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August 04, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-08-04

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The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCII, No. 54-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 4, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Politck pushes economic diversity

Last summer, state Sen. Edward
Pierce dropped his re-election bid in
order to enter the gubernatorial
primary. Since then, four
Democratic candidates have cam-
paigned for his 18th District seat,
which encompasses nearly all of
Washtenaw County. Next
Tuesday's primary will decide which
of these Democrats will face
Republican Roy Smith-running
uncontested in his primary-in
November's general election.
This is the first in a four-part
series profiling the candidates and
their individual solutions to the
problems plaguing Michigan.
As ratification of the Equal Rights
Amendment became an issue to state
legislators this year, one thing became
painfully obvious-there were no
women in the state Senate:
Lana Pollack, 18th District state
Senate candidate, hopes to change that

by emerging on top in next week's
Democratic primary.
BUT WHILE holding strong views on
feminism, Pollack has been cautious
about being labeled a one-issue can-
didate. Because of her personality,
commitment, and experience, she is the
best candidate-regardless of sex-to
inherit Democrat Ed Pierce's seat in
Lansing, Pollack said during a recent
"I never know how much to em-
phasize this (being a female conten-
der). I get conflicting advice-'play it
up, don't play it up, they'll think that's
the only reason to elect you,'-that's not
the only reason to elect me, I'm highly
qualified," Pollack said.
Pollack, a former chairperson of the
Ann Arbor Democratic party and for-
mer member of the Ann Arbor school
board, is stressing economic
diversification in her first bid for state
The cornerstone of Pollack's vision
for recovery of the state's, ailing
economy is an all-out effort to diversify
Michigan business and industry. She
See POLLACK, Page 5

'DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE Lana Pollack, attempting to break into the all-
male state Senate, supports industrial diversification for the state in her 18th
District primary race.
U.N. prepares
to monitor
Mideast crisis

From The Associated Press
The United Nations prepared to
deploy truce . observers in Beirut
yesterday, as Israel flew divebombing
raids over the Lebanese capitol.
Meanwhile, the United States urged
Israel not to attack west Beirut, but
served notice that while it can influence
events there, "we cannot, ultimately,
control them."
U.N. SECRETARY General Javier
Perez de Cuellar said in a report to the
Security Council that U.N. military ob-
servers based in the Beirut area were
sent to the PLO office in west Beirut
yesterday. U.N. personnel travelling
from southern Lebanon to Beirut to
serve as observers were stopped by
Israeli troops the day before.
The report said military observers
attached to the U.N. Truce Supervision
Organization already in the capital had
been formed into an Observer Group.
Beirut (OGB) to monitor the cease-fire.
But the Israeli army's cooperation still
was needed before the group could
establish observation posts on both
sides of the frontline and carry out
patrol duties, it said.

Lebanon and the PLO approved a
council resolution Sunday calling for a
cease-fire and U.N. observers in Beirut.
Israel said the matter could not be
discussed until tomorrow when the
Cabinet was scheduled to meet after
Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir
returns from a trip to Washington.
THE ISRAELIS moved scores of
tanks, armored personnel carriers, and
artillery pieces up to the gates of the
guerrilla enclave, and the Lebanese
government said because of Israel's
nine-day-old blockade there was no
flour left to make bread for west
Beirut's half-million civilian residents.
Israeli jets drew barrages of anti-air-
craft fire as they thundered in at mid-
afternoon- to stage rapid mock
divebombing assaults for the first-time
since Sunday evening, when another
cease-fire was called. It was the ninth
since Israel invaded Lebanon June 6 to
crush Yasser Arafat's Palestine
Liberation Organization.
Shortly before midnight, Israeli for-
ces began pounding west Beirut with
artillery, rockets and navy bombar-
See U.N., Page 4

Stars and stripes
Donica Glisovic and Slavka Savic demonstrate their technique of taking
down the flag yesterday on the Diag.

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