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July 18, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1943-07-18

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Cut in Gas Rations for Midwest Immi



British Gain
In Smash
On Catania
Americans Capture
Italian Road Junction
In South Sicily Drive
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, July 17-The Brit-
ish Eighth Army fought a stubborn
German foe an the edge of flaming,
shell-pitted Catania today, and the
battle for that port prize halfway up
the eastern4Sicilian coast entered the
final stage.
On the southern Sicilian coast
American troops occupied Agrigento,
a key road junction and Axis troop
concentration center. Agrigento rep-
resents a 12-mile gain from the last
known American position, and is 25
miles northwest of - the original
beachhead at Licata. The town is
three miles inland from Porto Em-
Still another Italian general, erst-
while commander of a coastal divi-
sion was captured. His name was not
announced immediately.
Capturing Lentini, 15 miles below
Catania, and Scordia, nine miles in-
land, Gen. Sir Benard L. Montgom-
ery's troops broke the back of one
German armored division and parts
of another in one of the most decisive
engagements yet, fought in Sicily.
Enemy remnants then retreated to-
ward Catania in a last effort to pro-
vent capture of that city, whose fall
would give the Allies control of a
great part of Sicily.
Southwest of the tank-strewn Ca-
tania plain Canadian troops captured
Caltagrione, and farther west the
Americans had penetrated 30 miles
inland in the Allied invasion only a
week old.
New AMG01T
To Rule Sicily
NORTH AFRICA, July 17.- ()-The
invasion of Italy was barely hours
old before AMGOT-a brand new
branch of the Allied Army-had
waded ashore and unlimbered for
AMGOT was so new that not even
the troops had heard of it.
It means "Allied Military Govern-
ment of Occupied Territory" and it
is composed of British and American
officers who have received special
training in government.
Its function is to administer occu-
pied territories to relieve the actual
fighting forces of the job of securing
the areas in their rear and at the
same time to alleviate hardships of
the native population. AMGOT's
job is to restore order and organiza-
tion as rapidly as possible after the
wave of battle passes.
An official announcement said
AMGOT had "no political implica-
tions of any kind," that it would be
benevolent to civilians but would de-
stroy the "influence of fascism," ab-
olish the Fascist party, and make "no
negotiations with exiles or refugees."
AMGOT, it added, "will attempt to
govern the people of occupied prov-
inces and cities through their own
officials who are not active members
of the fascist party."

The Sight of Old Glory Spurs Allies On in Sicily

a rao
- , -*. CTAIA
'Agr g .erbinor i
I ,*Canicat'
azr Caltagrono lend i
Campobello Ri esM %":i. .....
- Palm' \Azzi e ugusta
Nisc Sortino Meli i:
:L cata Palazzolo Syracuse
Geis Biscars
Vittoria Ragusa No Ao
Sc Mlitt Co
~T T T S ..................... iiM .........
The Allied command has announced the capture of 13 more towns
in Sicily including Vizzini in the central sector of the front and Cani-
catti at the western end as the Allies push on. Arrows indicate Allied
drive. Black line represents approximate battle front

Texas Pip eline To,
Distrib'ute Suppl
All'A' Coupons Expected To Be Good
For 2-3 Gallons Except on West Coast
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 17.- Petroleum Administrator Harold I. Ickes
announced tonight that he expects to equalize gasoline rationing in the
area between the east coast and the Rocky Mountains within the next 30
to 60 days.
Ickes said that completion on Monday of the "big inch" pipeline from
Texas to the east coast will release a large number of railroad tank cars
which can be used to divert gasoline from the midwest and southwest to
the eastern seaboard, and thus make possible the equalization. No change
was indicated for the west coast.
The discrepancy which Ickes said may soon be remedied now gives an
eastern "A" book holder less than 1g gallons per week, none of which
can be used for pleasure driving in the northewest critical shortage area,
- ' while a similar driver in the mid-

Wo rld News
In Brief ...

