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January 28, 1977 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-28

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tIw £fttdgan Dail
Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Friday, January 28, 1977

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Choosing comptent Regents

RECENT proposal to give Michi-
gan's governor the power to ap-
point the University's Regents would,
if enacted, merely up the ante in the
game of political spoils. Instead of,
party hacks getting all-star slots on
the "education is like a football"
team, a governor could - and like-
ly would - pack the board with in-
ept cronies.
The present electoral selection sys-
tem admittedly is an uninspiring
method for filling the Board of Re-
gents. Candidates and voters find it
very difficult to encounter each oth-
er in the welter of propaganda that
sprouts before and during general
elections. But pork-barrelling, the Re-
gents is a poor alternative.
Perhaps the best resolution pight
be another electoral scheme, such, as
having Regents represent a specific
district or having shorter terms of
office. This would at least give vo-
ters more contact with the Regents,
and would force the Regents to speak
to the issues that concern the voters

of the particular areas each Regent
But the best solution might very
well be eliminating the electoral pro-
cess altogether as a method for
choosing Regents. But, the governor
should not be the person to make the
appointments. College level education
is not a matter for amateurs, nor is
it a matter that can bear to be pol-
luted by politicians. If Regents are
to be appointed, it should be a non-
partisan, civil service appointment
made by an education expert such
as the State Superintendent of
Schools John Porter.
Porter would be qualified to select
the persons best suited to handle col-
lege and university affairs, regard-
less of their political persuasions. To
ensure voter control, the approval of
the state legislature would be requir-
ed for all appointees.
Our education is too important for
the post of Regent to be a political
reward. It is high time we end this
practice rather than strengthen it
as Gov. Milliken has requested.

To The Daily:
IN THE Thursday
Daily, Martin Kellen
ly representing the
Party, virulently de
Public Interest Gro
igan (PIRGIM). S
returning student a
been her'e for a cou
I'm curious aboutA
aimsrand hisobviou
of historical and cu
PIRGIM has never bi
to the use of scie
nology, it merely w
courage the human
knowledge (through
solar energy rather
lear power for exan
Keller's use of his
sonages certainlyhi
sound well educated
seem to add weigh
gument, when, in r
are probably highly
totally irrelevant. bT
ferson would probal
appointed if he cou
self remembered in
sentence with Alexa
ilton; that they we
the same time was
few things these n
PERHAPS to mos
ing comment Mart
made was to call th
servative, status q
Rockefeller image,1
these may be petty
to make against suc
endorsement of "ma
potentials" and stirr
a society based ona
of the creative techni
its population."
The United StatesI

Letters to The D
PIRGIM is an important document in the
history of world wide thought
issue of The and action. Fortunately it can
be changed.
r, apparent- The Constitution, written with
ound theLabor Hamilton's aid and advice, was
up in Mich- based on a land owing econom-
up in Ich- ics supported by a triangular
ince I'm a trade in cloth, rum and slaves.
nd haven't Vithout amendment, and .crea-
ple of years, tive legal and administrative in-
Mr. Keller's terpretations, the United States
.s distortion would not have benefitted from
irrent facts. the creative potential of i t s
keen opposed women. Without the foresight
entific tech- and political inspiration- of Ab-
vvants to en- raham Lincoln our Black broth-
e use of our ers and sisters would havehad
the use of good cause for putting a vio-
r than nuc- lent end to their forced enslave-
mple). ment.
storical per-
makes him THE TRADITION of change
d and m a y and the belief in the human po-
t to his ar- tential' are the foundations of
eality, they hope and a part of any US claim
suspect and to greatness. Groups .like t h e
Thomas Jef- Public Interest Research Group
bly be dis- in Michigan are, in their small
Id see him- way, trying to keep that hope
n the same alive. At Anpomatox c o u r t-
ander Ham- house President Lincoln recog-
re alive at lned the human dignity of his
one of the onnonents. If only the USLP
nen had in would remember this and air
their honest differences w i t h
PTRGTM Ann Arbor could be
st illuminat- the site of some "human crea-
in Keller tive develonment."
ie arch con- -Steven Bluimrosen
uo oriented January 27, 1977
liberal. But
h a moving Barbour
n's creative To The Daily:
ring call for I AM ASTOUNDED by the
an explosion tone of the "second internal re-
ical skills of view" regarding Barbour-Water-
man, as reported in the January
Constitution 24 Record.

