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April 20, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-04-20

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Sir A


Temperature climbing
for a sunny weekend.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Professors Explore
Subcommittee Sponsors Series
On 'New Educational Technology'
Four University professors yesterday explored the potential of
programmed instruction to teach facts and change attitudes.
The application, effectiveness and future of programmed learn-
ing were discussed in the first of three panel discussions on the sub-
jects sponsored by the University Senate Subcommittee on Improve-
ment of Instruction.
Members of the panel were Professors H. R. Crane of the physics
department, Harlan L. Lane and John Milholland of the psychology
department, and F. Rand Morton of the romance languages depart-
ment and director of the language laboratory (on leave). The panel
<was moderated by Prof. Gerald
Else of the classical studies depart-
Defines Programmed Instruction
The discussion was opened by
Prof. Morton who defined pro-
grammed instruction as "a new
s ~r y tchnology of education" which
n has evolved from the laboratories
- of the psychologists.
"This new approach clashes viv-
idly with conventional instruction,
because it places the responsibility
on the programmer instead of on
the student as is traditional," he
said . .
This makes it very important
that the programmer take ex-
treme caredtoteach the right
things, he added;
PROF. H. R. CRANE Precision Controlled
panel member The programming method at-
tempts to control teaching preci-
sion by controlling the material to
DAR TALK: be learned and the manner in
which the student will respond to
the material. It enables the teach-
er to predict what and how the
student has learned.
O ffProf. Mrton pointed to his wn
experiments in the language lab-
oratory. In 200 hours of exposure,
WASHINGTON (P)-Maj. Arch he said, an untrained student can
E. Roberts was suspended from his gain a workable proficiency in a
Army duties last night after de- given language.
livering an off-the-cuff speech to Prof. Crane then discussed a few
the Daughters of the American unofficial experiments he had
Revolution without Pentagon made. First he took a chapter on
clearance. hydrostatics in an elementary
The Army's swift action against physics text book .and programmed
Roberts recalled the steps taken it into 60 questions. The students
last year against his old boss, far- said they learned the material In
right former Maj. Gen. Edwin A. less time and with less pain than
a regular text book chapter, e
Walker. Roberts served as public hregrtee
information officer under Walker reported.
in Germany. Then he said he found an even
In his address, which got a more useful application of pro-
standing ovation from the ladies grammed instruction in short
of the DAR, Roberts took shots. at remedial programs in geometry
a number of targets-among them aind trigonometry. These are de-
Assistant Secretary of State G. signed for students who have tak-
Mennen Williams, Los Angeles en geometry and trigonometry in
Mayor Saml Yoy angthe high school and have forgotten
Mayor Samuel Yorty and the temtra.
publication "Overseas Weekly." t Ara
Approach New

Attack Plan
On Housing
For Alumni
Local Protest Group
Includes Professors
Residents of the area near the
proposed Oxford Road apartment
building for retired alumni are
protesting the project.
The group includes Prof. John
Arthos of the English department
and Prof. Douglas D. Crary of the
geography department. Informally
organized to oppose the zoning
change necessary for construction
to begin, they are currently fight-
ing to maintain a zoning classifi-
cation which is largely for single-
family residences.
r The proposed alumni building
would be of low rise construction
and would include 18-22 coopera-
tive apartments to be occupied by
retired alumni.
'Great Concern'
"There's great concern about
what will happen to southeast Ann
Arbor, Prof. Crary says. "The
change of zoning the alumni want
is a dangerous precedent for de-
sirable projects."
He cited a meeting between
property owners and the Alumni
Life directors several weeks-ago.
Alumni Life is an as yet un-
formed non-profit corporation
that will handle the project. It now
has a provisional board of direc-
No Agreement
Prof. Crary said that he was un-
able to reach agreement with eith-
er Alumni Association secretary
John Tirrel, an ex-officio member
of Alumni Life, or other directors.
One of the directors, Paul A.
Kempf, who was not present at the
meeting, lives in the area.
Kempf, who is one of the ori-
ginal backers ofthe program,
bought and sold the construction
site to the Alumni Association at
cost. The lot is presently occupied
by the Tau Kappa Epsilon frater-
nity houses.
Noting the Alumni Association's
contention that many of the
houses in the neighborhood are oc-
cupied by fraternities and sorori-
ties, Prof. Crary said that resi-
dents usually consider them as
homes. They do not detract from
the residential character of the
neighborhood, and there is also no
legal reason to differentiate them
from single family dwellings, he
Zoning Question
Tirrell said that the zoning
question "is presently before the
City Planning Commission" and
that is where it should be dis-
The commission has tabled the
motion in order to allow time for
the two groups to confer.
Definite plans for the structure
have not yet been set. It will be
open to alumni over 55 who are
Economic Output
Reaches New Peak
tion's output of goods and services
reached a new peak annual rate
of $549 billion in the first three
months of 1962, President John F.
Kennedy's Council of Economic
Advisers has estimated.
However, this figure' was some-
what. below earlier projections by
the council.

