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October 02, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-02

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Junior Play Tax
To Be Collected"
IActivities for this year's Junior
Girls' play have started with the col-
lection of $1 from each junior woman
onl d11, Camp1us who wishes to tryout
'for the play. In each league house,
(101-iiitoi'V. andi sorority house, junior

I !~


rd tsl inhve been appointed. by the
u !'cr (Giris' inlay contmittee to col-
FIRST JOINT MEETING let the money. Without the receipt
_______which will be given in return for the
Joining with the nena!'ers of 1,1h4,!tax no juniior woman will be cligible
>. C. A'. cal)ilwit ebr of 1.i,) t'- fozr trying out.
inet of thae University Y. 61. C. A. xwiii
leave today for a house p;!rty at Tat-
Everay yea;,,each of Athe e"ifl h e ~cLE G W LL B
i, r a) , 1)atv adN is is thec firt tim e 'l. 1,ve- 0 F [ HN
pl:11nned to go1 coethl)er.
#Somen(,.of the Nwomn will 1lea eini 1'c O
af[terno:on, andi others is,even C]?ang,
and nzo nrograin u ]bv; been~ai~t~c planed I C l a r'e ('Co ohLiiItleWillBe
for entertainmnat tcn Iht, ct:i ll'tit rescnt iUeceiving
a general frloendly a~nd informal~l tLie. Liie
Tomorrow thew omen"1t illi1!1-:,tLto-
UMtl lihw the plans of thii ;i ,_ PART Y Ii GYMNASIUM
1'.'11'l1 co ii ttc(es are l1 ; i ° ',{1?up txv llt
the , u<<pose of the asoceiatiou,xvt
are I et nettitl ahng te . . . 'spli ir;to the Junior adlvis-
A. shoiuld do, anti ha itil~otl or's parit y of last year, the opening
meac.n on the ca mpus. TThey xiii foc formal -party of the Women's League
on cert aain projr' : ti hich a re relate(d fec aill tzreshnien and entering wo-
to the object of the associ ; ion, that ma nwn ill take place at 8 o'clock to-
is Touit i h dlertmoin onig 13in arhour gymnasium. Al-
live unreservedly Jesus ' law; of Love; thouigh time party is being given chief-
in every relationship, and 50:o t~o 11w jvl for freshmzzan women, it is, not to
Cods" t aake the place of the Freshman
Periods of recreation I nd 1oo spread which is to be given later in
times, swimming or lihimg, wilit ,ay~r. Dancing -to the music of
BxmePuck's orehestra will be the
terene the discusisions. In the aft
e'noon, they plan to sect ua,a ~a( l e ature of the evening.
fortheComng earimaed n tle ro- Ai attemrpt to furnish all ehtering
'Jecrtsh ceac (,h dcnit',-1is plawom1en xx ith i UlXisors has been made,
jeitng. Whays of brinig y:,i";Cp. A. accordig- to Doris Slingluff, '26. A
4;,1,.* ta comnmittee will be stationed at the
ircm hrs mn'o ithe i:ai~c that I door' of Bai hour gymnasium this eve-
they are members, and what that.( ning to welconie all guests, and all
membership should be, wiil also b10eneigwmnaecralyivid
dliscussed. to at tend regardless of whether they
Saturday night; the mnen will .arrive, Iha ve iadvsors or not. Any womeni
d ~ the eveningi will he specnt in get - v 10 o u-a~ld like to take freshmen are!I
tingacqained.All(la Sudaytheasked to call Doris Slingluff, 21114,
cabinets xiil dawncuss together campums today
problemus-wNhich are oif mutual,1i-ter- Mrr; (Clarence C. Little will be pres-1
est. e at in the receiving line, which will
They will return Sunaday aiternoon lsou include IDean Jean H-amilton,
in time to attende the UJnivers ity serv- Ms lrdI lyD.Mrae
icsat Hif lluitoriumn. Bell, Mlrs. tH. L. Whitman, and Norma,
Discussion groupls among thle xwo- Bicknell, '26, piresident of the Wo-
men will he lead by Ka thryn Willson, inen's League.
'26, president of the associt i;Sar- ;_____________


jLPresidenit Accepts Positioni As Hlon-
orary Chairmian of N ationial 1
President Clarence C. Little has ac-
cepted the position of honorary chair-
iman of the National Campaign Corn-
mittee for the Women's League Build-
ing fund, The request was tendered
at the meeting of the committee last
Friday in Detroit. Miss Jean Hamil-
ton, Dean of Women, was authorized
to interview the president as to the
possibility of his assuming responsi-
bility at once.
President Little was very cordial
in his interest and willingness to ac-
cept the leadership and discussed
what special aid he could render
this year as honorary chairman. lie
said that he had already noticed the
difficulties under which Michigan wo-1
men conduct their <extra-curricular
activities and felt that a building for
women sitould not have lagged so far
behind one for the men. He stated
that a sense of group responsibility
is as necessary for women as for men.
Michigan must prepare herself to de-
velop this in all the women students.
Former President H-utchins, who
had accepted the honorary chairman-
ship in interim, offered his resigna-
tion to take effect so soon as Presi-
dent Little would consent to accept
the position. Since his acceptance
was immediate all communications of
the committee will go out under his
name as head fromi noxw on.

