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August 04, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 14) • Page Image 11

…Wednesday, August 4,1993 - The Micgan Daly Summer eely -11 DAVDOFF Continued from page 12 a silly routine supposed to represent their culture. It's just a sporting event, shut up and accept it. Oneof the more exciting groups in Michigan sports history - The Fab Five-graced us with its presence this past year. No matter how well they played, though, it seemed the talented quintet of men's basketball players could never meet the expectations of...…

August 04, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 14) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly -Wednesday, August 4, 1993 Me Hi tgDjai Q: V Ken Davidoff Every rose has its thorns, even sports It has been a time-honored tradition here at the Daily for departing sports editors (the majority of whom go back, crawling and hungry, to their parents) to pen a "farewell column." This piece of writing,usually heavy on the emotions and light on the intellect, always ends with the realization that sports someh...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE ~be ~d~4au ;uI~PAID Ann Arbor, MI PERMIT NO. 13 Ninety- nine years of editorial freedom Vol. XCIX, NO. 11-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, August 4,1989TiA 9 NurseO strike hearing continues BY MICHELLE RABIDOUX Negotiators for the University of Michigan Hospitals and the University of Michigan Professional Nurse Council (UMPNC) met with Judge Melinda Morris in the Washtenaw County Circuit Court yesterday. After fou...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 4,1989 Matell accredited the postpone- S tr k ement of flights to the retraining of continued from page 1 700 new pilots Eastern has hired. We are on target but there were mi- ers since Lorenzo is having a diffi- nor bottlenecks." cult time finding qualified staff at the Most passengers who boarded the rate of pay he is offering. Eastern flight said they were using Eastern newspaper ads are offer- tick...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 4,1989-Page 3 Nurses Continued from Page 1 cause hearing to rebut University ac- cusations that the strike caused "irreparable damage" to patients and harm to both the community and to the Hospital's referral services. "The burden of proof is with us," said Harrison. The court injunction also required that the two sides meet and bargain this week. After more than 20 hours of bargaining on Tuesday and Wednesd...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 The Michigan Daily 9 The real liars, hypocrites and terrorists WITH LAST week's kidnapping of Sheik Obeid in southern Lebanon, the Israeli government added yet an- other entry into its catalogue of ter- rorist activities. The fact that Israel's government should resort to such tactics is certainly not surprising to anyone familiar with its history. Successive Israeli governments have a long history of kidnapping and hostage...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 5

…PERSPECTIVES do The Michigan Daily Page 5 No more rape By Sharon P. Holland It was the winter of my junior along with other similar statements. year in college when I first witnessed But, their most insulting, degrading what rape could really do to a sur- and racially specific statements were vivor, to a friend and to a commu- reserved for the women of color on nity. On my campus we were prepar- the march. For us, there was special ing ...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

… CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 S U -R FOUND: a set of keys containing 7 keys. NEED FEMALE ROOMMATE to share 2 Found in the Student Publications Buildg bdrm. apt. Fall term. Sept. 1. $575/o. Full on July 13. Please call 764-0550 if you think basement, I. bdns., 5 min. walk to central they mightcbeyours. campus 994-5735, ask for Felecia. SEPT. LEASES, 1008 Oakland 4 and 5 bed- F RiEroom ats. Fumished. Great locations. Call 429-263. FARM FRESH ORGAN...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Page 7 Pw Ordinary bloke gets it R ight in quirky comedy BY NABEEL ZUBERI Getting it Right feels like The cence. And Lynn Redgrave is excep- Graduate without the empty exis- tional as the cool but vulnerable Getting it Right draws art from tential gazes and without the sound Joan, a wealthy socialite. the ordinary. Of course, the British of silence - it's more amiable. As Sir Mundy, Minnie's father, have been doing...…

August 04, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 11) • Page Image 8

