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January 21, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1-21-1925

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'it 43Af

41 ti






PoesrCurtiss Describes ICIIT D Officials Call Landladies'
1 SNTH HTFeatures Of Solar Eclipse L~JfIILI Fear "Tempest In Tea-Pot"
noeaat their roosts. 1'""LJ UVV U1 University would soon take a fav-I organization, and the University au-
lis,~d I he sao ftemo ilcm orabe stand for domitories in AnnAr thorities are settledthog Prfsj
htowevbent ~rin h WilUn it i tvrrfvn{ swllues. 0t1efoeShebor adthe itter whchThetroghngs~s
1 fo twn'yyo.-r:', wich illoe r "arisen because of the rooming sita- said, was wholly unknown to him. At
t ryy n rit e s. J t beo e text Saturday orning, w'ad (1ise~ts editr 's r e e v r!to here were yesterday branded by this secret gathering, while no a to
OI ,9 0 L etra yPoRalph If. Curtilssds ih, ierple fwier____University and alumni authorties as jwas taken, the landladies and reali
REPORT OF" MINORITY BY Treated tile min~ points of his speech re--aeo h u ilb oee EDR TEIV,((1POI5 Wahr of the German department, as- considerable extent from students liv-
SENATOR. SPENCER (eiliver(d before a. meeting of the I reufce0tesnwilecore ON WEIGHT AND GAS sistant to the dean of students, and Ingiprathoedsuedwy
REJECTED Bach school Parent-T"eachers "''a fl(rienp5es and hromPospli ~ wil at ast TANES Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, secretary of the I and means of securing co-operation
____cation last bee, c,,-"--- Alumni association, 'both voiced this from the local Chamber of Commerce
DEBAT ri IS SHORT Interesting features of the eclipse)I Durinfg toality, bright objects such AMEN+ DN'IENT jS' TAIT view when questioned yesterday, rather than acting under their own;
I sse rmAnAro eee-a lanets land the brighter stars wl Professor Wahr, who had heard of names In order to remove the profit
p~hasized by Professor Curtiss. "As be visible, Professor Ciurtiss pointedInodsaifconborth cledmivfom igacrigor-
M~ajority Report of Investigation (the moon creeps over the sun's face," out. Venus, Jupiter and Mercury gill (Ev'ans Weight Tax B-111 Reposes Ini meeting last Monday night of Ann Ar- ports.
Committee Is Accepted By hsad"dyihwilfdasa w;hecoeLsehrintekywtof House Committee; Kirhy bor landladies and real estate men Mr. Shaw presented the view-point
40.30) Vote light. Shadows will have a peculiar'the sunl. Even though the weather Culs Meeting at which, it is alleged, the ople of the Alumni association in the mat-
- -- ~~~~look and ten minutes before totality is loudy, which would spoil the main I ogtt oma ro e.A h rsn ieteasca
Washington, Jan. 20.-(By A. P)- the darkness will be felt. The light, features o f le clipse, these three Lansing, Jan. 20.-(By A..)-High-1J some sort to combat any i h"tion ha a comimittee, appointed last
Th Sntecofrmd oayth in-coming from the edge of the sun, willI planets will be visible, beginning way finance was virtually becalmedj University towards doni1 ad fall by Mason P. Rumney, '08E, presi-
inthelgilaurntdathie eao:thtfeiadcmseerd toddntawic ithvetiatngthnwol
inetg-be (deficient in blue and violet rays,':about , O minutes before sunrise, i roomingtr qua, hleledj ha e stion sdeet t hj dqetshc netion of thedritoryhsywtem.
roing qeto of the majority of its netg The temperature wil fall.° Animals (Continued on Page Two) ers made efforts to secure agreement etd'p ,qusinoth drmoysse.
