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May 06, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-06

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No. 153






ig Students From
Is to Assemble Next
day at Swing-Out.



Annual Sing to Be Held May 20;
Class Day Exercises Will
Precede Graduation.
Announcement of the schedule of
senior activities for the next few
weeks was made yesterday by H.
Bruce Palmer, '31, president of the
literary graduating class. The tra-
ditional round of events preceeding+
the commencement exercises in
June will begin this Sunday with
the holding of Cane day.
Graduating students of all schools
and colleges of the University will
assemble next Tuesday, May 12, for
the annual Swingout exercises. Im-
"rediately after the exercises, the
second annual senior banquet will
be held at the Union.
Following the banquet will come
the annual senior sing on May 20'
and the Class day exercises:will be'
held a short time before gradua-
Honors Group Assists.
Assisting in the, management of
the above events and acting as the
nucleus for all senior activities will
be the Honor goup of the class re-
cently appointed by Palmer.+
As in the past, Cane day will be
celebrated by the seniors on a Sun-
day. All members of the graduat-
ing classes will carry their canes
throughout the day. . 3
Tentative plans have been. made
for the annual Swingout exercises I

. I

Coming from behind after the
Michigan nine had piled up five
runs in the first three innings,
Illinois yesterday battered its
way to a 10-6 victory, over the
Wolverines, gaining undisputed
lead in the Conference baseball
Compton, McKay, and McNeal
worked on the mound for Michi-
gan. Compton going the major
part of the route. Compton, the
Michigan. ace,.. allowed, 12 hits
and' six runs before he was re-
moved in the eighth. Hazzard
and Mills pitched for the Illini,
Mills replacinghHazzard early in
the game.
Errors counted heavily against
the Wolverine team,' five mis-
plays materially influencing the
outcome of the game. Adverse
decisions at crucial moments
also accounted in part: for the
Wolverines' defeat. The game was
hard fought, and players of both
teams challenged a number of
the official rulings.
( Complete Sports on Page 6 & 7)

Mothers of Men Students'Are
Invited to be Present
Kat Luncheon.
All alumnae returning for Home-
coming weekend have been invited
to attend the, first annual Mother
and Daughter luncheon, sponsored
by the League, which is being given
Saturday noon in the League ball-.
"We would like to have the moth-j
ers of men students as well as wo-

Professor Pollock's Bill Is Now
Before Senate Committee
for Consideration.
Other Political Leaders Heard;
Beard Recommends Elections
WASHINGTON, May 5.-(P)-The
establishment of a federal elections
commission to bolster "enforcement
of proposed limitation on campaign
expenditures was advocated today
before the Senate campaign funds
committee. The committee is con-
sidering a bill drawn by. Prof. James
K. Pollock of University of Mich-
igan as the basis for its hearing.
College professors and experts in
political science agreed that some
curb is necessary on election funds,
but declared that it is more neces-
sary on election .funds, but declared
that it is more necessary to find a
means for enforcing the limitation.
Joint Control Urged.
Prof. Charles A. Beard, a writer
on political affairs, proposed a joint
agency of Congress such as the
elections commission advocated by
Senator Cutting, of New Mexico.
Albert S. Bard, representing the
Citizens' Union of New Yo-k, urged
a similar organization with broad
power of investigation. Beard and
other witnessed suggested it would
bebetter for the federal govern-
ment to abide by the various state
Pollock Opposes Plah.
Professor PollocK contentdd that
this would be ineffective. He againE
urged a definite limitatii four
cents a v*ter upin House 0ndi-
dates. He 'also .would restri e ex-
eiditures of the na~tional comiit-
teandLothegprpitzeigng nga
e d i elections.
Public May View Latest Additionf
to Quadrangle; Building Isi
Not Yet Completed. C
Although not entirely completed,a
the new Legal Research LibraryI
building, the gift of the late Wil-s
liam W. Cook, will be open to in-t
spection from 1 until 6 o'clock Sun-
day afternoon. This is not the
forrial opening, as was' previously
announced, Dr. Hobart C. Coffey,
law librarian, said yesterday. I
Only the central reading room of
the new structure will be opened
Sunday. Construction work on the
interior is still in process and the
room will be adequately roped offc
from the rest of the building.
One of the special features of the
huge reading room is the medal-
lioned ceiling which is entirely
hand-carved. The high walls of the
room are panelled in English poll-
ard oak.t
Dean of Smith CollegeC
to Speak Here Fridayt
Miss Marjorie Nicolsen, '15, Dean
of Smith College, and professor oft
English, will speak at 4 o'clock Fri-d
day in room 1025 Angell hall, ont
the subject, "Science and the Poetic

The lecture is being sponsored by
the office of the Dean of Women, as'
one of the group of non-residentf
lectures which are given each year.s

