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May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…BLISHED 1890 "Vl EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVER SITY OF MICHIGAN No. 153 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1931 J E DAY TO OPEN i0T09 ON IIONAL ROUND SEIOR EVNT !' ig Students From Is to Assemble Next day at Swing-Out. All C WILL FOLLOW Annual Sing to Be Held May 20; Class Day Exercises Will Precede Graduation. Announcement of the schedule of senior activities for the next few weeks was made yeste...…

May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…)DAY ]not initiated last week please come E. in the chapter room, East Engi- Students: On Friday, May 8, a din- ANNUAL ELECTIONS will be held,I House. i for initiation today. neering building at 7:30 p. in. on~ ner will be given, at the Michiganl and plans for the SPRING BAN- TR-AFMciaSoilsClh:D.FB.Thursday, May 7. Union, at 5:30, in honor of QUET discussed. All Members will Mir. Holmes Bloomer, of Mande- estra-WE ihgnSNils b D.F . ve & K...…

May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Owl VRIVE WIl-jj-.j . ... . ....... ILESSONS IN SWIMMING, WOODLORE a IWILL BE GIVEN BOYS BY ADVISORS The University Fresh Air camp iakes its eleventh annual appeal for funds to the student body to- day. Opportunity to help more than 400 under-privileged boys will be given, when tags 'for 50 cents and $1 will be sold on the campus by mnen prominent in student activi- ties. Although the preliminary drive among fraterniti...…

May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1931 ed every morning except Monday dur- JUiversity year by the Board in Control nt Publications. r of Western Conference Editorial Asso' sociated Press is exclusively entitled to for republication of all news dispatches to it or not otherwise credited in this d the local news published herein. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi- second class matter. Special rate of granted by Third Assistant P'o...…

May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

…4 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAOR 4 JS 7. .1 . ),"z MMAVA I 0 A. "'_ I i . + :.. I 4 0 T ..LL. TO SPONSOR' CANOE TRIP MAY S9 Previously Planned Nature Hike Will be Replaced by Supper Outing. Due to' the success of the canoe supper trip given by the Women's Athletic Association last Saturday, another party of the same type has been planned for next Saturday, May 9, to take the place of the na- ture hike formerly scheduled. All women stud...…

May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…THE iYl 1, I" pl DATLY . wwrTH MICHIGAN "WN, I ILY olverme Diamond T eam Loses to Illinois, 10-6 rn BY'KAY From Behind in Win Undisputed in Big Ten. 'BOX SCORE lini Come Fourth to Lead By Joe Russell A slashing, fighting Illinois mne ittered its way to a 10-6 win over ichigan yesterday afternoon on e Ferry Field diamond, gaining idisp;uted lead in the Western inference race by its victory. The lini, after spotting the Wolves re ...…

May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 7

…_:_HE MICHIGAN. .AI..Y_ __Th. . r. WEE ERRORS BRINGILLIKWIMlItrarnra Players Protest Decisions of ALL CAMPUS GOLF FA( UM;Aires it Rough and The All campus golf tournament, Play i Tumble Contest. which will get under way next next we Monday afternoon, is to be played far shov (0ontinued from Page 6) on the new University course, ac- enthusia down to second, and Chervinko cording to officials in the Intram- tennis, g tried to. throw him out, bu...…

May 06, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 153) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 12 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 'ublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members f the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to he President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. cial Publication) is called to the new type of labels to be used on all out- A. S. C. E.: Dinner meeting and going mail sacks. A supply of these labels may be obtained at the Busi- election...…

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