tion, committee criticizing the naval iIon the compromise plan of a 55 Cent pasfrUiest Ir olfi omte s orpr ttea-
oilleae. hereprt ubittd i te wigh ta ad atwocet gsolneever been brought before'hi 'nual meeting of the association in,
Closing days of the last session by I 9MI[ ;VI rRN SIP[UEWL lVI tSnaeanx rifssso tls All matters concerning. y (Contnued on Page Two)
Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, * T F F 9. 1 TeSnti bifssinti
proscutr fr th comitee ws ! ON 6 afternoon, advanced the Atwood Bax-
prsctrfrtecmitews"]~ I C G 6~ 1 ter gasoline measure to third read- **
approved by a vo of 40-30 after the i g !r fing hi1cto,1oevr1wsin1
a maorit f ii HI M gZ1 N . C 1111 ARSUTT N SP OLLSTERSsignificantjectdas4 severalignipronposedveram-r
report presented by Senator spencer, camls "Seioo' For Scadal iGreah'1 m i0 iiII , _ f)CB II~ endments are being prepared. The fMsor nbhl fhmefadj ar^ai ( 11 t~oellslesodnrl ol aebe osd R G
of isour, n bhaf o hmsef nd Comedy in English Lnga e, tin gerri of Organ of Alumnii ered in committee of the whole today _ ____btbasefthdsieoteSn- ( CAN'.B09IG t E PLAYBOY"_TO NIGHT
four other Republicans of the commit-I Even Today Associatio u ecueo hedsr flh o-
after. ate to keep the issue alive and to FI~IICW' 1111142r Gives IIutrated Bohn Mllngton Synges Famous Corn-t
Acton cameafe comparatively PRAI~SS HERID)AN BRADPFIELD RESIGNS show progrss on the gasoline legis- O i xelne iheyWl ocuePa rdc
brief debate on a subject which oc- ___ ___Ilt ion the bill was advanced with Jnl essto Series Tonight
cupied much of the attention of the Comment on "Tile Rivals" by Iic- Three imorant changes were an-!h understanding that the amend-JngeBat
Seaeat the last session and led toI hard Brinsley Sherdian were the mra- nents would e offered probably Wed-' T R S T8O'L C
the government to cancel the leases of ton, dramatic critic and Professor of dhaw, 04, secretary, in the Alumni as- On the house side, the Evans weight
the naval oil reserve granted to Ed- dranma at Columbia university, in hs secaition and the Alumnus, official tax bill reposed in committee while I llusratng his lecture with photo-' Professor Hollister is presenting asc
ward L. Dohney and Harry F. Sin- ;lecture yesterday afternoon in the organ of the association.John Brad- floor leader; endeavored to converge; graphs of African big game in their the final number In his Play Produc-
Clair by Albert B. Fall, as secretar'y j Natural Science auditorium on "The field, '18, business manager of the !the amendment on a 55 cent schedule !native haunts, Dr. Ricard L. Suttonj tion series John Millngton Synge's
of the interior. !Old English Comnedy" Clir;ua n Kirby, of the House roads
magane rand tile Alumni Press, ten- anofile omtte a ald~c Kansas City, spoke last ni ht in Na- famous three-act comedy, "The Play-
the inrityro t whaichgdfendedl "Thlagey tthrenplaysein the E-dored his resignation to Mason P.' mee;ing for tomorrow morning, w/hen tural Science auditorium. By the use boy of the western World," ths eve-c
of reserves and h'eld) Edwin Denby time of Shakespeare and the first pr- RUmdney '08E of Detroit and appoint- the proposal to rewrite the bill to of a special telephoto lens,. pictures nhingplatyoocispenlivecsetdhll
as secretary of the navy and his as- duction of Sir Arthuir Pinero, a period menrts of John Sabo '27, former busi-; conform to the compromise plan will wer taken of the animals at a dis-i a sensation when it was first produced
sistant blameless in connection with of about three hundred years," declar- ness; manager of Chimes, andl Philip)( he onlychngdmeinted.g aso encte efore the0yre screy-whetheTrshaerompnyDboughtath
the leasing, drew support from only, ed tie speaker, "were 'She Stoops To C. Pac-k, '18, were dudie to fill tile ITeol hnemd ntegs-gtigte eoete eesae we hsm opn ruh h
Republicans. The Demlocrats votedy Conquer' by Oliver Goldsmu'lth and' lisitions. line tax blil when it was advanced ir by tie photographer. Pitures were piece to- America there were serious I
solidly for the "Walsh report and were 'The Rivals' and 'The School For Sc- Ihe resignation of Mr. Bradield, the Senate this afternoon was a pure-j also shown which were taken of the riots in both New York and Boston.
