FRIDAY, OCTO R , 1925.
V1 RIDA. OVV!vO1 1l ~2.L 1925
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Trt~U ii S gi aw HaITnSenator's M anager HARRIS 2 8 YE' A RS
IVR en On Teams WASnIN T NI
FNSW____10_ I -fq ll) l ii ~l WAH ri s 28yearol
R T R TO M NSa /d ysG e iJf [JJ Washington, Oct.1.-Stanley Ray-0G M Smn Bcy Hri,2 er 11
NIncIO ieeiiiiseii ardns aieiral 11 iQ WI(rrln911 ieiin tae lr liiA u-r<>%c . 1, igleads his Washington Senators into
B*I.ncrexs l i iforI'r° iCiiee VL 2 wi h t>i,:; d here oan Sa ur- '.: eAi'a; :r::;« ;;;5";:,;,their second Worrlds series on Oct. 7
Dlly .lay , ri ittsburg-a tribute to youth and'
_____Three of' the pla nes who will prob- Question plyn;aaes
ab)VI~ly Y'1O~et .Vhhianre Y''.Se gnawv
MEN IN CONVDITIOJN producs. while te lie.t Lasing ag-; WISCONSIN MEETS AMES when Bicky captured the Ame-I
gre ;liol has s" n e22rlmirso from; j can League fag in 1924 many close
With nine veterans of last ,years 1118. c(ely on its fist siuzad. Ctlrub Wthtebaealsesngrdal followers of the game were of the
sw inminng team rwhich placed third at vie*n liawireurael ('it i" toalseall entiaii uth
the Conference Imet ini Chica go, .and k1forIII,'"'' ~.. aIi. (7ae )5,att8trllo e t opinionSthat either thoe team carried
nine numeral winners from the fresh- Ig ar ae ibe 1Igi1 ,v oesotte, ~rt re s un~g otegidrnHarris through or 'that he was4
man squad reporting for practice' d~ ily ive:;c e th Mihigan T squa. season, which opens in full glory Sat- "lucky." But whn the series for the
the prospects. for a cia~iipiosrip .Doll i ris c~nfe ,Sainaw captains: urday when most of the elevens of the l world title came, the youth matched
ecquiatic squad in 1925-26 are bright. the Lansing team fromT the tackle 1)- larger institutions of the colntrye- 1Y , :""" wts with one of ,the games oldest
Although Coach Mann only arrived siton, writh Snifih starringt in the j er into the opening battles of their adms eondmngrJh
b~kin town Wednesday afternoon ba ,,iel. andlwmostanoterowgi-d managersallscheules
he el hs irt ratie esio wth Pw ouh il Aa aclealn ize A1 ye / J. McGraw of the New York Giants,
hehl i is rciessinwTh-e a ot1Wl p1 cl logsie Aleysof te football enthusiasts I and the youth won.
in an .-hour after lie got off train. the of Iurrmell also of thart city. On! wiill be rentered ol te Illinois-Ne- j >>..
veterans include Capt. Jack Gow, who ther ( i(Co enter wc.>i ewilal, otbl ae tUbnaTe' Harris never has been a remark-
wil swim in the dlashes and relay; Hlackett, who ws pairedl with Rum- question of whether or not Red G.rabeplyraunhegissmehn
"BIuec" Samson, who wil take care cmoll in high School, Nedam wll an upicate his wild runs again 1,rZ hi>s:., . about his leadership that attracts vet-
"of the distance races, with Duna)!dn, doubtless see ervic+e as a reservei season will lae fairly well answered --tieahn i andre t recrutaell and l
another veteran distance swimmer, as tackle, while Icharls nay 'see "ser-I when the final gun is fired there. e- Stanley (Buicky) Hars ~ie ei rprdt eev n
hi tci.I consider the -advice of those who com-
hds eammat. vce t ed. ~brsa boasts another strong team Due to ;a severely spiked hand it pise the backbone of his lub-John-
Whittiligham will represent the Var- - - '. this season and will be lead by Weir, was thought for a time that Manager :son Peckinpagh, ice and Goslin.
