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November 19, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-19

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At. Waihn.

Vor,. V. No. 44.



Will Open the Choral Union Series
Tonight--Will e a Great Treat
for Music Lovers.
No) cnuctr bette('1 iesrvs the
gratitude or imusie losves lhan Thie-
dore Thoimias. As .1 iicondutr i115'il-
in, as a ililsicllil gvrnilg high
ideals. As a ililsial edcatr le as
contibutied lise ll de advaicemilet
ofl Ameiricai mulsiealily luau any oilier1
manil. HeI has at preselit oe oh tie
fineti hestlill5rs-ll 11ny11 cslees the
inest-in Amlerica.1an(1 will Ipresnt
and(1of exremle itlerist. Draks
111w symphonyl~l,"liomiillie 'New
World' is il(,greitlattrcioni liohthit
con~sidelalle isission u aoisl mulsi-
cilns liy reasoiiofithliie lllpses ls
oll Ameiican ileiies. We give the
proga in i its eniretyolyc adding
hat we hopeIlat leiversity 111111will
bei crowdedll.'tlihose wil) hae11111Yet
pleased tll learn that in so far s out-
standils comltlel. Ast is cnelrtel
tkes thitplaiee Ill eils it goes wih-
out sayinig that th1'el iuponliticket
marlikd Nio. 1 is godl~ fote ht'cncier
illnigll. Itt 11111elidithe llrograim:i
Oerture Eyntle--------- Wee
Syaphosy No. a (Neal)IDvoak
"Teem the New World."
Teme adVaritions ............
l'la eea-- - - - - - - . - - -- - - -- - - - - -
vet re -Tasanhauser.- I -----
Waldwebeii- - - - - Wamer
tlide of the Wakares-S--------
ThledelTomas was bon n
Htanolver ill 1815, inid reeivedh
his early muilsial eucatllin from
hIls father. While lilite yunllg
lie camle to New Yrk and plaed
inder the veteranl coidctor Ariti.
In 1853 le travelledl trogite
eonltry at the head of t ciamber
quartet. InI 186134hle lead aii orchestra
which gave symphlloy cnclerts. te
went to Cininati ii 1875 to take
contrl of a newly orgaizedet school
f music. He retired fromi this in
1880 sod we net fiid him with his
treat orchestra ini Chicago. Tomas
is a great lover of 'Wagner, ut is
also food of 'Handel, Bci and Beth-
oven. Ho and his orchestra are reat
favorites here, as they are indeed don
every city they visit. 'Te reputation
-f the orchestra is national and the
standard of ensemle playing miain-
talned fully equals the reputation.
All matters of discipline at Cornell
are attended to y a student cmnmiit-
tee composed of four seniors, three
juniors, two sophomores soil one
freshman. These are chosen by their
respective classes aind serve one year.

A Hard Fought Game.-Villa and Did Con. Gordon in His AddressNOG DST ET
Boothman Were the Stars.--A Before a Large Audience in the- Tu:'ys to learn without books.
Great Crowd. S. L. A. Course. Some people thoilgil try ttiotse
herol this 3111 as \Aa5Salurdaiys gorlI no'a tone.l tI lvlcsl hl
Nvit Obelin.Z'rb~tby tlfr 1u pst h'irt tetiniliv o lSay111Buy IhoIv.- W SqhqiThse hichHaTelon
cr115d iiarolr 111 thei ll til 110idliwit-
itl~ 11 llillISSlliiliigll L uIist Il)5 tIiIIs lit oflll)' (11 e sell that kinid.
wals 111osspicioni If dislordlr 1a11d 111 llltrt fl'. e isilll-ll. Iain 111
Well grllatly ilitl1l it 1111 epi on1111

statl liwnlohergood.kith 11heIIbtll.
21)eyarsl, ric)notutilith e second
hfli ythtlsho shieii Sag gil lhik-
thVoperdas adsa p.iili Herger liga
firgilteirsat halflwaislcoinkdikal-
toun heis 30al. Sltriiiiaii-
Inlstthe sicand at,11e' trillit 1leellvserl
10 yarcs tiieri Oi'lie'. butldiellletd
playnt asohroeiieliiiord i ili bI)tyrs
Ober' ll(I lli3ylithan s. ttiieii'
Sheiooplgyed u11111 111 lrlult. Oerivl
igakeiutadeciot. of iie 'lieron
kicklon andretundIltls. ul111
tlit'ehlostfoolding. wetglhe onu thell
etart, andeOterlilkiced oftVlla 1h1
hut Oyrsliiihrcereaurnigthe ball
fiii thi5 yards he. SaftgaerObr-s
for ofse antifohortingains.Vnilan
hog arndaigtheirndliiiardup hni
wasuntichiiga nt, hall atci'ntina
othr fcatchle a li to Oh ic ing1t
t0 yaerdishueyands.btlioaine
aoundthe rigt cenerfotrcovre
hy oDgrdscmer. Bohna o
to ther20,yardsheln' temptailto
punt wtobrcenMichi0cardsi
hack'.toeter 23 e yards n , when
maeinsgnhals lostuit. tOweley
min huttMichan gofhehaitchii
tere fot osid.lAifnv.Ortinaolds
andt gintuer fune t tballohd
cer. 1Stepuntatine , adVilla 1,
ovlterd0 hasone3 Afrdslinerhu
iarohroktetrogh nd oung hut
Cy ognIdSoNreCON6-0. SE