joined by six Republeans and one Far- andlal' by Richard rinsley Sheridan.. who is; leavinig to take up duties with i y techlnical amendnment striking out animals after they had been killed. +, The 'story centers around the hero-Ic
mer-Labor, Shipsaid of Minnesota. This makes Sheridan tie autihor of an Boven, Cress, and Tilomson, Ann a clause designed to give the tax !in- Beginning his description with the worship people give a person reported
- two tir(1ds of tile great drama of the iAbior clothiers is to take effect on mediate effect. This alternaton wis i trip through th Suez canal Dr. Sutton; to have comitted an unlawful deed,
M5I period and the writer of tihe greatest! Feb. 15. Sabo, who will take over ma de to conforml to legislative proae- showed various pictures of native vii- in this case a -'boy ho killed hisI.
",omedy^ inti rdil' omrdes a,-business ^dmmir The i nmiato. effect clause {ages per the coast aned along h father.r
POSITS P ~ ~cording to-the critics, namely: 'The ang of the Alumnus wetl evte, mut not be attachned until after the' edge of the jungle. Many photographs The cast will include Phyliss Turn-1
Sch ormcndl but part time I'o the rkI while Pack measureIhas ben passeil cf various types of natives and thir bull, 25, as Pegeen Mike, the heroine,
DEM NS09E Mr HmilonwetIn oScpandal,.";$ (aper tci to uo( the arne, accordng- I modes of living were also shown. and Edward Gibson, '25, as the fatheri
tV~U h -altogh "'let ;on oelain rto ll " . l ID[RC Big game Ihunting is not, as heroic of the boy. Miss Turbull played onel
Scandal" lea~ been classed as the W lef~n itm ekonfis ionseit rn( a proposition now as it used to be," of the leading roles in the Comedy
Prof. D. L. Rich and Mr PA. lire- greater comed, its hmiior is mo rc o i ar. [hUH LLwhIisJaLpreenIL said Dr. " Sutton in telling of his x- Club production last year of Captain
stone, of the physics departmment, yes- keen and subtle while the charmm o 0iif ei ssmn opaislreyubro
terday demonstrated a newly develop- "The Rivals" lies in i ide umaln h ll e1o h usms~mjiae nAeia ol oealto oe -utrs promne. Rbr
ed sound testing apparatus, bef'ore the of ni hefc tha iA ulem e l recs.it isunderstood hby Mr. -- tlog yti"H hntl fteIHenderson, '26 will laythe name-
Society of Automotive Engineer, kp otimulyi-auhe b-- iIIia, t I his ws111 come within a Pari:3, Jan. :0---(By~ A. P.)--Four (thrlilling experiences whichl he had had'part
which is meeting this w'o;in D~ le-,n sothe firsttr a tm te w inh 1rii rt Ii. nIe. l'eu, " rs of debate in tile Caber of with charging rhinoceroses, lions h lf- Persons holding course tickets will
t api1iomi of theher firstr..,hndq~ ,minute s which rn i _._., _ __ _.. ha'dm ta nnn nr-anttnn ofthei

White House Declares that Proceed-
ings in Pais Will Not Involve
United States
Washington, D. C., Jan, 20.-(By A.
P.)-The administration reinforced its
support of the Paris reparations agree-
ment today while the Senate irrecon-
cilables were broadening out their
plans for a thorough examination of
the settlement and the circumstances
surrounding it.
The White House pronouncement
not only affirmed, President Coolidge's
confidence that nothing has taken
place in Paris to involve' the United
States in the -affairs of Europe but
added that reports to the contrary
could be dismissed as unimportant
The irreconcable senators added no-
thing to their previous expressions of
skepticism on that point, but they con-
sidered seriously a proposal to extend
the terms of a pending resolution of
inquiry so as to ask' not 'only for u
copy of the Paris agreement, but also
for a. statement of the considerations
whlich led to its signature by the
American delegates. The resolution,
proposed by Senator Johnson, is to
come up in the foreign relations comn-
mitte tomorrow and its supporters ex-
pect it to be adopted without delay.