The Stars and Stripes planted firmly on the shores of Sicily, U.S.
troops pour ashore from landing craft to speed inland and join in the
drive forcing Axis troops into retreat. -Associated Press-Photo

Reds Advance
Eight Miles
On Nazi Orel
Four Villages Taken,
Thousand Reserves
Killed in South Sector.
LONDON, July 18, Sun.- (P)--
Red Army smashed six to eight miles
closer to the Nazi fortress of Orel'
yesterday, capturing four more vil-
lages and cutting down thousands of
German reserves hastily hurled into
the breach in a furious effort tohalt
the massive Soviet drive on that city,
it was announced early today in,
Battlefront dispatches said Soviet
heavy artillery now was within range
of the vital communications hub
seized by the Germans in the fall-of
A special communique and a mid-
night bulletin also announced that
Russian troops had "completely re-
stored" their positions in the sector'
between Orel and Kursk to the south
where the German offensive, begun
July 5, had failed "with unprece-
dented losses in manpower and
The special communique issued
late last night said that in Friday's
fighting in the Orel-Kursk sectors,
168 German tanks were knocked out,
and 10 planes show down.
In Saturday's battles the later bul-
letin said that a total of 77 tanks
were knocked out and 94 artillery and
mortar batteries destroyed along
with hundreds of enemy supply
At least 4,300 more Germans fell
yesterday as the Russians swept on,
beating down German reserves and
gravely menacing Orel's defensives-
in-depth and the railway behind the
city running northwest to Bryansk.
Fighting also broke out in the Cau-
casus where Russian troops recap-
tured a "height of great strategical
importance" northeast of Novorossik,
the bulletin said.

Coeds Eager and Anxious To Meet
Servicemen on C ampus oratane

There seems to be a popular mis-
conception among the servicemen
and students on campus that the
University has warned the coeds
against dating soldiers.
In order to refute the false rumor,
Dean Alice C. Lloyd stated yesterday,
"I am glad to approve plans which
are being made to set up a recrea-
tional program for the men in the
armed services now stationed on this'
campus in which the college women
will take an active part as hostesses.
"An acquaintance bureau and
USO headquarters will provide the
opportunity to meet. The large ma-
jority of the servicemen on the
campus are strangers here and it
is the responsibility of those who
are well established to help in mak-
ing their stay pleasant.
"Parties at the Michigan League,
at the women's residence halls, at
the sorority houses are being planned
as part of the summer social pro-
grams. I heartily endorse any plan
which will lead to friendly associa-
tion between the servicemen and the
University students," Miss Lloyd said.
When told of the rumor, Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of the
League, replied, "I have heard no
such statement made by anyone.
"Furthermore, after working with
some of these young men in com-
mittee meetings and being intro-
duced to many of them at the open
house dances and observing very
closely those whom I did not meet
personally, I can't imagine how
such a ridiculous idea got started."
To get the viewpoint of the coeds,
The Daily has conducted a survey
during the last few days. Ninety-
eight per cent of the women inter-
viewed said that they would be glad
to talk to the servicemen if the men
would come up and introduce them-

One hundred per cent stated that
they would be willing to smile and
say hello if the servicemen spoke
first. Some even said they would
be glad to be the first ones to
However, the coeds were unani-
mous in agreeing that some of the.
comments were not only' embarrass-
ing, but extremely annoying. There
are usually only one or two in a
group, they stated, but how can we
be friendly under those circum-
Ann Stewart, '45, stated the reac-
tion of many of the coeds when she
said, "As a rule they're pretty nice,
but I object to some of their un-
called for comments. I think the few
have spoiled it for the majority."
"Coeds will be more than glad
to be friendly if the servicemen will
do their share," said Monna Heath,
'44, president of the Women's War
"I don't think we resent them, but
they are .entitled to more friendli-
ness and privileges," Betty Bentley,
"The servicemen have grounds for
what they say, but the girls just
don't feel that they should make all
of the overtures," said Mavis Ken-
nedy, '46, head of Sophomore Project.
"To me they are just a bunch of
college students in uniform, and if
they'd act like college students in-
stead of 'drug-store cowboys' they'd
get better results," Peg Peterson,
'45, stated.
Mrs. Hazel Overton ,house mother
at Betsy Barbour, perhaps put her
finger on one of the main reasons
why the servicemen have been reluc-
tant to attend the many activities
planned for them. She said, "Last
year the soldiers had the most cour-

