j, But war oth ie price of Clothing, Hats, Cap Underwear, Glaes, Mites, I osiery,
STRUNKS. VALISES, Fine Shorts, Collars, Cafs, Oeralls and Jackets
We are going to let the putlic loose amonog thirty-eight tiousan oslshllars ($,o.o)
3 . Iwortit of terchandie fr twenty says, whlich wilt Ie till Fetrtary y, at inerrtater ()
Ioff maredi price We Iae not pirestott a few gootts anoarehetattdsow, tut offer
At'Tills:TWO S MS Rememtber swhat we are saying: ONEQUARTER off te prie rf eerytiing ant ay-
thitg inlursDoaileStar.Not oelaor stoti ogoassnte iooho; eerydollar msottsreraat.
We aougt ts save ONE THIOUSAND) DOLLARS' worths of goods every say at theser
ANY PAR -OF PANALAON~prier. The J. T. Jacobs Company,
leradquates for tlis setions sf tie State of Mihisan
thr house fsr $33 5,.crating $4 5, +,$'jO0.$5.50 , 6.aa sdS-ah 38. N iCsor rlr rr itrcit os o, and assot ts lisirrsacis8attiseetphisn
Sale LNI i. sAi I)XX ' IGHIT. .B-onr elr ild elt oeiadasr i hi tcsa hs rcs
-,9.-oTHE TWO SAMS.,+ 7-- iw- t4® 'umor ins I";441:°'aw ( pA,
issisiist. $,stss. Sssris tot I sr t i It 555 Ot[\LEIJ1f l + SPOOKS
A (llulsirseino 1tesiar5eesrssaloasingsls hsisron Ps i n- '
1 , , te~ ~testntsssSasing De rsHass-o at-y
, 1 'nlrhig, AT- ONEP. sAs T1.1s OFFlDepossitlBoes fory lRnt. iAN- 36
1 Hts, I.IKENTPFPres . ~l;s L.PRCashsserANLDS - :Main St.
Ann Arbor Savings Bankk \N \
AT THE TWO SAMS. ~AsnstAtor uMists. ( atpitsatStok, Rati, 1 LV11
S. OrganiSed tinder ItheGnrl Yakin hws tA N D l
L .. BLJITZ. or this state. Reeeas rnDtposits, tbuys andl
srlnrehsssserassthe nrinotpsst ciieoscthe FINE PHOTOGRAPHS
dntisttss. DOtltlste nonprpe ILLINRY IAND ART GOODS!
C(triss4111lAs, PTres.
ti. 1 I RIi. s Nnsts.VieeiPre.. 3)Fast HNio tr esl,
tin s. E. Illsnosx ash anies.
2J 2A2LI.5sIT' WILL PAY Yof. ShrthandSshoossl,Nss
Y nlts it s e c sriat. iSOI A N S Tuts BuOsilig, .10 SssthiState Streset.
All ArlSioce Alf SE LRlllMr. C 0 A.L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (M o >ia{er) + +4
WORK CALLED FOR andDELITERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A 11111Tlinerof tilstllege fexu tsossk, inludissg Low striaMicsasstiisssbte .t irs.
-r sssONciseapesrt pace osr Nt'.insi JisssFo unsslti Pes ain tSecity. Freshmsenrscrswdstis. isosssesalng
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTSsosi friendst o. ssshasve ssy etrr stara iy stroesn PO. 64..M AIN ST.
Office. - 23 Sauth Fourth Ave.l No. II WPni rWASvttNC+irrilNStitr.1'
TWX N, V £. i L jBOO KSTORE ~ ~ O '
OPOIE j'ss is !eI I l le isfail S('esitisiSCteiseiir'IeX-ssoks : LVERY, 1RACK AND IBAGGAE INtS.
(Ot1T l' Headsquatrstfor I etnuuiin dsiuFrlenchll publications. Sle S.Orernfr rismn, prtiosrdsdisss, t.,
IIISSTATEiromnptly ttttdd to.
a1tgent forWhtins inieStatioinlery ttud Ectil i& Esseln Tlephne 6s. 01 N. MainmSt.. tri Pst Olfitcie.
