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April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 7, 2000 - 5 *African health care focus of week-long conference Voting rights still main MSA issue By Shabnam Daneshvar Daily Staff Reporter SBringing in social scientists and public health offi- cials from across the country and around the world, the University's first conference focusing on "Africans on Health Care, and the Health of Africans" issues started Monday and will continue throu...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2000 4. i ************PARKING ************ On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. NEW 7 SPEAKER SONY rack stereo system. DOBY Digital AV receiver, 200 disk, CD changer, mini-disk pkg. Retail value $3700, for sale $1500. 995-2711. SPRINTPCS CELL PHONE!! Qualcomm 2700 DualBand wi car & standard charger, needs activation. Great condition. 213-6873. 1 BDRM. FALL or Aug. 1. Completely Furn., nice...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2000 - 7 * Academic pressures not linked to suicide for ( SaUICIDE Continued from Page 1 level window of the Dennison building. Friends and advisors said the student had a long history of mental illness and didn't neces- sarily commit suicide because of academic pressure. Brown said the data only includes attempts that occurred on University property or involved the Department of Public Safety. "The ...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 8

… 'Tom, How's the peeping?' A 1 Tm Rip le, MatI Vamon star min Anthony NM inghella's "The Talented Mr Riplev." The screenplay wa based ott a niovel ly Patricia Highsmith. At the Michigan Theater att 7300 p.m. c ,F., wr,,y . -u-s , ; s ' , { .. , ; s . +,5, ', t . b ' d .x.'i ;K.a WEDNESDAY APRIL 5, 2000 Cabaret struts into Power Center for weekend run. By Nick Falzone lDaily Arts Writer Musical theatre is rarely va...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 9

… ARTS The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2000 -9 'Komposit aims to transcend borders through music By W. Jacari Melton Daily Arts Writer Komposit. The name of this promotional and DJ crew has become synonymous in the University community with packed events t venues like the All-Star Cafe and the Cavern Club, not to mention countless house parties and student group functions. "The hypest parties I have ever been to have been hosted b...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2000 ARTS 'Isolato' leaves roo r essert By Amy Geurink For the Daily If youare a reader who enjoys eating words, then "Isolato" is a book for you. If, however, you expect those words to taste rich and satis- fying, you might want to direct your appetite elsewhere. This collection of poems by Univer- sity alum Larissa Szporluk presents an impres- sive entourage of vocabulary, some tasting sweet. ...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 11

… Cyymnastics sessions set The top-seeded women's gymnastics team was selected to compete in Session I1 of the NCAA champi- onships on April 13. Check online to see the team's competition. nichigandaily.corm/sports P 9 WEDNESDAY APRIL 5, 2000 11 0 .April flurries bring cancellation for 'M' Nine By Ryan C. Moloney Daily Sports Writer If it wasn't obvious by the periodic snowflakes nd chilling northern wind yesterday, it became pparent afte...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2000 Through detours, netters persevere .l Field hockey to host 2000 Big' Ten conference tourney The NCAA runner-up Michigan field hockey team will host the 2000 Big Ten Conference Tournament next season. The tournament, which the team won last year, will take place Nov. 3-5 at Phyllis Ocker Field. The tournament will start with three first-round games on Friday, Nov. 3. The semifinal games will ...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2000 -1 PITCHER PERFECT By David Roth - Daily Sports Writer ith a 9-1 pitching record, a .333 batting average, a Michigan-career record two grand slams and a team-leading.28 RBI, freshman Marissa Young has turned a mew heads in her young career. These are heads of outfielders watching the ball go beyond their glove's reach, batters watching the ball zip by them and onlookers viewing this star's aberra...…

April 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 112) • Page Image 14

…14- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2000 OY:S Y:E a R~ fm X.l ry' Y f N2 EN:O: yearbook i I I i i I i i i I I In the Fishbowl: Friday, Apri I 7th Monday, Apri I 10th On the Diag: Thursday, Apri I 1 3 th Friday, Apr i I 14th Haven't ordered yours Stop by our office at yet? 420 Maynard Street and buy one today! Applications are now available for I I …

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… e qq e ^ v " '1 z, p Y x WA a a r Waat!Ikhr Today: Partly cloudy. High 28. Low 19. Tomorrow: Snow. High 39. One hundred nine years of edntonlfreedom Wednesday January 5, 2000: I '"' " I Y2K prove tob e ective By Jewel Gopwani Daily Staff Reporter Nearly two years of preparation seems to have paid off for University and Ann Arbor city offi- als who remained on call during the turn of the illennium Friday. University Spokesperson Jul...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2000 NATION/WORLD Israel, Syria resume talks SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va. (AP) - "They both want an A procedural hang-up resolved, Even so, State D President Clinton brought together son James Rubin sa Israel's prime minister and the foreign accord can be reach minister of Syria for face-to-face nego- week on peace term tiations yesterday aimed at setting their on the Golan Heigh countries on a cours...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…-w I LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2000-- 3' .HIGHER EDUCATION MSU officials say arson to blame for fire EAST LANSING - Arson may be *to blame for a New Year's Eve fire at Michigan State University's historic Agriculture Hall, school officials said Monday. Investigators from the Michigan State Police and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms have found a "high probability" of arson, MSU spokesperson ...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2000 Gbe 3ikigW ltifg 420 Maynard Street HEATHER KAMINS Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and managed by JEFFREY KOSSEFF students at the DAVID WALLACE University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily 's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessa...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

