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March 04, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…Weather Somewhat Warmer, LightRain. Y t 'ga iaii4 Editorial FRA Is Unfair To Negroes.,. I VOL. LII. No. 109 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Official Asks House Group To Double '42 Income Taxes Payments Will Be Raised As Proposed General Increase Is Intended To Bring In 9 Millions Head Reorganized Army Units Jap Invader Pushed Back By Allied Attacks In Java; RAF Planes Bomb Paris Corporation ...…

April 04, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

… Weather warmer. itg iaii4 Editorial Reuther Answers Attack On ReutherPln. Plan .. VOL. LI. No. 136 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS OPA May Fix Price Ceilings On Consumer GoodsShortly Inflation May Be Curbed By Pending Legislation; Present Act Will Affect HouseholdAppliances March 30 Level Used As Standard WASHINGTON, April 3. -(P)- Price ceilings were imposed on 44 household electrical appliances...…

April 04, 1942 (vol. 10, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…," - - - - p so Hendrix fd1 at both ends as ul h Adark ss "~ C rn the first morning pa's met his a ' u- e hthe . d by hret n weather, d ms le a h s teneb indconsiderate students had um n English class to dles to dispel the goOm. "Select" Selective Service - Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, president of the University of Chicago, and, at 43, still one of the nation's youngest university heads registers for selective service. Dr. Hutchins was an amb...…

July 04, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…weather Not IMuch ,Change Y it 4;rn 4 aill Editorial Congress Not Weak. justTicomnetent VOL. L. No. 15-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN1 SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1942 Reds SurrenderSmoulderingSevas _____t 2:15 A.M. FINAL opol British Buffet Reeling Nazis In, Turn-About Egyptian Fight Knifing German Pincers. Is Snapped Off Short Of.Alexandria, Tanks Slash AtRommel Wing Dispatehes Report BayonetFighting By HARRY CROCCKETT Associated Press Correspondent CAI...…

November 04, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

… fr431WV 4aitt 5:45 A.M. FINAL VOL. LII No. 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS c.> I Heavy Wayne Vote Decides Close Race LANSING, Nov. 4. (Wednesday)-Governor Murray D. Van Wag- oner said shortly before 5 o'clock this morning that Republican Harry F. Kelly "apparently" had been elected governor of Michigan. "I congratulate Governor-elect Kelly on his 'apparent' victory at the polls," Governor Van Wagoner s...…

December 04, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…T ji; irt 4 l S eather Snow Flurries VOL. LI No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1942 PRICE FIVE CENTS 9 Jap Ships Blasted In Guadalcanal Bat ;tle w GalensDrive Will Be Held Here Today Hospitalized Children Will Benefit from Funds Collected in Campus Campaign Loaded down with pails and tags, 24 young medicos will brave the De- cember cold today to receive campus contributions for the fourteenth an- nual Galens campaign. S...…

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