DIETAS & SCHANZ, WARD BROTHERS, veloped in recet yars by te grat.
IGHIGAiN GE_2iL transotati1(on liues. Io pri'Vsiont
TieTbe(eie)Jl ,19. VTiAE LEADIllND'whaItrov(5has leeiiitae for the iex-
M T al t sse)Jl 84 . OF U. TAILORS
EAST.Ts"* Latest and best styles of Foreign ad Do- HTicket1Brokers chaigi'sf telels fo those oislng t
Nals P. -M.o ii ' ~tN estic Wocoles. First lss lit and firstlass ~ lsseterrue.Teesiis a
N. andSpEcial 4 55 N -5-ni - 7 Si wok gaansteed tleasing pesisigadcaneter'iii . tc1tty]iyb
EaV.StenaEs. 5 1Ii N51 Seiated 25 rparng natly doue. 272 N High S.,(ClintonsBloceL, redeemed by riwayr i-iliiiiliies, but
A a I rit --Fs - 'Lla 4 S tat Sesnit limoAnArlusi ( ohomb)USOhio. always at ra loss to le trvler, , when
Atlantic Es .I, . 4 .t. St parly tsei; o-ile aS iis ofie ie
G. N. Express ' d0o 5. rt.eis --- tIrI CATERER, I yo oslltliitis- iii ii eae elrieksapib.
G.lR.Es press rlBOa CIii1 t T -F-'s 2 + I iouaan. oOImvhoytotraeyele aSOD.poft
Si \t. fl~ocli , ISLIIILAYISon Si. tis Isill a t t ier files f iitees, ues yti t ss
G. Ali T t., tbicasg. Ant,Aia Aro.diretly app(iaii'ltlil o yuir srsei- KS Iso u drssi ortri' -ferecei.
R!Y e'S- triting of comtforalemoesi Ivan- lili'tiiiiessiu 55
T . & N Y- sit lt less cret tiettiis ,i'oeerlly plti WAR11 BO' Iihh-lS.
rTakingteas-ct undAi ug.s i i iti ii StiutueiA gnts lfoir 11 Selisrli Lines
-rl e.Te.l v 4 A br n ettaSan- A seili' f yiars alothe ttalil tibtlii lD s. iiilsi, 5
tiQ 37O3 \if eihighit. iti oti'sieici-'il
trsssstixitiii'i'tiDXiii rtiiiO eresed''iibuisiiness- iis lid-. I ''li'--
All2tuatpt.dtt11;3c0ecitfeetiday.iiii'lliliasi'i31ii iit' 1ciuiesi-andsieti
13 a. 1 mNN TTD-F.A. ou it. .mm..o ari th u o i d b ta 1cl sq
"Trains run bet________ Ann Arbor __ and___________ofE ii' litilili etsill-i' ciri Stii- sl i 1-h, ' It-s t-i's-itt i
toiugis.i' he lro t li sai ii tll i-l's c-n i's 1 n ttitiiil Ills' hiss's
A risdiyecp ud y, m hs e stoso tit lrS's.wreltu ' int t-ttiiils2 liiti; iSit
R,.RE W )Aetltietleaul ilosaend ,E wriapiteciatdluli e USNES OC LS
'Che195i-ipier(cularsfetureo f the bri i' ess, Te 'li egh fte.irne
hiitelr enals ltesboker'i'iii'i ~ No ico ttol leleen i 17s tlouns.ii fiiil-te i-ate-
Irsparnscnsdibur ly t ies r rl i I ii'. 1To undis;coiian g er
lhr loin S i . teSamtti' iik) eto ghsiiii et n ii is. ueetiiisIitilir i tiin
i~iit(' rght hiiit hr ttllitthetii- S t er-h1'S ac' t TS ponds
fi i c aut ltil o .h i s lt tic titi l ii - l igt i ls untii ii ''i i. s t le ih r
18i9fito -o1i8 9elsti5itret .sfo hesresi S -: outlay esn telrr' travistlitir ssitstrli'Itiluas i o
miss ishii ps on tu s ii'httrdtoi' h o isis rli et "prialhratesiiirl'atn'-r
Novembert19,e1894 TheodoreyThomas'Orchestra. tinii-ithiis.aniiioo-Y'i'rtrsri' ittitil
dil nt ea i< as do th p blc olr iu lhr b00 ill needii of'i some l tie-n
tith steonigt i ie te ~ eiig c n et i h e e, dilyth tht ri'eitst io c eitS s itlDs dress i rts-frli t Ho-l .ifays . Do )you
Th e mho ln ter fst of attcton.orth litsof L)mesetabeiil'isied iand ifconductedtonttti' 5li i o soih li i i~ tlt
11gash rt.'ethDess-Sir itio l'e tmar-
I. Nuambr 19, 1894. TPiano reciTalobyabcertroa. Thsi si,-iii h iit-uoweer tue rilkto u i i'ill lt-lt ty
acceptnry tIC lpie' t tt, pi l a geM . .C e fD totsl gn o
Februa wsryn.coraltUniobn Cncet. nraceUnon As-sfitsbeo thaneteinot a iiiockt 0."il kySirt, wh Ail b t te
Soprno;Mr.Garder . Lmson(UnveriyScoohertederlew cess in th eUnllitei toti houedA11trtboSr,. N. 20f,
concSotanioancd lull\ohillbin21issodoaeyToofsIliceslire re e wnilglSe (pltsittto Coth-n
of M uas ic),n Bn ass a daMularheta.sdatrtitrSfen, -oalas!illotis.;rote tag f e., lto Detoit,. s of e ,\tfSh (Dail
