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October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1922 ES DE .> r.; v { k s. z ,;,, t ;. 3 1; ij , ..4 t{ ."! 5 r 4 t v, Speaking before a crowded auditor- ium in the Law building yesterday af- ternoon ,on "Some Present Interna- tional Problems" the Hon. Philip Hen- ry Kerr, secretary to ex-Premier David Lloyd George during the world war, outlined the events of interna- tional politics during the past eight years :which have led up to th...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHICAN DAILY One Legal I In. Wife Per Man Is Now Vogue, Says Turkish Maiden ! (By Margaret Shafer) ! so with the finished technique of a Somber eyes gazing from behind a filmy veil; satin bloomers, sandals, quantities of jewelry and perhaps a a nose ring or two-this is what theI average student might expect from aI young Turkish girl but recently ar- rived at the university. But Sinai Mauhaidden is quite the opposite. She4 cam...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…__ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _THf E NMICHIGAN DAILY4 _. / 7a '\ r ----, K' ', 7 >_ _ , ,li ' . 2 \ . / N ' / N '' " ' ' N / M] N 41 7774: 'r-- { 5cdaub 7 " i N'; JI i , / K f " j y' , :: - P ' Y8 t 21 K / 1y _ L', _:I f : , .VK7 C. THEL HOM E OF PUREGrOOery ]PHONE 326-327-328 114-1 16, E. WASH-INGTOJN QUALITY,, SERVICE, CO-OPERAT1'ION, f y _ :. .._ .. *#* fillenu4p * # A GUARANTEED BREAKFAST Toast Grape Fruit Oatmeal wi...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THf t~~ific bent. The preparatory work T, 4is required as a prerequisite to,1EDITORIAL COMMENT OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE is designed for the most part to coun-;- UJIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN teract this situation, but by dint of j LET THE UNEWSPAPERS Published every morning except Monday circumstances it is not ample enough, 1 SLAUGHTER Daily Cardinal) ring the University year by the Board in and in some cases not at all is re...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MARINESLEE LATIN__REUB0LIC A merictn Fighters Will Retire from Dominican Republic with Form- ing of .Ne# Government BURGOS WILL READ CABINET OF PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT "Henry Ford"Vs. "Bluenose" (By Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 20.-The state de- partment made public today plans for the evacuation of the Dominican Re- public by American military forces in an announcement that a proclamation had been formally agreed...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. ,. x. . ..", _ . {ice' , r ..ON" 00oPOO! 4 -ft MiE) , IIIIIIHWJ " ... r.. . w ....... ..+, PEI anumoMm -, -- a . , ., w ~W ._,_ _ __ v _ . _ _ .. ,+... ~ "fr 'itk-vrlvr'hninP s o0:'orivard Passing OI11C .,EdTF '-N P JERF~ECT SHIAPE FOR TO1)XY'S CONTE'S (Special to The Daily)' Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 20.-ith last practice before the greatest; game of, the year for Ohio State, Coach SWfliie ag~ain stressed the ...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ARSITY MUST STOP OHIO'PASSES TO HAVE CHANGE THIS AFTERNOON (Continued from page one) limited fight; Steele is a go-getter, Isabel is a kicker than whom there the kind of a player Yost places above is none much better in Conference all others, and if he shows under fire what the coaches expect of him he circles, hiss kicks against Michigan on will at least hold his own. If Pix- Ferry field last year being one of the ley pl...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 8

…__THE MICHIGAN DAIL\ . ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FIGHT OVER TEXAS SENATE CANDIDATE Toronto 'Varsity All this is attributed to the fact that raises Student nearly all students take part in school acititi otherthan class work. "The -TT first thing a freshman hears when he VARSITY SPORT SHOP All Kinds of Athletic Equipment .1 tion in versity. 3 E the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 9

…:,' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBE~R 21, 1922 SCOR1E BY Ei uIN.-I Upke kicked out a' 27-yard line. S.o U. - - - THE S t of t nd aMt frv'e-y, k doi oster, Ca.rter, Rant TY, I ri goal I line. n 35-. AIGLEJ lfive A'Y kRT AS ' PLANNEDj 30-yard line. rough Pixley. r no gain bu4t Michigan was own 40-yard d on quarter- Lded with ball ion her own No Inc He ;res; ran 18; 0,S. I.0. I with line to rightof ause of poor pass toT out....…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 10

…all is re- ously, the prime danger which in the wake of over speciali- is lack of general knowledge, in most cases spells ignorance.! an who is indifferent to knowl- f any sort which does not con- his own particular profession ver be a powerful constructive ce in any oommunity and the ages he has derived from his on will be of use only as a of personal aggrandizement. igan needs specialists, but pref- of the variety of students who' part of t...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 11

…,: RETUE FOR TEN Y1 f11 r _'.#^ #=dom. ,..-. I ECONOMY EXPERTS SEE NO HIOPE k FOR EARL1Y RETURN TO NOtRM~ALCY (By Associated Press) Boston, Oct. 20.-The Harvard coi- mittee on' Economic Research has no expectation of a drop in prices to the pre war level.. during' the next ten years, Prof. Charles J. Baskin, chair- man of the. committee said in an ad-. dress at the Harvard club tonight at the first session of a national confer- ence of...…

October 21, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 24) • Page Image 12

…y LNTILLMEN U1- LWUH' Portland Ore. Oct. 20.-Sixteen pris- oners were placed in a sight seeing bus at police headquarters here to- day and taken to the city limits, where the police ordered them to leave Portland. It was the beginning of the heralded exodus of the Industrial Workers of the World who came here in the longshoremen's strike. More than 200 men were taken in the roundup. A dozen foreigners were held for investigation by immigration...…

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