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July 18, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…, A irligan I4atg Weather, Cooler VOL. LIII, No. 16-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1943 Cut in Gas Rations for Midwest Immi PRICE FIVE CENTS iient n. British Gain In Smash On Catania Americans Capture Italian Road Junction In South Sicily Drive By The Associated Press ALLIE HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, July 17-The Brit- ish Eighth Army fought a stubborn German foe an the edge of flaming, shell-pitted Catania today, and the...…

July 18, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…PAG#E TWO,; Z 1 TC-1A R T-)A I I SUNDAY, JULY 18, 0 MODERN CHINA IS INVINCIBLE Jap Invasion Can Never Stop Progress Strafing, Bombing, Good Combination By CLAIRE SHERMAN - "dapan can't conquer China, now or ever, it's' too big a job," William Booth, missionary to China for more than 35 years, said yesterday. "All that the Japanese are doing is hindering China's progress," he added. "In 1934, after the seiztre of Manchuria,; I heard of...…

July 18, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

… *a SUNbAY, JULY 18 1943 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Tigers Split Double-Header with Chicago as Pitcher Duel Bridges Pitches Sweet Curves in Shutout; Newhouser Loses Opener 04 CHICAGO, July 17.-- (A')- In a doubleheader featuring excellent pitching most of the way, Tommy Bridges, old master of the curve ball, turned in a four-hitter today to give the Detroit Tigers a 3 to 0 victory after the Chicago White Sox had won the first game, 5...…

July 18, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…PA e "U T IT V, ml- I P, H I e.A IV 11 -k I IV AITWIAT- JITt.V lg 14ill . mas.. la vasahT stc-a 1Sa' t V Thab-' aT' 0 18 * 1 iA Ua.~ s:J011' t .Af'¢l.E'.y d .1l.t . $i- . J $aS 5 Fifty-Third Year ...WHILE WE WATCH. I'VE BEEN TRYING to. keep out of this service men vs. civilian rumpus that's had our peaceful little town somewhat agog the past few days. It's nothing for a neutral to get involved Too mueh like playing with two mangles ...…

July 18, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 16) • Page Image 5

…StUN AT,. JULY. 198-19 TIE MICHIGAN DAILY WAA, League Representatives To Establish University USO Plans for the University USO were formulated at a recent meeting of the indoor attractions, while bad- S minton and shuffleboard sets, cro- the WAA and League representatives, mint and sebard sets, cro- Iwas announced yesterday by Mon.- quet mallets, baseballs and bats, and it waeann,'44,npeidyetrdfythyoun-volley balls will be rented for a sma...…

July 18, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, Y 19, 1943 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 18, 1943 Guard Soldiers' Rights, Cramer Tells JAG s You Don't Have To Chase Them For Autographs Any More JUST A ONE-WAY TRIP: Curious Ann Arborites Ogle At Jap Suicide Submarine Army's Chief Judge Advocate Declares Justice, Fair Play Must Prevail in Service Curious Ann Arborites and Univer- sity students lined up two deep for designed strictly for a one-way mis- b...…

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