Cyprus talks a good omen

met with Turkish Cypriot leader
Rauf Denktash yesterday at United
Nations headquarters on the island.
The meeting is a major breakthrough;
we hope it is the beginning of the
negotiation process that will lead to
a permanent settlement between the
two groups.
Greek and Turkish Cypriot lead-
ers have not met face-to-face in four-
teen years. The island is presently
divided into two political states-the
older government in the south and
the new Turkish Federated State in
the north. Since the Turkish inva-
sion in 1974, the island's tourism in-
dustry has suffered tremendously.
The international airport is not pre-
sently in use and Turkish troops re-,
main stationed on the island.
the elimate
slush drifts and wind chills, citi-
zens in so-called temperate zones
have only two options. First, running
dogs (like the one illustrated below)
will succumb. They will cower and
sniffle and become dependent on
electric underwear.
But true patriots will find a bet-
ter, 'more valiant way to combat the
depredations of winter. They will
fight back and stand up for their
rights (and perhaps freeze off their
digits by lolling about, sunbathing. in
negative Celsius temperatures). Mind
over matter, after all.
Taking our tip from the Gregorian
calendar, we should proclaim Leap
Winter Day. With this innovation, we
could delete, all weather from the
first blizzard of the year to the Ides'
of March. Not only would this mete-
orological amendment promote life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,
it would save a heck of a lot of en-
ergy, too. If we all just concentrate
real hard ...

THE IMPORTANCE of a peace set-
tlement fob th'e island cannot be
overexaggerated. The economy is suf-
fering. Tension between Turkish and
Greek Cypriots runs high and helps
to perpetuate the centuries-old ha-
tred that Greece and Turkey reserve
for each other. This hatred in turn
acts as a destabilizing influence on
NATO in an area where American
and Soviet warships are constantly
keeping tab on one another. But most
importantly the Cyprus situation con-
tributes to the overall political mess
existing in the Mideast.
If pyprus remains weak and di-
vided it may eventually find itself
enveloped in the conflict between Is-
rael and the surrounding Arab states.
The island is in a strategic location
and is' most likely desired for use
as a military base or as an intelli
gence center. Whatever designs other
countries may have on Cyprus, they
are in all likelihood not pacific.
A permanent settlement for this
island is urgently needed. We hope
that toge Makarios-Denktash meeting
will bear fruit.
Photography Staff

