February 21, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 104) • Page Image 3
…SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1925, THE MICHIGAN DAILY rPAGE .URErI i EDU CATIO SAF ATTENDSMETN Ntiona~l ('oulc ull olr in ( inii iuna; At~tracts M any Proen~ iit SCI-ORLING TO PRE SIDE al members o:ilhe El afl' of tIlo 'School (i Edu1cat io n arc leavingat tlhe end of tbhis week to atte('ld the gfner-al sessions of 0 e, National4)1 'di- cation. as;ociat Ion from February 22 to 26 at Cinciniatal, Dean ,A.: S. Wit- ney ,,idl yest erd,,,y. '[he'...…