Should the Johnson resolution in its
expanded form eventually receive the
approval of the Senate itself, it would.
provide a vehicle for a direct exchange
of opinions between the administration
and opposition senators, and in the be-
lier of some Senate leaders might en-
liven the dying days of the short ses-
"sion or Congress with a forensic bat-.
tle .of unusual proportion.
The determination of the President
to stand by his guns became fully ap-
parent today when 'it' was revealed
that he. regarded the statement issued
yesterday by Secretary Hughes deny-
ing categorically that the United tSates
has assumed new 'obligations under
the reparations settlement, as fully
covering the issue raised in the Sen-
ate. Mr. Coolidge regards the Hughes
statement as disposing effectually of


troit. The sound testing apparatus,
which was developed in cooperation
with the department of engineering!
research, is (designed to) allow comn-
parison of sounids amid vibrations, andI
hlas a particular apliication to tile
testing or inspection of autmnotive
Prof. G. G. Brown, of the chemical
engineering department, discussed, in
a brief paper, the development of the
Orsat instrument, treating its use in',
motor operation or laboratory tests.
During the Tuesday session, Prof. W.1
E. Lay, of the mechanical engineering
depa'tment, also showed a fuel inea-
suring instrument for indicating the
quantity of fuel utilized per horse pow-
er- ':our by an internal combustion
engne. He treated the various refine-
ments of the instrument, beginning
with the, early system using the vol-
ume method. In addition to the dem-I
onstration of tile fuel measuring de-I
vice, Professor Lay showed an instru-
ment designed to indicate the explo-
sion pressures in internal combustion
0iur" ' ther a .u
-Continued cloudy, temnperaiture thle?

-. '"-'~"""a'y, , e, e t e"' t'es tangLy std net L umicoto 0end Iciazed with 'ounds, mad elephants, oe amitted upon presentation o teir fai te questions that have been raised
I tne is mecess, ry 1for'peopleOto L ive] ch(- was piiivnt ill canmpus activi- discussion of the resumption of dip- Iancrodlsttlidnwatfr ounadsngeetspcdat5orhtcnbeasdinoncin
I coime their awe of the production ic'si, hiod irgaimong other lposts Uthe 1 lomatic relationls with Soviet Russia the men as they waded the streams. I cents, will be on sale at the door. with the incident.
Iheralded as a groat (r,im. ,sp)ots (dioshmip of The Dlaily. amnd onl the question of breaking re- The speaker told of his feelings -
Trvein i a Vnc o Ms.Fikestions with the V atican.- when le found a tarentla in his lfu iT
produc'tion of "Time ivals"c(wkich is ,:;ntMMITnTEE WILL SEL1 'Detroit W eekly
tno) pen in l)etm ol t I'XI A~.\] wpg- Speaking of relations with Russia, bed, and related the inc'dent of lmw
Haitnwspeetdbr ne OMMIA s isi ssIlhI~ Premier lierriot declared that recog- jhis brother could not go to bed 'one , C itciss or
th aitoll ws of the 1.'MUIiI, deptuI ntion of the right of rance and of night because he had found a snake U IIII. C iiiss Wr
rlIcI~ench holders of Rsinscu'te'In i e jOfshetre GecyJA P BOHS TO .. Eaton, '2
meut liehas been associatedl11j \I for n, cniintor-i us s~~uw UJII___
I some time with Brander i'Matthiews in ff I II' Lii was anindisp~enlsbleconiin or-back. --
the department of dramatic lit eratimmr-. iisooting intercourse. H~e said a Frenchl The six nmonths which Dr. Sutton Alfaente and other organize- litth.anoneaymetin u
at Columbia, uiversity and is a re- Iocor, .Jan. 2--(Blv A. P.) -The a masa o at Moscow had been p n n British East Africa w efQ in dsrngboh at the J-o cation of a ltrr eto to be
ognlizedl authority out the Sheridan eliloun(-elliI n of Lean Trotzky's dis- poi ted to affirm toose rights, the purpose of securing; zoo dg i*J must apply for them from 1 to 5 edited by Godfrey D. Eaton, '23, to ap-
