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January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…I REGENTAL SELECTION See Editorial Page f ARV a IV? Urni Y Dat ABOMINABLE High T - 10 Low -- 10. below See TODAY for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 28, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages MU SEE NME AP CALLuADALY VA trial U.S. District Judge Philip Pratt yesterday re- fused to drop ten poisoning charges against the two Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital nurses accused of murdering f...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridav. Jdnuarv 2$. 1977 .., .canu y u -ycc ..y F Regent (Continued from Page 1) of another. rise in tuition. State Sen. Robert VanderLaan (R-Grand Rapids), assistant Re- publican leader, and Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) have both said there would probably be an increase of funds to the University of as much as $5 million above Go#. Milliken's request. SENATE Majority Leader Wil- liam Faust (D-Westland) has...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…Friday, January 28, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE TIN Friday, January 28, 1977 crafts, archery/riflery, nature. Reg- able. DAY CALENDAR ister by phone or in person. University WUOM: Technology AssessmentI Camp Tamarack, ML. Coed. Will Ohio. Clevela panel discussion "Health Technolo- interview Mon., Feb. 7 from. 9, to 5. for Juniors a gy," panelists Sharon Arnstein, Na- All staff positions open at this time. week, good sa ...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

… I tIw £fttdgan Dail Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Friday, January 28, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Choosing comptent Regents RECENT proposal to give Michi- gan's governor the power to ap- point the University's Regents would, if enacted, merely up the ante in the game of political spoils. Instead of, party hacks getting all-star slot...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arts & Enterta inm ent Friday, January 28, 1977 Page Five ° DISMAL WORLD PORTRAYED: 'Red Ryder' : Acute By LEE DONALDSON boy, has just completed his seems slightly arbitrary. I OPENING NIGHT of When graveyard shift and is being re- found myself frantically scan- You Comin' Back, Red placed by a waitress named An- ning the set for something the Ryder, could have easily turned gel. They talk, perhaps too long characters ...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 28, 1977 I 1 0 zi 9SE'A 'A F X k 1 .' . . y.t: +P , a F J ............... FOR RENT FOR RENT R O O M AVAILABLE in historic PERSON WANTED, own room, 3- home for clean, quiet person. $100 bdrm. house, friendly people. 662- per month, includes utilities. Call 8407. 520129 663-4874 between 6 and 11 p.mI STUDENT ROOMS: big and private, Weekends, anytime. Mary An 29 $90, to small, $75. 769-24...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 7

…Friday, January 28, 1977 Page Seven THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Friday, January1128" 1977 1THE1MICHIGAN1D.I.Y P.g- Se-e- .tree states de ener emer en (Continued from Page 1) But state officials said cur- ple out of work. tailrnents to be ordered under Gov. Hugh Carey proclaimed the emergency could cause hun- an energy state of emergency dreds of thousands of layoffs. in New York, assuming sweep- Gov. Milton Shapp said he has ing powers that will ...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 28, 1977 Poge Eight THEMIHIAN AIY.ridyJauar.2, 97 TEXAS INStRUMENTS SR-56 189.59 SR-52 *188.50 (Texas residents only add sales tax.) Coupon for 2 free program libraries with each machine. TI CALCULATORS Business Analyst 33.50 SR-51 11 57.50 SR-40 34.50 PC-100 155.50 AC/DC Adaptor 1 yr. TI warranty ....-....-.....-.-- -- -- - --- ---- - ---- CALL TOLL FREE (800) 528-6050, ext. 2022 - ............-.-.--...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 9

…/ Page Nine Friday, January 28, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY full court Big Ten toughens... no rest in sight By DON MacLACHLAN MADISON EVERYBODY IS UP for Michigan. When the second-ranked Wolverines take their show on the road, opposing coaches have no problem getting their teams mentally ready to play. Take last night's 69-64 victory for instance. The Wolverines, riding high atop the Big Ten stand- ings, faced the cellar-dwellers of the co...…

January 28, 1977 (vol. 87, iss. 97) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 2$, 1977 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, January 28, 1971 ~ ' :<,. " . t. ".. ... Tc .K 1,"'." . y al M Aar LF ,yN ' 'd it«{ R1 iN 3"" (4 .: NP, * TV Center places A TTENTION Carter announces vets' job program FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. NEW, USED andDEMO AUDIO GEAR UPTO F ocL c (Continued from Page 1) where the Center took over a funeral home on Maynard St. As the demand grew, distribu- ...…

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