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January 08, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-08

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University President R o b b e n
Fleming has asked for an appoint-
ment with Defense Secretary Mel-
vin Laird to discuss proposed mod-
ifications in the University's rela-
tionship with the ROTC program.
The Regents ordered negotiations
on the changes at their December
The request was contained in a
letter to Laird sent Monday. No
reply has been received according
to Fleming's office.
The Regents instructed Fleming
on Dec. 19 to seek agreement with
the Defense Department on four
changes in existing Army, Navy
and Air Force ROTC contracts:
The Defense Department will
be asked to pay the full cost of
ROTC, including the $89,000 a
year cost for secretarial and main-
tenance services and $100,000 to
$200,000 for rent not now charg-
ed by the University.

- ROTC instructors will be re-
cognized by their military rank
only unless they hold academic ap-
- A University c o m m i t t e e
which previously ruled only on ap-
pointments of military department
chairmen will be reconstituted to
supervise the entire ROTC curri-
culum, to approve the ap-
pointment of all ROTC personnel
and to mediate disputes between
students and ROTC.
- The ROTC units will be
called programs rather than de-
partments of the University.
A fifth proposed change which
did not need regental approval
was a recommendation that aca-
demic credit not be given for
ROTC courses taught by non-aca-
demic personnel. The schools and
colleges have the authority to de-
cide whether or not to grant credit
for a particular course.
These changes approved by the

talks w-
Regents were originally proposed
in the final report of a Senate
Assembly committee that consid-
ered the relationship between
ROTC and the University for over
four months.
The report, issued Oct. 1, was
approved by Senate Assembly 52-
2 on Nov. 17. The Regents, in
giving their formal approval to
the proposed changes, emphasiz-
ed that they were seeking to pre-
serve ROTC, not abolish it.
"This resolution suggests t h e
University wishes to continue hav-
ing ROTC on campus," said Re-
gent Robert Brown (Kalamazoo).
"We're just applying the s a m e
principle of review as has been
done with other University units."
The faculty report had recom-
mended that if the proposed
changes were unacceptable to the
Defense Department, ROTC train-
ing should be relegated to t h e
status of an extracurricular activ-


Laird on

ROTC changes

ity. The Regents did not accept
this portion of the report, how-
A section of the Regents' reso-
lution instead calls for Fleming
to make progress reports to the
University community on the ne-
gotiations with the Defense De-
partment. Prof. Joseph Payne,
chairman of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
said this section, adopted in lieu
of the "extracurricular clause", is
not "in violation of the intent of
the faculty." He said he was gen-
erally satisfied with the Regents'
action, however.
"It will be an affront to the
University community if we don't
see progress in the negotiations,"
Payne commented. He predicted
there would be agreement in some
areas within six months.
But Robert Williams, adminis-
trative dean in the office of aca-
demic affairs, believes the chang-

es in the ROTC contracts will take
some time to negotiate. Williams
now monitors the ROTC pro-
grams for the University.
"Some parts (of the new pro-
posal) might be negotiated by
next fall," Wililiams said. "I would
welcome changes by next fall, but
would not be hurt or disappointed
if they didn't come by them. You
have to be realistic."
Williams said the Pentagon is
in the process of preparing a re-
port on cost reimbursement f o r
ROTC. He explained that it might
take a while to get added funds
for cost reimbursement into the
Pentagon budget and then more
time for Congressional approval.
"What we have is a mutually
agreed upon, mutually defined
question that is a problem not
only in Ann Arbor but in many of
the more than 350 institutions that
have ROTC programs," Williams

He added that the Defense De-
partment had shown "a splendid
spirit of cooperation."
Williams went to Washington
in November and discussed t h e
ROTC situation with William Ben-
son, assistant secretary of de-
fense in charge of education pro-
grams, and the military officers
who command the ROTC pro-
"We simply reviewed the recom-
mendations approved by the Uni-
versity's faculty and had a fine,
objective discussion of the mat-
ter," Williams said.
Col. Melvin Schiller, University
Army ROTC commandant, ex-
plained that Army ROTC con-
tracts are usually negotiated be-
tween the university involved and
the major command headquarters
in the area. For Michigan this in-
volves the Fifth Army Headquart-
ers at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.
He said that the Defense D e -

partment could not take action
until the University formally re-
quests the changes, indicating the
specific language desired in the
revised contract.
Schiller and Col. Antonio Cris-
cuolo, Air Force ROTC command-
ant, declined to comment on the
acceptability of the recommenda-
tions to the military.
In a letter to the Regents prior
to their December action, Fleming
sought to explain that the Senate
Assembly recommendations would
not lower gr abolish ROTC pro-
grams. He also emphasized that
he thought the Defense Depart-
ment would look favorably on the
In the letter Fleming said those
chosen for the supervisory com-
mittee "should be sympathetic
with an ROTC program" and "ma-
jor representation should come
from the schools and colleges
See FLEMING, Page 2


Vol. LXXX, No. 81 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 8, 1970

Twelve Pages


tax exempt
A state commission has ruled that items sold by the
University discount bookstore approved by the Regents last
October will qualify for exemption from the four per cent
state sales tax.
In a letter to University President Robben Fleming, Ben
Holderied, deputy commissioner of sales and use tax, said
that the proposed bookstore meets the standards of an "edu-
cational institution" and is therefore eligible for exemption
from the tax.
The ruling was received by Fleming Tuesday.

