April 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 134) • Page Image 1
…-,Row AN of . lail . VoL. IL.-No. 184. UNIVERISITY OF MICHJIGAIN, IONIAY, APRiIL 4, 1 92. April Law Journal. sty le and would be of interest to the renlerl -treader. ,Professor Abubott Ths \ pili numbser of the Mlishigas ihais giv en the subject of legal biblio- 1,ic'srnaltesirl e hiuats o-oesow.-"raphi considerahie studs andi 'I~h aricls ae b julgeCooeythlossilt, unit the history he has Profsso NahanAbbot ad Hn.givess is tlse resitlt of r...…