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April 05, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…44M .d: . fi a , ;'' ,'M' 'i < + r ('.rte : F . Vol- l l i.'--iN O. 1"' 7. 's1oic. 1(1.-iT,.1l.0.T FNA LA IT1 OA T,10I110AN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3y 1893.PIE hRCNS ERIC E, Tm., -,m CENTS. THE NEW CALENDARS. Will Soon be Ready for Goneral isribtion-Fao'vrof lnterestI in the Work. (11111p1' 1''Iii l I 1' aYIii ~tt 1111 1A l ai1l n"l y-K MEN WHO WILL PULE.. A Hot Contrast Between Lits adi .aws for Oratorioal Assooi- at10n Otfies,. i_ 1( ' ) ti...…

May 05, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-ino. 151 UNIVERSITY OF MICUIG fiFiAMY5 83 RCTRECNS FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1893. RRICE, THREE CENTS. 3rAN, WILL WE WIN THE CONTEST? Mr. 0. Ti. L. MAason, the con- A Sketch of the Men who will Take testant front Iowa liniveirsity, is an- in the Oratorical other representative of the newspa- Corntest. per prof essionhavine met with great inc third incuai contest of ttie success as the editoi of thie S.U. otenOratorical L eaeiie takes ...…

June 05, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-No. 178. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, MONDAY, <JUNE 5, 193. PRICE, TREE CEST. LAURELS FOR MICHIGAN. Wilkiiso Northwestent thrd time, THE SUCKERS DEFEATED. Everytihing Went to Yeow andi Siue Onihe bansdied aidtweentytyds lsir- The Return Came Reulted in a De- n the Fieid-Mieet die Keep Michigaii firt eai, csive Victory for the at Chicago. Michmgan, second itiRicadVt iii-U. o' M.wj " " --sit thurd;tiiie 8 5 -StN tb.. o. i~ To liuiided toil...…

December 05, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…AM4 YOL. IV. -No. 53. UTNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER , 193. PRICE, TH~REE CENTs. THEOTHE FOUR.le - UHarvard - 0 "CO-ES' ON AN EQUALITY.I fn, v/ , /j Directors of the Athletic Associa- 1.Yale -1 1 Iyardwi.- 0 Harvard Annex May be Incorpor- ClOA)0 ion Selected. Four Student 155. Yale - I_ GHarvard ------- ated with the University. R Members wre Elected. 153. Yale --6 ell~rviidl.- 5 Conservatism Yields. During the same period the Yale...…

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