…SPORTS The Michigan Daily . Paae 8 . _;V- - this. New coaches hired BY STEVE BLONDER Wolverine sidelines will feature two new coaches this fall, as Beverly Fry was hired to coach the woman's gymnastics team and Patti Smith was named field hockey coach on an interim basis. Smith replaces Karen Collins, who resigned recently "to pursue other career opportunities," only three weeks before fall practice opens. The late change has left se...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail Vol. XCIII, No. 31-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, August 4, 1983 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Tally Hall costs questioned By HALLE CZECHOWSKI The five democrats on the 11-member council are The current plan calls for a $6.5 million bond fro .y HriALLEl CZEC I t d h m y the city and $2.5 million from the Royce Company, By the end of the month, City Councilmembers will critical of the plan and say there are too many unan- Ann Arb...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August 4, 1983 GOP leaders blast, educaion panel delays LANSING (UPI) - House Republicans, saying the matter is high on their agenda, chastized Gov. James Blanchard yesterday for failing to ap- point the special higher education study committee he promised nearly a month ago. "The commission should have been appointed a long time ago," said House Republican Leader J. Michael Busch of Saginaw. "You can d...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August 4, 1983 - Page 3 DON'T CUT SUMMER RECESS, JUDGE SAYS High court justice wants vacation ATLANTA (AP) - Supreme Court Justice John federal appeals courts. The Supreme Court now poor job of picking appeals and was so swamped by Paul Stevens said yesterday that depriving the nine resolves much conflicts. paperwork that Congress should create a new court members of the nation's highest court of their three- "ON...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August4, 1983 Apology to women backfires on Reagan From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - For 10 minutes an White House a day earlier and blamed abject Ronald Reagan apologized it on the bureaucracy. yesterday for a snag that turned 1,200 THEN, discussing "the recognition of women conventioneers away from a women's place," he said: "I want you long-scheduled White House tour, but in to know that I've always recogn...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

…Visiting official praises China connection (Continued from Page I) "They have learned and accumulated a lot here," Zhang said. He added that these students are im- portant because they "serve as a future link to a stronger connnection between the two countries." ZHANG WILL leave the University for an extended vacation later this week at the United Auto Worker's Black Lake Conference Center. The ambassador's visit was funded by donations from t...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

…A OPINION _. __ TL _ _ 1 _ ___ -' i i 1 AAA A Page 6 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 31-S 93 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by students of The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board A real 'Nowhere Man' Long afan of rock & roll, President Reagan recently rewrote the words to John Lennon's "Imagine," requesting Republican Party leaders to use his version of the song as...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 7

…Indiana An Indiana university professor was arraigned Monday in U.S. District Court for running a prostitution ring out of his home. COLEGE S.. After receiving an anonymous tip, Bloomington police officials arrested Prof. John Kruegar Saturday morning. Officials confiscated Kruegar's records prof lini of clients and prostitutes which date back to 1977. Kruegar, who also used the name Paul Toll, teaches Ukranian and Russian at the university. ...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August 4, 1983 YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY"ifoundys - MICHIGANDAILY { PinkIFloyd The Wall' Ou "PLATO'S THE - MOVIE" TWO FREE TICKETS 'ALL NIGHT LONG" XXX o 2y 3onof ____ ____ -~ -STATE 1-2-3-4 -a a MIDNIGHT MOVIES -"Harold and Maude" .4 CYCLE - Low mileage '81 Kawasaki KE100 - Best over $650. Leave messagef663-6940. dB0806 te Mchigan Daiy to pic kup the o r ic totheState Theater thatyouhave just won. d...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 9

…SUMMER AND FAL LISTINGS Variety of great locations, on and off campus ficiencies, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments- nished and uifurnished. Please call Wilson Co. 995-9551, or see our listings at Off Ca Housing, TRADEWINDS APARTME 121 East Hoover (corner.of Brown and Hoover) FALL'83 - MODERN FURNISHED 2 Bedroo 4 people]. Bi-level. 11r bath, central air, ga laundry facilities. Cable TV, t min. from UM City bus stop. 5 blocks from central campu do...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 10

…4 ARTS Page 10 Thursday, August 4, 1983 The Michigan Daily Tosh brings reggae gospel to Michigan By Doug Laurin T HE LEGS BEGIN to throb up and down, an easy upper body sway back and forth; then the motion loosely swings the arms. It takes no muscle - it's the spirit of Ras Tafari - it's the sound of reggae. Reggae's scope is worldwide. From Brazil to Australia to Paris to Ann Ar- bor, everyone is listening to reggae. The sound is addictive...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August 4, 1983 - Page 11 This Bo not a perfect ten M USICAL TRENDS OF the '80s are ever-changing and in order to maintain popularity these days, artists have to compete with the technical sounds of synthesizers and the rhyth- mic beat of electronic drums. However, the taste for the simple rock and roll of the American Graffiti era has prevailed ,and the legendary musicians of that time can still enjoy popularity...…