(WASH, COCKROACHES, and coercion: the three oppressions of
tenancy. We experience each of them so frequently, they've
almost become accepted as part of that inevitable thing called
Cash-the money we shell out every month, the money the
landlord rakes in every month. Somehow it always seems as if
we're paying for a hell of a lot more than we're getting; and the
rent is always going up.
Cockroaches-the symbol for poor maintenance; the draft by
the window acting as your thermometer for the outside; or the
peeling paint, plaster and cracked walls, reminding us of Ann
Arbor's history; or your insect companions who never signed the
lease; or . . . all of the above.
Coercion-the lease we had no choice but to sign and the sub-
sequent unannounced intrusions into our homes by the landlord
at all hours of the day; and the basic conflict between the apat-
ment being the landlord's investment, while it is the tenant's home.
The Tenant Rising is the Daily's new weekly column sponsored
by the Campus Legal Aid's Housing Reform Project. In this
column we'll be writing about the Ann Arbor housing crisis in
general, our analyses of it, the rights you have as a tenant, and
aspects of rent strikes not covered by the other local media.
From time to time, we'll be doing a question-and-answer type
cplumn, so if you have any questions regarding tenants' rights,
or the housing situation please send them care of the Daily; all
suggestions are welcome.
For the first of the series, we figured that it would be best to
deal with the foundation on which the entire housing dilemma is
The ABC's of Profit
Don't ask me for any repairs,
It's not that I don't care,
I'm sorry your place is dirty and dank,
But your rent check goes straight to the bank,
Profit, now that's absurd,
I don't even know the word.
Landlords are not in the real estate business to service the
public, nor do they have a house fetish; they're in it because the
returns are incredible. The money flows in from numerous sources
and reaches a peak in the final sale of the house. Although in
some cases this may be an indictment of a particular landlord,
the true villain is the economic base of the entire landlord-tenant
Landlords reap profits in five ways (most of them are "hidden
Appreciation-the house you rent is continually rising in value
due to inflation and increasing demand. A landlord is practically
assured a windfall profit when the house is sold. Remember, real
estate is a long-term investment for the landlord; it may take time
to mature but the returns are enormous.
Breaks via capital gains taxes-the income from the sale of
almost any rental property is considered "capital gains," and is
taxed at half the normal tax rate.
Cash flow-the rent you pay covers the landlord's mortgage
and interest payments, property taxes, repairs (if he/she makes
any), and depending on the rent, a substantial left-over that a
landlord acn rake in as pure profit.
Depreciation-one of the "best" ways a landlord can make
money is on the depreciation allowance. Due to certain tax laws,
a landlord gets to pretend that his/her building is going down in
value (when, as we saw, it is actually going up). The landlord can,
then deduct the "loss" in value from his/her income and thus
pay far less (or even zero) taxes. After the building/ has been
depreciated a good bit, the landlord sells it and a new landlord
starts the depreciation cycle all over again.
Equity-As stated above,.your rent dollar goes to pay the land-
lord's mortgage, interest, and upkeep. Thus you, as a tenant, are
actually buying the building for the landlord. The more the
landlord owns of the buildings, the more "equity" is built up '(i.e.
the more the landlord gets directly back from the sale of the
building). The tenant needless to say, receives nothing, except a
raise in rent, when'the building is finally sold.

"We are not anxious," it says,
"to disrupt the orderly process
of priority setting based on de-
cisions by schools and colleges
" But as students of insti-
tutions, you understand t h at
priorities are set by bureaucra-
tic structures. Let us suppose
that at least a majority of the
members of the University com-
muity believe that the Univer-
sity has an obligation to create
and preserve a physical envir-
onment that embodies respect
for the achievements and as-
pirations of our predecessors, or
of those culturally different from
ourselves (just as, say, a ma-
jority would concur that t h e
university ought not to encour-
age public defecation).
Nevertheless there is no in-
ternal. bureaucratic unit dedi-
cated to the furtherance of this
belief, which is one which we
should be able to take f o r
granted. Srely we have lost the
right to call ourselves a univer-
sity if the stens we take are de-
termined solely by the pressures
arising from long-constituted
sub-units of the university's
DEAN METCALF and Profes-
sor Marzolf are quoted as say-
ing that the gyms have "no ar-
chitectiral significance." I do
not know (llite what that 'neans,
and those of "s who teach about
Pie visaI arts have failed if
it is ol we whose oninions
Pbo',t such matters are believ-
ed to have validity. All I can
say is that the achitectnral vol-
umnes of Barhour-Waterman, as
viewed esoecially from the an-
nro^h between the Museums
B"ilding and the Museums An-
nex- a path walked by thos-
ands, including mvself, every
day - thrill and satisfy me ev-
erv time I view them and pro-
vide an exnerience for which
no other structure on amus
'old create a substitute. Fr-
thermore, the'stairway inside
the front hall of Barbour is a
magnificent creation, one m-
matched elsewhere on camnus
or, so far as I know, in Ann
Arbor, and absolutely irreplace-
I therefore urge that there he
onindrtaken a feasibility study
which would give full consider-
ation to the usages to which
Barbour-Waterman, could be put
in the coming years.
-Hiram W. Woodward, Jr.
Assistant Professor,
History of Art
January 25
To The Daily:
ON JANUARY 16 you !arried
an article concerning the pro-
posed changes in the Univer-
sity's recruitment policies.
There are two major changes
being proposed. The first would
require affirmative action pro-
grams only from those compan-
ies which are required to main-
tain such programs by the Fed-
eral Government; currently all
recruiters must have an affirma-
tive action program. The other
change would allow recruit-
ment for positions in countries
where there is legal discrim-
ination such as South Africa.
The Michigan Student Assem-
bly strongly opposes and con-
demns both changes in policy.
The University should not tol-
erate the use of its recruitment
facilities by companies and
countries which practice dis-
crimination. To allow it would
aid them in sustaining their ab-