Tell Nurses Of IBP el}
Y. W. Conference FGUIESAD9 EBES 111
l ySa rita D avis, '26, wvho wxas elected ?ppr f i u in s o "L e'" n y l ow a d mt
a mem01ber of the Geneva division of!1hu n o Lf"i
the naional oucl)fth . W. C iA. of the Wonmen's Lea gue ini Alumni i ou
spoke Monday night before thle 111'11lMenmirial hall at axx'olesale price agie-n

class ma n agers this year than
one previoustomei lameits. Amiong
(1111105 xv will 1)0 the assigning; of
tionls at the pnranctics,, giving the
crs a cimaute ttto try O~at for the
rred nosit ionas. It is also theirj
t to takheroil so I hat attendance
for mimi mwrti :1 I o sis inltlie seItec-
of t eamns ati Cti . tame mall-
I' art' also (e;x'l ,:f tto be Vespaoli-

sible for the equipment used by their:
Budapest, Oct. 1.-The police have
concludedl their investigation of the,
allaged Communist plot to assassinate
ladig officials and establish a dicta-
torsitSip in Hlungary.
Read the Classified Page-it 'pays.

hers of the, nurses association att their to lbe sold biy xwomen st tident s in-
regular weekly meeting at the nurses !t erested in helping bunild the leaguetakwa n Wo efud
SAn~y student wihing to buy a diozen
Are" and she gave the relationship of the figures wvholesale and eari
of the association to the national $.5o e w ldeb eln
council. tiienliu may get them by calling" at t he,
The nurses association is a ibranch office. T[he figsures at wholesale are,
of the Univ~ersity Y. WV. C. A., having, ',,.25 a, dozen. Selling each figuire
about 100 members, and being gov-, at one (dollar a piece wvould n et, a
e n d b ofi e s a d a c b nt ls .go d p o tfo th le g e Ift o o It is through the University associa- m sore xvomen wish to get: together this
,tion that they affiliate with national.. miyhbe (done.
As a 'cart of its weekly program,, woin xvlwho wish to sell the figuresl
It has meetings, it co~nducts a 10 imin-l directly for the fund mnay call forj
ute pieriod of daily p~rayer, and on theum at tihe office xwhere they will be E
Sunday mornings a half hour of wor- given a certain number witlhout miak-I
ship. 1mug a deposit. If this plan is under- I
Other speakers omn Monday night's, taken the mnoney turned ini will not
prograni were: Ruth Deenler, secem'e1 be counted as a par~t of thle piledge
tary of the University Y. W. C. A., but willtlbe credited as extra work
whose talk was on "What We leard", I onie hart of the womei.
giving a resumne of the outstanding!lThme figurines are p~rettly i1oel0(1011 1
things given by the speakers at the {(*Orilcrsitiei metal, heavy enought to he
Geneva Conference last summier; IUsedI as paperweighits and very at-
Pearl Ilaist, '26, president of tile tract ive as desk 01' bookcase orna-
nurses dlivision who toldl of tile meet- i um cuts.
ings of nurses associations at the_____________
conferemce andI Leona Stiverson, '27, n ,rls
wotalked on "What We Did, at thel aneI tri s
Conference," giving a resume of the!
Hocke~y Manag ers
recreational tinmes. In addition, Anne
Nelson talked on, "What We Deis- -
cussed." I nt erela'.shockey z iatimdzaers hove
Officers of time nurses association been elected as follow1AS: S110t i s- I
are as folloxvs: presidienit, Pearl Ilaist, kins for the senors, hlarriet IDonold-
'26; vice president, Dora Marshiall, son, junior, Margaret .vawler, sopimo-
'26; secretary, Leona Stiverson, '27; ' More, and Anzn Zatnen, frtosliumqn.
treasurer, Nellie Phillips, '27. M\1ore responsibility is toi 'w given to

- . . ., . -. -,.,A..

Silk Frocks for College Teas.

