November 19, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 44) • Page Image 1
…of At. Waihn. Vor,. V. No. 44. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ?MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1894. PtaIC'i-THRauoioCENTS. THOMAS' ORCHESTRA Will Open the Choral Union Series Tonight--Will e a Great Treat for Music Lovers. No) cnuctr bette('1 iesrvs the gratitude or imusie losves lhan Thie- dore Thoimias. As .1 iicondutr i115'il- in, as a ililsicllil gvrnilg high ideals. As a ililsial edcatr le as contibutied lise ll de advaicemilet ofl Ameiricai mulsiea...…