… I The screen adaptation of the Austen novel plays at the Vlichigan. You have only one more night to catch this flick, so nake sure you're quick. 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. , &i4W ® Check out Erin Podolsky's review of Anthony Minghella's "The Talented Mr. Ripley," starring Matt Damon and Jude Law. Wednesday January 5, 2000 fying s mistakes sour 'Cider House' y Edn Podolsky aily Arts Writer "The Cider House Rules" tries to be a reat many things and...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2000 - a *************PARKING'************* On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. 18 CONTEMPORARY LOCATIONS to choose from. Studios to 7 bedrooms. May and September leases 741-9300. 2 BDRM. APT. 2 levels. 1 127 Church. Prkg. Furn. Heat H20 incl. Dwshr. A/C. Walk to campus. $945. 248-348-1607. 2 BDRM. AVAIL. Immediately, campus location, $725/month. Call 662-4446. 2 MIN. TO ANGELL- Prime locat...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 7

…Tt_.-. aa'-1_'_-._ P1_:t__ tU _t._.--J-_ t-.-..-._. !- ^^^- Asa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _STATEThe Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 200 LOCAL/STE U' leads nation in research spending with $500M 0 - 7A By Michael Grass Daily Staff Reporter Among universities across the nation, the University of Michigan remains the nation's top spender of research dollars - with near- ly $500 million in expenditures last year. According to recently released nu...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2000 0 TiOMATO KETCHUP 0 9 condiment TOM KETC spaghetti sauce TOMAG NET WT. 14 OZ-397 GR 9 0 When you're broke, you look at things in a whole new way. So for textbooks and stuff, hit You'll save up to 50%. And shipping's always free. …

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 9

…N 1 he itrbigan ttu lg x T 1 -yn , d ' 6z '. s t x + fd ¢ _.. .7 ..dd (3' *°.. 'orgett Orange Bowl win comes back to M' script TAMI - Ian Gold jogged to the Michigan sideline this past Saturday, arm wrapped around a reporter, face beaming, ready to be engulfed by the quickly developing mayhem. "Amazing," Gold said of the football game that had ended just seconds earlier, a 35-34 heartstop- ping Michigan overtime victory over Alabama in th...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 10

…2B - The Michigan Daily - SportsWednesday - January 5, 2000 'Noles nail Tech 46-29, claim national title ATbH LiEiO TWE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK . NEW ORLEANS (AP) - No. 1 at the start, No. 1 at the finish. Florida State is the perfect national champion. Led by the sizzling Peter Warrick and the steady Chris Weinke, the Seminoles held off Virginia Tech for a 46-29 victo- ry Tuesday night in the Sugar Bowl. The Hokies' freshman quarterback, Mich...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 11

…SportsWednesday, January 5, 2000 - The Michigan Daily - 3B Gm _nasts take to defending title Over winter break, the Michigan wrestlers finished 8th at the Midlands. Wrestlers struggle in 1MidlandS tourney By Jon Schwartz Daily Sports Writer For the Michigan wrestling team, the holiday break was anything but a vaca- tion. Facing their toughest competition to date, the wrestlers passed up swim- suits and suntan lotion for uniforms, winter coat...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 12

…4B - The Michigan Daily - SportsWednesday - January 5, 2000 I GAME STATISTICS Doing his best Aretha Franklin Carr plays the respect card Team Stats First Downs Rushes/Yards Passing Yards Offensive Plays Total Offense Return Yards Comp/Att/Int Punts/Avg Fumbles/Lost Penalties/Yards Time of Poss MICH 18 23/37 369 70 411 115 18/37/3 8/43.4 2/1 10/115 32:08 BAMA 12 37/184 121 57 278 182 20/40/0 9/34.4 1/0 18/1 32 27:52 M I C H I G A N PASS...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 13

… The Michigan Daily - SportsWednesday - January 5, 2000 - 5s 0 Bowl Roundup Michigan State squeezes by Gators in Citrus ORLANDO (AP) - Paul Edinger's 39-yard field goal on the final play of the 2itrus Bowl lifted Michigan State over Florida on Saturday, 37-34. The kick gave the Spartans (10-2) their first 10-win season since 1965 and a victory in their first New Year's Day bowl appearance in 11 years. xico Burress set a school record with...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 14

…I Th Mhn Daly - SportsWednesday - January 5, 2000 Puck talk rom day one you understand that eisgo9nto bethe ival, the team1 yo *lve to hate."*I chigan fieshman Mike Cannalleri Michigan 4 Michigan State II Michigan 3 1 Key play Dec. 29, 14:13 in overtime Mark Kosick puts the puck past Lake Superior goalie Jayme Platt to give Michigan the overtime win and a berth in the GLI Championship. Air 0 AM Lake Superior 3 x .. .,. , Blue see...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 15

…'a, The Michigan in liv -- SnnrtsWednesdav -- Ianurrv 5.')AO -- 78 - ' ot~'''at" '---i -r'' 'G''- - - - - - -~ lpl * J GVVV 'J ' lp Quote of the break "To me this is an NCAA Tournament team. I see them to be in the top four of the Big Ten." - Colorado State coach Ritchie McKay, on the vastly improved Michigan squad after the Wolverines beat his team, 87-80, on Sunday. Michigan .87 Player of the break Michigan guard Leon Jones The sophom...…

January 05, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 53) • Page Image 16

…8B - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2000 o. 0 We realize we don't have to waste your time explaining the virtues of the Internet. Let's just say that at we've made the most of it. Not only can you save up to three business days. All on a Web site that's completely 40% on your textbooks, but you'll also receive them in just one to reliable and secure. What more do you need to know? Savings off distributor...…

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