C~. of i-3a. cTNait~.
Puhliahed Daily (bundays excepted) duriag-
the Codrre year, by
Subseription price $2.50 per year, invariably
in adeaneeP Single copies 3 ceats. Subscrip-
tiona may be left at the office of te DAILY,
at Stoffletos, with any of the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Ctommunicationa should reach the omtie hy
7 o'clock P.Mn. if they arc to appear the next
Jlay. Addreas all matter intended for publica-
tioa to the Managing Editor. All businesa
commutnications should he oeat to the Boot-
Anm Arbar, Xich.
C. A. DeNmote, Low '94, Managing Editor.
H. A. SrALDNGo, Lit. '94, Assistant.
J1. L. LORsIt, Lit. '95,. Assistant.
P. PALTERS, Law '9ii, Assistanst.
J. A. LEssOe, Lit. 'Si, Athlctic Editoir.
S. W. CURTISSo, P. G. Lit., Buasincss Manager.
lWm. A. liloc, Lit. '97, Assistat.
H. ft. Gammone, '9. t. 1. Holl. 'ua.
R. 0. Austits, '95. 'MEDICAL .
N. P. Sailier, 'Oil
E. P. Lyle, '96. S. L. Martindalc, 'SO4.
Agttes Moly, '97., H. DI. llaselist, '96.
DETtAL.. 1(ii;tPATIttf.
L. E. Ceesradi. '95. C . .lcoiss, 'li.
All copy mast beatcthessoffictafr,' Ss ain~
of tbc dasy of publicatioti.
The Editors dos set hold themsclves rcspon-
sible foe the opinions or statemets of cerres
pondents, appearing in the DAILY.
Wisconsin challenged, Michigan, and
so far as we have been able to learn
no definite action hao been taken as
yet. Cornell's theory of a lack of
time will not apply to an enterpris-
lug western institutiotn. Our stu-
dents have time, withouf material
injury to their studies, to take part
in such a debate, and are willing to
do so. It io to be hoped that immne-
diate action will be taken to either
accept Wisconsin's challenge or se-
cnre another institution to debate
with us.E
As will be seen in another col-
umn, there is a strong probability
that the co-edo at Harvard will be
placed on an equality with men and
coeducation will be officially recog-
nized by that conservative institu-
tion. If this is done it mlay be safely
said that women have overcome the
prejudices of an institution where
conservative ideas, backed op by
over two hundred and fifty years of
history, prevails, and have won a
victory for themselves which shsould
be a source of great pride to theni.
In western institutions of nmore mod-
ern establishment, coetducation is
generally recognized, this being the
result of the movement to place
womatn in her proper environment.
It is a source of no litle satisfaction
to us to see Harvard in the East
any eontributions that any may wish-
to nmake. If it is lnt eonvensent tsr -
sums to call at Newberry halt, a eadd-
sent tu the General .Seretary will ss-
eeive prompt attesutiso. EveryoneTj
shosuld have a part iin this, and ecan- _L E
tributions of any size or value, whethiersr°
msney or lothing, can be used. We,
have in other quarters use foe old
magazines and illustrated periodicals is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
whic wil gldlyberceied. and SHORTHAND. Magnificent building; niae
whic wil gldlybe rceied. teachers; large attendance; toad disciplise; alper-
STUDNTS CHISTAN ASOCATIN.ior work; welleoupplied recading room; dailylctulres-
SatudyCHITA;;~?ITIN urdayeening receeptions;spanithehentire year
t Excoeptional failities fo, placing students in post-
The onouringHeros Loe. i.;;e-sortholdgradoolcloguaanteed them. Lieing
The onqerii; eros Lse. exrse,s $2 tIa$$5:75 per seteks toprivate families.
For New Catalogue, address
Thse bays of Yale are in mourn-
ing, and a long time will be required
to heal their lacerated feelings. TOLEDO
They were reveling in all the hom- /~
age that can be lavished upon con- a ln
quering heroes when Princeton wentA
at them with a flying wedge and a % P" Cit e1~~
few other irresistible tactics, capt-
ured their laurels, and are now in Time Table tahinsg fe~ct Sunday, Nov. 5. 1893.
the enjoyment of more than Yale Trains leave Ass Arbor by Central
lost-Free Press. NOTHSOTH
012:15 p. as. 11:130a;.to.
--- - -- - -- -d--4:5p. m.':O0p .
*Traissueatwetesn Ann Asboandes Tolesd;
i 0 Altis i ly except Stunday.
R. 5.GREENWOOD, Aect, Ann Arbor.
W. AH HENS I1TO G P. A. 'Toledo.
Ann Arbor Savings Baink
Ann Aro.Micis. Captal Sock, $50,000.
