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March 04, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-04

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Student Senate
Votes To Meet
Every Tuesday

War Prevents Shipment.
Of New Lincoln StatueI
* * * *

War Speed-Up Stressed
A BiWeekly Schedule
Changes__Meeting Date
The Student Senate joined the na-
tion in what was called "a war speed-
up m reasure" when it voted uran-
mously at its session yesterday to
hold meetings every week instead of
maintaining its traditional' bi-weekly
AUo part of an effort to accelerate
Senate activities, Michigan's only
representative group junked its tra-
ditional Thursday night meeting date,
in favor of Tuesday. This move was
initiated by last Thursday's meeting
which saw no quorum, no committee
repoits and no resolutions.
Report On Wages
The meeting yesterday was high-
lighted by the Service Committee's
report on its investigation of library
wage conditions. A motion is now in
effect to raise 30-cent-per-hour men
to 35 cents and 35 cent-per-hour men
to 40 cents. Present wage discrep-
ancies are based on nature of work,
the Senate was told.
For example, a man working in the
first floor cloakroom makes 40 cents
per-hoir while certain types of stack
work receive 30 cents. If budget ap-
pr priations are sufficient, the in-
vestigating committee reported, there
will be a general five cent increase
in all wages below 40 cents per hour.
The Senate voted unanimous. ap-
proval to a proposed speakers' bureau
to be set up for providing students to
address civic groups in neighboring
towns. The tentative plan will be
worked out in cooperation with the
University speech department.;
Vote For Collection Box
Another unanimous vdcte was ac-
corded a motion to place a permanent
box in lobby of the General Library
for the collection of defense stamps.
The Senate also moved to set up a
booth at tomorrow's League "De-
fense Stomp" for students desiring
to turn their stamps in immediately.
Stamps received will go to the Stu-
dent Senate Scholarship Fund.
Although yesterday's, meeting was
scheduled to open at 7:30 p.m. sena-
tors kept trickling in until 8:50 p.m.
At 8:37 p.m. a senator was given the
floor after leaning too far back in
his chair and at 8:39 the same sena-
tor resigned as chairman of the
Scholarship Committee.
i The meeting was also marked by a
Ieated 15-minute discussion of a
summer session Student Senate, but
only a "wait-and-see" policy was
Heajth Service
S tllSwamped
"Back in 1914-15, when the last
epidemic of German measles broke
out'on campus," declared Dr. Warren
t. Forsythe, Director of the Health
Services"the students who came
down with the disease sat around in
their rooms, played bridge and joked
about their spots until they recov-
There were no infirmary facilities
then, such as we have today, so there
was nothing'else the students could
do.but stay home.
"I do wish we could treat the mat-
ter now, somewhat as it was treated
t1hn-more or less as a joke-so
crowding of the Health Service and
University Hospital facilities could
be avoided," he continued. "However,
we are trying to do all we can to care

for those who break out with the
No Protection
Dr. Forsythe went on to say that
actually there was no protection
against the disease except to have it,
since the period of greatest contagion
is before the individual ever begins
to notice the symptoms-sore throat,
soreness in the large lymph glands
behind the ears, spots in the throat
and a rash on the body which pro-
gresses from the face down.
From the publicehealth point of
view, the most serious factor to be
recognized in connection with the.
epidemic is the necessity for keeping
children under five years from catch-
ing it, for it is in-their case that the
effects might prove disastrous.
Procedes At Steady Rate
Contrary to popular opinion, the
epidemic has not been sweeping the
campus in waves. It has been going
along at a steady rate with about 12
cases~ reported daily.
Treatment of the illness should be
very similar to that used in the: case
of the bad cold. The individual
should be isolated and stay in bed
for two or three days.
At present, there are about 35
"victims" in the Health Service, a few
in the University Hospital and several

