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March 04, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-04

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Somewhat Warmer, LightRain.


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FRA Is Unfair
To Negroes.,.




Official Asks
House Group
To Double '42
Income Taxes
Payments Will Be Raised
As Proposed General
Increase Is Intended
To Bring In 9 Millions


Reorganized Army


Jap Invader Pushed Back
By Allied Attacks In Java;
RAF Planes Bomb Paris

Corporation Levy
Also Contemplated
WASHINGTON, March 3.-()-_
The Treasury asked today that the
income tax payments of most citizens
be doubled next year as part of a
steep general tax increase designed to
raise $9,610,000,000.
"War is never cheap," said Secre-
tary Morgenthau, presenting the pro-
gram to the House Ways and Means
Committee, "but it is a million times
cheaper to win than to lose."
The "new taxes," he said, would
"be severe" and their impact "felt in
every home." They contemplated ex-
tensive increases not only in indi-
vidual income tax payments, but in
corporation income levies, together
with new or higher excise taxes on a
list of 15 such items as soda pop,
candy and cigarettes; and increased
levies on estates and gifts. Also in-
cluded was a $2,000,000,000 increase
in social security taxes, details of
which will be disclosed later.
New Rates
The new rates on individual in-
comes, as proposed by the Treasury
chief, would be so severe that a single
man earning $2,500 a year would turn
more than seven weeks pay over to
the government. His payment would
be $345, as compared with $165, or
about three and one half week's pay,
under the present rates.
The tax bill of a married man
without children would be raised
from $90 to $175 if his salary is
$2,500; from $138 to $285 if he earns
$3,000; from $249 to $535 on $4,000
and from $375 to $805 on $5,000.
A married man with two depen-
dents would pay $32 (instead of $12)
on a $2,500 income; $118 (instead of
$58) on a $3,000 income; $333 (in-
stead of $154) on $4,000 and $587
(instead of $271) on $5,000.
60 Percent Increase
The average increase was reckoned
at 60 per cent by the Treasury. How-
ever, it starts at more than 100 per
cent in the lower brackets. The rate
of increase grows less on the higher
incomes, of which the government is
already taking a larger percentage
than is paid by the "little fellow."
Thus while the married individual
with two dependents would pay $32
instead of $12 on a $2,500 income,
the tax to be collected on an income
of $5,000,000 would rise from $3,921,-
884 to $4,478,215, or an increase of
about 14 per cent. The man who
makes a . round million in a year's
time would be permitted to keep
about $120,000 of it for his own use.
Paton To Give
Second Speech
In SRA Series
The second lecture in the Student
Religious Association's series on re-
ligion in the war and its role in the
peace after the war will be given by
Dr. William Paton, distinguished
British church leader, at 8:15 p.m.
Friday in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Paton will speak on "The Ex-
perience of Religious Groups in Eng-
land During the War." He is in this
country to take part in a number of
important church conferences.
Educated at Oxford and Cam-
bridge, Dr. Paton was secretary for
the Student Christian Movement in
Great Britain for more than a dec-
ade. He has also been general secre-
tary of the National Christian Coun-
cil of India, Burma and Ceylon.
Since 1928, Dr. Paton has been
connected with the International
Missionary Council as well as being
an official for the World Council of
Churches. Author of numerous books,
he recently completed "The Church
and the New Order." He is also edi-

tor of the International Review of
Dr. Bell Named To Fill
State Post By Governor
T.ANSTNr. Mai(r-.3h _ -(Jp n r

Here are the men who head the three basic units in President Roosevelt's streamlined reorganization of
the army. Lieut. Gen. Lesley J. McNair (left) was made commander of the Ground Forces; Maj. Gen. Bre-
hon B. Somervell (center) was given command of the Services of Supply; Lieut. Gen. Henry H. Arnold (right)
heads the Air Forces, which were given a semi-autono mous status.

