April 27, 1893

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April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…_ Al. o . W aig . VOL. III.-No. 146. IN FINE CONDITION. Our Boys Have Good Prospects of Winning Saturday's Game with D. A, C. The baseball team has returned from the -southern trip, and without joubt is in better shape than ever 'sefore at this stage of the season. The gauses played on the trip have been the best kind of preparation for the inter-collegiate games, and the Decoration Day game with Cor- nell. The boys met several good teams, h...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…-THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1' i] : t (: n f c~ ~ { work d&iring the next college year. of " T ~ t A , copy should be in the haands of every student, as it would serve to '.tblshed Daiy (S sasdays excepted) daring keep hIitit posted as to wviat thse far- ts' cotllege ys-ae, ivsulty is dointg, and enable himn to platn HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ljsrkitdvne Saiiseeiptitsa pricec lit ii0peeSer, invarciabiy iade-atac Singltcoesv 3 cents. Satas...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THEf L1.ATEI'.IST A ..ND BEST !J~ We have Just Ikec-ioved sfir Thirdi Shipment of l.sortasent of NEGLIGEE SHJIRTS in the City. SPRING SUMM1~ER{ ECKW1IAR 14PAVE YOU BEEN ORJR NEW SPRING STOCIK-J- it isa SplendidiShowinsgofSuits and OvercoatsEt't\tV a tltto Pice. WadlhamS 4.Ryan 4. & 4. Reines Wih are nlow Open fog. Inspection . See themn They are Becauties. Ann Arbor Savings Bank j PATRONIZEW RDSFIR E clir audrv An Abr vi...…

April 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M, 'DAILY + BALL A FINE DI8PLAY I F.ANCY <S IT N NO ' cE I A 42S. Stae St.,IFilnoor Aria ic Hz l andages, Gliitlarss j3aIgjos, A Wsinw aul, ONLY $1.00, at ini tSogs Slnts aikoiis, Viotizqs, Face ChocltsadCars, 2\A lgl inis ihed and Rich in T-A.. LTIi - A~a C1ATTYTNT'S. 3' WlSEY , - The Music dealer. SIELLING I.AIODLL.5E1TIR BUY TWO OR TIRKLE. MOORE &WTMR OO0K STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 1______) ((iO \ 5.(IiSlATE AND) WIlL.IAM IS...…

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