The first person sentenc
for creating a contention dt
ing the Sept. 25 LSA Bldg. s
in has been ordered to spe
a week in jail and pay $40
fines and $200 court costs.
Roy Mash, '72, was sentenced
District Judge S. J. Elden Jan
In addition to the jail sente:
and fines, Elden placed Mash
probation for 15 months. If M:
elects not to pay the fine a
costs, he must spend an additio
45 days in jail.
Mash's attorney has appea
his conviction, however, and
hearing in Washtenaw County C
cuit Court has been scheduled
March 2.
All 107 persons arrested in
sit-in, which was organized
demonstrate support for the
tablishment of a student-contr
ed bookstore, were charged w
creating a contention, a mis
meanor. The maximum serite:
for contention is 90 days in i
and a $100 fine plus court costs





Regental approval
bookstore was based on

" enter race

;he student-faculty controlled
onditions that (1) the proposed
bookstore corporation would
qualify for the sales tax ex-
emption, and (2) the Univer-
sity would be isolated from
liability for any debts the
store might incur.
Fleming said last night that the
question of University financial
liability is currently being studied
by a law firm in Detroit. "If this
{ ruling is also favorable, we can
go ahead with the bookstore," he

-Associated Press
Protest desegrega tion
White parents and their children staged a sit-in at Petal Junior High in Hattiesburg, Mississippi
where they re-arranged chairs to protest a court-ordered desegregation of public schools. The
parents accompanied their children to their old school rather than attend a previously all-black
An-ti-wargh e

Voters in two and possibly three Under the plan approved by the
of Ann Arbor's five wards will Regents, the bookstore will be
nominate candidates for City funded by a mandatory $5 fee
Council in a primary election set assessed against all students and
for Feb. 16. a voluntary $5 assessment of all
In the First Ward Mrs. LaVerne faculty members.
Hill and Tom Dennis Hilbert are The fee will be refunded when
battling for the Republican nom- the student or faculty member
ination. The winner will face in- leaves the University, provided the
cumbent C o u n c i1 m a n John bookstore is solvent.
Kirscht, a Democrat, in the April Control of the bookstore is dele-
6 general election. . gated to a policy board composed
James George is challenging of six students, three faculty'
Mrs. Lois Owens for theD membrs andanon-voting repre-y
cratie nominatfon in the Third sentative of the administration.
Ward and a chance to face in-
cumbent Republican Joseph Ed- At its Dec. 15 meeting, Senate
wards. Assembly, the faculty representa-
The situation in the Fourth tive body, designated the three
Ward is confused and remains in !faculty board members. -They are
dute. Lars y Clnad fd eansin German Prof. Otto Graf, director
dispute. Larr'y Clark filed a peti- of the literary college Honors
tion with 51 signatures, one more ounce iemarein Pof.g C.oMere
than .the required number, to gainCo marketins nrf C Merse
a place on the ballot against Crawford of the business adminis-
fnothe Dge- tration school and engineering
Charles Ferguson for the Dem- Prof. Jonathan Bulkley.
ocratic nomination to City Coun- Student Government Council
cll. and Graduate Assembly have yet
Two of the signatures were ruled t i
invalid by City Clerk Harold Saun- abers of the polic bstudent me
ders. One of the signatures was be e olKyTor, and th
rrlrllc a" +h n~he tae ha+ o I See BOOKSTORE, Page 2

cliar UUs and the other was that oz f
a woman who signed the petition
with her husband's initial rather
than her own first name.
The state election law implies
that signatures on candidates' pe-
titions must be the same as the
person's signature on official
voting cards.
' The woman involved volunteered
to appear before the Ann Arbor
election board, comprised of Saun-
ders, City Attorney Jerrold Lax
and Police Chief Walter Krasny,
to verify that she signed the peti-
tion and supports Clark.
Late yesterday State Election
Director Bernard Apol, after con-
sultinig with Atty. Gen. Frank Kel-
ley, ruled that Clark could gain a
place on the ballot only by an
official appeal to the state election
director or .to the Circuit Court.
Saunders said there were in-
dications that Clark would pursue
these appeal procedures. Clark was
unavailable for comment last
Clark, George, and Gilbert are
all associated with the Concernedi
Citizens of Ann Arbor, a conserva-

