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January 08, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… leming asks By DAVE CHUDWIN University President R o b b e n Fleming has asked for an appoint- ment with Defense Secretary Mel- vin Laird to discuss proposed mod- ifications in the University's rela- tionship with the ROTC program. The Regents ordered negotiations on the changes at their December meeting. The request was contained in a letter to Laird sent Monday. No reply has been received according to Fleming's office. The Regents instr...…

January 08, 1971 (vol. 81, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY 5k igaF 47E aitP PHONE 764-0.558 Vol. LXXX I, No. 83 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 8. 1971 Ten Cents _. _. _. .. . _ .. ...c,,. 'CAN'T COMPETE': Cellar forces SBS cutback By W. E. SCHROCK Student Book Service (SBS) will soon stop selling text- books, a move which the private bookstore's manager attri- butes primarily to the initial success of the new University discount bookstore, the University Cellar. ...…

January 08, 1974 (vol. 84, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…' ' y Itj tati 4w Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 81 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 8, 1974 Free Issue Eight Pages x.WfYuSEE NES[KAPPENCALL R'tY Tuition drop The slash in tuition is in the record book now and not even Rose Mary Woods can erase it. At their De- cember meeting, the Regents approved winter term tuition rates at a level 5 per cent lower than the fall rates. The cut was made because of the la...…

January 08, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…For daily subscriptions, phone 764-0558 4 CIA INTERVENTION See Editorial Page YI L Ski Y A&F :43"tty MALAMUTIVE High-16 Low- -8 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 84 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 8, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages At IFUvSEE frw5 APPD4 cAL -lyy Let the buyer beware? The campus branch of the Washtenaw County Legal Aid reports that the city's Housing and Safety Department...…

January 08, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…TAX CUTS See EDITORIAL PAGE- Y t Datiti ICED x High-20 Low--2 See Today for Details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 80 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 8, 977 Free Issue Eight Pages F.i - FMU SEE NEWS HACPENCALLDAYJLY Murder movie A Highland Park furniture dealer has announced plans to bring the gory saga of convicted sex- slayer John Norman Collins to the silver screen. The film, called "Now I Lay Me Down to...…

January 08, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…Subscribe to the Daily! Call 764-0558 'U' BRAINWASHED? :M WINTERLICH See editorial page See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 81 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 8, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages Carter maintains foreign trip enhancedU.S.image abroad; shrugs o WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter says he believes his just-con- cluded foreign tour enhanced his goal of projecting a United States 'that stands for what is right and decent and g...…

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