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January 28, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-28

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See Editorial Page


Urni Y


High T - 10
Low -- 10. below
See TODAY for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII, No 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 28, 1977 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

VA trial
U.S. District Judge Philip Pratt yesterday re-
fused to drop ten poisoning charges against the
two Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital nurses
accused of murdering five patients and poisoning
ten others. The ruling stopped a defense effort
designed to reduce the maximum sentence carried
by the charges against the former nurses, Filipina
Narciso and Leonora Perez. Defense lawyers had
argued tha't the nurses should have been charged
under a federal assault law, but Pratt decided
prosecutors acted properly in applying the state
poisoning law, which carries a maximum term of
life imprisonment. Pratt's ruling was the first
against the defense in the trial scheduled to be-
gin March 1.
Dear Don:
His name is Don, his birthday is January 7th, he
drives a bus on the University campus - and
Priscilla wants desperately to get in touch with
him. The two met Christmas Eve while Don (she
can't remember his last name) was on his way
to the Rose Bowl and Priscilla was traveling to
St. Louis. When Priscilla discovered she had lost
her new friend's address, she dashed off an im-
passioned plea to the folks at The Chicago Sun-
Times' "Action Line"-type column, who, apparent-
ly finding the assignment too difficult, forwarded
the letter to us. It's all up to you now, Don. We've
got Priscilla's address in Chicago; call us at
764-0552 and we'll try to get the two of you
together again.
Happenigs .*. .
... Begin with slides on the ancient architecture
in Lebanon at 3 p.m. at the International Center
... Prof. Edward Jones speaks on "Self-Attribu-
tion; Alcohol and Under-achievement" at 3:30 p.m.
in ISR Rm. 6050 . . . Speakers and discussion on
the Political Development in the Glf Region will
be in the Kuenzel Rm. of the-Union at 7 p.m.. .
Cosmic Transmitter Tyagi Ji makes a long-awaited
reappearance at 7 p.m. in the Friends' Meeting
House, 1420 Hill . . . Rabbi Y.M. Kagan lectures
on "The Woman as Second Class - The Myth
Exposed" at 8 p.m: at Chabad House, 715 Hill ..
Judge George Crocketa, Jr., speaks on "Chira
Law for the People" at 8 p.m. in the Education
School's Schorling Auditorium . . . University
Carilloneur Hudson Ladd presents "The Carillon in
the Netherlands" at 8 p.m. at the International Cen-
ter . . . A presentation of "Iridology" will be
given by Pamela Plummer at 8 p.m. at Canterbury
House (Catherine and -Division) . . . and the Uni-
versity Club presents The Roots Jazz Trio from
9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. on the Union's mnain floor.
28-second gap
It sounds incredible, but utility officials in Om-
aha say every electric clock in the Eastern Unit-
ed States ran 28 seconds slow during last week's
cold spell - and that they've already compensat-
ed for the time error. Few people apparently not-
iced the discrepancy between their electric time-
pieces and windup 'clocks or watches, or the dif-
ference between East and West Coast points.
Here's what happened: the Arctic horror caused an
overload on electric generating capacity begin-
ning early Monday the 17th for the system that
serves the entire eastern U.S., reducing electri-
cal output from the usual 60 cycles to 59.83. Clocks
slowed over the next day and a half, until they
were behind 28 seconds for about six hours. Om-
aha power wizards say they had to "overspeed
our generators" to correct the time lapse, which
was made up about a week ago. And time marches
on ...
Cop art
It's a startling, ghoulish mystery that's baffling
police in Seattle and Vancouver, British Colum-

bia. Someone is.drawing outlines of human shapes
on the sidewalks, the kind of sketches homicide
detectives chalk around murder vict-ims. About
12 of the stencils have appeared in the two cities
since last spring, but unlike the real' versions,
they're done with indelible paint and are still on
view. In most of the Seattle drawings, the "vic-
tim" seems to be a male in baggy pants and shoes,
one arm stretched out and the other bent at the
elbow. A splotch or red at the head adds the gris-
ly suggestion of a b"llet wound, and in Vancouver,
the legend "It's a Dead Issue" sometimes accom-
panies thie ar'work. A Seattle newspaper art critic
says the sketches have "an expressive, disturb-
ing energy." Police say they're too busy with the
real thing to spend much time investigating the
sidewalk Grim Reaper.
On the inside...
Today's Editorial Page offers two brand-new col-
umns on Men's Liberation and tenan s' rights . . .
Lee Donaldson reviews "When You Comin' Back,
Red Ryder" for the Arts and Entertainment Page
and Kathy Henneghan covers 'as' night's thril-
ling basketball game in Wisconsin for Sports.