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Liberties and the Constitution
By PHILIP SHERMAN borne too big a burden in en- speech" guarantees. But the ministrative arrangements, as
City Editor forcing civil rights. Congress nation ought to rely primarily in the case of the voting privi-
Writing in the muted tones and the executive ought to do on "positive" action to combat lege" might mean some more
of a constitutional lawyer, Prof. more. the overall Communist menace. rapid progress in this area.
Paul G. Kauper of the Law
s rh i~rmp("ie sRac~ n ,e.tr. Stow, Cumbersome'


School has furnished an analy-
sis of today's most pressing con-
stitutional problems - all of
them involving "civil liberties."
Included in his new book,
"Civil Liberties and the Con-
stitution" are such thorny ques-
tions as aid to parochial
schools, laws regulating the
Communist Party and the whole
range of problems involved
with rights for the Negro.
Major Points
The most important points:
f The federal judiciary has

" e e upremne our, is
moving toward the doctrine
that a state may not sanction
private discriminatory acts.
* A limited measure of fed-
eral aid to parochial schools
for secular purposes is con-
" The Supreme Court has
followed a "balance of in-
terests" technique in dealing
with cases involving the Com-
munist Party. It has given more
weight to combatting Commun-
ist subversion than to "free

aseu onLectrs
The book is based on lec-
tures delivered last summer at
the Special Summer School for
Sketching the "adequate"
sources of federal power to en-
force civil liberties, Prof. Kau-
per illustrates that the judiciary
has been forced to bear too
great a burden of enforcement
>y pointing to school segrega-
tion. He says Congressional ac-
tion "to authorize the use of
more flexible devices and ad-

"The judicial process is slow,
it is in many respects cumber-
some, it operates within the
framework of a case," he says.
Both the executive and judi-
ciary must devise new methods
for solving these problems.
Prof. Kauper's analysis re-
veals a wide variety of available
JUDICIARY-The most po-
tent weapon is the injunction,
"a particularly effective and
See KAUPER, Page 8

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- If

U.S. To Adid
TV Stations
'U' Center May Join
In Federal Program
The University television station
may be able to snatch a piece of
the $32 million pie created Mon-
day when the House of Represen-
tative passed a bill authorizing
aid to educational television.
Prof. Garnet B. Garrison, Uni-
versity director of broadcasting,
says the station may be able to
apply directly for assistance, either
independently or through a state
Lynn M. Bartlett, state superin-
tendent of public instruction, may
initiate early discussion with a
citizen's committee, studying edu-
cational TV facilities.
The five-year federal matching
grant program will be under the
direction of the Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare.
It would give nonprofiteducational
groups up to 50 per cent of con-
struction costs of educational tele-
vision facilities. It would also pro-
vile up to 25 per cent of con-
struction costs for existing fa-
Prof. Garrison believes that this
bill is a good start in helping to
develop educational TV. Under
the bill, a state could get up to
$1 million.
Prof. Garrison estimates that
if a state were to construct a new
state-wide educational TV system,
it could cost some $8-12 million.
The $2 million total which the
state could have available through
matching the federal grant with
its own $1 million could greatly
enlarge existing facilities.
He also said that Michigan is
not too far behind other states in
educational TV planning.