Cooper Engages Speakers.
The inception of a senior banquet
last year was so successful that it
will be held again by the class of
1931. It will probably be a regular
feature of senior activities in the
future. Negotiations for' several
good speakers are being made by
Irvin Cooper, '31, chairman of the
The tickets are being sold by
members of the literary section of
the senior Honor group and also
the Union.
The last informal gathering of
the class before commencement will
be at the senior swing, Wednesday;
M4ai 20, where popular Michigan
tunes will be sung by the assembly
to the accompaniment of the Var-
sity band. A dance, sponsored by
the Union, for all seniors of the
University will be held this FridayI
night in an effort to bring the l
'members of the class into closer
acquaintanceship with each other.
State Bulleins
(Rip Assorated Press),
Tuesday, May 5, 1931
DETROIT-The foreign-born club
of the suburb of Melvindale is
sponsoring a recall m o v e m e n t
against Arthur F. Moore, villiage
president, and William McKitrick,
who are charged in petitions with
mnalfeasanse in office.
DETROIT-Alexander E. Green-
berg, 63, who pleaded guilty three
weeks ago to embezzling $14,283
from the American State bank of
Highland Park was placed on pro-
bation for two years today by Cir-
cuit Judge Harry J. Bingeman who
gave' him that time in which to
make restitution..
LAPEER-Cecil J. Collins, 35, of
Flint, a salesman, was killed late
today when his automobile over-
turned after striking a culvert near
GRAND RAPIDS-A small forest
fire that menaced private property
for a time along the Clyde Park
road three miles south of here was
brought under control today by the
Godwin Heights fire department.

luncheon will be in the nature of a
reunion, and all alumnae are wel-
A program of entertainment will
be offered by the University Girls'
Glee club, and skits from the Junior
Girls' play will be presented. Tickets
may be secured at a desk in the
League lobby from 1 to 5 o'clock
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday'
Play Production to Give Dramas
to Assist Those in Charge
in Choosing Winners.
Four plays have been selected by
the committee for the Avery Hop-
wood contests to be produced so that
a final decision for minor award
can be made, Prof. Roy W. Cowden,
of the English department, said
The plays that have been selected
to be produced are "The Well" and
"The Blue Anchor," by Richard
Humphreys, '31; "Gin Joint," by H.
D. Skidmore; and "Swamp Mud,"
by Harold Courlander, '31. They will
be staged by Play Production late
this month it was said, at which
time the judges will decide on first
and second choice.
Plays not submitted for one of
the minor awards will not be pro-
duced, Professor Cowden said.
Final announcement of the win-
ners of the Hopwood prizes, both
major and niinor, will be made the
latter part of the month.

Theatres Will Give
Free Shows Friday
After the cap night program
at Sleepy Hollow Friday night
there will be a free show for stu-
dents only at the Michigan and
Majestic Theatres. The show will'
start at 9:15 sharp.
The movie will be "Only Wives"
with Edward Everett Horton and
Laura La Plant. It "will be the
first showing in Ann Arbor.
Because of trouble experienced
at recent events of this type, no
one will be admitted without
showing their coupon books.
Will Be Sold at Union, League;
Address Will Follow Dinner
at Union Friday Night.
Tickets for the Larry Gould lec-
ture, to be held at Hill auditorium
Saturday niogqtn conjunction with
the Spring Ho ecoming program,
are now on sale at the Union, the
League and by members of the
committee in charge of the 'three
day festival. The Gould lecture fol-
lows the annual father and son ban-
quet atthe Union Saturday night.
Other events 'scheduled during
the Homecoming program are the
traditional Cap night in Sleepy
Hollow on Friday, the Minnesota-
Michigan track m eeton Saturday
afternoon, the Mothers' day pro-
gram at Hill auditorium on Sunday
afternoon, and the annual Senior
Cane day also on Sunday.
Along with these events are sev-
4al special p'rograms for women,
including a mother and daughter
tea Saturday and inspction tours
'roughout the Univrsity. Exhibi-
tions have been pr ed for t! I
visito throughout the Drii
W'OfttaTTto 'previopzs aninoun
ments by the committee in chare,
the new Legal Reseaigh library will
not be mpen during the three-day
Homeconing. The reading room
only wil be'open during the Home-
coming program, Sunday afternoon
from 1 to 6 o'clock.
Announcement was made' yester-
day by Dean. W. B. Rea that permits
for operating. autos during the
Homecoming may be had by secur-
ing the usualprmissions from par-
ents and bringing' them into the
office to the dean ;t students where
an official permit may 'be had. This
privilege will be extended to all the
students in the University fulfilling
the requirements.
Swedish Captain Hopes to Land
at Dugout, Where Courtauld
Spent Winter Months.
ANGMAGSALIK, Greenland, May
5.-(IP)-Given favorable weather,
Capt. Albin -Ahrenberg hoped to '
take off today to rescue Augustine
Courtauld, British scientist, who is1
marooned on Greenland's icy pla-
Having equipped with skis the1
plane with which he flew the north
Atlantic, the Swedish flyer intends
to land if possible near the isolated1
dugout in which the Britisher spentj
the winter. If that is unfeasable,