ll t hile W 1 dicltlili ai pets o1 l ie il I s 1 i' \f \ T W E A R
Ill blltnct audllt hsii llill d eteiiili
II l i s sutherniriu l re111 izesti I ll i
ill -lwairin 11111,andilsilL, ll Id liii (1BEAL'S SHOE -STORE
'Ili(,spealker sal id itill tti~ciliehis If yotu wanut to get a fine hox of
sujc hti1 ll lli l.:l it 11 11r11111_ hCHOCOLATE BON-BONS
115lic e swas i 1111111ill 1)111al1 1 it.
1iyilothec tnd 11i ;-1wi lni-s 111tillCheap; Hot or Gold Lunches Either
mere1 hirnll511'li lggllllielllillit i 11h Night or Day go to
coldilid ini alll-l miiiastureill i hi hgR. E. JOLLY & CO., State St.
toi "tsill higher loveluhe ctlii llthiREUBEN H. KEMVPF,
oettr late s alpn their lllc-llltrl-lili Stuttgart, Oermany,
If tu lllhll sllilli ~ illTeacher of Piano, Organ and Musical
of heopostgsetinadt11in- Composition; also the Art of
teusifv liiisentiment if sectioinlflri- Teaching.
ternlit 1asill essenitll lllt of our Studio2 S. Divilsionlit.1 Anii Arbor, Sich.
iolete n~ iatlinliknlity -hite -lli fech MERCHANT TAILORING
anItii repi d.yE CleanilngPeessingad Repairis'
rehiluiltdose seathy tiy
(Gell.ttGlrdllsaiid his 1purpo151sevas AUG. SCHOENEWALD, 021 E. Washingon
lnt to aliyzete ii1wcause lith111' lul- OTQ T 'U-_O=_WS
grieat battlesllbut hi) Iwehliuponu those LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
phalises hu1<1inien~st s Ean whil-ilJiST RECEIVED AT
ilustratei'theichlarac-ter- 11111life of + TtTTIIE'S,
till' .XiAllinsolidier. + 48 S. STATE ST.
C'ettysheng in([ Vickshburg ill 11111C R A N C E f S
'111 of 1111linue and Aiiiieunttav 111111 SCHOOLOFlDANING~
Gresor.t. 1,N. C.,on thi t iiti O
markthe ~trnlesof te cnfeccrl tClnsel 111olien.Pupils recived atany
uitirh tll'Ixrillll lt lii c~ilflilr-time, the tero startiing with idate of admis-
assloe. All clasei are uinier the perssnal in-
aysfall lind th.hstructios of SMr. amidMrs. toss Orasger. Na
Ilethe inr1.1111111-01S ~in.r. stairs to mount. Office asdhDascingHil us
lie ~ ~ MV tleuiiI ihiIl1 li il'the grosund fSour,5 lhayniard it.
till reasoseifo r till'conferte111 ltDffIc'rll
salict' into l llltllerli lutle iton ml<"1. A-RS BG KT H

A u1111u11)i11'of stirrinug siiinis if
( eh~tyshI'l' Were Idepicted, And thuen
till spea'kettr lld his ihe'arers to thei
historic tbanlks of till Rapidan. tHt'
toldI of thut"iliternautionl"commierce
ishichi w-as crried loti betwveenlthe
thiis rivieridiideid thuemu. Ill'theti
hasteneid on Iltill'e last act iii the
great tragedy of thei ruhs'hiou,-theI
muemuorahhe ieilhiligii lftLII' 1111
Gtrant ini '64td il'I3).tSteu Lees hist
Conuneil of war, his last. retreat, in

We offer discount on all
University Text-Books,
Law, Xedical, Pharmaceutical
and Scientific Books.
We huy and sell second-hand hooks.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplies at special
rates. We offer
Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb.

which Cei ie ~ lrutdoucoluimagemndlloneI T .VO S'I'O?. S.
University ooeksore, Down Tows,
('ONTINUEII (IN SECONTI) PA IS,: on State 9t. Opp. Uourt House.

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