Behavioralist Explains
What He Stands for
"'Behavioralism' is the most discussed and the least understood:
word in political science today."
So said Prof. David Easton of the University of Chicago who de-!
scribed the content and significance of the behavioralist movement
last night at the Political Science Graduate Roundtable.
"It is one of the most exciting revolutions in political science in
the last one hundred years." Although the movement has no inviolable
tenets, Prof. Easton said, it consists of several basic assumptions.
First it says there are certain regularities in political behavior that
can be treated by rigorous means of analysis. This behavorial analysis

Detroit Papers
Resolve Strike
DETROIT (M-Representatives
of Detroit's two metropolitan daily
newspapers and the Teamsters
Union yesterday reached tentative
agreement on contract terms,
clearing the way for termination
of a strike that has idled the
papers for more than a week.
The argeement covers separate
contracts for both papers and
Robert C. Butz, secretary of the
Detroit Newspaper Publishers As-
sociation, said he assumes that
both the morning Free Press and
the afternoon News would resume
publication soon.

"This new development in teach-
ing constitutes a complete new
approach to learning," Prof. Lane
said in opening.
The programmer must decide
what behavior he wants from the
student and then program to re-
ceive this response. Programs can
shape general attitudes and behav-
ior patterns by aiming at the spe-
cifics, he said.
Programs have been used with
verbal patterns which effect non-
verbal behavior, he pointed out.
He cited a study in a University
Elementary School class where the
popularity pattern was changed by
this method.
Prof. Milholland said that he
cannot see how programs can be
perfected except by each program-
mer learning from his own mis-

Restrict Use
Of 'U'Johns
Several men's rest rooms
throughout the campus area will
be closed each day in an effort
to curb loitering and thefts, Uni-
versity administrators announced
"We hope to gain better control
and more supervision of the rest
rooms without working hardships
on anyone," Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
explained. Lewis, Vice-President
for, Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns and Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont reached the decision after
reveiwing a survey made by the
plant department.
The rest rooms which will be
closed during the evening hours
are not necessarily the ones which
have been most seriously afflicted
with loitering problems, but ones
which are easiest to shut. while
still providing "ready access" for
the public, Lewis said. The survey
was taken to determine which fa-
cilities could be most easily closed.
He said that much of the prob-
lem is caused by people not con-
nected with the University who
are using the rest rooms after
the hours when student and fac-
ulty use is the greatest.
The order to close certain of the
rest rooms, issued by Plant Mana-
ger Alfred B. Ueker, is not a
"rigid or final" one, Pierpont said.
Buildings affected by the move
include the Undergraduate Li-
brary, Angell and Mason Halls,
Business Administration Bldg. and
Architecture and Design Bldg.
HRB Project
Gains SGC's
Student Government Council
has endorsed Project Welcome,
sponsored by its Human Relations

of the political system is separate
from the ethical evaluations which
are made by the traditionalist
school of political science.
Natural Science.
In political science, as in
natural science, theory and re-
search are closely entwined. A hy-
pothesis is made and tested by
gathering all relevant information.
In addition it's strictly theoreti-
cal sense, the study of political
behavior may be used to solve "ur-
gent practical problems." Prof.
Easton expects that political sci-
ence will "once again return to
the fold of the rigorous social sci-
ences," including anthropology, so-
ciology and psychology.
"This movement means more
than the usage of scientific tech-
niques," Prof. Easton said. "It em-
phasizes the . coming of age of
theory in social science with a
commitment to the empirical na-
ture of science."
Emergence of Name
The emergence of the name "be-
havorial science" reflects the fact
that two new ingredients have
been added to social science." They
are the attention that is being giv-
en to empirical theory and the
attempt to locate "stable units of
Several stable units from which
generalizations can be made have
already been suggested. The most
prevalent and general unit is the
study of the decision.