sity in the breaststroke, with Starrett ntnun .nn an all-Ameicn on Walter Camp's* an ol eual ola i ahntn oeemyepc
ben h ol eeanbc nthe ~~1924 aggregation. The majority of I ol eunbet edhsWellintrnedhoafteroo aaysfroma
fancy diving department. John Ilal-UI iJUIILtifU II U tie mebes of the Cornhuskers'I American league entry into the na- ieltunedbastemnoan.y fo
"stead and "Al Mayer, both,"AMA" men nn team h've seen action in gamnes in tonal lassi, but according to thejisseod aemn
lastye~., ar expcteP tomadethe lQ~ ~FFD~T L~dItI which Garange has had his own way,J latest reports the Injured memberSeaoladrscerbgn
grade in the breast stroke- race. Al li.I RJLUIILI tiJUJI Iand aedeemne ostpte -has healed sufficientlyfrhmt la nPtsoPa., n11,a h g
Stedman has lost, his favorite extent Ios flash, ,bal of.1.HIs 1916nativey fJo e rvinso
due to the Confereice ruling abolish- 'Foi the first time this, year Coach;i The, em~ers of the Big Three of the N.eY.oin1916theyungher Jennings of
iug the plunge, but hie may be used East ~tild have little trouble of (us- Layet. dOc.1WihMlDtrtgveheouseraralt
FielingH. ostyeserdy rn te Laayete.Ind, Ot. .-Wth el-Detroit. Within a month he went to
on the water polo team. Fieldingi H. Yostr yesterday.ranlthe
~Cp. Bll"Krr Dik apn Vriy otbl qud thog psnaftei ppnns.Yleivin aube of Detroit, Eddie Plock Scranton Af the New York State
guth, Milziner, and Milo Oliphant secret practice on Ferry' field. al1 sehdul d to fcemeet nseMiddlebury, iflr-- MichdOho wh rnoMrk-leg ered henplaed to Mubsend
Al~ ard x~ fce Rnsslaer andbradcei of oeo t OhiangBuno erkoasMleaguweradhencaetordMsegn,
have been" lost to the team through spectators were barred during thi ton w11'wifacet Amherst. brdoDeoishwn up elasadaatngecd'f.16
graduation. Billy specialized in the drill, which cnsisted f -running th jAmon the Big Ten team, Wscn' haduatebaks alaaygetachncgt NrflkV orhd himf 1917,bu
'backstroke, Milziner in the breast- probable lineup -through a Snapp~ sin, No aWestern, andl Minnesota I pilot Purdue against Wabash here on May 30 he became 'a member of
stroke, while Papenguth and Oliphant signal workout in -preparation for thej shoud a od the fans sonic real spec- Saturday. Yesterday" the freshmen thRednclbiteItraiol
were fancy divers. M. S. C: game Saturday. ~ cular tbal. Coach George Littlef oppoed the varsity in the stiffest league. He played 70 games and hit
Darnall, Batter, and Rose are ex- Flora and Grube occupied the end has bee drilling the Badgers al I (rill to dlate.o 20 h oloigya on
pected to considerably. strengthen the positions. Although Oosterbaan Ww elld4icosd(ornpeaa- him wi0.The Bffalowling sorttopn
teamn in the free style races, with Bob used at end in the scrimmage tw' tion for tOme game with Ames. Turin, Italy. Oct. 1.-The Stampau, and second base in 85 contests and
Halstead and Tanner trying for a" days ago it is not probable that h Northwetern, with Moon Baker one of the m1ost important newspapers batting for .241. In 1919 with Buffalo
backtroe. hornhas- wll sartas oachYos prfer
place in the bcsrk.Sorhswl tr sCahYs rfr leading the attack, will meet the Uni- o northern Italy, has been suspended he became one of the J'aternational's
shown considerable prowess in the more experienced player. However lerity of ;South Dakota at Evanston. by the peet h ae a ogbs nilesadicesdhsht
breaststroke and will push ,Whitting-.I the sophomore flash may be used i The Purple elevej proved that they conducted a violent campaign against ting figures to .282. It was on Aug.
