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December 05, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-05

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THEOTHE FOUR.le - UHarvard - 0 "CO-ES' ON AN EQUALITY.I fn, v/ , /j
Directors of the Athletic Associa- 1.Yale -1 1 Iyardwi.- 0 Harvard Annex May be Incorpor- ClOA)0
ion Selected. Four Student 155. Yale - I_ GHarvard ------- ated with the University. R
Members wre Elected. 153. Yale --6 ell~rviidl.- 5 Conservatism Yields.
During the same period the Yale-' yP A O
The fBoard of Directors of the Princetons games have beeii iecided llso, Mass., tDec -1. lsere is rr p L~rjE>
Athletic Association met last nigit by the following scires: a probability that the cass Of 191 at (~,i a. lh ,y iltta ~ak
for the puirpose of electingt the fois t - Yu*cH - . S t~cetol 0 regsiarvarv ardnegilre o ietex10. etO A.re ~ceRgt trea
stiidelitomembers of the Iboard which iv. Yval _- S ;ssineo -is . eulrHraddgreo .A
shalt ia the future have cosstrot of lv,.j'ats-- ilvi__ iii ieo ......- 0Sam time gorthe Havardiover
athletics in thse U. Ofi"1N. The five i. 1ilelo isI i-i Ciii-_-_ seers intinsatedthtroiigis Presiest
sseses ftebarloioTvr p-18,'i--s v-.. I rietoviiiii r10 lliot their swilliiiginess to iscorpor- 51 Suth Main S.
poinltdlby Presideit .'iis...-ilfiotil 11. - - 1,Pincton II ate the anne-c siths the uniiversity
the Isvriyfotsro rfs ot ao - .Iietivi oiprovidedthvie anilexcould vbtaiis ati -
Df~fl TsnaRole, u1.1. v iii ed0 Ch lv, ---- isslsuiendow ent of $,2yovon.This vi-
N\asireie ani K Inowltons. ais- I Ie. iowisent ins ossbhens practical-
sPitiriiesbr iincetson sndlHarsarid have not obtaieithtiroghi thy efforts Of
lateeie g fo heur ord c ioeis played since i fio. I p to that iate a groupviifs-onen in tBostoisaid
lateesn i h hsrlo ie-the scores sere: Caimbridlge interestedl in the higher
torisere: C. Y:. Iaird, H-. fG. Cieve--c8,PcatiS --ii 55 lvrIi si -- - euato-f--iia. Tu oinw'
anad, 1:. C. Shields, and G. J. Car- 1£54.ItniseiisQ_s iitllsivvs-vsl
awl.8IIS.N gaiue. - part of the endloswmen conies finso -iiiiintimLa-al-ris sssye
Ele boarid of fve Irofesors anti 1887. Prinonviii oii lrvarvl 1 the Emoergeny Iospital fuiistlfor io f ll. 8i ior ShiSnos as iUv iii -SIaisinsisli
iorsudnsashsbenSfoet.w8lriii.von _-iis IlarHevarsi - tiithe school for trained norses iiiiAii iw ri-i- seii li 0Alana-i
fostsudntiihs ee efre ,lsivrliii ii_41Hrvard. I iwhich wai doiated by oembers of
stated in the 1)AILiY,sill ipractically --- .
have fll coitrol of all branches of Mohammed, the Arabian Prophet, the group some years ago TheRA
athetcsinth U.of11. heEnmergency Hospital liai recently re- 101. 183-155 scOsnivisi NE,
aheisith U.o M.'lt The Rev. Reed Stuart, of Detroit, ceived an endowisent of iti soDLtRIt, - - MCI I (IAN
boad wll robblyreoganze ithlectureil on Isolammted lefore the anti the funid was returned to the
the election of a chairman froio the O oM M W
fauly emer an scrtayUnity club last evening. Begin- original donors, who have decided R .J L Y&c~
fro th stilest iemier. I wilning with a short aist interesting to devote the money to the ainexs wht lu-si isin.iiFneCielr
Isi otrlo hilfctin fbiographical sketch of the Arabian endowment. This sum, with other caSr.Silieivvsilemi iseivi isbsees,
rneirbrs f te ahleic ear, a toprophiet he traceil the eflet of his! noney atready oiihandmksthe teicsty. te svvlii'a ie
their standirig in classes, and eligi- ileneociifaiadiio-- eesry $5000edwirt - R. E olty & o, 26 . State St.
