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October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 'Aar :43 xtl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE, FIVE CENTS VOI, XXXVI. No. 10 CAPT. HEINEN SAYS AIRMEN KNOW WHY DIRIBIBLECRASHED NAMES HERCII AN) WORTH AS MEN WHOSE STATEMENTS FORM BASIS FOR CHARGES HERCH DENIES STORY Gas Valve System Is Point at Stake; Worth Will BRe Asked If Stationi Actually Opposed Change (By Associated Press) Lakehurst, N. J., Oct. 1.-Captain Heiren, former Zeppelin pilot gave to the Naval court of inqu...…

October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FBIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1925 -~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1 92~ Y OFFICIAL S OPPOSE' UNIFIED AIR SERVICE PROSPECTS FOR RI TEAM AE BRILLIANT Prospects were declared to appearl )right for a crack rifle team for the season 1925-26 according tto, a state- ment made by Capt. George WV. Du~xn executive officer of the U. of M . Rifle and Pistol club at the initial, meet- ing of the club Wednesday night. Sev- eral new...…

October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…0CTOI3zP'.Ii 2, 19 25 .THE MICHIGAN IDAILY OGTOBER 2, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ...._ DIVERS ATTEMPT S-51 RESCUE Followirng a,(discussionl by the dean in conference of the possibilities 0t; radio -broadcasting from 'the Univer- Is e connittee to investigate the jm i hking situation, with special atten-, 3 i on' to the posiiiities of eliminat- ins; parked cars from South Univer- sity avenue, wil be made up of .sehA. 1l3rsley, D)ean of ...…

October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…PAGE F~OUJR THE MICHIGAN DAILY " n~mr ~ r urn Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news disp. s hes credited to it or not otherwise crc d in this paper and the local news pub- lish, '.therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arb...…

October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE FRDY4CO3R2,12 AEFV AL CABINETS LEAVE E 1; i a i ,7 FOR HoUSE PAD IY Junior Play Tax To Be Collected" IActivities for this year's Junior Girls' play have started with the col- lection of $1 from each junior woman onl d11, Camp1us who wishes to tryout 'for the play. In each league house, (101-iiitoi'V. andi sorority house, junior I !~ ko rd tsl inhve been appointed. by the u !'cr (...…

October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THFE MICHIGIAN DAILYV FRIDAY, OCTO R , 1925. V1 RIDA. OVV!vO1 1l ~2.L 1925 OAT 'rt P e . , -........,r°'f v--- -- ' DD . .. . , n...w rrr) ...,... ' . . ..:. . nwr + u 3 .. _ 1 t ..... a. R i ' E b m mmomN m I . ab a.~ Trt~U ii S gi aw HaITnSenator's M anager HARRIS 2 8 YE' A RS IVR en On Teams WASnIN T NI FNSW____10_ I -fq ll) l ii ~l WAH ri s 28yearol R T R TO M NSa /d ysG e iJf [JJ Washington, Oct.1.-Stanley Ray-0...…

October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

…1,1.-IDAY, OCTOBER 2 . w THE MICHIGAN DAILY THIS &7 flMMAEM 1a iI 0lOUMI A COLVMK CLOSES CLOSES AT8 3P.I. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. Ty PiEWRITE-US L. C. Smith, Remington, Royal, Un- derwood, Corona and portables, sold, renfed, c : tianged, cleaned and re- paired. The largest and best stock in Ann Arhor at considerate prices. 0. D. MORRILL Rare Honor His FOR SALE NOTICE - i Nickels' Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Dealer: L. C. Smith a...…

October 02, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 10) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILYFfIAOTBR219 Choral d i Thursday m CT. GUY MAIER, Pianist P'ALT 8 P. M. WALTER DAM] Tued43J ~J AU Iu [ER CoH R A,)r i ROSCH,Codco FINf ED Y. V Pourlist{ ~EIDERPnis Barione 7 ,7 lsWr~W 1£:ll;W~ f 8 P.M. LAURI KENNI EDWIN SHfN M onda~iy i 8 P.M. OSSIPGABRILO Friday all 8 P. M. Belgian _____,. . . _____ _. w Tuesday 8 P. M. WA d- w U.ri xi ti,- L:NL 1 1L ii , s P ianiist Monday r010R0FuOSSIP GABRIL OWITSCH, P...…

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