teous approach. However, the fault
may lie partially with the women.
They should remember that if the
boy is nice to them, it doesn't give
them the right to 'establish any fu-j
ture claimsK and vice versa."
Conference ITo
Hear Pollock on
He r P d ck'Foreign , Policy
The Fourteenth Annual Summer
Education Conference, sponsored by
[the School of Education, will open
with an address by Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science de-
partment on "The Citizen and For-
eign Policy" as 11:10 a.m. tomorrow,
in the University High School Audi-
Other events of the first day of
the Conference will include a series
of roundtable discussions supervised
by members of the School of Educa-
tion faculty. The topics to be dis-
cussed will concern education in'
war-time, and in the post-war era.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of the
University psychology department
will deliver a lecture at 4:15 p.m.. in;
the University High School Auditor-
ium. His topic is "Youth and the
Post-war World."
Evening sessions will include a
series of discussions between memn-
bers of the Conference and four
representatives of the national gov-
ernment. The representatives are
from the Treasury Dept., the OPA,
the OWI, and the Office of the Com-
missioner of Education.
These men are also members of
the Federal Education War Council,
a recently -created agency whose
function it is to coordinate the edu-
cational policies of all government
agencies and departments.
One of these four representatives,
Dr: Homer Anderson, was formerly
superintendent of schools at St.
Louis, Missouri. He now has charge
Turn to Page 2, Col. 7
Four Bodies Identified
In Tawas Bay Drowning
EAST TAWAS, Mich., July 17-(M)
-Four grief-stricken fathers waiting
on docks along Tawas Bay this after-
noon identified bodies of their chil-
dren brought ashore by searching
crews who dragged the waters where
nine youngsters drowned Friday eve-
Tonight the bodies of eight of the
nine who lost their lives when they
leaped in panic into the bay when
they thought an excursion barge was
sinking, had been recovered.
Those whose bodies were identified
by fathers were Robert Poquette, 12,

Allied Air Forces Renew
Assault on Italian Bases
Allied air units, which scored one ofr
the ,war's most decisive aerial victor-t
ies by virtually clearing the Mediter-
ranean skies of- Axis planes, closed.
out the first week of the Sicilian in-
vasion with furious new attacks on
enemy supply ports and air bases all
along the southern coast of the Ital-
ian mainland.
Nazis Pour into Alpine
Region on French Border
BERN, Switzerland, .July 17.- WP)
-Nazi troops are "pouring into the
Lyon-region of southern' France and
a dispatch to the Tribune De Geneve
said they now number two complete'
Puzzled inhabitants of the region,
the dispatch said, at first thought
these were intended to relieve Ital-
ian contingents, many of which left
for Italy. The Italians, however,
were immediately replaced by other
troops from Italy.
It was assumed that the Germans
were taking additional precautions
for strong cover of the Alpine fron-
tier between France and Italy.
* * *
Wholesale Margins on
Beef, Veal Increased
WASHINGTON, July 17.-M)-
Wholesale margins on beef and veal
were increased by the Office of Price
Administration today, but on condi-
tioni that retail prices must. not be
* * *
Ste fani Prints Whole Text
Of Surrender Demand
BERN, Switzerland, July 17.-MP)-
Stefani, official Italian News Agency,
reported tonight that the Fascist
press had printed the entire text of
the Roosevelt-Churchill surrender
It quoted the press as answering
by reiterating Mussolini's words
that if they were defeated the Ital-
ians would be left "only their eye to
weep with."
* * *
200 U.S. Torpedo Planes
Sink Seven ,Jap Warships
18, Sunday- (P)- More than 200
United States torpedo bombers, dive
bombers, heavy bombers and fighter
planes- greatest force ever sent
against Japan in the south and
southwest Pacific-sank seven ships,
including a cruiser and two destroy-
ers, and downed 49 Japanese planes
Saturday in 20 minutes of dazzling
action in the northern Solomons.
* * *
U.S. Bombers Down 50
Axis Fighters in Raid
LONDON, July 17.- ()- Tight-
flying formations of U.S. heavy
bombers, returning from northwest
Germany unescorted, beat off more