horrent policies and is morally
indefensible in an enlightened
educational institution. All grad-
uates of the University of Mich-
igan have an equal right to good
jobs, regarIless of their race,
religion or sex, and we must see
to it that only those comoanies
that acknowledge these rights be
aided by the University in their
trators have defended the new
policy by saying that the .ld one
is currently not enforced any-
way. If that is the case the an-
swer is not to change the pol-
icy but to enforce it. The front
door should not be onened to
those who deny eqIual rights and
onnort'inities because of unrea-
sonable and irrational distinc-
-Irving Freeman
on behalf of the Micl-
gan Student Assembly
January 25
bad rec
To The Daily:
THE NEW Central Campus
Recreational Building is the pits.
Sure they have all those neat
paddleball and racketball courts,
but their student services are
&*". I got together a volley-
ball team from our department
so we could play volleyball on a
weekly basis, like we used to do
last year in the Waterman Gym.
Well. what do ya know!! Ac-
cording to Mr. Bill Canning, who
is in charge of the court an-

-, r
, f ;
r ..

by NIC and KAREN

ROR THE FIRST TIME in the Daily, a regular column will be
presented concerning the topic of masculinity and what effect
this concept has had on society and on our personal lives.
The impetus for the men's movement grew from the rising
interest in the women's rights movement. More and more, women
are being portrayed in non-traditional settings, and are encouraged
to develop their potential in whatever areas their interests lie.
As we discovered the harm that narrowly defined stereotypes
have on women, it was inevitable that we would cone to question
the roles that men play in our society. This column, which will
appear here every Friday, hopes to pose such questions.
First, are we stereotyping men? Answering a few simple ques-
tions to yourself may give a clue to your attitudes. What images
do you conjure up when you read words like "banker," "polit-
cian," "professor," and "boss"? Did you image all men? Do
most men you know cry occasionally? Do most men you know
spend more time with their children than at their job? Have you
ever known U-M men to fantasize about leading the football team
to victory?
SINCE THE ANSWERS to these questions lead us on to more
questions, we begin to see why a forum like this makes sense.
If you're still skeptical, here are a few more questions. How
many female Supreme Court justices can you name? How many
females are currently members of the U.S. Senate? What is the
proportion of men to women in the House of Representatives?
In your own state legislature? In your town's city council? To
say that men dominate these bodies may be an understatement.
If the same questions were applied to the institutions of religion,
business, big labor, education, entertainment, or advertising, the
same pattern would appear. In short, men occupy the positions of
decision-making in our society almost completely.
And if this is the case, it would certainly behoove us to gain
a better understanding of them. Suddenly the phrase, "be a
man," takes on a whole new meaning.
BECAUSE THE TOPIC of this column is one that each of us
has been affected by, you can help make this a richer experience
for us all by sharing your views. We intend this column to be a
forum, not a podium.
In future columns we will be discussing topics including:
* The constructs of masculinity. What is traditional mascu-
linity? How is it. perpetuated? What are the effects of John
Wayne-ism on society?
*i Men and work. How to Succeed in Business or Taking a
Trip Down Ulcer Road. Exploring the "work equals worth syn-
* Sxuality. What's so good about James Bond? Why is it all
right for football players to hug in public but not in private?
* Parenting. Why does "fathering" mean an act of procrea-
tion and "mothering" mean an act of nurturing?
* Racism and masculinism. How does traditional "male
chauvinism" fan the flames of racism?
" Aging and obsolescence. Why is the suicide rate for older
men seven times greater than that for older women?
* Sexism and the counter culture. Are the revolutionaries
bringing the revolution home, or, "How I learned to hate all
oppressors and still be one."
WE THINK THE men's movement is an idea whose time has
cone. Evidence of this is the growing number of publications that
deal with the subject. Books like The Liberated Man by Warren
Farrell, The Male Machine by Marc Feigen Fasteau, and Men and
Masculinity by Joseph H. Pleck and Jack Sawyer. Ms. magazine
frequently features articles about men and Psychology Today
recently conducted a poll of its readers to help discern current
attitudes about masculinity.
What this all means is that we are moving toward a time
when both the women's movement and the men's movement are
recognized for what they are, namely, necessary first steps that
bring us closer to a society wherein members can contribute most
fully because they can participate according to their potential
(whatever that may be) and not pre-conceived notions.
What's my sex,
What's my name
All in all
It's all the same.
-Cat Stevens
Nic and Karen Tamborriello have been actively involved in