Three states declare natural gas crises; no relief in sight

By The Associated Press and United Press International
The governors of Ohio, New York and New Jersey declared
/an energy crisis for their states yesterday as a freezing! blast
of Arctic air produced severe shortages of natural gas in sev-
eral eastern and midwestern areas.
Meanwhile, the governors of Florida and Pennsylvania asked
President Carter to declare a state of emergency for their states.
THE ENERGY SHORTAGE forced thousands of layoffs, clos-
ing factories, schools and municipal buildings.
Michigan is not in immediate danger of running out of nat-
ural gas, but parts of the state were buried beneath 11-foot snow-
Western Michigan residents yesterday were digging out in
the aftermath of a severe winter storm that dumped nearly 5
inches of snow in Grand Rapids and caused dozens of traffic
accidents, at least two of them fatal.

WHILE WESTERN SECTIONS of Lower Michigan were hit
hardest by the Wednesday night snowstorm, residents in other
areas of the state were shivering in bitter cold that was expect-
ed to continue through the weekend. In some portions of the
state, the wind chill index was reportedly 40 below zero.
Tie National Weather Service blamed the nationwide freeze
on distorted winds in the earth's upper atmosphere and said
relief from the harshest winter in at least five years could not
be expected for two weeks.
Citing weather forecasts calling for more subzero tempera-
tures, Ohio Gov. James Rhodes said the shortage of natural
gas threatened "the jobs, education, safety, lives and welfare
of the people of Ohio."
AS MANY AS 250,000 WORKERS may be laid off their jobs
and Ohio School Supt. Martin Essex said that more than 400 of
the state's 617 schooP districts will close today until further no-

Columbia Gas of Ohio urged its industrial and large com-
mercial customers in all 56 Ohio counties it serves to stop us-
ing natural gas immediately so millions of homes would have
heat during a coming frigid weekend.
The East Ohio Gas Co. ordered its 1,100 industrial custom-
ers to keep restricting their use of iatural gas to mere main-
tenance levels until midnight Jan. 31, saying, "The weather is
making our decisions for us.
of emergency and ordered almost all public buildings and most
apartment houses and hotels to turn down their thermostats.
The governor said he acted as it became more likely that
a major energy crisis would confront the state. And gas com-
panies planned service cuts that could put thousands of peo-
See THREE, Page 7





Viet vet
By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - In an ef- w
fort to eradicate a "blight on#
the nation's conscience," the{
Carter administration yesterday°
announced a $1.3 billion jobs
program designed to put more
than 200,000 unemployed Viet-
nam veterans to work.
Labor Secretary Ray Mar-
shall, outlining the plan just
after taking the oath of officer
said it calls for the government
to provide public service jobs
for 145,000 veterans and for pri-
vrate industry to hire 50,000 to$
vate firms will be voluntary,
Marshall said Carter "intends
to approach the chief execu-
tive officers of most of the
major American corporations Daily Photo bv ANbY FREEBERG
to request their support in this Larry Fissel tapes "The Working Musician," only one of the many programs prepared by
program." the University Television Center.
"We cannot permit ourselves
to become insensitive to the/
plight of thousands of Vietnam-e
the brunt of our involvement
in a regrettable war," the sec-
reretable By ANNE GERITSER discussion, is one of the many the Univer-
retary said. sity TV Center has produced since it began
Both the American Legion and
the Veterans of Foreign Wars, The old lady smiles as she picks her way operating in 1951. The Center serves as an
which last week denounced Car- through the, aisles. She carefully selects her arm of the University, producing films for
ter's pardon of Vietnam draft groceries and places them cheerfully in her educational institutions and commercial tele-
evaders, endorsed the program cart. With a white-gloved hand, she sets her vision.
and pledged their cooperation. food stamps in front of the new cashier. The THE CENTER started making these edu-t
BUT WHEN ASKED if it boy puzzles for a moment. Suddenly he swoops cational films in 1951 when WWJ invited the
would blunt the criticism, a them up, waves them wildly in the air and University to participate in a co-operative
VFW spokesman replied: "No. yells, "Iey Jack, whaddya do with food venture. At first, the staff would go to De-
He (Carter) chose to recognize stamps?" All eyes turn on the old lady, who troit to make live programs which were broad-
those who ran and broke the is trembling with chag-in. cast only within Michigan. Transportation dif-
law before he chose to recog- ficulties encouraged a move to Ann Arbor,
nize those who served honor- This "trigger film," aimed at stimulating See TV, Page 10
See CARTER, Page 10.................... ........
_N ite Owl 1buHs 'ep n truckin'

