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May 05, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-05

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WILL WE WIN THE CONTEST? Mr. 0. Ti. L. MAason, the con-
A Sketch of the Men who will Take testant front Iowa liniveirsity, is an-
P.art in the Oratorical other representative of the newspa-
Corntest. per prof essionhavine met with great
inc third incuai contest of ttie success as the editoi of thie S.U.
otenOratorical L eaeiie takes I. jiill. Tie is coiisideired a siaker
a,)ace this evening5 at(Oberlsin. Thr of naore thsasaordlinasy a'iisty The
51subjiecit repreisenvtcel are those of hsjctte swilltrdiscussat th e Lois
W1iscosinsa NoirthasestesrnttoaghtisIowieaiiiese
~TnhObrit ni anssilMichsig ia.Inadd*Tsai-
1r. C. R. R'ayisoisd is the oirator
Liois totI s ciag U iesity aad csoseia to repsresenst S herli Ile.is
setiy o IIisiesoa sc memiber of the sophsomior etass
adissssonti th lec" asnd wois his victors osvei meniiofi
ad ifthtey-are adiiittedl thiie iir cp -tried ability froimaamiongo the stier
wcsai il a ke.iairt inithe run- '7
c~a ~n_ P tiill c F~sla ny th

Thle contest this year lpronaises to
siurpass in iiterest, as swell as
is excellenscy, thsose of the tivo
pireviouls years. The gentleena
whta will conspete for first hoiaors
save heeia the successfusl contestants
at ttheir honse universities in contests
of niore than usual imsportance.
The possibility that the number of
conitestants wtill be increased also
ds in iterest ansd gives assurance of
a tiard fotight contest.
Wisconsin serus this year oiie of
its msost experieiaced speakers, AIsl.I
IHerbiert II. Jacobs, a tmaeasber of ttae

subject, "Sectasrianisms in the Pushlic
MIr. L. G. Long, the geintlemnsi
stho still strive to swisa the victory for
Michigan, is swell knoswn as a niem-
her of the local Oratoricasl Assoi-l
ation. He is a nienaher of the jin-
ior class, tinting entered in Isis
sopahaonare year. Thse oration willh
whicha le has heeia successful ini the
class aiad sniv'ersity coistests, and
which he still deliver tonight at
Oberliia. is enatitled iiThle Relatioia
of MlodersaIsmssto Progress.
A Public Progrens.