Shri Sunk Off Jersey
As Sub Shells U.S. Soil
First Warship To Be Attacked By Enemy Torpedoes
In American Waters Leaves 11 Survivors

WASHINGTON, March 3.-()-
The first United States warship ever
torpedoed and sunk by an enemy sub-
marine in home waters went down
off Cape May, N.J., in the pre-dawn
darkness last Saturday after two hull
shattering explosions.
Eleven men, presumably the only
survivors of the Jacob Jones have
been landed at Cape May, N. J., the
Navy disclosed this evening. (No
Michigan men were among the sur-
vivors, according to navy lists.)
Vessel Is Old Destroyer
The vessel was the old World War
destroyer Jacob Jones, and of her
crew, which may have totaled as
many as 145 officers and men, all
were killed except nine workers in
the engine rooms and two apprentice
Loss of the 1,200-ton ship, ninth
naval craft of the war officially an-
nounced as destroyed by enemy ac-
tion, was revealed by the Navy De-
partment today in a communique
which tersely explained the main
points of what was known of the
". .Prior to receiving the first
torpedo hit, the enemy sub was not
sighted nor was the torpedo.
"The first torpedo blew up the bow
and apparently killed all the person-
nel on the bridge as well as the men
sleeping in the forward compart-
Stern Blown Up
"The second torpedo, which was
fired after the submarine circled
ahead of the Jacob Jones, blew up
the stern and all the depth charges."
The initial blast, it was surmised
here, cost the lives of the captain,
Lieut.-Com. Hugh David Back, of
Oradell, N. J., and of most if not all
Glee Club President Cary Lan-
dis, '42, announces there will be
an important meeting of the Club
Thursday evening. Matters of ut-
most importance will be discussed.


the other officers, whom the Navy
did not identify. The second undoubt-
edly blew the entire afterpart of the
ship to pieces so that the wreck
quickly went under.
The normal complement of the
ship was at least 125, usually 145 offi-
cers and men. There was no question
that many more than 100 had lost
their lives-making this the most
costly single ship loss reported in the
war so far except for the toll taken
by the Japanese raiders at Pearl
The Jacob Jones, named for the
hero of the War of 1812 and the cam-
paign against the Barbary pirates,
was traveling in dangerous waters
even though close tb shore when she
cruised along the Jersey coast early
Enemy U-Boat Attacks
Island Off Puerto Rico
SAN JUAN, Puertd Rico, March 3.
--A)-An enemy vessel, presumably
a submarine, made the war's first
attack on United States soil in the
Atlantic last night, harmlessly shell-
ing the cliffs of Mona Island, a pin-
point of volcanic rock in Mona Pas-
sage 50 miles southwest of Puerto
The office of Governor Rexford
Guy Tugwell announced today that
word of the attack came in a radio
message from Remberto Cassaba, as-
sistant director of a National Youth
Administration cam on the island.
Cassaba informed Sam P. Gilstrap,'
National Youth Administrator forj
Puerto Rico, that some 30 shells land-I
ed far up on the cliffs and caused no
damage or casulaties.
Forestry officials confirmed the at-
tack, which was put down here mere-
ly as nuisance shelling, in contrast
with that of the Dutch island of
Aruba and the attack on ships in
harbor at the British island of Trini-

