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April 25, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…be of 940 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1900. Spring Announcement -4s-41 G. H. WILD & Co. 04 -4.4t We have just received ou line of spring woolens for men's wear It incluiles everything in staples that ate suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- eties, in quiality anil style to suit the most eating taste, consistingi uf ITop Coats, Suit- tugs, FancsyIVests aisilGolf Trousertiss IW...…

April 25, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…;be' A A X ... S ,. i E , 1 s VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. THIURSD)AY, APPiL,25, 1,901, Ni. 151 ....Ouer Special Line of.... SENIOR SWING OUT Last Class coal at the Gym. TWO MORE HOSPITALS Foreign and Donmestic a-Paine r_ Will iNot Take Part-Laws 1 ittiii tiit h Bills For Establishment of a Psy cho- FABRICSWill Celebrate in an Appropriate Itlo-bourtymn ian ethe siene o pathic Hospital For Tuberculosis Manner--Exercises in Uni- pliainv (el...…

April 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…. _ DAIL ~ L FIO Ai2 SL. A. ELECTION Noticert tot Candidates and Voters I'hiil~~i)1 ~^..1... "("uwl l n14i1 11 ~lti JJ J~1t)1 1. 1Jil 1ttit I ll ttlit I t. I4411. t)1': ~r1111.Illtkil. lo 41111 1' 1 ; i t I t t ll i r 1 t) i s 1 11 IIlls t;I 1llt1 t~ ,1 htllJ 1;I 4 x n1 t 1 li 0il ~t 11 1 t 0 ; V Il l Il l I l 0 01 " i t I 1't . :(11#1 I] 1 111 001 I v It ,, ~ el11 :I ilis111':tlrl t110 ,0 2 11 4. 001 41t ( 1"F i ~ , 1)( 1 1 io 1 ) 111 1 ~111 ...…

April 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…TI"E Iis or NfDIY VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATU tDAY, APRIL 25, 1903 No. 1 48 FIRST BASEBALL GAME Victory Nlubtful, Yet an Unusually Close and Hard Gause to be Played-Lineup STANDIiNG.t(51' (LUBSt. ( , 1. i ; 1 !t t I 1 ',;t I I I i I 01140044..... ,llel go ... North westo1 a4(i1i44111 .7l 1N isoloi 111 Won loo t. 2r P4oo. D) The first of t11e liltee 111144'si1 s Leaigue -inles w~-il4be, lllli 40114-o11 P'eiy 1F1e(ld 4il(111411'he -tll))) ...…

April 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…I 6 r l a ; I 4 Co) t VON" 0 W~ ti r 'Y .. _ %t f + .. . : .-. . "J. J r .. l nj y -" i ; ~ i ! i f ; . 2 , t ' \ J +;.--"? Q- -- o tz ^. . M. f'r f'. ". . G Li ,:_j Wit M 0 r ___J' - ,___: .=' _ __ _ _ __ _ ____ _ __! ___f' _ O __ t * - * - H,. i j, is y S = -/),r Q C2f c _r_ _ w CI ~ d r- - --- -- _ -_ _ zzZ 43)t J J N G b4 J w ~ "N w f =J. . _ V J I . J I f _ .J ti ! y J J 0 v f J _ zt w O " r . tc s G " w L v C u Xs. 3 . H ,t …

April 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail trO. XVi ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN. \VEDNESDAY, APRU,. 25 t9o6. No. 144 ATHLETES LEAVE FOR UNION MINSTRELS AUUS'T' S HlI D ~T ~ ANNUAL SWING-OUT PROFESSOR KIRCHNER PHILADELPHIA TONIGHT ALREADY PREPARED GIVE~, ORG~AN RC11;I OCCURS NEXT TUESDAY HANDS IN RESIGNATION Start From Michigan Central Station Street Parade Well in Hand-Sahib Fu ude eir xetdt eLwLcue none i eie at 9:30 This Evening-Pinch Suni, Hindoo Juggler, Probably in Line-...…

April 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily NiL. X v II.1 )R 'vii. 146. I["I; ) ",.1' I 2 ,i~rf. Vol- XVIT. No. 146. OPINION FAVORS DRAMATICS CHANGE Many Ideas Are Suggested for Changing Organization of the Comedy Club. Natm a l~lw i nln l i i vii i 'Iiia 1cri w , tl I t i n 'WHAT THEY THINK vf igtt, ihdrawv.'IThev'facet >i4 tha Mihgn w yttiii tv f theIaaivvial if IA6 ')M110INNNNCW ret il i;<t111lat lcltl eeill'+ It! lac' tllt .EUt{,i tllc larc, a < eiter<tl ...…

April 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAITURDAY. A PRII, 25, 1908. No. 149. WOLVERINES FIGHT 1 IN EAST AND WEST gase Veterans Invade Ferry Field -lichigan Seven, Await (long at Pennsy-Class 'Baseball. , White Captain Rowe anti his sextet of companion stars are strisving to main- tain Miclhigan's prestige in the east this -%afternoont, Captaina Suliivan wsitt tbe et- deavoring to werest hasehati honors frona the husky lads f...…

April 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… 0, 0 2c, n 7- f, "- y .f . r" .y J I r~-n _ r r I: /. . 7C r _ ^ _ 77 r: '- "--- 7 , f " ./' . . n rv ( , o, ,. ... , . 77 f J. , a C o o I ~ ~ _ . - - : f .., . , r Jam, - ._, r r+ ,; .. J %. I ^ -4 r Eu 0 :rIb 0 '- U . ,,:' ,' O O r t f C: " :"% n' { f iii "t .. , -' rj O s . ; ;. . f ,, r,'.. 1,. v ^. I .^. n ' . f '"" j. ."'.. r. . JJ r. J' .. ... : . I :4 4.4 ,t:4 :4.0 0-14 . T-r L'T-- r j 0 r i I I f I 1 !I if f 1 C n. ...…

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