Dean Ohetz Severely Censured by
His Brother Homeops.-Will I ~ -z
pooiinof Dr. aOetzldeynof c bJIJIiFJ>U j
theIHonmeopathaicilepaurtmseit, re ~ DETROIT, ICH .
schsools, ass aut5yvt subsided, as
was ts sho i t thi sssioni calthe
Sate i. sossop atiliie asc~ti eldin i
LasasiaIng cieinesiday anail hutsdi iay
ofi this weLL1
The omeetin" a en aldes-
peciall to coniiiiith tess
thatthLeIHonmeopsathsicjprofessiona I r " i61o5 pir es
thsouiglt it hadsilu5stianed isthe R H m
actioin of Di. Obetz. Pivsicdenat
Nottlaisana after callus'g the oseet- U
in otder left thyelshair ansilriad 101,113-185 ofiusmn mii) Arg.,
ic to DETRIT, - - MICIAN.
an address in whsicha le 5severely
scoted Dr.(Ohetz and clharacteriized ;I-l=hmond Straight eat.
Isis scihema as chaimaerical Di. .. N
Obhetz tolk the floor aind siadelaCIGARETTES.
reply usan istiandefense, stimhul i garette Stsisersaewhn
ae iling o vy alittle
Isossever, did aot avail to is ci mre taiii heirief5ce
thac passage of resolutiossCharging Jra igaetitSeavnii find
lsisaisthl duplicity, disloyally, 55 - 'SO- ' 1 ci. ss anir
aiscl i~cI ~ ~ 5] T~eitiv~ StelOraighit
rcpreseltalon,coiaspir'acy, ad LsGTh ihmn i -N_ I Ligarsttesare maie frioiiihe brSight-
Lie. Obetz immsecdiately tesadered Isis G dSefgow nVrii. hsi h l
resignations asa aesmber of thy and iasbroudh a o tr s i heyCa S5.eis
SO~etIieNsare ior isnitaissaid observe htthsiue
soit, and it wtas aceed.lcil. nameaseow is asnivry paciae.
At yesterday's sessiosn evesamoe OftheAmerianseToblacco mo.,
scathing resolution1sswereossans-Mnfctrr. RchodVr
aioussly adulated, declarisag that the
usefulness of D~r. Obetz as a teachser
in the I7uiversity stas irrepasrably
impiairedl, and demuanading Isisrs ms
Dr. (Obetz cdefensasl hIimaself
strongly against all ltar charges, andtI
declares tlaat hse has the support0o
thle students and still not resigis."
Deniso Comes Neat. 1
Th'le latest repiort frona the Deiaisons________________________
boys says 11sf) are in good tima, and
are conming here In win. Theaeie s P. J" KUNNUCAN,
a nunmber of students liere froni
Grantille, Ohio, and Ilsey- all say M R H N
thse team awill gieusna hard tIsssle i' VJ-AN
in Saturday's ganan.!
Following, is the batting ordler for T I O
thse ganme:
a~sssse. L". on 51.
Driiscoll, . b i. Crasfrd's. c. ANDt) iM5'itER 0
itiShsft,:3. ib. Rich, L5. 1.
Daub, p. Sipitzer, s.
Oulelt .e. puney, 2s. b. ~ QO u~S
G. Husions, s s. Smeltzer, r. f.
F. Hutsen, 1. f. Jeffries, I. ib.
Heist, c. I. Peasni,,;. l5. 55 W_ S R
Barinen, r. f. Basnks, p. '
Joes, at. b. Shihelds, c. f.

seaior class, dir. Jacobs was tse Thse Webster Literary Society laas
sipeaker on behsalf the stssdents at arranaged a fine programs for this
tise inaugurationa of Pres, C. K. evenaing and inites thse public to at-
dasslatauaraaIssa-tend. The exercises swll be haeld in
dress was time subject of praise Irons the law lecture roona.
Faculty antI students alike. Mr. 'The prograns is as follons:Si'res.
Jacobs is pronainently connected ident's address, J. AV. Murdock;
stll college jourenalisna, being pres- vocal solo, Miss Elizabeth Camp-
ident of thae Cardinal Association, bell, acconapanist, Miss Mmcmni
HeI is also an active athlete, holding Davis; oration, B. IL. Olirer; oral
-ositions on thin crest and football discussions, affirniative, A. J. Groes-
teanm.THe still present at the con- beck; negative, IV. J. Landmisan; ree-
test thme subject of hi .atriotism." +nain Miss A nn Trainor; solo,
Mr. Elmer I. Goslhen, Nosthwss- Miss Elizabeth Canmpbell; society
crn's relpresentiative, is also a neacs( paper, P'. V. Fennelly.
paper nian, being connected with-- -f.s
than Evanston Press. His principal At the Athletic Field.
success as an orator stas secured last Yesterday wtas probably than inst
spring at then Mock Convention, day of than season at thse Athletic
wtlen his speech nonainating Hon. Field. About thirty-fis'e men stern
NVm. McKinley for Presidenat of the at work for the track and field
United States, earned hiln half of events, some twevhe of wthom are
the first prize, in face of shsarp com- training for the bicycle events.
psetition fronatime best speakers in 'Tramner Fitzpatrick was out frona
the university. In the recent local Detroit, and wtas kept busy froms
contest Mr. Goshsen secured second four o'clock until after siE giving
place. Mr. Geo. 1'. Hills, who was the boyn points. He says the pros-
awearded firstholsors was unable to peets are very bright for our field-
represent thme university at Oberlin, day, and that many records will
and resigned in favor of Aitr. Goshen. doubtless be broken. Martin made
The oration that lie will deliver is 2o feet, 2 inches, in one of lais prac-
entitled "A Son of ILiberty." tice jumps.


I i AwJ-bKUL9 ATLLC1ALra3U,.

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