Pauline Lubens .............
Brad Benjamin ............
Alan Bilinsky ................
Scott Eccker .................
Andy Freeberg ..............
Christina Schneider......



Business Staff
Deborah Dreyfuss............Business Manager
Kathleen Muinern ... Assistant Adv. Coordinator
David Harlan........Finance Manager
Don Simpson ..............Sales Manager
Pete Peterson..........Advertising Coordinator
Cassie St. Clair........... Circulation Manager
Beth Stratiord .. Circulation Director
News: John Cipriani, Elaine Elson,
Lisa Fisher, Lani Jordan, Gregg
Krupa, Mike Norton, Jeff Ristine,
Pauline Toole, Mike Yellin
Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Steve
Arts Page: Mike Jones, Lois Josimo-
vich, Steve Pickover, Jim Stimson
Photo Technician: Andy Freeberg

the social actioit moveme
student convenience, or
Waterman for "regular" f
feel that this is a parti
nice gesture on "our" pant
we'd be sacrificing the a
ages of new equipmentss
cilities to the JOX and it
managing with poor li.
creaky floors,,etc.
-Can the Corrupt
Regents Board ((
January 14
To The Daily:
to be congratulated upon
interesting and clever pit
whether or not crowds
hands on the upbeat or
downbeat. Generally spe
all American crowds clap
on the upbeat while crov
Europe clap hands on the
beat. This comes, I think
the nature of our popular
and popular dances.
I am very surprised to
that the basketball fans t
clap hands on the dow
This is certinly a very
thing to do and, in fact
un-American. Let's be sur
in the future the basketba
fence is taught how to
hands in the old America
on the upbeat.
-Allen P. Britton

nts for

civil rights, feminism, and men's

keep supposed lack of a passing at-
folks. I tack.
cularly I'd like tohknow when the last
, since time was thatea passing team
advant- beat Ohio State 22-0, or when
and fa- the last time was a teamthat
nstead, didn't primarily run the ball
ghting, was ranked in the top three at
the end of the season.
No one that knowstanything
CCRB) about football needs to be re-
minded that even USC usually
keeps the ball on the ground.
And, which team had the No. 1
clap rated offense in 1976?
The fact is that John Robin-
ter is son had a superior game plan
nte that exploited what has been,
t he in the last couple years, a de-
ece on fensive secondary that hasn't
clap been up to Bo's usual standard.
r t h e On top of that, Vince Evans
aking, had the best passing day of his
hads i college career, and probably of
;down- his life.
from . Leach can pass. He went into
music the game with a .495 per cent
- not much under Evan's .516
learn percentage. The reason he does-
end to n't pass as ,often is because Bo
vnbeat. palls the plays. And why critics
square seem to think they can call them
most better than this man, one of the
re that three or four best coaches in
ti aud- the country, is beyond me.
clap Bo knows more about the in-
in way tricacies of football than any
of us. Why can't we simply get
outplayed without everyone cry-
ing and trying to find someone

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