Today's News
Oii The camptius
Art lovers of the community will
have a final opportunity to attend
what has proved an exceptionally
5"ccessful exhibition of regional art
and craft today as the show spon-
sored by the Ann Arbor Art Associa-
tion enters the last of its 14-day run.
In the second lecture of the Law
School's series on military law, Prof.
John B. Waite will discuss Sources
of Military Law and Organization of
Military Courts at 4 pan. today in
Room 1506 Hutchinsflaill
The German Club will hold its1
first meeting of this semester at 8
p.m. today in the League.j
The Quarterdeck Society will hold
the first of -a series of technical
meetings at 7:30 p.n. today in Room
338, West Engineering Building.
L. R. Twyman of Vickers, Inc. 'will
speak before a joint meeting of the
University Chapter of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers and
the Society of Automotive Engineers
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Technic S-aff
Un'ea rths Box
Of Slide-Rules


VOL. L11. No. 109
Ptibliatin in the Dally offi ial
iu]lltl n 1 1 constru t ive uenoley to al l
m'-emnr or the Un ieriaty.

Academic Notices
Cancellation of the Botanical Sem-
inar: The seminar meeting which was
scheduled for today at 4:30 p.m. in
the Natural Science Building has
been cancelled:
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will


meet today in Room 410 Chemistry
Building at 4:15 p.m. Prof. R. H.
Gillette will speak on "Statistical
atd Thermodynamical nterpreta-
tion of Ethaine."
Biological Seminar will meet to-
night at 7:30 in Room 319, West
Medical Building, "Vitamin C-As-
corbic Acid" will be discussed. All in-
terested are invited,
'Mathematics Short Course 350a).
Dr. S. Eilenberg will give a short
course this semester on "Algebraic
Methods in Topology," to run for five
<Continued on Page 4)

Student Tea: President and
Ruthven will be at home to
dents this afternoon from 4

to 6

To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
March 9, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack-
knv.LIm Aarlr ll nr }au . 11 momhIIae tf.



* * * 4
Defense production, America's
price-raising, tire-rationing contribu-
tion to World War II, has even dipped
into the fine arts field to take its toll
of sacrifice.
Michigan's Prof. Avard Fairbanks,
internationally renowned sculptor,
recently learned that not only is it
impossible for his heroic statue of
Abraham Lincoln to be shipped to
'Hawaii where it was to be erected,
but that because of a bronze short-
age it is the last of the great statues
to be produced in this medium.
A Year's Research
Probably the most eminent of the
silent visitors to University Hall's
old auditorium which Dr. Fairbanks
uses as a studio, "Lincoln the Fron-
tiersman" is the result of a year's
painstaking work in research and
study of Lincoln, his frontier garb,
and in the creation of the finished
statue. The nine foot figure was to
have been erected at the Ewa Plan-
tation school on the Hawaiian Is-
Dr. Fairbanks was commissioned
by the trustees of the estate of Kath-
erine Burke, school teacher at the
Ewa School, who left funds for a
Lincoln statue in the belief that it
"would contribute greatly to the for-
mation of idealism in the minds of
the young people attending the
school ."
Statue Stands Eight Feet
A powerful and alert figure, as im-
pressive as it is gigantic, the statue
is eight feet tall on a one-foot base.
It depicts Lincoln, open-shirted and
axe in hand, as a young rail splitter.
Dr. Fairbanks, who is a professor of
sculpture in the Institute of Fine
Arts, said concerning his work, "Many
statues have been made of Lincoln
presenting him as a statesman, as a
man who has made his attainments
in life, but few have shown him as a
youthfulfrontiersman; yet we have
so often been told about his life in the
John K. Ackley
To Speak Here
Russian War Relief Rally
To Be Held Tomorrow
John K. Ackley, an executive of
Russian War Relief, Inc., will discuss
"The Soviet Offensive and the Need
for Russian War Relief," at a meet-
ing of the student division of this
organization, at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow,
in the Michigan League.
(An invitation is extended to all
wishing to attend the rally, by Harry
Stutz, chairman of the student unit.
A ten-day drive will be instigated
at the meeting, for which 50 students
have been authorized to solicit con-
tributions for Russian War Relief.
According to Stutz, "No actual
quota has been designated for the
campaign. We have set for our aim
here on the campus the procurement
of medical aid sufficient to. save the
lives of a minimum of 100 wounded
Red Army soldiers," Stutz said. "This
will be our contribution to the anti-