Drama Group
Will Present
Music School Collaborates
In Student Performance
Of Mascagni, Mozart
Tonight at 8:30 Mascagni's "Caval-
leria Rusticana", the first great opera
to be given by students on campus,
will be presented by Play Production
of the Department of Speech, and the
School of Music.
The Italian opera will be preceded
on the program by Mozart's one-act
comedy "The Impresario."
In addition to the five soloists in
the grand opera, a chorus of 70 mem-
bers of the University Choir under
the direction of Prof. Hardin Van
Deursen of the music school will sing.
The soloists are Charles Matheson,
'42SM, who plays Turiddu, Lola's for-
mer sweetheart; Jean Westerman,
'42M, Lola, who marries Alfio while
Turiddu is away in the army; Har-
riet Porter, '44SM, Lucia, Turiddu's
mother; Margaret Martin, '42SM,
Santuzza, Turiddu's second-choice
wife, and Leo Imperi, 42SM, Alfio.
In "The Impresario" Mozart him-
self is represented as the music direc-
tor who is attempting to use two
divas in his opera "The Marriage of
Figaro" when each of them wants to
be the prima donna.
Music for the four performances-
today through Saturday-will be pro-
vided by 50 pieces of the University
Symphony Orchestra under the baton
of Prof. Thor Johnson.
Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production, will direct the pro-
duction. Robert Mellencamp is scenic
designer and Emma Hirsch, costum-
Wolverine Airmen
To Organize nit;
Recruiting Today
Announcement that formation of
a "Wolverine Squadron" is practical-
ly assured was made yesterday by
W. M. Strickland, chairman of the
Washtenaw County Air Force Spon-
sors Association, in an open rally of
the Army traveling cadet examina-
tion board in the Union.
According to Strickland, eight have
qualified for the squadron, leaving
12 yet to be enlisted. The cadet
board will be at the Health Service
all day today to give physical exam-
inations. "Screening tests," mental
aptitude examinations which have
replaced the former education re-
quirement, will be given at 10 a.m
and 1 p.m.
Residence in Washtenaw County is
not required for membership in the
"Wolverine Squadron," but is open
to anyone enlisting in the county.
Student members of the squadron
will be allowed to finish the present
semester before going into active
No Cuffs; No Pleats,
No Vests -For Victory
WASHINGTON, March 3.-P)-
American men are going to be tail-
ored to the times in "victory suits."
No longer will the well-dressed
man have cuffs to keep his trousers
from whipping about his ankles. Nei-
ther will he have comfortable pleats,
sporty patch pockets, nor a vest with
his double-breasted suit.

Navy Air Ace
Destroys Six
Jap Bombers
Record For Single Fray
Set By Carrier Pilot
In Bomber Attack
WASHINGTON, March 3.-(P)-
A thrilling account of an attack by
18 Japanese heavy bombers on a
UnitedwStates aircraft carrier and
other warships in which 16 of the
enemy planes were shot down-six
by a single, doughty fighting plane
pilot from the carrier-was told by
the Navy tonight.
A Lieutenant junior grade, Edward
H. O'Hare of St. Louis, was the hero
who took the heavy toll. The other
10 bombers were accounted for by
other fighting planes from the car-
rier, two of which were lost, and by
anti-aircraft fire from the warships.
The carrier itself and the other ships
-cruisers and destroyers-suffered
not a scratch.
Feat Sets Record
O'Hare's feat apparently is a rec-
ord for this war.
"There may have been others who
have shot downsix planes in one
day," a Navy official said, "but no
reports on them have been received.
So far as we know Lieutenant '-
Hare's feat was the highest single
bag and a record for the war."
Records available tonight showed
that the closest approach to O'Hare's
record was made during the World
War when David I. Ingalls shot down
five enemy planes in one day. Ingalls,
who was described as the only Navy
ace of World War I, later became
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for
'Only three enemy planes of the
first formation reached their bomb
release point over the aircraft car-
rier which avoided all bomb hits by
split-second maneuvering," the Navy
Attempt Suicide Plunge
"The leading bomber of this group
attempted a crash landing on the
carrier and was shot down by heavy
close-range anti-aircraft fire when
barely 100 yards from tis objective."
In the second attack, the Navy
continued, only five enemy bombers
reached the bomb release point. In
the two attacks two American fighter
planes were lost. The pilot of one
was recovered.
The communique said that despite
the severity of the Japanese attack
there was no damage to the American
surface forces,
The attacks, the Navy continued,
occurred late in. the afternoon and
were timed about one-half hour
All eligible second semester
freshmen interested in working for
Congress, Independent Men's Or-
ganization, are urged to attend a
meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 309 of the Union.
-Samuel Katz, '43
Chairman, Personnel Committee