The smart girl chooses silk for afternoon wear. Rich,


for a


P~arty rolls, tlea cakes, and cakes for
a nniversaries, birthdays and weddings.
Hlot bread and rolls, too, in the inoi n-


softly flowing0 silk that lends itself

gracefully to the

flaring mode of the day.

Trimmed with unusual em-

broldery, Leads, lace and lingerie, these frocks are the
height of smartness. In the season's smartest colors.



ita Davis,' '26, Mbam gamret Eaton, '27, J
and Anna Arnold, '27, and l Doris AlMusic AnudiDrama 1
Glines, '26, Pauline 1?.i(idgenman i, '27, ____
will take charge (if the d evotional C (Continued from Page Four)
periods. i Jaua<ry 15-The Central League
Mr.Homr ra C on arsoc, 'sec debate in Hill auditomium at 8 o'clock.
retary of the S." C. A, and AIrs. Graf- 4
1January 20-T1he lFlay Prdouction
ton, TMr. 1H. C. Coffnmn, geeraccl 5c-1
retryof heS. . . ad C~f- classes -present George Bernard
aman, andl M1,,s Ruth D-eenlor, sece-Sid x v's AmdoeS and time Lion" in
terry of the Y. W. C. A. xii1 act ast University hall at 8 o'clock.
c1haperones.j January 22-Alexander Woolcott,
TryutsfortheUniersty irl' Idramnatic editor of thme New York Sun,
Tryots or he lni~ j~ityGirs 1in Ilill auditoriuml at 8 o'clock.
Glee club will be coiln; tnue net week, I January 26--Walter Gieseking in
the day or days, to be< anl nunced later., ill auditorium at 8 o'clock.
partei tet ryo0 '(nts h «cd ueay, (This list it should be noted, does
par it, he i~o7E ; -d 'ueday inot include the special Faculty Con-
Wednesday and ;'ii zmi ya f ternoons ' cets under the auspices of the)
at the UniversitySclo of Music.
iss Nora Crane hn of the Uni- ' School of Music or. Mr. Christian's
versity School of Music faculty and(1!xveekly Organ Recitals. in Hill audi-
dix'ector of the Glee club1 has heen in toriunt.)
charge of the tryouts assis;ted by three.,'
mnembers of last year'::Gle c lb. * Patronize Daily Advertisers.
B 11


5 Nickels


Phone 5501


___ 1 I




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Are Your Rooms Cheerful
and Plea'sant?
If not, just have a look at our splendid
stock of wall-hangings and be convinced
that at a very little cost they may be
made attractive and harmonious.
We are here to help you select colorings,
see that they harmonize with your han-
ings and rugs. DIAL 931 3, for paper,
paint, wax shades, or anything else in
the wall-paper or paint line.
203 East Washington St..

The BAnnrbor Floral News'

Vold. 1.
oill ~i

Pitd~s~dEvery, Friday by Anni Arbor Flora.1 Co.

To Mother

Coo. Liberty
and M1aynard

Hot; Lunches 11:00-1:30
Afternoon Te 3:00-4:00,
Salads~, Sandwiches and Ice Cream
Service After the Dance
Wednesday, Firiday and
Saturday Nights

Send amother floxwers. H1er happiness is 'the great-.
est 'omime~nlmt you cani have on your birthday-
and ycou know how she loves flowers. The gorgeous
xarieties to he had now are especially fine for
r-wti (m bramees and comgratulations.
You shmould send( them to your friend. There's
moIbig equal to gr ttmug a friend in person, of
couirse, but if umiles, tihousands of miles, intervene,'
a flora, 1! retin- sent through Ann Arbor Floral
Cenmpa ~y by wire service is both personal and one
of time better ways.



To the Bride




inz thesec days so filled with happy taskis our services
are at her disposal. We are prepared to make up
very artistic and distinctive wedding bouquets "and
arrog~lemremts for the entire bridal par~ty. Whether¢
for elaborate church affair or modest home wed-

;, ,

Fresh Toda
Mart ha Washington

ding;, our estimates wvili interest you.

Weddings Then





A nni versaries


nary fo'
ratlher ec
F'or the
217 15,

txiag : gae ; m III LU =M111i ceY~ao I(cII LL As amn anniversary remembrance, send flowers to
ncy show flowers at 75c each. As it is those you count as ,real friends. If they are in
ary for good nmuins, the Supl17hy is lhuiited. anotimer city, our "FLOWERS BY WIRE SERVICE"
iine--Tmi: uin1m owjit D ial 6215 or solves tile Problem. If for local delivery:, your
xx ts xxill be carried out to the letter, by Ann
Arbor Floral Co., Ann .Arbor's reliable florists.
WeArc The Teerah Florists of Ann Arbor






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