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May 05, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-05-05

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'0W. of 'M. Tait v.
Putlitshed Daily (Saidays excepted) during
the Colege yeart, by
Suibicripticit price &150p er ere, inaaiahly
iadvance Sixgie copiexs3etits. Subscrip-
tions may tie left at tie otice ot the DILtY,
at Stoflfeis, twith atiy of the nditors ort
authized solcitorst.
Communtitications should teach the otihee by
7 oclock P. Ai. it they are toi appear the next
fay. Addreesa alt matter intended far pitiblica-
iox ix the Managing Editor. Alt tuiinaas
cxmmtnicatixna shouldihe Penttoixthe Bati-
n eat n ger.

THAT good rextults will follow from SPTIN STYLES, 1893
ii lnaotdb Po.Soti rintging to the ninda of studtents
thec evilx inciderit to the uxe of untin art:t-..- 1171 uh li t tislioox it)x ti HOF LINE teis unit'e. iai, ctit, xii iticit
fair meatix in examninations anti class
work, gocx without taying. Therec f T T =
sceets to be a moveenct which is
spreadi wIthrouightoutthe college sPEEsP1o1WIOti)W. 48 SOuTH MIFAIN STRxEET .
worlid, the aim of which ix to retn-
eudy somte of tbc patenlt defects in ' 'TTT T hY A p1r Ii
the presenttsystem. The U. of M.. SII P G hI IP G
is always ini ihe front ranks of libe- MLI2
ral movenments and there is no doubt 21S Man tre.W G E & C .
but what ini thin alno th previouxs 1S ~i tet V G E 0
record will be suxtained.

Ann Arbor, Rich. IE/-..1I/ , ESS> ___L_
C A.11_ist ti ttt 94.Maaitnlt Eitorttt.er R_
F. K. Ttt L 5 titt93. sitt.t att r 4 i. ( ,./ y / 1
itLiitt' it 3tilt Xxx t il t .. _ 1taLitptt,. - J " ycttti- r ti,
li .SP.AtG i.'4 ; sott. St titsttI tisied it/ t-t iI tttt~t tttt
C, l1t IIOi ttiLet. 95, Athlnoetioc uxtdia.ostag
'92)taxi-. 1i t e;l i:9:33.n. 'll, /tuN1 nti ttctitbuig;et- eachteri ag attda ncg e, Nx(;(tix pr iItNtttts t-tic
Ac >.'nti 9.t Ii t a tit. -rololdily lictres t itgi dia alteig recptionsx: No. 7. Mat id itress t r.l.. . 0 at.n.
11ii 1111 l~iĀ«oPA~ilt'-it - tag expeses-c$2Pati 27 prwe i rv t aut
tiisit.ttttiease, tutu 9tt.sitiCtlai ututhct- to take posiat ufro xwekttwi-ek, atdtrccsNit. I. Miltandct tP ssntpsit .... i. .l itt
(ldtttt ictt tttcss 1111 Ici t I mt ~liust c P. R. CLEARY, Prem. No. 4. Sitit i a n cxe t"......... i .t.
iftt d1 y Itolt ft puic t o11I ti.tliesthtitviiipossesi. Fotti itisttt cx- l 30 A lf ~ 'ItCetralbixtStadrdt litte.
trctil t ilt gn-ortto te entice 05 - * FH rstTrins a di ru n tween c niltitAt tr 1 n
tema.'' I 1-es l(ass a dit ttrciti T oledo onity, dalyi cepi- nt-t daytits.
A7isteetttttii igetbt iitpNEstery Way. thebr trains daily exeSun dattty.
pp i, E ot & Feinr. 'H. IIENNIIIt,' it. P. Gh Nttua gWOts,
TirPrebs Clhits -tarratiged anatsdsituipetizer. It itioirisuiex tnitii vig- s+Doty Feiee. nc. P Icriet. tiltra et
interstitg )tognat fo Satrda teiks tise tireti bruinttatuuibody, titi-
ineet-g rga otStra arts rencwedl enem-y 111nittility, atid
sational Journal ismt is to be discusseidP
Desscriptive pamphlettre n pication totu }i
pro and con. Several papers will Rumford Chemical Works. Provi- ___AttN- ntlAI. AttENts1.1 itt
be cceai, andsithe qutestionc wiii beducRI
discussed by tie nienmbers of the lisaae o1fPSubstitutes andtit a tionisit. S-, urn;
clls t silsraieuta veyFOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' 1. tJta / iii l iB
this. Ietisgdesiable-haAUveryJVI- gldlc " Dlson,
msermber of the not>bme )preseat at HE RYH U cckora0ce Pdrerlje C (o.
-btt.chrPant oi st Guitar,tBatilo atid Man-
________________OMS Go~i m 1as ihmp, LaufqTeipjis aid 13ase
INAs Iut it as the electiotn of the tiootms '1t s. Sttlt1.
officern of time Studients' lecture As- p ll -rod~
sociation for the rnuting year is to 2] Years in. the Business.
be held intshie near future, it be- CITY LAUNDRY. IAK(RWIEFRCTLGE
hsooves the student body 1st itok MM. Seabolt, No. 4N. Fourth St.
arond foe availablie caniditates. lThe I

success or failure of lbs lecture Ouii- Shtrt/stlx, ANN ARBOR J
course next year depends eintirely on ta hTTTII~
tihe metswoopreside over the desti- SDT~I~NT tiii IAM .- U . .t Co.
IOIUy8 ig ltuco
nies of time association. Realizing, ustst, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE..
then, the inmportance of this election, t , 0, haz E. S. SERVISSI - MANAGER.
thse best msen shsould be selected, ir- Dpifi1b iof i O I E ...r mmI~
reshpective of class or department.NOTICE.]OSUEy
______ _____andtCitizens.tDont tsenid Pitotownusafoe
ii nlutttif ~ii~ Candty ,tthin you can getimtistas goodtat :.
1\ anmuthee ci lnofto-itay's is--t- Jhlly C .5 e 555 teIsiansetinor tyle, lbut
soc woilbe found a sketch of the tz~t /o guit i~t t ouindtht o isn-halti. Hot alit
menwhlwil te)reentthevarotsiot ttnhisit tilt oileotp1hisdasy andtiti p.
sesxosolrisrstttesr~t lit ii tiC R. L. JOLLY & CO., No - 26 South
nolleges hut the Northern iLeagute'thyOr - lalt. State Shaeeh.
atorixat contlest at tibetrliiito-nighit. -. sitsLUN HE
Frmalacutorrpeet-tive has a gooth chuatuce ohfsinnintg IL itAn0 the veey actoicost CansdHex
the contlest. All intecest soil)l be li- - - l .,t - xi
cectexd towsardltOleclins utu toe heanr ii U T -~S
thte restuit, aisc we can rest easy tisat Alit) tilt hi-4 -ou iru SaXt. SxT1a-:t.
orrpeettvwildfuljsieto tlse t. of li. Mc. NV. It. Evains
swil) cepresenttthse Sx . jansd ac- Vl].11knw he.a'l'eePle.'
rausgens cuts Ihave been tiadie for ftuli F1G. SMJTH) SONS & uu - cttt s'rtrica. is i
telegraphsic reports of thse cotitest, tWoxolwaI tcut 1 SicwlStaestrcsi Cycle Emporinm, hi W. Washington Si.
for Saturdays DA.suDEtSTRO~IT, - - MIC IIIt SN - - ___

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