August 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 31) • Page Image 12

…SPORTS Page 12 Thursday, August 4, 1983 The Michigan Daily COMMISSIONER RESIGNS AFTER 15 YEARS Kuhn calls it quits 4 4 From AP and UPI Bowie Kuhn abdicated baseball's throne yesterday, giving up his futile fight to keep the commissioner's job and ending a bitter power struggle that he said could have permanently damaged the game. Kuhn, with only 10 days left in office after 15 years as baseball's fifth com- missioner, told owners gathered t...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 54-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 4, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Politck pushes economic diversity Last summer, state Sen. Edward Pierce dropped his re-election bid in order to enter the gubernatorial primary. Since then, four Democratic candidates have cam- paigned for his 18th District seat, which encompasses nearly all of Washtenaw County. Next Tuesday's primary will decide which of these Democrat...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, August 4, 1982-The Michigan Daily Reagan backs endto abortion on demand HARTFORD, Conn. (AP)- President Reagan told a Roman Catholic audience yesterday that the "national tragedy of abortion on demand must end" and said his call for nuclear weapons reductions renders "obsolete" proposals for a mere freeze. The president reasserted his op- position to unnecessary government in- trusion into the lives of Americans and then wen...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…By In an awarene ts, memt group ha postingI locations been rel years. The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, August 4, 1982-Page 3 LOCAL CITIZENS WORK TO INCREASE COMMUNITY AWARENESS Anti-rape group to post maps SKRISTIN STAPLETON say, 'Oh, that's where it happens. It's both the campus area and downtown The cost, approximately $60, is ex- not my neighborhood, I don't have to Ann Arbor. Most of the pins marking pected to be provided by MSA within attem...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…P -Wed A 4982h M a Di egan ready t extend benefits for unemployed WASHINGTON (AP) - The Reagan administration in an about-face, is negotiating with congressional Republicans on compromise legislation that would provide extended unem- ployment benefits for jobless Americans, administration officials saidyesterday. Even as budget director David Stockman was telling Congress that the administration remained opposed to extending benefits, deputy ...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, August4, 1982-Page 5 SANDINISTAN GOVERNMENT MEETS INCREASING OPPOSITION Unrest grows in Nicaragua MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)- Three years after the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship, opposition to Nicaragua's Sandinista leadership is growing, and the few dissident leaders left in the country say the government is becoming isolated and unpopular. The Sandinista National Liberation Front, which deposed Anastasio So...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…4 Opini0 Page 6 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 54-S Ninety-two Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Wednesday, August 4, 1982 The Michigan Daily LETTERS TO.THE DAILY: 'U' ignores non-faculty staff Neee:Israeli* moderation AS THE TENUOUS cease-fire continues to hold in Lebanon, the Reagan administra- tion is hinting that it may pursue a tougher policy regarding Israel. In light of Isra...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