< dthivihlpnig cnet ft esll-, l epreitlisr'rive o e ti i '-a'huesiliuofgiith~eofstotu
November 10, tie] ~~~~e to lilhusy 'otar ofes hesstohi tlhuasech nia ishs. ereI t pret gsnt T eeaeseth ror l it n t sin
sle S al Ssei It-esiiiSit Suasiess of' sl cenhis rounhtf hilttill urhise st-
SECOnury ND 195 iano ReAta FylbtoJoa.. Thaseho tem lmtate Deelloe a itasgstnteheSitsaifc
titem tsai ssltl~alhs th eeir ot, tsd h e bthaSied0115' ay.oif e. suet
ituris ysat epr onau th e otsptendtsg ts 'fir hunarts f iti Illr. iit itt11, h~
VI. Feray veningrayUnSyn honyt.CocrtlUnon si dll t-imand ont seliltheeSeiirtoy
in tteoing fro oldtonra ired ii -toy LIM ifforLA SAt. hrItANGOIS'S~r
V.Satrday AftrnooGnvMa JohensalMatie. anlnger eay inue 'iies utSlates, aidTlHousee sfuov fus rets
Soprano; r. Gardn r S. Lam on (Univ rsity Sc ool schfueslat1siec.,foihch (iyuedy Ot 1, rAo.Rs.t i tli Ohiof t~'h alpr- est S lu t iaoe thyettihGo e Eags i thra -
VII Sauday, Eveni n, ayFull GrandeCral oner. potsedtrip.OfhS tes alas!taurthit'ab01111ger'sAofDtit teeni0-
It isltttOS~i~le tS gie ti.' exict lstts of liendstxpentl iue es werssonlyin c tsserouse ih aegan'~ f thlineluofltsamphles-
IV.Mach 8nfiongRetioniiits eetit iterbyM. nMs JMxHeinrh.l' ust.rions Shdm thebtIuropesilt'ithhhliofsiner ot d.,., eosuiu.tstvocoars at
eraeio y ctho uretsmni ohagvi' naaY 11152 tush e nItti- Sill -i' Si toMit,
~1l Bstn etialOrheta til gatitkelot. Th setpltheirofies ritithbusies 50d ti ieo'ap ,frM.Rs
SEO D M Y F STV L rlitng.u sere tiheimtickit bhalesti 0hasilwystiven I'tbeiu's f stisr fc
osine oer te tl'st Illlio ' tssotssnetstsl vook ' meoroh an lt se pta tsstho riSe, l a td1155 1n sil, lyett-rnosfu1-.l. tud 'entst
l~ainrsionsotFssmst~~ illltegisen t tle losng 'on't' it isosimor anei ost51151 thi g t o rSliefer hund01st' of sitlurs. Dt to o t ileStof
V. F i a E e igfMy -S mp o yC nc r.iss manyesle ttu st,. seill]It ilaor tiw
fOatti r spsonrentusasle i d 1)111WTE C AS A ' I 1101W- tt
VI. atu day Afte noo , M y .-Orc estal M tin e. ag iy tin t he l' ituc ta tes, and tiTh ery isro m hfr tfes = oeut' t, 'll.
Asocat M mbrhi Tckts dmttng tu llir sshsurisi ,,fe d uaily ithge verys .est st Strayeeig hi-t rn-
VII S tur ay Eve in , M y -- ran C ora C ncet. qutattftios f yrts-alert h Co nnxpro 's cTh ldosiu'i l ssuuat ft o'iro
It i impssile t giv th exat daes f th Fesiva, an plted educoonseecaneameloittadSot-es oretjytet in'-n
fta rnbr ,il ,V I 0cnsfs nohr Iai Y Fcesratestsent'h(e rirod compga'niesst uslied tcomitned~. eess'eieius t to
hssy elbt ind ratC lin ms'tDrgeStreS tte ns l t.eo re'&Ja nu r 's. sohidmhospeu dig h eeey m bothes o iai erstty i nd b Da -
Bok Tre BoAn n rbor tOran c.'s rawOff gice h nitae at.e he ,ademop tineftorCsfruensfseductiansh arAdII St.OW O
Mu issic, inn lAbr; ormahehignserstrynkand Roers'efDru t orllb B e, a n floa i u sfu-erlconsa tiy nu'ii t1'o" o'S1 rot'IL.Cty
Ypslati T e pic o tckts orth M y Fstva wlliso$250 rdin a treetces flsyten irorace otr floor ofS h e L s
m ade o m a e th S ec nd A nual M ay esti al a dist nct d - it e U So aSlm akesop tsgm dstrc ts, Doue hills Sinth Drt. B e li z' m o uettl w rt o r oit amutor per aof
PrisDesirngaton ordertcketsl beDg illlseaddr clss(ncrnd ing fooran' wrendspat tdthepreay contortabth ir 'fThsthoi Alsyand esinelaundrtcktf
Leadueies pt.onrerthis olC andui s o A ce DI t Een7anIV p s
mos xpne.atedig hesris maks timertietht arequc andsae a tamfs. e Speialgatentinngien Stkodkna
(ncubergoFesia) 25.T epiefsnl tcketss shoulde be1sold.heao unitlssadingalltesefcliispe-al t.,crer workTay72 fortaint ur