ham hard for a place on the Varsity,I the latter part of -the ganme. were to be respected last year when the Fascists., 5 of that year that the Senators ob-
while Wrice Wray will try to make the Babcock and Hawkins were at the Notre Dame was forced to the limit -__________tmdhm
grade as a fancy iver. "Cap" Star- tackle positions yesterday, while Ed to gain a victory in the last few mn- i Patronize Daily Advertisers. In 1921 and 1922 Harris participat-
nett and Harrison as candidates for wards and Lovette played guards. btes of play. With many of the vet- -
the water plo team. EdadBa enshfe oga rans of that team as nucleus for thisI
the majority of the teen have kept onl the defense but will be used a 9 eason's eleven, Coach Glenn 'Thistle- 1= -
in training during the summer months hi eulrpstinowacl n t e is certain of developing a team I T TTT TT
and are ready for strenuous practice, offense. , that will be in the race for the Confer- I TH H RO1H LL
although, Coach Mann will probably In the backfield Molenda played eoce gidl title, opnisse-G L
take it easy until after Christmas full, Gregory and Fuller at the hialves I Minnesota is slated to opnissa--D LGLUB
vahe io bester ook ephspiritnsd Fridmana quput. Tthee-rlineins m enUn vethrougho th heaesblock-rit , Dakota.elin mDochouSpearsk-'Daisa Dcoachringco chi g his
___________ing drill, while *lipke was coaching first Gpe grgto n tsol Announces=
Urbana, Ill~, Oct. .-Harold "Red" the punters. t Goph. er auggrgati at should
Grange, University of Illinois football Molenda will probably kick off and 1 or as a football coach. I
inoachtendae'senraIowaegrie men-ed Playing 'Prvieges for a-
captain ant4 ll 1-America back, has inoyesterday's practice heibooted
maen ln opa rfsinlsome good distanced kicks. Ful or.LmtdN beofPa rs
fo otballatoh amitingfeshoasorhas taken the opening game with LmtdNub-o Paes
fotbll athug amitig e asalo otsome goplckisav- Arkansas with no little concern. The
been approached on the subject. His ing both height and distance. Tliawkeyes have been unfortunate in L L £.-
heart is set on winning a Western Intefrtfwliue ft lozig m2y stars through graduation .~arsmy y uanufo
Conference or natinal chiampionshipi freshman-third team srinmage Stan liibili an injuries, but in spite o C
for Illinois and after that to earn. a (ly Skidmorewa badly injured. A fthir~ the Iowa City team will e d MOE SPORT SHFOP PRATT & DUNN
letter in baseball. yet it is no kon htero of 'f rt calibre. _;.
__________his ankle is fractured but an X-ray Ec osStigwl ed'hsG A A ' '~tXrx
WsigoOt1.- Ofcas fwlCbhae a h eat ev c alitll aroons on Stagg field Satur-!
the Plasterers' and of the Brcklay- today. dal, to ORl the University of Ken-
ens'uios hiunionsenenagd which have :1t1i11lllibeenifliliengagedii11T#Iilu11illtty tlelFH1111ven.1111#111
is a jurisdictional dispute, will meet D-v~ te~~
tomorrow in Atlantic City. t"Read he VW antant AdLad timhe Cassified Page-t pays.
r- .
i 'a-- - ' I .
t_______7 4 tI
_ -= -,"
-ed in every game with the Senators,
hitting for .239 and .20i. In 1923lhe
had an average of .282 and in 1921
his mark "was .263.
l Memphis, Tend., Oct. 1. -- Ed
"Strangler" .Lewis, claimant. of the
world's heavyweight wresting echai-
pionshmip, won two out of thmree falls
-in a match with Mike Romano, herd'
' last night.
B at hrobe6
from t
to te'
New ca
E xclusipc styles and high
Intramurals It ems
' With the dlrawing- for the All-cain-
'Th UC; , xn'! I omirnament con )l e't(d,
,me tail p;lay should start imnefliat,ely.
T~hme followinmg mmatches imu;t be play-
led l if and repmorted by Monday night
at the Intramural office. One hun-
(dred oane mien have entered. The
1!schedule follows:'
Inane 5964 vs E. D. Wright, 7017;
(LG C. Vose, 21695 vs H. E., Boxer, "8871;
41L. It. .oslin, 2,943 vs F. V. Smith,
E :1888; .R1. W. Bartlett, 21077 vs 11H.
(Coninued on Page Seven)
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