…Arts The Michigan Daily Wednesday, August 4, 1982 Page 7 Monroe's allure hasn't died By The Associated Press HOLLYWOOD- Twenty years have passed since too many sleeping pills silenced that naughty, breathless whisper. But goddesses don't die. So it is with Marilyn Monroe. The platinum blond hair. The grace- note mole. The wide-eyed innocence. The sense of vulnerability. And, to be sure, the erotic allure-her sensuous saunter, the glowing compl...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wednesday, August 4, 1982-The Michigan Daily 1 1 1 1 I Hot Channels and Hot Lunch 4 [I 1 I. -1 r -1 .1 L l pi i i , i - i - * - 't t k H i , p i! i i - i - - I i I i, - i i i * i - i + . }. .11 _ 1 *.I . :I -~ I I I. _ '1 Rhodes-73 electric piano, 1 years old, excellent condition, w/200 watt amp. 662-8528between 2 and 4. 40B0806 Comfortable sofa-sleeper. Queen size, rust colored. $50.0or best offer. 99-5426. 3250007 1967 Do...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday August 4, 1982-Page 9 I T I Hot Channels and Hot Lunch L _ ( t l I t '. I - 1 -PAW - 1." #7 A Space Oddysey "Harold A Maude" If you find yor name in todays MICHIGAN DAIlY classified page YOu WIN TWO FREE TICKETS a any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES 1 1 "} . 1 I I I - 1 .1 " I" I' L" 1 " I. I . f i I "1 L 4 _ 1 1 rl 1". 1 _. 1 _i._-_ I. , i 1 "t. c .. _.1 1 (Coninued from Page 8I NURSING/MEDSTUDENT...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, August 4,1982-The Michigan Daily 44 Raisig crne ^ Workrs t th Olsted ContyFaigroudsMinn, risea setio it Supe Loos, oe ofthe idesat te far's iy. Monroe's death can't stop her magic appeal 4 Continued from Page7) But although Marilyn Monroe knew and admired the Kennedys, there is no real evidence that she was roman- tically involved with them. Biographers have a rich vein of American folklore in the Monroe saga. Her suppose...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, August 4, 1982-Page 11 Orioles defeat Red Sox BALTIMORE (AP) - Rick Dempsey and Rich Dauer combined to drive in five runs and Dennis Martinez pitched an eight hitter as the Baltimore Orioles beat the Boston Red Sox 7-2 in the first game of yesterday's twi-night double- header, snapping a five-game losing streak. Dempsey's two-out infield single knocked in Baltimore first run during a four-run uprising in the fift...…

August 04, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 12

…Sports Wednesday, August 4, 1982 0 Page 12. The Michigan Daily Summertime trials and tribulations test 'M' runners while they train By RON POLLACK "RIGHT NOW, I don't feel I'd like to Those workouts are really tough. If When the two Wolverines run over the It's 80 degrees out and they've just follow a strict training schedule," said you're not in shape, and didn't run over summer, they often do so with a blazing finished a hard day's work....…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 54-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 4, 1981 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Reagan talks tough with EIIEEM air controllers Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM Long and winding road Sun-speckled paths lead travelers into the depths of Nichols' Arboretum. Violence in Iran continues; bomb blasts kill 14 people From AP and UPI WASHINGTON-Air traffic con- trollers illegally walked off their jobs yesterday and crippled ...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday, August 4, 1981-The Michigan Daily Poles block traffic to protest food shortage From AP and UPI Gen. Wojcisch Jaruzelski and the ruling WARSAW, Poland - Hundreds of Communist Party Politburo announced buses, trucks and cars converged on a plenary session of the new party cen- Warsaw yesterday in a Solidarity tral committee will be held Saturday to protest against nationwide food shor- discuss the current crisis. tages, but riot-...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 4, 1981-Page 3 STUDY REAFFIRMS TOP PA Y FOR ENGIN GRADS Engineers ride grav y BETHLEHEM, Pa. (UPI)-Engineering students degree graduates, but received only 4 percent of the degree candidates have drawn a growing amount of attention lately, job offers, the study said. last year. because of the relatively open job market and high It also said the salaries associated with the job of- The College Pla starting sa...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, August 4, 1981--The Michigan Daily Senate formally OKs Reagan's tax cut bill, House nod expected In Brief Compiled from Associated Press and United Press International reports WASHINGTON (AP)-After rebuf- fing a last-gasp protest from Sen. Ed- ward Kennedy, the Senate passed 67 to 8 yesterday a compromise version of President Reagan's tax cut and sent it to the House for a final vote that would put the landmark measure on ...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 4, 1981--Page 5' Jerry Ford Museum gets finishing touches GRAND RAPIDS (AP)-The room looks like the Oval Office, but the trap- pings-the wheel from the captured merchant ship Mayaguez, a pipe holder from Leonid Brezhnev-seem just a lit- tle out of date. And no wonder. It's the Oval Office of former President Gerald Ford, who took over the White House when Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 and who lost the 1976 ...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, August 4, 1981-The Michigan Daily U.S. says no to PLO role in talks on Palestinian WASHINGTON (UPI)-The United States yesterday ruled out any par- ticipation by the Palestine Liberation Organization in the stalled Palestinian autonomy talks. U.S. officials, briefing reporters in advance of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's arrival today for four days of talks, said the "door is closed" to any participation by the PLO in the Wes...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 4, 1981-Page 7 President of Gambia appeals to insurgents TVgroup rows to monitor Phil Donahue CHICAGO (AP) - Claims that ward lists of firms that sponsor two out of three Phil Donahue shows Donahue shows dealing with sex to deal with "abnormal sex" were the Coalition for Better Television, labeled "outrageous" yesterday by hoping that publication of the list a spokeswoman for the award- will encourage consu...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…Opinion Page 8 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCINo.54-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students atEthe University of Michigan U.S. sincerity & the Third World TIME WILL TELL whether the Reagan administration is serious about "global negotiations," but a recent conference in Mexico indicates a change for the better may be expected. Global negotiations-the source of cooperation between the industrialized North and the underde...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…Arts Tuesday, August 4, 1981 The Michigan Daily Page 9 George Harrison - N A u Pairs Au Pairs-'Playing with a Different Sex' (Human)-With the New Wave of music came a new and more positive place for women in rock and roll. No longer are they just groupies, in "girl groups," or the "girl singer." Yet not before I saw the Au Pairs did I ever see men and women working together, equally and with real strength. The Au Pairs come from the sam...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…Page 10--Tuesday, August 4, 1981-The Michigan Daily Jim Brady suffers 'grand mat' seizure WASHINGTON (AP)-White House press secretary James Brady suffered a major seizure yesterday, a new and worrisome side effect of the head wound he suffered in the assassination attempt on President Reagan March 30. The "grand mal" seizure struck Brady shortly after he had breakfast in his George Washington University Hospital room, deputy press secretary L...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 4, 1981-Page 11 Oswald's grave may be opened DALLAS (UPI)-Convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald's coffin is empty, the widow of the accused presidential assassin said yesterday she was being "forced to take drastic measures" to answer speculation and doubts. A legal move by Maria Oswald Porter to open her husband's coffin would place her in direct legal con- flict with Oswald's olderbrother, Robert, who set the ...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-iTuesday, August 4, 1981-The Michigan Daily S m all A yo icd yoo od S -Ifof e 3WINNERS EVERY DAY dress in today s Mohigan Doily N FUNTS o No Contest To Enter i Clossif'ed page WHAT DO YOU SAY sponsored by l ust look through today 'sClassifiedAds. YouWINHTOA NAK D A YOU SAYSTATE THEATER Three U of .students will find their YOU INT A NAKED L Y nameshidden n this section. If your I . ' CTWO FREE TICKETS MIDNIGHT neearsomes our busiess ofi...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 13