early development of our American
westward expansion. With these
ideas in mind, I have often wanted
to make a youthful Lincoln as a typi-
fication of our rugged frontiersmen
and as the whole spirit of America."
During his year's work on the
statue Dr. Fairbanks was at great
pains to make sure that every detail
was authentic. Both of the statue's
hands and its face were taken from
masks made from Lincoln's hands
and face during his younger days.
Other proportions of the figure were
calculated by Professor Fairbanks
according to the recorded dimensions
of Lincoln, and even the axe which
the figure has in its hands was direct-
ly taken from Lincoln's original axe.
Plans Are Indefinite
Professor Fairbanks, son of a
painter, came to the University in
1929 as an associate professor of
sculpture, after having done creative
sculpture at Florence, Italy. At pres-
ent the sculptor's plans are indefin-
ite as to what will be done with the
statue. Still at the foundry, the gi-
gantic figure is completely cast but
is as yet unassembled. However, after
the war when shipping difficulties are'
removed, says Professor Fairbanks,
the statue will be definitely sent to
the Ewa School. ,

A crate of $12 slide rules became
the property of The Michigan Tech-
nic, engineering college publication,l
yesterday when curious freshmanJ
tryouts rummaging about The Tech-
nic office stumbled on a secret panel
which opened to disclose the dust-
covered find.
Frantic investigation on the part
of Technic editor Burr J. French,+
'42E. proved fruitless as both Uni-
versity officials and building and
grounds department disclaimed all
ktowiedge of the origin of the cache.
A hurried count of the contents
indicated that 350 first-class slide
rules in good condition had been
found, and subsequent calculation
.(on one of the rules) placed the total
nionetary value at $4.20 (a slide rule
won't place a decimal point, hence a
discrepancy may be present here).
Financially-minded Technic staff
members promptly met to determine
the method of disposition, and after
a long debate voted unanimously to
give out the slide rules as favors at
the coming Slide Rule Ball, annually
sponsored by the Technic staff.
Further slide rule calculations
showed that the annual dance is now
only 24 (or 2.4 or 240) days off, the
date having been set at Fri-
day, March 27.
Technic staff members are main-
taining constant watch over their
property, to prevent sabotage on the
part of jealous lawyers who last year
stole the only slide rule at the Ball
-a 12-foot giant slipstick.
Christian To Give Recital
Prof. Palmer Christian, University
organist, will give . another in his
regular Wednesday afternoon series
of organ recitals at 4:15 p.m. today,
in Hill Auditorium.

nam Ampitheater. All memes o
the University Senate may attend
the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting of February
9, 1942.
Subjects offered by members of the
Reports of the Standing Commit-
Program and Policy, J. P. Dawson.
Educational Policies, R. Schorling.
Report on a Survey of Special Serv-
ice Positions in the University.
Student Relations, O. W. Boston.
Public Relations, I. M. Smith.
Plant and Equipment, R. W. Ham-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Students
whose records carry reports of I or
X either from the first semester,
1941-42, or (if they have not been in
residence since that time) from any
former session, will receive grades of
E unless the work is completed by
March 9.
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the written approval of the in-
structors concerned, should be ad-
dressed to the Administrative Board
of the College, and presented to Room
4, University Hall, before March 9.
E. A. Walter
Certificate of Eligibility: At the be-
ginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligible
for any public activity until his eli-
gibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs, in
the Office of the Dean of Students, a
Certificate of Eligibility.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity, the
chairman or manager of such activity
shall (a) require each applicant to
present a certificate of eligibility, (b)
-ign his initials on the back of such
certificate, and (c) file with the
Chairman of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs the names of all those
who have presented certificates of
eligibility and a signed statement to
exclude all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be
obtained in the Office of the Dean of
Season Ticket Subscribers for Play
Production of the Department of
Speech. Stubs are to be exchanged
today and Thursday for "Caval-
leria Rusticana." Because of the
heavy demand for seats, it is advis-
able to get your tickets immediately,
and, if possible, for tonight or
Thursday night. Holders of student
tickets are reminded that these tick-
ets entitle them to seats on the main
floor on Wednesday or Thursday
Bowling Tournament: Teams in
the bowling tournament are urged to
have their second match played off
by Sunday, March 8.
#fAZ f ,y.