biiyad ilgat l eve fa-ed that whatever may have eels t ired by the tHarvard corporation.
sence, etc. All branches of athet- viiousi in his doctrines iwas wel lettiit ribune,
ics ill hus e auhoriativly rc- otrbalanced by a fisndamental
lvizwiih ths beatoistheymrev principle of the Unity of God, and Marteau the Wonderful Violinist.
ognied.Thi acionis he ostlove and righteousness. Mr. Stuart
important and most favorable toisamnowelkonaiiyad Teflwngpssc mnt
athletics that hIssever been taken his pa eraman leuwellknwabiltyand Thipedfrollowingreippr sm ent
Illspowrea anlctuersastmul-clipedtromeheforegntresoneArthticPhstgrapher I6 E. HURON SI.
in te Uivesit wih te ecepionfested by the rapt atention of his garding Maean are well worth not
ofthethei organizatio Ascainn of the present audience. The next meeting of ing:HO L NC E
Among other matters brought op Unity club will be held Monday The young Violis Virtuoso playeds hclt ,
the rsnth inst., when Dr. thellog, of Medessohn'ifConcerto magnsificently Lowneyat hemetigor.Sumesar-e, AT
ath metgM.Smese-the Battle Creek Sanitariutm will aid as for the agauni Caprecl,
ported that througlh the effors of lcueo h ujc," on Paganini himself could iot have sur-I TUTTLE'S
Professors RolfeIPattengill ani letronhesbc,<ASud passed Marteaus odrulfsepre- E48 . STATE St.
Thomas, thse use of the gymnasium ! id i ondBd.ttion. - Norddeutselie Algemeine
was assured to the tennis and track *7-- eitoiig, Berlin, Nov. 14, 180. DO
men after the Christmas vacation. Another Glee Club 'Trip. From the very first notes the audi- Jf , JA ]'
-- ~ee recognized the true artist us Henri 7]
YalePricetn- arard The Glee and Banjo clb ivill Mateal. With what charm and soul
YalePrinetonHarvrd. make their second trip this week, dlid he perform Gonnod's Vision de
The Aomerican game of football They leave here Thursday monn Jeanne dAre (written for Marteau, a NOW IS YOUR CHANCE !
hasbee plyedby he ollge bywayof aynmornin ng wrkpotiehsthe extreme, full of
Isisbee plyedby he cllees y wy o Waye Jncton nd ~ melody and in the composer's est vein.
since x876. During all this time to Alpena, giving a concert there --Gazette de Lausanie (Sisse, Ot. 3o0 New Sweaters, laest sylesjst e.
Yale has suffered but one defeat at Thursday evening. On Friday even- 23, 1892.
the bands of Harvard. The scores ing they give a concert in Bay City - + - ceived a
of the games played between these and on Saturday evening at Saginaw, Judge Parks, of Winfield, Klan.,
two teams since x883, when the leaving there immediately after the will lecture before the Oratorical
system of scoring by points was in concert for Detroit and home. association in the near future. His 1 H R
troduced, are as follows: .".' subject will be "Lincoln as a Law
~~sj Yate - N Marvss-d - 5 ~~~~The members of the Choral Union yer. Judge ark a niaey U ILRIY O KT
1884. Ysie___- 53 Mft arvard-_.. 50U IVRIY OK TB
188. Ne game. will meet for rehearsal in the School associated with Mr. Lincoln for 20
Isla. Ysle-._.S.. M afard--_----4of Music building at the usual time years, and is well qualified to speak
1887. Yale-_...-. M avard-....
1888. N game, this evening, on this subject. STATE STREET.

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