…DAILY Housewife, CLASSIFIEDS family (Continued from Page 12) reach verbal HIGHSQUALY settlement; HHXEROX COPIES COPIES Fast service, low prices ends PARKMAN PRINTING 157 E. Hoover, across from Administration Ser- vices bus stop behind Crisler Arena. 761-4391 cFtc The Michigan Daily-Tuesday; August4, 1981 -Page°13 SPICER, Minn. (UPI)-Diane Bon- SO FRIDAY morning Mrs. Bonnema nema went on strike to get her husband informed husband, Melverne, an...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Tuesday, August 4, 1981-The Michigan Daily SPOR TS OF THE DAILY Abdul-Jabbar to stay with Lakers 4 LOS ANGELES (AP)-Six-time National Basket- ball Association Most Valuable Player Kareem Ab- dul-Jabbar met with Los Angeles Lakers' owner Jerry Buss yesterday with the two arriving at an un- derstanding that the superstar center will not be. traded. Abdul-Jabbar, a 12-year NBA veteran who has played with the Lakers during the past six s...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, August 4, 1981-Page 15 BASEBALL'S SCHEDULE UNSETTLED Owners meeting postponed y CHICAGO (AP) - A scheduled meeting of major league baseball owners, gradually recovering from the effects of the 50-day strike, has been postponed two days because of the air traffic controllers' strike. The meeting, originally set for today, was rescheduled for Thursday in Chicago. If travel still is blocked on that date, the owners w...…

August 04, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 54) • Page Image 16

…Sports 0 Page 16 Tuesday, August 4, 1981 The Michigan Daily CINCINNATI PRACTICES IN ANN ARBOR Reds prepare for 'second' season 4 By RON POLLACK DailySports Writer When the Cincinnati Reds began practice yester- day it almost seemed as though the baseball strike had never taken place (the Reds are in Ann Arbor. because Riverfront Stadium is currently holding a jazz festival). The morning rains forced the Reds into the Michigan Fieldhouse...…

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