Tuition 1ike possible;
Water m an simmers
The University Board of Regen's was presented with a review
of the 1977-1978 budget yesterday - and University Vice President
for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes indicated that although Gov-
ernor Milliken's budget request calls for an increase of $9.7 mil-
lion to the University, the money still won't be enough to make
ends meet.
Rhodes. said the $9.7 million "will have to meet a ill which
is more than that figure," and added: "We are going t have to
solve our problems in a way --
that is all too familiar."
IN THE NEXT few mon'hs,/1ssaut
apparently, the Regents will
consider either a tuition increase
or departmental cutbacks - or
both. 5 t
Regent David Laro (R-Flint)
took his stand against a tuition [
hike by saying:
"I am definitely opposed to
another tuition increase this
year. I think the responsibility 11
to fund education belongs to the hfl
state and I think it is time they
face up to that and take some
of the load off the students." By LAURIE YOUNG
Laro added: "We must con- Washtenaw County Prosecu-
front ° the legislature with the tor William Delhey yesterday
fact that we need more money, filed a petition with Washte-
and that we are opposed to a naw County Circuit Court to
tuition hike." determine if Robert Finklea,
a suspect in a mugging which
A DECISION now to increase occurred during last semester's
tuition would be. premature" rash of assaults on local wom-
according to Regent Thomas en, could shave his newly-
Roach (D-Detroit) who claimed grown mustache and goatee.
the possibility of a hike hinges According to the victim of
on action by the legislature. "It the Oct. 13 assault, her attacker
would be terrible if we had to was clean shaven.
increase tuition again," Roach
added, "but we may we'l have "WE WANT TO present him
to." in the same fashion as when
Over the last ten years Uni- the crime was committed," ex-
versity students have had to plained Ann Arbor Police Chief
take on a disoroportionate in- Walter Krasny.
crease in tuition compared to Finklea, 26, has not been
other Big Ten schools. In 1966 charged with any of the other
tuition made un 25 ner cent of 16 assaults, including three
the bdze*, but by 1976 this fig- rapes and one attempted rape.
Tre had j'imned to 33 ner cent. However, police consider him
This has made the Regents wary a suspect because "he is charg-

See REGENTS, Page 2

ed with a crime committed in
See RAPE, Page 2

"Ever since the rapist I don't
like to walk alone at night. I
always take the bus when no
one else is going the same di-
rection as me," .said a passen-
ger on the Nite Owl bus.
The University has provided
this nightly bus service in re-
sponse to the rash of assaults
last fall.
ONCE THE Nite Owl route
was adopted last November, it
has had varying success with
from four to - 200 passengers
riding the blue vans each night.
"I don't want to get raped."
one woman said, "I have better
things to do with my time."
Many other riders cite fear of
attack as their reason for rid-
ing the Nite Owl.
A former Detroiter put it
more. concisely: "It's danger-
ous out there."

are women, according to driver nice, they're warm."

Lee Volchoff.
Passengers on the bus say
they appreciate the Nite Owl
service. "I think it's a good
service," said a woman trav-
elling 'from the undergraduate
library to Markley. "It's always
on time; they (the buses) are

A DEFINITE attraction of
the service is that it's free.
"People have offered me Ann
Arbor transfer tickets and mon-
ey, but the service is free."
sand substitute driver Jim Hag-

The flexibility of the route
is another advantage. "If you
don't feel safe walking from the
bus stop to your house just ask
the driver," Hagan explains to
his riders. "I don't see any rea-
son why he shouldn't drive you
home if you feel unsafe."
See STUDENTS, Page 7

etermining bal a difficult
deciion local judge says

"The setting of bail may well be the most dif-
ficult thing a district court judge does," 15th Dis-
trict Court Judge George Alexander told a small
group of peoale celebrating the second annual
meeting of the Washtenaw County Bail Fund last

by area churches, community funds and indi-
The Fund also assists people after they have
been released from jail. Its services include job
referrals, housing assistance and personal coun-
Alexander, citing the United States and Michi-

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