Last year the New Mobilization Committee to
End the War in Vietnam and the Vietnam Mora-
torium Committee combined to stage one of the
largest nationwide protest actions in the history
of the United States.
Sentiment for such actions appears to be cool-
ing, however, and New Mobe's failure to effect its
planned anti-war demonstrations at the Rose
Bowl has caused both local New Mobe and the
Ann Arbor Moratorium committee to shift em-
phasis from national to local actions for the next
few months at least.
"There were too many police and not enough
organization at the Rose Bowl," said New Mobe
member Joseph Tiboni. "Leaflets were being
passed, but as soon as the police told the dis-
tributors to stop, they disappeared."
As a result, the New Mobe will attempt to re-
Bowl 70:
the Rose Bowl. There were
many other instances which
could be called what sportswrit-
ers fondly term "turning points."
But Healy's dramatic miscue
before 103,000 sun-tanned fans
in the stadium and another 25
million TV viewers in m o r e
wintry climes was symptomatic
of the tragedy in Pasadena.
What befell the mightly Wol,
verines, conquerors of once -
vincible Ohio State, should not
have happened to the a o s t
tragic of Greece's hcroe., The
fall of the House of Schembech-
ler was as swift and rUstructive
as the fall of the oiue Of At-
The injury list for the Wol-

organize on the local level, and try to involve the
The first of these actions will be the showing
of the film "In the Year of the Pig," on Jan. 14,
15, and 16. One week later, discussions will be
held concerning the whole topic of the U.S. in-
volvement in Vietnam.
On Jan. 31 and Feb. 2, the first major teach-in
on repression is scheduled. According to Brian
Spears, organizer of the program; speeches will
be given by a lawyer, a Black Panther leader, aj
defendant in the Chicago conspiracy trial and a
historian. Workshops dealing with repression of
blacks, women and GI agitators will follow the
The Moratorium Committee also has plans for
the coming months. In January, there will be
programs held in white communities commem-
orating the birth of Martin Luther King and ex-
ploring the special toll which the Vietnam war
takes from black citizens.
A tragedy

Attorneys representing soime of
the defendants in the sit-in cases FINAL REPORT:
declined to predict whether Mash's
sentence would be handed down'!
to all the other persons convicted
on the charge. Dorm rate committee
One, however, said the sentence
seemed harsh, claiming, "Many
people in felony cases on the first
ThItilFfeih mresudns e ue sts $ 5hile
offense get less than that."
ofe s e est a h t"The trial of eight more students
will continue in District Court to- By ROB BIER
day. The trial, which began Tues- The Residence Hall Rate Committee has recommended
shortly after the prosecution open- room and board increases of $85 a year in residence hall fees.
ed its case. The prosecution will The committee's report, which will be made public this week,
resume calling witnesses today. also suggests ,increases of $72 for Fletcher Hall residents, $69
Elden and District Judge Pieter for Oxford Housing, and $29 in'Baits housing fees.
Thomassen have set dates in Jan- Final work on the 26 recommendations in the report was
uayad Februr fo setecn
th sealreadyrconvictr en encon completed on Dec. 16. The report details specific reasons for
tention. the increases. It also pinpoints cost areas where reductions
- -amounting to approximately
$20 per student per year could
be made.
The report will now be sent to
several housing groups for discus-
sion. The Residence Hall Board of
inor acts, Governors, Inter-House Assembly,
It IN rthe Student Advisory Committee
on Housing and the residence hall
governments will be asked to con-
ment and relay their remarks to
John Feldkamp, Director of Uni-
versity Housing.
Next, the report, with any sug-
gested changes, will go to the Uni-
versity's executive officers and
finally to President Robben Flem-
ing, who will present it to the Re-
5 a gents at their meeting in February.
Y The committee cited rising food
4 prices and wage increases and
4 smaller increases for services such
as laundry, utilities and main-
tenance as the main reasons for
the rate hike. Some of the present
increases had been avoided or de-
loyed in the past two years, hold-
ing the rate increases during that
period to 4 per cent.
~ This year, as committee member
t A And Wll4Ar ,. a Hniming v irpEy o

Sports Editor
PASADENA - Brian Healy
sat with hunched shoulders,
staring at the dismal concrete
floor of the antiquated visitor's
lockerroom of the Rose B o w 1.
An hour ago the final gun had
sounded on Michigan's first loss
in what the local partisans call
"The Grandaddy of the Bowls."
It also sounded the dismal
climax of Healy's career as de-
fensive halfback for the Mich-
igan Wolverines. With t w o
minutes left in the third quart-
er, Healy's man, flanker B o b
Chandler took a 13-yard pass
from USC quarterback Jimmy
Jones, slipped away from Healy,

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