he will drop foodstuffs and return
with directions for a land party.
En route to the temporary camp,
150 miles inland, he will keep watch
for three dog teams, parties which
set out some time ago on the same
mission. One is led by H. G. Wat-
kins, 23 years old, who sailednfrom
London with a party of 15 scien-
tists a year ago to gather data for
a proposed air route between Eng-
land and Canada.
Fraternity Judiciary
Body to Meet Tonight
A meeting of the judiciary coun-
cil of the Inter-fraternity council
will be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight,
in University hall, Howard Gould,
'32, secretary of the council, an-
nounced yesterday. Nominations for
the presidency of the organization

Ruthven, Humphreys, Menefee,
Bursley Endorse Annual
Campus Tag Sale.
Mabley, Palmer Seek Support
for Drive in Message
to Students.
Endorsements of the University
Fresh Air camp drive have been
received from President Alexander
G. Ruthven, Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley, Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys,
Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee, T.
Hollister Mabley, '31E, Bruce Pal-
mer, '31, and other members of the
faculty and student body, George
Hofmeister, '31, chairman, an-
nounced last night.
"tPresident Ruthven declared that
"the Student Christian association
could have hardly chosen more
thoughtfully, or directed its activ-
ities toward a more direct and
practical service to the community
than by establishing and main-
taining its Fresh Air camp."
"Project Appropriate."
"The project is one which is es-
pecially appropriate to an organi-
zation made up of college men," he
continued. "The camp has been
very successful in accomplishing its
purpose, and is worthy of the con-
tinued and enthusiastic support of
this campus."
Visitors to the camp have always
"come away with the feeling that
the work done there by University
of Michigan students is' a great
credit to them and to the institu-
tion of which they are members,
Dean Buraley said in voicing ap-
proval of the Fresh Air drive.
humphreys Approve Camp.
Dean' Humphreys said that he
peas sire that many boys find the
time th y .spendat the Fresh Air
camp .a period of w holesome ex-
perienoY, and that the benefits they
receive are, enduring. "I hope that
the camp will be as successful this
year as it has been in the past."
"One ca hardly conceive of a
better way to bring the alert but
e x t r e m e 1 y underprivileged boy
from, the city into contact with the'
college men than by sending them
to the Fresh Air camp," declared
(Continued .on Page 3)
First Steps Taken for Proposed
Plan to Put Sports Under
Direct Control.
NEW YORK, May 5. -(P) - Thex
Columbia University already has
taken the first steps for carrying o
out the plan for endowed athletics
proposed by President Nicholas
Murray Butler in his annual report
last November.
A complete shake-up in the con-
trol of athletics, bringing inter-
collegiate sports under direct con-
trol of the University, was an-
nounced today with the added news
that it is hoped to end the em-
phasis now placed upon gate re-
ceipts from football and that the
cost of athletic work "may be met
by the income from permanent en-
dowment given to the university '

for that purpose."
A director of athletics and a con-
troller of athletics are to be ap-
pointed, and the present University'<
Committee on Athletics is to be ex-


Link With Old World Requires
96 Hours; Saves Ten Days'.
From Train Trip.

operating more than a year.
Three o t h e r s, with American
backing, are to be started within a
moth tnrbu n C nly th amilitnrv l

One of Trickiest Layouts in Big instruct the more-or-less beginners
Ten; Few Golfers Find in the rudiments of the game as
Par Figures Easy. far as etiquette is concerned, divots
continue to fly and sandtraps to be
Judging from the time it takes blasted to pieces. But as yet no
to reach the first tee of the new serious casualties have been report-
University golf course on any sunny ed on Michigan's golfing - front in
afternoon, it is safe to wager that spite of the efforts of the occas-
Mr. Fielding H. Yost's latest addi- sional 'wrecking crews.'
tion to his athletic plant is a great Although less than a year old
success. the University course is in excellent
According to last Friday's regis- condition. The large greens, clever-
. _ _.. .. .. , - - 1 lr + ^_ _A - 4 1 v.,.--~ ,- . - -

mo.nui or wo. nly mem innary
NANKING, May 6.-(I')-China's activities of last summer prevent-
dash toward modernism is taking ed the' establishment of two of
to the air these spring days.t .1
A link with Europe which will these i 1930.
cut the overland journey between The major development of this
Cathay and the Old World to 96 year is the Shanghai-Berlin mail,
hours is the latest development, and passenger line. A special com-
The trip now consumes two weeks I p a n y, the Euro-Asiatic Aviation

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