1lperiod not only in thle United State-; amssl as S'ht war minister ibytile, The0hstory of Frer^h relations with specimens for the Univer sty aMi o'clock this afternoon, at the Union, pear in the New York Morning Tele-
but also in Europe. le has also boon (Centr-al ('xcuutmrvL' (-(mnnittee of te thesouriand the gone nverswhen thisgroup isdrequiredvetoibe preparnias;gram, comes the following comment
known as a dramatic critic for Vogue, Comme fistS; party was received oday S b , wa~itrdettoBt rpaey $40 in a lump sum, and to had uo Eaton, excerpted from the De-
oxheBooman TheForuni and ti -nyteHbi wt opee alad1e 'ot insisted that there is an n to the J-Hop committee a list oftroit Saturday Night, a weekly pbli-
body's magazineaprn nifrne enormous difference between former pannnninration: nme
I'e [Russian i plie i:arnC~l only t- imnes and mnow; the Pope then was a Wo UU11IULg [551'5" Itleboth'i i- "Yo ng Mr. G. D. Eaton,ate of Ann
day thiough the Bolshevik press o I temporal sovereign."- A ticket for one hprn is'- Arbor," says the Saturday Night,
h l R "11e disposit ion of the Soviet military iM. Simon. reportr for the foreign M c(apron "with his scholastic down still on his
Ileader. It has lomng been understoodI relations committee of the Camber, 1JL11 tickets for this purpose may b be 'pur- grave physiognimy writes the book
T BESIINi IOII5 thte leadlers of the Commuimsts took the stand that the Holy See in chased at the regular prices this after- page for another New York journal, in
Uimea~ures ag-;alst thle head! of the Rel withl religious interests and was not secretary of the Clanmber of G'Q -I_______________Dreiser is absolutely the only Amer-
---army. I concerned with nations; hence an am- merce spoke at the no.on uic ican novelist who has the goods.
F our ireels (ifnmotion icpk tii- ill At the committee sessi-mn all thlej bassador to tile'Vatican was not need- ;yesterday in the Chamb' f- j, ne dt umesKle adSewo
ble shown at 4 o'clock this amternio~imon licharges against Triotzky wee sate e. mre nn Under the titt& akAnderson are fair, only fair. The
. in the Natural Science audi'oriium, nn- in a lengthly document whichl reseni- -Shll We Do With It?" Mr I Ilstaed F l above doesn't do justice to Mr. Eaton's
dercm the auspices of tihe American In--hi es an indiictmlent. Thiu> document'ii~nn ntbig ulne h oiyadaiia brand of humor, however. Elsewhere
stituto of Electrical E-ngineers. asserted that the wamr minister's act- 0 9JTflBORIII~ 11 tion of thte organization folk the om-rIH H. Allen, assistant mechanical ion the same page, announcing his
The first two reels will show tCie ivties against tile Communists party INULIHU 91H[3t IU-igOeN. TleCabe fCon engineer for the bureau of standards Policy as a reviewer, he deposes
constr-uction of thle Panama Camnal I hlad encouraged tile bourgeoise coun- ffj fTfh merce;' be said, "is the community Of the department of commerce will thusly: 'But as intensely as I feel
fI 1 h lsigoftefrtrc otries abroad to believe that tie Bo- I bNU1111i action. Its membership must be lecture at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night that I am right, I feel so only with
GUN ILRI.O RI N Inedoenn withatsadth hps elrgm wsi dne o alin Natural Science auditorium on unavoidable limitation; as I orientate
ten taen ftheugay ean tfhe isevikegime co. twas i angrosfall-ed itohadfiitegrup afrom the only mind which God gave
I beng ake thoug bymea~s 1 0Cc-I ig t pio-e. i wa alo sate tht I- definite aim, to render definite se- "Automotive Instruments." Mr. Allen -
tric locomotives. The Other- two ieels 1Trtzky ' olpositionl was taken as a- Washington, Jan. 2.-Presidentvice. has brought a number of new instru me.