E . _... ,_ _ - LL .1

e *x
r++ a r
s "I
t +

Your ru 1
is 40M. ri
Yes, sir, when you walk out of here with
one of our fine precision movement watch-
es, we want you to know we're just as in-
terested in its perfect performance as you

TYPING: L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
WANTED-Used bicycle. Preferably
light weight. Phone 25-8231. 258c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
Phone Sam, 3627. 229c

LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2e
PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham-
poo and set, 65c all week. Gingham
Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State.
Phone 2-4000.
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
WANTED: Young man for messeiger
and office work. Apply Postal
Telegraph, 112 E. Huron. 259c


ELGINS at $27.50

I. B.o EuL.ERyewe r
Since 1904 ... Now at 308 South State



Please be

5,000 Every Day Just Routine
In Various Michigan Libraries

Maybe you haven't been in the
University's general library since Ori-
entation Week of your freshman
year but at least 5,106 other students
go there every day.
At any rate that's what the statis-
tics compiled by the University li-
brarian and released through the
official 1940-41hPresident's report
demonstrate. The count to deter-
mine the number of students enter-
ing the library daily is taken two
or three times a year on what appear
to be average days.j
1,117 Use Study Hall
Of the more than 5,000 going into
the main building, 1,117 on an aver-
age day spend theiratime in the
Main Floor Study Hall. Some 898
students, however, study some part]
of the day in the Angell Hall Study,
What about those endless, puzzl-
ing requests for books on every sub-
ject under the sun? In 94.96 percent
of all cases, the reader either gets
the book itself or a report on its
location. Within 24 hours 99.07 per-
cent of all applications are satisfied.
A record kept at the main Reading
Room desk showed an average of 118
small inquiries a day, 74 requiring
some search and 14 demanding ex-,
cessive search of bibliographic ma-
Total Circulation 1,064,381
Total circulation for all the Uni-
versity libraries, including over-night
use, during 1940-41 reached 1,064,381.
This represented a decrease of 86,-
314 from the figure for 1939-40.
Curiously enough decline in circula-
tion began with the first year of the
present war. The figure for 1939-40
was 21,738 under that for 1938-39.

March and May are periods for se-
mester papers while during July
many summer students in the School
of Education are often working on
theses for short-term courses.
September Nits Low Point
Lowest circulation at all the deliv-
ery stations in the General Library
was in September. In the Main Floor
Study Hall the top /circulation dur-
ing 1941 was in January, around final
exam time. .During the last three
weeks of that month 2,114 sample ex-
amination papers representing 22.69
percent of total circulation during
that period were used.
There is no information available
on book use in the library rooms
where books may be, taken from the
shelves. It is also impossible to keep
statistics on the number of volumes
used by the workers in the stacks
and cartels. This use amounts to at
least a thousand or more volumes
DA I LY 2-4-7-9 P.M.
-' Lost Times Today -
" : < i s' S


v ,..
_ >. l

and help speed war call s.
TELEPHONE LINES ARE JAMMED with important war calls, serving
the expanded communication needs of Army and Navy, govern-
mental bureaus and war industries. Those calls are vital . .. they
must. not be delayed!
YOU CAN HELP keep telephone lines clear for war use by making
your personal calls brief, and by placing them at times other than

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