MAINCelebratted Matttiitittatl Iisitirrits. Sportsinilg O (s. 1 A - HE- > XcEItOR -IAIIiRY
STREET!. Blank Books. d Hlaalthle itsinssrsl nmachinery, and is pe
Mtaager . pard to tnsosut tist clas work on shortts-
tie. comsmereiiawrktrneostoSesday.
pies reasonsssle srsswrk guarasnersd. Ns
~~rs-.-~a-srr~~rsvw-ne.-n ~Semsrter irs Plysio teial -ii5-taslsststs. i. OElT
ysg there will bc givesstwo tree- . M.MARTIN
W'hartteesd ssssdtiscorpoated5-t littis courrses, ass i ttrrtitrt' IDEALERtIIN
&~.A~~rl e AT0:Ers st.~cpi.(lPhil. zass rsa r anancetlPlt. Cloth Caskets, Metallic
NoTE D for its IPII iAllATORlY (Ol lsS. i- lrprtituentsr ort nrsy colsgeor ts cirs'C )orsre. iFtr (trurse 2a 0Courtse _____ ) MN OFN ...-
tili eitostitsthe cousnry. 2 is rquirred. loD rise.sadsanted, RINSEY & SEABOLT,
S or itsaCOI.FE: f SO1 I ES. Prepasre, fr tthede reostd aimst. 55 te. ratr etrirrrand
theesostpractical reslt.corsre stsrdensts arc airsittedI at lie sisskrs asd dealers in
S-st iso NOIMAL AND 1TEAIH/'S' TIl.IiTTi5 ISEPYlttME'7. Stscisal altentionssgivenr tiisrretiott f tie irslstor. sOI . Groceis, Provision sFiour and Feed,
to Ipreparation Cr eantton at l St
orret t. leA.T II -5T AlT I5RENI'sSrrrst tsr Trirtsilt t irstist Sttt. ;iaar. "Tie (ourse ins Briish' i islO 5alisrs t
"is CiOM1'lR(iLI.. .NI) SHtItiiTIJANioDF;PI IFiJE'fsstte-ledrigsrg- n lsrotrt sl e. lt C hl ~ il C nr 't t
Sr the eureaset oderysie upesset osistit ttestiit. ' Iss exenssat- unti euserstst i is - trr- Wrt ' tii ) sil ie Ries is Nst t-IS All ansbtritsit ftr io
sri-st lowr sittsus tu,, atisy ottri-sdussastiol 1tsttinn s itisrcountrandtirst ite tie Sti ssld Smenster. "'o l't ii Ios hl ea ie reit neit
-sussstisssi i wesrittisti -trfortsttle. . N srstirssa frstrtaetsl Y~n re tl~ts d t
A. 1. VEREX, IPresideint. r-ourrse sturdentsswihor ianve takents h ie'ibarre inthetia rins at rnce.
General lPsycholtogy srill ie sit- -I I-t5t5
INTER-COLLEGIATE. 'Its-rt-forthairetes ndsrrtens cr1 rrrlien sat te istruct-or'sdiiicretion.-- \srtgr
tosst iitiee1Macnatgeeeirn.l nsiii o rir ietlss r
11 ihn oetrtecasaetr facn aehn eevdreestedito snsd inthieir tnamets. Nirt - i shiiitg to cotst
Tire Inladaier, publinsredl at SIMi- totrtrtrcret approintmoets i iirs nc Also sudets intendintg to ake te t intelboxing asdlsrstiitg torrra-
gain nidversity, irisexcelledI as a p resesnt IHarvardi senirtrcrla-ss. c irs i enerasiycholog (Phit. tieti'tsr ie- hsldlFei. i , till iplease
literary oliege smagazinie. -lire )artrathrtsentiors hir onted to ) arc requcstedi tsrsensd itthir hy andtithir nate s to nste commuittee
1telorwsear tirecran ast gownatthelirincitnt nittarnes. lItl tis course teire wil at caioe.-I rrainti , Wagner, Store,
exert-toes nf cotmmuenrcmnwesn aek proirably -be otly osessections (SetRobitsnsntndrtiff iin , cmtmtittee.
Tie tiutiber of ssents tao beets About th lirdl of tieclass swro - i,51 X, , _t ,ittio N t l stil~ae o i
doubled nat H1-lardurn tritg tine pat pire( ooiistire insnovsation.rsdentus isingto1take te course basebsl teasts hattltheir namves toi
tess years, and Iathriticetosn duritng - -- - - ad unabltttn' n s-th e r'9.30 scis/tu he'ana srRay NMaurret.
lire ipast six years. Nnirrrr i.-Philosophicail Depart- sioudrorn sulott tie instrusctor. Nwric tt-a A seial exanminatiorn
Irtticmet. Pirf. IDewey asks fthat al A i.ttuEDsI- Itnitti. fo snudents conditioned itt Latino
hueColmbatCi ige who resire to lake teSeminan ry Nitf-~lcandidates for the w5lDBbe hls i iiRoom :, oto Friday,
(irb til iv ot eilrlsuaiutatCotrse -ii,u. tbig}s (Plt itnsahel 93base all club are requesed Sq I'e ,stq ' 19 tS,._-This is tie
te Berkeley Lyceum itnNe York Secontd Semester give lasso ther hand in their namoes at onIc. {last exarlslnation fsfor condtions.
rTestday evenitng, Feb. p.tiamte a once. Dunring the Second H-, A. 1uuItiviar-, Manager.tRANCItS W. KEos..