... conservative leader
OSA Action
Faces Delayl
The Regents will take no action
today at their regular meeting on1
either the Office of Student Af-
fairs Study Committee Report or
on a proposal to modify the Uni-
versity's lecture policy.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis reported that
both items will probably be con-
sidered at the May meeting.
University officials also said that
the Regents will make no decision
in the matter of student fees until
the appropriation by the Legis-
lature is definite. The bill is still
lodged in the Senate Appripria-
tions Committee. It will likely
stay there until final .legislative
action on added taxation.
The Regents are expected to
appoint a new director of the
University Press, where +dwin
Watkin is currently acting direc-
tor, and also an assistant director
of the McMath-Hulbert Observa-
tory to succeed Prof. O. C. Mohler,
who was recently appointed chair-
man of the astronomy department.

Over Money
To Localities
Sen. Morris Leads
Regulars' Filibuster;
Next Session Tuesday
Senate conservatives, headed by
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kala-
mazoo), filibustered yesterday in
hopes of capitalizing on dessension
among members of the Democrat-
Republican coalition who seek a
revision of the state's financial
structure keyed to a flat-rate per-
sonal income tax.
The disagreement has centered
around a measure to rebate to lo-
cal units of government a portion
of the revenue collected under' a
new tax structure. This would al-
low a reduction in local property
taxes, a move favored by most Re-
publicans. The more conservative
members of the pro income tax
coalition favor a rebate from the
income tax while the moderate Re-
publican members favor a rebate
from other sources which repre-
sents a compromise with the Dem-
ocrats in the group.
Sen. John H. Stahlins (R-Beld
ing) says the 10 Democrats in the
coalition do not favor any rebate
to local units. "The governor
doesn't like it and favors instead
a reduction of the sales tax to
three per cent," he said.
Governor Yields
However, the governor is willing
to compromise. He has given his
approval to a plan now on the
floor of the Senate which pre-
scribes a rebate to local units of
the fourth cent of the sales tax,
Stahlin said.
Sen. Frederic Hilbert (R-Way-
land), however, favors a direct re-
bate from the proceeds of the in-
come tax. "The relief of the prop-
erty tax burden is the crucial issue
in my acceptance of an income tax
program. I am still not commit-
ted," he said.
Sen. Thomas F. Schweigert (R-
Petoskey) said at least four or five
members of the coalition are like-
wise still not satisfied with the
He listed himself, Hilbert, Stahlin
and Sen. Haskell L. Nichols (R-
Jackson). However, he said, if a
satisfactory arrangement can be
worked out, at least two or three
members of the conservative bloc
will join the coalition; he listed
Sen. Harold B. Hughes (R-Clare).
Speaking for the conservative
bloc, Sen. Paul C. Younger (R-
Lansing) said, "the battle is just
starting." At present, however, he
does not see a reunification of the
Republican party. He noted that
Sen. Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair),
majority leader, is working active-
ly with the governor and Rep.
Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton), head
of the House Taxation Committee
and a strong advocate of an in-
come tax. The Republican caucus
has not met in over two weeks.
Interim Committee
Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor), leader, of the moderate

War, Peace Not Ideological Questions

Class Gift---Books

A University sociologist argued
last night that ideological com-
petition between East and West
has little to do with the hard
questions of war and peace.
Speaking on "The Myth of the
Cold War" at a Voice Party meet-
ing, Prof. Leslie Kish of the
sociology department . explained
that even if Russia were to become
a capitalist democracy it would
be no easier to have disarmament.
"The danger in the world would
be the same as today, and the
great wish of some people that
Russia should disappear from the
earth is not real."
'Not a Solution'
"Education is not a solution for
achieving peace in . our world
either," he said. Enlightened men
have been fighting each other .n
mnn conre f the world, and

years because if peace is difficul'
now, it will be even more dif-
ficult in the future, he explained.
In the future the United States
may have to deal with more than
just Russia as a threat. President
John F. Kennedy said in a July
speech that peace must come with-
in the next ten years.
Prof. Kish explained that China,
India, or any number of smaller
countries may get the atomic bombI
very soon. If Russia and theI
United States could agree, then
they could support peace and con-
vince the "new members of the
nuclear club" to practice peacelul

Phase of Reactions Board, as "a positive and concrete
Prof. Kish outlined the phases step to eliminate discrimination
of reactions to the Cold War wuiich in the important area of housing."
the United States has experienced: Project Welcome is circulating
retaliation-the creation of a rili- a statement which asks the com-

-Dany-Len Lotstrom


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