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April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…WHAT GOOD ARE WOMEN? See Page 4 Y L Sir A ~E~aitF FAIR, WARMER High-54 Low-32 Temperature climbing for a sunny weekend. Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIt, No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Professors Explore Learning'Programs Subcommittee Sponsors Series On 'New Educational Technology' By CAROLYN WINTER Four University professors yesterday explored the potential of programmed ins...…

April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…'w0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, ::a a:. a s c v a v A1t B aTTYs . LANCZOS TALK: Einstein's Theories Seen as Philosophy DEFENDS RESEARCH: 'U' Dean Rebuts AMA In Grant Controversy B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at SABBATH SERVICE Tonight at 7:30 "Poetry and Prose of PASSOVER" Presentation by Marvin Diskin Director, Theatre Hillel Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel 1429 Hill t. By DONNA ROBINSON Albert Einstein was not a sci- entific specialist-he was e...…

April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, APRIL 24,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Russians Seek To Stop U.S. Testing Program By Last-Minute Effort B ) STEEL PRICES: GOP Congressmen Attack Kennedy Act, WASHINGTON (M)-The Senate-House Republican leadership yesterday accused President John F. Kennedy of using methods char- acteristic of a police state to "blackjack" the steel industry into calling off its price incr...…

April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions AreFree STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG, * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"' BRITISH BATTLE: Common Market Fight Focuses on Politics -4 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all rep...…

April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, APRIL 20,1962 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE F DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) versity has adopted the following regu- lations and procedures, effective im- mediately, which establish a continuing deposit for undergraduate students. I. Continuing Students A. Each residence-credit undergradu- ate student is required to establish and maintain a continuing deposit of $50 to hold his enrollment privilege at the University....…

April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 Oksanen BOSTON (P) -- Rugged Eino Oksanen, the Helsinki detective, passed Finnish teammate Paavo Pystynen in a downhill burst through a driving rain and easily won his third Boston Marathon yesterday. The 31-year-old criminal inves- tigator's triumph, clocked in 2:23:48, was by far the easiest in a stretch of four straight by these flashing Finns. Fresh at Tape Oksanen was so fresh when he c...…

April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY; FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Diamondmen Open Big Ten Season Fisher Hurls for Michigan Against Illini; Play Twin Bill with Purdue Tomorrow By MIKE BLOCK Michigan's baseball team will play its first Big Ten game of the season this afternoon at Ferry Field. Furnishing the opposition will be the University of Illinois. The Illini finished fourth in the con- ference last year, and are...…

April 20, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 140) • Page Image 8

…PAGE ETGMT THE MICHIGAN DAILY lcrftvvAlwr ALvblftvv ftA dmL,^- PAGEEIGH THEMICHGAN11 L.V FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 Kauper Reviews Today's Civil (Continued from Page 1) drastic remedy," flexible in use. It means that violators are subject to rapid contempt proceedings, without a jury trial. Recently, the power of the injunction has been expanded. Ordinarily, . the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply to in- dividuals. But if an individual in...…

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