.Or;snied unde*the General Bansking;tLas
Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate of11this State. Receives depsos uyenid
Unitesd Stoles.seafts.cabhed apon proper
identifcatiats Safety deposit boxs'to. reni.
Is the m~ost effective and agree- OreoCERS: t'biristias Mick, PrFes.; W. D.
Harsman, Vice Wre.:;('has. E. Hiscock, Cs-
able remedy in existence for sl-e 1 a ra ss be
preventing indigestioa, and re- Gl IIPD OPEIV I2OUISE
lieving those diseases arisinge ONE WEEK. COMM1ENCINIG
front a disordered stomach. on® day, December 4
ii esd'.iti sisl an~ud io91tiar;
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield], =
Mass., says: "I value it as ain excelln
preventiativeof sidigesiio, atidasiteasat
acidalated drink whenapioterlv dilated will;
water, anid s'wectened." .cfeia I'pct.iIE
5 51.11) 'A8-IA." Itliduiy Ev'iiog aild'veil-
Discriptis cpaplt;5f'reEoS; applictionstoS asilay SIatiniiie.
Rumfrd hemcalWors: L~lProidece,.I.IIM oFl.5dIIIOFLA." Tue-day Eieiiiaig
Rumird~emial~shnrovdencR..'ISIS OQi O750111575051'.'"- Ovdwi~i,ay
Becware if Substiutes and Imtation:s. 1lvi'eii gai..lSteiiud< Mat;ineie.
'PHNCiti(1Ses" ' i'3tiLIUaDt. "-Tlharrd:;y
Eh ;'ing.
For Sale by all Druggists, 'oIRsi'I.E GTOttOLA."-Fricey Eiesiita.
-~ "sBOH~sl 01111.R. "-Satuirdlay Ereoin.
AVE must insist on our contribu- ioin hands witha Michigan, Wiscon-
tors gettig their copy to the office sits, Chicago and othcr universities
earlier in the morning. We cannot of the West, in recognizing the abil-
accept copy after nine o'clock atnd ity of wonien to compete, with laon-
get THEc DALYv 0111oD tinse. Con- or to thlemselves, with nmen in thecir
tributors can assist uIsniaterially by efforts to secure a liberal education
notiog th~is. in th~e universities of the land.
THEI attenltion of stuldents is calledl
to the commnlication from the S.
C. A., io another column. Thae
condition of thae suffering mniers in
I the northern peninsula slhouldl ap-
peal strongly to thse student public.
A liberal contribution should be
collected for these suffering people.
CoLLEGIArE football is now undcr-
going a severe scoring on the part
of the public press all over the
country. 'rhere seems to be a de-
cided sentimnent against the game on
the ground that it is rough, danger-
ous and brutal. Nor is this senti-
ment confincd to the press, for a
committee of the faculty of Harvard
University are now examsining the
game to determine whether football,
as now played, is dangerous sport.
Every one will awvait the decision of
this conmmittee with considerable in-
terest, as it may be the means of
modifying the game.
Ir would seem that the inter-col-
legiate debate committee is not ac-
complishing much. Some tinse since
Princeton Celebrates.
A great celebration wvas held yes-
terday at Princeton over the victory
wson front Yale. The committee of
twelve appointed to niake tile necen-
sary arrangements, succeeded admir-
ably, if we are to jiudge fronm the
success of the celebration. Prinsce-
too wvas pleased at the coolness sith
which; Vale took the defeat. The
college of the orange and black
made the most of a victory won
from the ntalwart sons of the blue.
Studensts, Aid the Sufrering.
Editar U. of \1. DAILY:
DEAR S1iz-In5 the last issue of your
paper before the vacaitiotn, there wvas
Rn editorial referrinig to the need of
assistance in the minitig districts. We
agree heairtly thalt the students of
our 'Universitv should leave a part ill
rendering asistatice at this time, anld
as the Stuldents' Christiant associaitioni
already line a cammittee enigaged in
this relief work, wve desire, if the stu-j
dents so wish to, offer, through the
agency of this committee and our
building., to do wheat we can to provide
for the gathlering atid distribution of
CHIAG.,- .
prices, - 15, 25 and 35 Cts.
JM~ WtsC. GOcOtIIEW. Florist. Grower of
J tists, Casrni501on ad Fliwers of all voni-
ety. Floral designs masdceupon sbart enotice.
Na. 1 Oliserval evy street, app. cemertery gate.
HAN T S. /2 Ov ahinlan RERStreet
We~ can furnish seerly anysoare at
a Great Red'uction.
(Ceall att '1,11 ILtY 0O1fic.