United States,
Brazil Agree
On Mutual Aid
Series Of Deals To Open
Credit For Development
Of Amazon Resources
The United States, the manufactur-
ing arsenal of democracy, and Bra-
zil, the world's largest storehouse of
strategic materials, signed today a
multi-millionedollar series of agree-
ments designed to develop the tre-
mendous resources of the South
American country for the use of the
United Nations.
Simultaneously, and as a new en-
emy submarine attack was reported,
in the Caribbean, the United States
expanded its Lend-Lease aid to Bra-
zil so it can strengthen its defenses.
Grow Out Of Pledges,
The agreements were the first out-
growth of pledges by the American
republics that they would mobilize
their economic resources for the fight
against the Axis. The agreements
provided for:
A credit of $100,000,000 so Brazil
can develop her natural resources,
including such war-vital materials
as iron, rubber, magnesite and baux-
Establishment of a $5,000,000 rub-
ber reserve company to develop raw
rubber production in the Amazon
Valley and adjacent regions.
Rehabilitation of the 365-mile long
Victoria-Minas railway; opening up
of iron mines in the Itabira region,
where some of the richest iron ore
deposits in the world are located, and
improvement of ore-loading facilities
at the port of Victoria. The Export-
Import Bank agreed to lend Brazil"
up to $14,000,000 for this project.
Welles, Costa Sign
Acting Secretary of State Sumner
Welles, with Brazilian Finance Min-
ister Arthur de Souza Costa and Bra-
zilian Ambassador Carlos Martins
signed all the agreements but that
involving the Export-Import Bank.
Welles termed the agreements "one
of the concrete answers of Brazil
and the United States to Hitlerism
and the other declared enemies of the
Americas, of Christian civilization
and mankind itself."

heads had been extended and by the
declaration toward midnight of an
authorized spokesman:
"It can be stated without reserva-
tion that the situation remains well
in hand on all fronts."
(This degree of optimism was not
shared in London, however. There,
Dr. W. G. Peekema of the Netherlands
Colonial Ministry announced that the
N.E.I. Government had been moved
from Batavia to Bandoeng and de-
clared his opinion that Java could
not hold out much longer unless re-
inforcements, particularly aircraft,
Withdrawal May Be Necessary
(Allied military informants in Lon-
don also expressed the belief that a
Dutch withdrawal under overwhelm-
ing enemy force might soon be neces-
sary-probably to the Bandoeng pla-
teau for a defense comparable to
General MacArthur's prolonged re-
sistance in the Philippines.)
Great and violent air action was
proceeding. American, British and
Dutch bombers were hitting at the
Japanese invasion forces in Java wat-
ers and at nearby air bases, while the
Japanese were centering their force
upon Bandoeng military headquarters
in a heavy raid of one and a half
hours by bombers and fighter craft.
Sixty enemy planes were observed at
one time.
Three Jap Ships Hit
Two more Japanese transports of
10,000 and 8,000 tons respectively,
were squarely hit and a Japanese
tanker was sunk by a submarine to
bring known enemy losses to 30 war-
ships and other vessels sunk or
As this Allied action against the
enemy's sea trains went on it was
reported that only five ships re-
mained afloat of an original enemy
force of 12 which had carried the in-
vaders ashore at Rembang in north-
east Java.

Dutch Forces Yield No Ground In Stand
Against Enemy As Counter-Offensive
Is Formed To Wipe Out Beach Heads
BANDOENG, Java, Wednesday, March 4.-(I)-The Dutch and their
Allies have driven infiltrating Japanese invaders back seven miles in an
important sector, it was disclosed today, and are beating forward in a
supreme counter-offensive aimed at casting every one of the enemy into
the sea.
The push, location of which was undisclosed, followed a three-day stand
during which the Allies had yielded no ground since the Japanese invasion
began. Allied bombers and warships likewise were in heavy action against
the enemy's ships and sea lanes.
An upward turn in the fortunes of Allied forces afield already had been
indicated by an announcement of the Dutch Command that not a single one
of the enemy's three initial beach