west or southwest has 4 gallons a
week to use as he pleases.
"How much gasoline the average
motorist will get when this equaliza-
tion is possible," Ickes added, "can-
not be predicted now, but in all prob-'
ability it will mean some increase in
the east and a decrease in the middle
west and southwest."
The standardized "A" coupon
was expected, as a result, to be
between 2 and 3 gallons.
The equalization plan, a spokes
man for 'the Petroleum Adminstra-
tion for War said, will apply to PAW
Districts 1, 2 and 3,.;embracing all
states east of Montana, Wyomiing;
Colorado and Arizona.
'No statement, was available from
the,. Office of Price 'Administration,'
which actually handles the mechan-
ics 'of rationing based 'on re'com-
mendations from, Ickes': office, but
the' Ickes announcement was cleared
with OPA before its release to the
press, and the announcement coin-
cided with views expressed by OPA
Chief Prentiss M. Brown earlier in
the week.
Ickes said the announcement also
was made'"with the knowledge and
full support of the oil industry."
He added, "With the completion
Monday of our 'big inch' pipeline
from Texas to New York and Phil-
adelphia, railway tankcars can
soon be released for assignment to
other areas. This offers the trans-
portation flexibility for which we
have been working for many
"We are recommending that much
of this transportation, so made avail-
able, be assigned by the Offioe of
Defense Transportation to the mov-
ing of additional oil out of the mid-
dle west, thus continuing to take
advantage of the shorter haul for
that region, as compared with the
haul from the southwest."
"The steadily increasing oil move-
ment out of the middle west and
southwest is operating to equalize oil
inventories as between those sections
and the east," Ickes said. "As soon
as this balance can be established, it
will be possible to equalize the bur-
den of rationing as between the east
coast and the middle west and south-
"What the effect of the uniform't
restrictions upon civilian gasoline
consumption will be can then be ,
determined in the light of the full
facts as to inventories on hand and
new supply currently available. Only
on such a basis can policy be deter-
mined. It would be faithless to our
armed forces to do otherwise, merely,
as a bow to pressure."
In a supplementary statement,
Ickes' deputy, Ralph K. Davies, ex-
plained that formerly the transpor-
tation facilities were so limited that
no matter how tightly the west was
rationed, it would have done the east
no good, since there was no means of
bringing the petroleum to the east


Dr. Shepherd To Address Ministers on Chiang

Ministers and directors of reli-
gious education from all over the
state will attend the ninth,annual
Summer Conference on Religion
opening at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the
Rackham Building.
Sponsored by the Religious Ed-
ucation Committee of the Uni-
versity, the conference will fea-
ture three panel discussions on
current religious problems and two
special lectures by a Jewish scholar
and an American missionary to
Dr. Shepherd To Speak
Dr. Ge rge W. Shepherd, who
returned from China in 1941, will
give the final lecture of the con-
ference at 8 p.m. Wednesday in
'the Rackham Amphitheatre.

Of particular interest to Ann
Arbor students will be the first
evening lecture of the Conference.
Rabbi Bernard Heller, former dir-
ector of the Hillel Foundation for
nine years, will discuss the prob-

lem of "The Present Status of Our
Jewish People in Europe," at 8
p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham
Dr. Heller has established him-
self not only as an authority on
ethics, religion and Jewish history,
but also is noted as a commentator
on Jewish affairs. He is the au-
thor of several books dealing with
religion and is. a contributor to
several magazines including "The
Nation," and "The National Jew-
ish Monthly."
"The Religious Factors in Mari-
tal Relations" will be the subject
of the opening panel of the Con-
ference at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the
Rackham Builaing. Participating
will be Rabbi Morris Adler, De-
troit, Father Bernard Kearns of

sociologist of the Michigan Child
Guidance Institute, the Rev.
Claude C. Williams, Institute of
Applied Religion, the Rev. George
Nevil, of Denton, Sister Margaret
Frey, Willow Run deaconess, and
the Rev. Warren E. Jackson, Coun-
cil of Churches, Ypsilanti.
Students and townspeople inter-
ested in Far Eastern affairs are
especially invited to attend the
final forum on "Certain Social and
Religious Problems of China" at 2
p.m. Thursday. Those participat-
ing will be Dr. George W. Shep-
herd, Gerald Tien, instructor in
the Chinese language at the Uni-
versity, and Uho Tsao, chairman
of the Chinese Club.
Representative To Hear Classes
While at the Conference, repre-

Hayden Will
Give Lecture

On Civil War
The slave revolt, Civil War, and
Reconstruction Period will be the
topics of Robert Hayden's second lec-
ture on Negro history and culture
to be given at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the Lecture Room of the Rackham
The first lecture welcomed by an
unexpectedly large audience traced
Negro history from-the dawn of civil-

. ..r.r. r,,:: :::s:. ,:

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