w ~ill consist of a hiistom-y of Ame(ricanr signal by (lement, hostile to thle So-i Coolidge would be asked to inforn the Mr odriepesndacht ments which he will display at the le- i give w msu, hbuit wh?]nethat
mavigation, or the generationi (f ee-vt 'enlmt.a1010toueiI Senate what steps have been taken I to the members showing the ideal ture and he will also agment his worksblikewthisOne issrl ufctha
tricity from water power. !aegaimnst the1 policies of the Communist1 with respect to foreigni representation walnwihteChme h d1e cture with- lantern slides. w orksl theioyonaios. alkbufcet
The icturos will niot be highly tech- I prty am omdemr to assist in the over- against elevations of guns on United fnto."hr r orsrcin o h o fntos akaot
Smel, ad wil b !reente fre ofthinow of the pr oltarian dictatorship. IStates battleships under' aresolutionIofntil n. wh"T heeae CnomresrfItonThis ralecture is artnofcthe edca Ring Lardner and Stephen Leacok
nintroaducewil beoday byt Senmactofr___ e n hlillnwihte hme-ftoa rgamwihi en are bong humorists? Why, those -bows
charge. inrdce oayb eatm o l Commerce may work," e said, pro- out by the Bureau of Standards. are the champion gloom throwers of
aDemocrat, Tennessee. vding we make it the pivot of activ- teuies oprdt h imo
Junior Engineers PB[~~8YIEBIANS ~BEPARE Pointing out that Chairman H-ale, of!frtebsineessoll.gfre t sFr ao od
thlaa afiscomteia o es, and cooperate and coordinate P tDFodadEon" The Mr. Ford e
Iitogethterfothbetntrssoal.T o eyV ti 'tisFr axFrd
HodGrnp jp fRi~l~ l ared such a protest had been made We must have a breadth of vision and I rle itm Eaton, while a student at the tan-
'ni'Ivii V III dbyafrinntoSntrM ehr fit our activities to the needs of theI versity, was active as editor of the
ask s in the resolution that the P'resiIm- uiy"Mr odrig o- frmer Sunday Section of The Daily.
JuJnioio nimmem- menyeteraymndt yeusnterdwesyielandcr dernden mael i claralslaewhtinalsountiy"tM.wWhabidgtco-eDno heigtolle dgibloningItias lsobee reentynanoune
Idiscussed npaans for class activities tom '' fteDL ebtranBad fCai-1mc ndecision h~ h mrcn~vr-euehsrnak yepesn i oPedn ainL utn a
the emaider t th i~eselt ~cooi of hee by thte matteordrf CAim-ricanlligtvern - epce.1belief In the future of Ann Arbor. killedyesterayatr noBon, when h that his book "Backfurrow," which
I- I tiaa n ucationofhcago~ visited Anmin tinateepeed_____________ was written in part during his Uni-
year. The dicussion includled the J- Haole also would inquire whether any was struck by a street car on State vitysu
f otemte feeto fteArbor Sunday, to make arrangements I streeversitydstudy, is in the hands of the
rhp iemttro lcio i i.with thle local resbyterian students:sep avee akntosbmtthe I Quastreet.kTheedogawhchis thirteen IPutnam Publishing company and will
jno"jce"taisiect tbeI proposition toaritraio. Tr naht yariodwa crossing thestetiI soon be ready for sale.
juir"aokl ta sslce o e L le for the entertanmient of tolriUtation l ifrs to elssteti
woneachyarby -l unore i te mnat ionial (oferenceo (f Presbyter-,I The Sente yeste'rday by a vote of Belthall-hen srkenby
peer-s, ani l hso the lass basket hml:mh II - -,,--- --- ,--ini45-2P2irefuised to ns ider thep auestio-n I Ithe car. Both front les were boe F------

There are lots of rooms
for rent for the second se-
mester, but there are also
lots of students, both old
and new, who are going to
want these rooms. If you

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