnoerslhip sith IIou. Reuben 1
Hath' f GandRapds.ThePantaloon,
71-ltchof Itraid Rrdul. 'lliePlain, Ilk'.
Gratid Rapids Eagle has thte follow-st
fog tuention of the fact: ('less, 7i.5c
0 ! And
Mrt. Harry ll. Jeswell, tof Atn Ar-

-i t
'ii r

boc, is stoono to locate itn this city to)
engage itt the practice of thle last.
Mr. Jeivell gratliated from the last
ceparttmennt of the State t'riversity'
last year wi'thl great credit; seas admit-
ted to practice before the Supreme
Court at Lansing in Junoe, e89o; has
been assistant last librarian at thoe
University for twvo years, and stas
appointed by theloacrdl of regents
last year as onoe of thue assistants leo
thec last departmnlet. He is also oee
ot thocemanaginog editors of thtetoest
Aliclian Last Jouernal. He is a
yountg moan of tigho lrienciple atod
much pronmise in his chosen profes-j


Sent Ipostpaidl atereceipoif price'.
ttOEItM & SON,

rtGcteiat I


Editors U. oti0 .stILY:Sion, antI sill rank hliglh in the es-
I think Mir. IKer's statemueit of teene of the locatl bar. I-Ic sill be
some of the salient features of Gecr- associated swith jutdge Reuben Hatch.
lean )'nis'elsity life tinemost respects Our earenest swishu is that he muay
correct. ']'hlis is especially trite of meet switll the sutccess whlichlso5
smokinig, at least as far as Leipsic tomuche deserves.
is conceredc. I stas a studcenot in_
the University there for five seoles- Hlolt, 'i92l ioedic, is slowvly inmprov-
ters, antIsenioking stas te rulle iu itog.
thoe majority of lecture roomos (this, 'Te Lehoighl college library has
of course, seas during thoe i-Akaileno receivetd 9,000 voluies dulrinog the
ischoes \'icdhel,'' precedling eacho past year.
lecture). No eisrespect was noeant, Thec Athlectic Associationo of State
and I am certainth lat too professor. College las preseoted as a memnento
woitldloave placed any suchocontisruc- to each muenober of last season's foot-
tion upoto the custom. ball team, a tminiature silver foot-
'Tle tone of tloe Gertuan stage miay ball. The ball is of a pretty design,
be highe, lout I have seen- on thoe hating tswo enanoel ribbons of the
boards .of thele leippic ,$gk~katlohea- college colors, blue and swhote, run-
tre,'t shih'l A -Student" cites, ning diagonally arotund thle ball, in
plays of a- character/ that swould which the initial letters of the cot-
hardlyi meet .with. a .CQrdial'recel5" lege are set. Upon the ball is-en-
tion among thoe best circles of this graved ifltate Champion, '92."

Derilc1 AS. M, STAFFOR]'
Nit, il9fSeotthiAlaint Street.
Bathe osinuconte eetoe. Porcelain Tubso.
Soweerr Bathiconected awitheeache Tutt. ___________________
J~. R. TROJANOWSKII, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
'duE. W5ashinagton St5., Anne Arborc. Mieltegact.1 Michigan Railway.
- Time Ccrd in affect Jatntury l, 159.
BUSINESS LOCALS. - Arrival oftrains atAieeistxieaety.
tNoticeeslesertedi in ethis eelumneeeat tie rartesON ~oL1
of 10 crate per liete. Special raesotir lunger eeerstece
timeand extralinecs eurnisheedtbyrapplyinugeat Eu. 1. Mail and Expres...... 77.w
the ODeItYtoffiee.] No.03. 1'assor, AnArbor Acc-itee. .l-'I it o
LOSTFeb 7th oi Las Wahin Nu. i5. Mail Pasenger-............. 4'C<5iep.)
tote street, aecherry-hanedled, st'lf-elos- Nu GOItNG a SOUTHrr. . lSuu
ine umbrhieella, swithe a loeegcfkeled fec Nod: tMailPEsrsege....... tiOSia.
rttle. Findier returteeto .l'.M. (Conrad,. So. 6. P'assengcer,.Toledu Aecoeue.. 10 li
(10 E. 'Washtingtone ancd receive reward~. Trnias >cand (6 runcibetaterit AnntAcbor smit
Los'l'-Twvo live dollar bills betwveen Cetrloedoounal. it
the post toffice and1 the Univtersity. lRe- All Trains Daily exepct Suntaty.
tsrei to I'. Of MSI. LYttsofficec andce-l w.H. tBENNE'1T, it. 5, OEENWtilhtli
ceive researil 0cc. Pase. Agent. Lotetel Antt.
A testli cue of Neeksvear j ust received( ____________________
anod no better styles wtill be tottedfee
townc. Yotue sill say they aire one-half
thte price you pay fur themo el sewheere. V-4
Mack & Schmnid. Q5
Ladies of flee t'. of M. still find it ftI.t
greatly to theeir advanttage to call enmuss
when ic eeed of C'loaks, Dress Goods
or FtcyIDry Goods. Mack & Schmid.
Ladies' Mackintoshes intobeauttfutlor A
varieties, just received ad Mack & It
$1.95-SO0 silk tumbrellas worthe $3.50
to $4.50, marked i$1.95i at Mack & _________________
Hot acid cold baths 10 cents, at PostJ.D STIMSON & 3SO1S,
Offie Baber hop.State Street Grocers
Full line new style collara, 4 ply, h-ic Students patronage especially solicited.
or 2 for 2-i. Mack & Schsmid. 24 S. STATE STREET.

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