British Raiders.
Paris Airfields,


For World War II Veterans;
Tentative Plans For 'Bomber
Scholarships' Are Announced

Already approved by President
Alexander Ruthven, the "bomber-
scholarship" plan began its jelling
process yesterday with the announce-
ment of a tentative outline for perm-
anent action.
Art Rude, '42, chairman of the
"bomber-scholarship" committee, of-
fered the outline-subject to sub-
stantial changes-with the intention
of "clearing up various questions
which have arisen on campus in ref-
ence to* the plan."
The plan's immediate aim is social
mobilization of the University through
voluntary contributions by all organ-
izations holding social functions. Do-
nations will be accepted with an im-
mediate goal of $100,000-cost of a
light bomber for Uncle Sam's fight-
ing forces.
Defense Bonds To Be Bought
As contributions are collected, they
will be deposited with the Committee
on Student Affairs, according to
Rude's proposal. Defense bonds will
hb hnht with this monev therehv

astic ability, character and need. Ad-
cltional proposed requirements in-
clude a year of service in the armed
forces, 30 credit hours in an under-
graduate University school, no past
University degree of any kind, and
an income of less than $100 per
month while on war duty.
Committee To Decide
Rude's proposal would delegate im-
mediate legislative administration of
this plan to the Committee of '42
which would have the power to estab-
lish machinery necessary for collect-
ing contributions. The committee
would also decide amounts to be con-
Alumni groups and other colleges
and universities would be informed
of this plan, according to Rude, with
the aim of setting up a nation-wide
Executive and judicial powers
for realizing "bomber-scholarships"
woudl be vested in the Committee of
Student Affairs. This committee will
have the power; if Rude's plan is

Enemy Whispers Chit Campus:
Professors Reveal Unique Alien
Propaganda From Ex-Students'

VICHY, Unoccupied France, March
3.-(/P)-British planes bombed air-
dromes and factories in suburban
Paris for two hours tonight and there
were ."victims among the civilian
population," a terse communique
Authorities would not permit the
naming of the suburbs bombed or
the extent of the damage.
This was the first announced
bombing of Paris since the pre-arm-
istice German raid on June 3, 1940,
which caused more than 1,000 cas-
ualties, including 254 dead.
(It is known, however, that Brit-
ish raiders have made occasional
bombing attacks on military airfields
in the Paris area since the Germans
took over the city. Before the French
surrender the capital was declared
an open, undefended city and thus
escaped virtually undamaged after
the June 3, 1940, "token bombing.")
Prof. Slosson
T-o Lead Talk
'At War Forum'
In the first of a series of War For-
ums to be conducted by the Union,
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department will lead a discussion on
"Winning the Peace" at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in the main ballroom of the Un-
The forum will oper with a short
talk by Professor Slosson in which
hp will nnnnnnf rnft. +nn fn c~l-anf+ tf

A new angle in enemy propaganda
was brought to light yesterday when
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor to
foreign students and director of the
International Center, disclosed that
several professors have recently re-
ceived letters, supposedly from for-
mer Chinese students of the Univer-
sity, telling of the outrages being
committed in China by the Russians.
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director
of the Health Service, was one of the
recipients of these letters. Similar
to all of them, it started out with
profuse and blatant flattery of the
United States and of the University
in particular, recalling with joy the
happy school days spent in this coun-
The writer admitted that ntrnhnh1v

very insidiously worked into the let-
ter and disclosed with great regret
about the state of affairs there.
Professor Nelson expressed the
opinion that this letter was only one
example of a type of propaganda
probably perpetrated by the Germans
since it began before Japan ever en-
tered the war with us, that is being
used to reach colleges and universi-
ties all over the country.
"According to some confidential,I
and absolutely authentic information
which I received from China a few
months ago, there is an office in
China, apparently financed by out-
side money, which has a system of
getting names of American profes-
sors to whom the letters can be sent."
Tt is nhvioA that the nnnaaand-

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